Kiwi's visual vine


free فلسطين
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Post 100
(Reply 100 technically, thanks for teaching me a smogon thing pissog)

When I first posted here in June 2021, I was invested in art as something fun to do, though it became much more over time. PokemonShowdown and Smogon have been a massive part of this, this particular thread being an incredibly fun art journal for everything I've made. However, an equally important part was everyone who pushed me here:

Violet, as the person who gave me ClipStudio, and the first person to give me healthy art critiques, you've probably been the most instrumental. This is really cheesy since it's in my thread, but it is what it is lol. Keep being the best bitch!

Kolohe honestly we started speaking more just recently, but you've already been incredibly fun, thank you so much for all your motivation, and especially inspiration earlier on in my search for an art style

Swiffix You've been great to work with, especially in art for social media. Part of the trivia thing you've set up has made drawing simple pieces of Pokemon a fun thing to do. It's helped me out of art block once or twice, and you've made it easy

in the hills seeing your art progress has been really fun! Let's take over Violet's legacy before he can do anything to stop us...

Pissog same with ITH, seeing your art progress has been absolutely amazing. Also you're a JJK fan so extra points... Can't wait to see more

Bidoof Princess you suck less than mostly everyone else (You're really cool, but I can only shitpost with you if I'm being real!). S tier catgirl tbh

Brumirage, we haven't spoken much, but your art is an inspiration for me, if not everyone on the site. I hope you find as much enjoyment as you can in your art in the future

Kaiju Bunny Kaiju!! I remember you gave me an art critique in one of my earlier applications for approved artist. I'd say, that was instrumental in where I've gone. Ty!

strawberry You've also given me an instrumental critique that completely pushed my art for Smogon in the correct direction. Without it, I probably would've taken way longer to figure it out, ty!

Albatross we haven't spoken much, but you taught me cool facts about albatrosses and I'm now an albatross fan... You were probably expecting a lurantis, but albatross is a better funny creature

rumia I'd say you're one of the most approachable people on the site. I remember you saying, somewhere, that you struggle with creativity in art. I hope the creative juices come to you, because I'd love to see some of what you can do

Senko Don't tell anyone, but I started thinking catgirls are kinda cool. Don't tell anyone though...

ausma our mutual appreciation for Kolohe is all that needs to be said. You must be epic

Venousbog I'm going to keep making fun of you, but you're actually great! Other than QQ (Which I'm going to annoy you about for a long time), I think you're a great RO and leader for one of the best PS rooms

inactive you're the one who pushed me in the right direction on PS. I guess you could say I wouldn't even be here ^ if it weren't for you. Ty!

Pyro he's a YouTube RO, that means he's perfect. Super glad you came along to PS, I think it was in Cafe 2 years ago? Or it was before. Either way, glad to have you

BreadLoeuf What's your favourite letter of the alphabet...?

PartMan I forgot about Hydro, I think that'll make you happy

Theia Felucia Valerian Zalm You were all really important to my mental health during a period of time, I don't like mentioning it, but this feels like the best way to do so. Kindest dudes on PS, only good should come your way



I think that's everyone, post 100 and out
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Ergonomic for the rest of my days, I'd rather melt
is a Battle Simulator Moderator
also I love that I have remained a Trubbish, beautiful stuff

appreciate u Kiwi
Wow, imagine forgetting me. Just for Partman. But hey, I get a big pichu so I'm happy :3
Congrats on your 100th post!
Seeing you evolve from Dove who loves Snorkeling to a Kiwiko and now to a Kiwi, you have come a very long way.
There's so many fun times we've had and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be that way in the future too :P
Your art has evolved so much. Happy to see your growth, and wish that you keep reaching more heights!
All the best, and ofc i'm here for you whenever you need me c:


ولكل سؤال كانت فلسطين هي الجواب
is a Top Artistis a Forum Moderator

but you're very cool and based so who cares. Congrats on reaching this milestone! Your growth has been insane


everlasting red
is a Pre-Contributor
Thank you very much for the kind words Kiwi, I'm very grateful to have known u and im looking forward to see us both grow further as artists while still looking towards each other for inspiration o7


free فلسطين
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Critical analysis will lead to improvement or something. Doing this for full-body poses, but it's also definitely strengthening my ability to complete a piece (haven't done that in a month bah)

Critique here done by Pissog, the main points I took were
  1. Stiff figure
  2. Anatomy (Arms mostly) is off and not thought out
  3. Her head doesn't have evenly distributed features
I think the next piece checks off all these issues

In the sketch phase I got a critique from Kolohe, saved the arms tbh! The main issues I connoted with Kolohe and Pissog's critiques were:
  1. Legs seem unnaturally placed
  2. I noticed that her hand cuts into the drink so uh...
  3. Her actual figure is okay, but I wanted to be more dynamic
The next piece does sorta improve on all of these, but the legs and hands need more focus and time going into them

I looked at this one myself and the flaws were obvious so I'll note what I could see
  1. His anatomy in the torso is really funky, I should've used a reference for it
  2. There's an 'illusion' of foreshortening but the shading doesn't indicate it
  3. I like the shading on the hands but I wanna focus on making it more accurate next time
Next piece should involve better plotted anatomy and foreshortening of the hand to get some focus on it. I'm also trying to integrate background features so I'll probably work my way up. 4 more to go

Oh I also did a logo for something, I'll probably attach it here whenever it goes live
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free فلسطين
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Been learning this week. Here's some stuff I liked:

The fishman lore, it's expanding


King Dedede and gouache cat lineart.


My custom avatar got added to PS. Made by me with some help from Violet

And some more:



I've also been drawing a lot in a sketchbook. I have a second oc design in development coming soon.



free فلسطين
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Dunno when I'm ever going to start making my own small comics, but here's a teaser to the style I'm developing for it (Literally no colour skill lul at least I have the theory down)

The Jujutsu Kaisen fanart passion is returning! Looking back on my old fanart, I can tell that I had little idea of what I was doing process-wise. This one was super fun to draw though. Love the character design of this character as well

Extra sketches

Extra extra sketches

If anyone wants cute little sketches like this hmu in dms or in my thread they take like 1 or 2 minutes and I can add them to a cute little board. Drop anything you want I can do ocs or ideas :blobthumbsup:
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free فلسطين
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Critical analysis will lead to improvement or something. Doing this for full-body poses, but it's also definitely strengthening my ability to complete a piece (haven't done that in a month bah)
Critique here done by Pissog, the main points I took were
  1. Stiff figure
  2. Anatomy (Arms mostly) is off and not thought out
  3. Her head doesn't have evenly distributed features
I think the next piece checks off all these issues

In the sketch phase I got a critique from Kolohe, saved the arms tbh! The main issues I connoted with Kolohe and Pissog's critiques were:
  1. Legs seem unnaturally placed
  2. I noticed that her hand cuts into the drink so uh...
  3. Her actual figure is okay, but I wanted to be more dynamic
The next piece does sorta improve on all of these, but the legs and hands need more focus and time going into them

I looked at this one myself and the flaws were obvious so I'll note what I could see
  1. His anatomy in the torso is really funky, I should've used a reference for it
  2. There's an 'illusion' of foreshortening but the shading doesn't indicate it
  3. I like the shading on the hands but I wanna focus on making it more accurate next time
Next piece should involve better plotted anatomy and foreshortening of the hand to get some focus on it. I'm also trying to integrate background features so I'll probably work my way up. 4 more to go

Oh I also did a logo for something, I'll probably attach it here whenever it goes live


Character art update, totally not adhering to my '1 piece a week' thing, but that is 7 pieces so... I actually really like all of these particularly 1st and 3rd needing very little innovation, while the 2nd and 4th are really close to something I'd draw again. I also finally learned how to use screen tones for effects and will be using them often as a stylistic tool. It was also fun using a default g-pen for lineart instead of another pen that had it's own special quirks.

Overall with these full body pieces, I've grasped a bit more on how clothes fold, although I wish I referenced images better to understand how I can draw those folds. I'm also pretty happy with my newer character designs, in comparison to my old ones. I would've hoped to be better with clothing and musculature by now, since I've seemingly got hair, figure and basic silhouette down. This has been a fun mini project and I'm glad


I love the brushwork in the venusaur one and the face on the guy. All the blockiness of the brushes makes it look really megaman legends very cool


free فلسطين
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I've been really busy this month with exams and exams prep, but I didn't want to post nothing at all. This'll be all for the next 2 weeks - I have a lot of traditional sketches I'm really happy with, but I think it's nice to keep that stuff to myself. Will probably drop further sketches attached to this post during the next two weeks though. Exams start up in 2 days so lets hope I survive
:bellipog: (As soon as I'm done, will be completing all the smogon requests)

Edit: Oh yeah I totally forgot, I did the banner and PFP for smogon:​

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free فلسطين
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(I know I posted yesterday but I totally forgot this) 2 years ago, I made this thread. Last year, I made a post showing my progress. Since today is roughly 2 years since the first post/ my birthday, I think it'd be pretty cool to do that again. And I drew Gojo in June each year so...


Been fun posting a lot, lots of people to thank for all the help, so​

... Pokemon art coming soon I promise
(I know I posted yesterday but I totally forgot this) 2 years ago, I made this thread. Last year, I made a post showing my progress. Since today is roughly 2 years since the first post/ my birthday, I think it'd be pretty cool to do that again. And I drew Gojo in June each year so...

... Pokemon art coming soon I promise
the cools and warms in your skin tones are beautiful


free فلسطين
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Apparently I finish my drawings most during my exam weeks. Weird

Fanart of nya happy birthday beepy


And the banner for the Ubers Discord (Pokemon art as promised!!) It's cool because it felt like it was rushed but it's still one of my most nicely rendered Pokemon pieces​

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