np: SV UU Stage 0 - Start of Something New (Hello SV UU!)

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Haven't seen anyone mention this guy, so here he is:

Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
- Sucker Punch / Tera Blast

Yet another mon to abuse Rain. While its moves don't receive any weather boost, Dry Skin absorbs rain to help offset LO recoil while also providing a Water immunity. You could run Grass Tera Blast if you want to guarantee destroying Water Absorb Quagsire (+2 Gunk Shot or Drain Punch are 2HKOs tho so it can't switch in). Sucker Punch can help pick off weak enemies but I've been underwhelmed by its power. This learns some other useful moves like EQ for Tinkaton or Taunt for general utility so you have options.

Golduck of all things is pretty cool since it gets Grass Knot for the muddy buddies. Toedscruel and Tinkaton are fantastic. Espathra is pretty dumb and while there are ways to beat it I wouldn't be sad to see it go, either through a ban or usage.

Based UU providing a safe haven from the Shed Tail Cyclizar menace :psyglad:
Haven't seen anyone mention this guy, so here he is:

Toxicroak @ Life Orb
Ability: Dry Skin
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Gunk Shot
- Drain Punch
- Sucker Punch / Tera Blast

Yet another mon to abuse Rain. While its moves don't receive any weather boost, Dry Skin absorbs rain to help offset LO recoil while also providing a Water immunity. You could run Grass Tera Blast if you want to guarantee destroying Water Absorb Quagsire (+2 Gunk Shot or Drain Punch are 2HKOs tho so it can't switch in). Sucker Punch can help pick off weak enemies but I've been underwhelmed by its power. This learns some other useful moves like EQ for Tinkaton or Taunt for general utility so you have options.

Golduck of all things is pretty cool since it gets Grass Knot for the muddy buddies. Toedscruel and Tinkaton are fantastic. Espathra is pretty dumb and while there are ways to beat it I wouldn't be sad to see it go, either through a ban or usage.

Based UU providing a safe haven from the Shed Tail Cyclizar menace :psyglad:

I wonder if CC has a use over Drain Punch on this set, as Croak did get that move this gen. It might cut into the longevity of the set though. But the power increase is notable.

Also regardless of if it turns out to be mediocre when the meta stabilizes Tink will definitely have use and be UU by usage by the end of this month because its one of the most reliable checks to the stupid Lady Gaga bird. (Minus Tera Fighting but IMO Tera Fighting is easier to answer than Tera Fairy)
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magnezone is good into a lot of the common steels like Bisharp and tinkaton, the whole team lures them in for him to revenge kill and esparthra to sweep, haxorus is first impression for some speed control and to OHKO wo-chien, any suggestions?

Don't want to turn this entire thread into a teambuilding thread, but maybe change gengar to mimikyu to balance out your special and physical sweepers while still keeping a ghost spin blocker. If you'd like even more help there is a teambuilding help channel in the official UnderUsed discord which can be found in This Directory or feel free to message me as well (Mojangles#0001) on there. It's a lot easier to share and edit teams there, so I'd recommend you or anyone else reading this to join!
Given the prevalence of rain and physical rain sweepers in the meta right now, I have found Altaria to be an extremely good anti-rain pick and anti-meta pick in general. I’ve had a lot of success with this bulky trapper set:


Altaria @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 4 SpA / 124 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Spin
- Hurricane
- Roost
- Cotton Guard

After 1 Cotton Guard, Barraskewda cannot touch this thing, Pelipper is quickly worn down by 100% accurate Hurricanes, and a 4x super effective banded Ice Punch from Floatzel does ~50% damage. For Floatzel in particular - I like to Tera Steel on the predicted Ice Punch and trap it with Fire Spin, after which I can set up an additional CG and quickly dispose of it. Altaria loves the lack of Ice Beam in the current meta while Tera Steel Altaria appreciates the nerf to Fire in rain and the lack of special Fighting/Ground moves right now.

This thing (both Terastalized and not) has also put in insane work for me against Tinkaton, Armarouge, Primeape, Bisharp, all forms of Tauros, Azumarill, Gyarados, Wo-Chien, Donphan, and Quagsire among others. Natural Cure is better than Cloud Nine for Altaria since you’ll want to nullify status from mons like Tinkaton and Quagsire and leverage rain to fire off perfectly accurate Hurricanes. I was trying out Binding Band for a while to boost Fire Spin’s damage, but found it really benefits from the recovery from Leftovers. You’ll want to keep rocks off the field; Brambleghast and Tatsugiri have been good partners for this. Altaria is naturally specially bulky, but it also appreciates the mixed bulk investment to increase its longevity against Kilowattrel and Pelipper.

Some replays of it in action:
Don’t sleep on cloud birb plz.
Given the prevalence of rain and physical rain sweepers in the meta right now, I have found Altaria to be an extremely good anti-rain pick and anti-meta pick in general. I’ve had a lot of success with this bulky trapper set:

View attachment 472397
Altaria @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 4 SpA / 124 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Spin
- Hurricane
- Roost
- Cotton Guard

After 1 Cotton Guard, Barraskewda cannot touch this thing, Pelipper is quickly worn down by 100% accurate Hurricanes, and a 4x super effective banded Ice Punch from Floatzel does ~50% damage. For Floatzel in particular - I like to Tera Steel on the predicted Ice Punch and trap it with Fire Spin, after which I can set up an additional CG and quickly dispose of it. Altaria loves the lack of Ice Beam in the current meta while Tera Steel Altaria appreciates the nerf to Fire in rain and the lack of special Fighting/Ground moves right now.

This thing (both Terastalized and not) has also put in insane work for me against Tinkaton, Armarouge, Primeape, Bisharp, all forms of Tauros, Azumarill, Gyarados, Wo-Chien, Donphan, and Quagsire among others. Natural Cure is better than Cloud Nine for Altaria since you’ll want to nullify status from mons like Tinkaton and Quagsire and leverage rain to fire off perfectly accurate Hurricanes. I was trying out Binding Band for a while to boost Fire Spin’s damage, but found it really benefits from the recovery from Leftovers. You’ll want to keep rocks off the field; Brambleghast and Tatsugiri have been good partners for this. Altaria is naturally specially bulky, but it also appreciates the mixed bulk investment to increase its longevity against Kilowattrel and Pelipper.

Some replays of it in action:
Don’t sleep on cloud birb plz.
As a low skill rain user I can attest that Altaria is extremely annoying to face. I didn’t face this demonic trapper set but a defog one and it still basically 1v1d most of my team. It does seem to be mostly deadweight outside the rain MU though.
Makes me wonder if rain teams will start to slot in a dedicated Altaria answer as a response to the increasing usage of Altaria against rain
wanted to share some of the mons i've been using and really liking lately:

rain has kinda fallen off compared to the first couple days of the meta (as in its not literally every team on the ladder lmao) but sd croak has been pretty consistent for me. finally getting cc is awesome for breaking through things like quag and hippo. its one of the few mons that doesnt care about bd tera water azu's aqua jet and can really abuse opposing rain (mainly skewda). i've mainly been using tera dark for the sucker punch boost and to bait espathra, but i've also had success with tera fighting for stronger cc's. absorbing tspikes is also great for rain, though it's got uses on non-rain as well. speed tier isn't ideal but its good enough to force out stuff like slither wing, tsareena, LO gallade, etc. nasty plot probably also has some applications but i haven't gotten around to using it. cool mon try it out

most of the rotom-w's i've seen on ladder are the classic pivot set but i think people are sleeping on how good np is. the tier has some decent grass types but outside of rotom-mow none of them really like switching in to wisp. being walled by water absorb quag / gastro does kinda suck but i've been finding gastro to be easy to abuse with teammates, quag not so much (shoutout hatt). it has some really good flexibility in its 4th move slot between wisp / volt / twave / grass tera blast and it's defensive utility is always incredible when combined with how versatile it is in-game.

sub np hydrei is a massive threat that is incredibly annoying to play around. it's typing allows it to get subs on so much stuff, especially when combined with tera (usually steel). the fairies that have been consistent answers for years get turned into set-up fodder when it teras and the tier is pretty limited in mons faster than it that can break a sub and comfortably eat hits. mostly been running dark pulse + either flamethrower or earth power as attacking moves. every time i play vs this mon its always such a pain in the ass to figure out how to beat when you also have to account for choiced sets. try it out.

most of the cetitan's that i've ran into on ladder have been on full blown snow ho (stuff like veil abomasnow + cetitan + beatic + generic offense fillers) but in my experience all it really needs is slowking support to be effective. on paper belly drum seems really incredibly strong but given how bad the tier's hazard removal is and how common priority is it hasn't been straight up winning games as much as i've expected it to. still incredibly good and i'd recommend that people mess around with slowking + cetitan on more balance-y / BO leaning builds.

overall i've been really enjoying the tier right now despite the presence of stupid things like gengar and espathra. curious to hear what people's thoughts are on terastallization now that we've had a week to play around with it. outside of set-up sweepers going tera dark on a grafaiai encore, there hasn't been many games where my opp tera's and and my team has no options. still only a week in of course, but uu hasn't felt like the same experience as ou to me with regards to tera, where i felt like there were more games where i just would lose to some unexpected tera type. cheers
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Has anyone tried anything with Glaceon yet or is it just doomed to never be useful at all? Because I see some potential with CM and good Tera user not just to gain a better defensive typing, but also to hit harder with a secondary STAB powered by that montruous base 130 SpA. Could also be very useful against Quagsire with Freeze-Dry but I can also see this thing suffer from 4MSS
Okay just played some games with Glaceon and Ice Beam hits incredibly hard after a single CM boost. With screens up this thing is very good, and using Tera on it makes it all the more better

Here's the setup I used for those interested:

Glaceon @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Ice Body
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 Def /252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
-Calm Mind
-Ice Beam
-Tera Blast
Hi guys and girls ! I played UU enough to have an opinion about what is Broken in my opinion, what's really good and will stay for sure in the tier and what is usable and pretty good. I also listed all new mons with no interest in UU for the moment.
Remember it's MY opinion, please share your thoughts with me I would love to discuss all of them !

The clearly Quickbanworthy :

(Calm mind + Stored Power with Tera Fairy & Dazzling Gleam... With Sub or Protect as a fourth move... Please stop with this and let's quickban this in January)

The Suspect Worthy :

(This thing is the scariest pokemon if you don't have Blissey, because of how threatening he can be with Tera + Nasty Plot)
(The Tera Fire to make him ignore Ice Shard from Ice Pokemon such as Weavile or Cetitan, with Moxie or Intimidate, an awesome bulk, awesome movepool... Just OMG)
(An amazing typing, with first Impression, Bulk Up... It's one of the scariest mon in this tier)
(There is absolutely no joke, Scarf or Band + Tera Flying and it nukes all the defensives mons)

Very good :

(The combo of a potential good tera typing, recover, body press and rapid spin makes him an awesome defensive pick)
(Belly Drum + Aqua Jet and Tera Water is monstrous, but is that banworthy ? I don't think so for the moment.
(No comment on this, it's a perfect SpDef mon)
(With Suicide lead sets or Shell Smash sets, this thing can't be bad and will always destroy non-prepared teams)
(Hazards, Spin, Volt Switch, body press... This is a perfect Suicide lead)
(DD, good typing, good bulk, Moxie or Intimidate and an awesome Tera user...)
(I never saw him but Psychic Terrain + Unburden and SD seems really good)
(Hazards, Slack Off, awesome bulk and whirlwind)
(Nasty Plot, Hazards and good Tera abuser. The loss of Roost + Defog is annoying)
(Prankster + Screens, T-Wave, Spikes...)
(SD + E-speed and Tera Normal is insane)
(Scarf + Steel trap, Tera Blast to compensate the need of a move who hit Steel types)
(In a meta that offensive like that, it's a king)
(Awesome speed + Roost and Defog, the best Defog user. He resists to First Impression and CC from the Slither Wing and can RK him.)
(Better than Gastrodon because of Unaware, but Tera Grass and Espathra/Gengar explodes him)
(Awesome versus a lot of mons, like Azumarill. Volt turn + WoW or Trick for the coverage, but no Defog or Pain Split anymore)
(The combinaison of Electric/Ground types with an awesome speed and SpAtk makes him a really good pokemon right now with Scarf or Specs)
(The reason why Alomomola is not here. Wish Pass, Encore, potential Tera user...)
(Ice Shard, Ice Spinner, SD, good speed, Tera user...)
(Remember when he was scary ? Now think of it with EVIOLITE)
(I forget the twins, but obviously Slowking with Chilly Reception instead of Teleport still have an amazing pivot move. Scald no here anymore is annoying but not as much as for Slowbro.

Good Pokemon:

(The loss of Scald and Knock Off are important, but it's still a really good Wish passer)
(Intimidate, WoW, Morning Sun, E-Speed... Arcanine can't be "bad")
(Usable in rain only. The loss of Flip Turn and the fact he didn't get Wave Crash make him struggles)
(Hazard setter, with Body Press and Trick Room)
(With Hail, Belly Drum & Ice Shard, this thing is pretty scary)
(Typing & Bulk + Sheer Force + Hazards)
(Hazards + Spin + Ice Shard)
(Adaptability + Tera can possibly save him)
(In rain, with Swift Swim and Shell Smash...)
(Scrappy + Good typing make him really decent)
(Yes, again, but Rain + Wave Crash, Ice Spinner and Aqua jet is the best option for rain teams)
(New toy syndrom with the new ability, it will not be in the tier imo but it's still is a threat for the moment if you're not prepared)
(Too much of raw power in this tier for him to be "very good" but still an awesome pick)
(Awesome bulk, movepool and stats, so maybe with a Tera it can be good. Assault Vest, Band, Specs, Scarf... It's a world of imagination)
(Magic Bounce, CM + Stored Power and Draining Kiss. Suffer from the comparaison with Espathra)
(Not as good as Salamence because of his speed, not the best user of Band First Impression... That's not a bad mon but he suffers)
(He Suffers from comparaison with Slither Wing but still have Guts to be different)
(Not bad for Terrain Combos in HO)
(Not incredible but not bad, maybe in rain teams)
(The typing is awful, Tera for him is maybe not the best idea, but his stats + Booster Energy can make him threatening)
(Hazards + Intimidate, It's not as good as he always have been, but still)
(Good speed, Accelerock, Hazards...)
(His talent with Hazards make him a potential good pick against some Physical pokemon)
(Rain setter, Roost, U-Turn)
(Good with Shell Smash, but not as much as Espathra)
(Good mons,
is a bit better but it depends on what you need as typing)
(Screens user, but you don't want to put screens on him... Prankster + Recover/WoW/Taunt/Encore is obviously a good thing)
(Offensive, Defensive + WishPass...)
(It's gimmick but can surprise)
(Water immunity, can counter rain, SD + CC Sucker Punch or Nasty Plot + Vacuum Wave...)
(Specs with Tera + Boomburst)
(Same as Sylveon, but only defensive)
(A better Brute Bonnet ?)
(I forget about him !! No Scald, no Teleport, a nerf of Slack Off... He can't even be played with Assault Vest, so I'm guessing in some teams, Slowbro could be better with the Lefties than Slowking... Maybe also a possibility in Trick Room teams...)

The "Niche" pokemon :

(One of the rare decent defoggers in the tier, but this is Altaria...)
(A good movepool, the typing a bit problematic and the only stats problem with him is his speed)
(Rapid Spin, immunity to Hurricane...)
(Like Dhelmise, having three STABs is good, he have a nice typing, but that's all)
(It's gonna be a hot take, but he have the same speed as Cacturne, the same typing, 12 BS more in Atk. The only good thing is his bulk and... x4 weakness to U-Turn makes him just suffers. Wo-Chien seems better defensively)
(Fake Out, Bullet Punch, Close Combat and Headlong Rush, Knock Off, Elementary Punches... His movepool is insane and Guts with Flame Orb or Assault vest makes him really decent...)
(The typing and speed saved him)
(HJK/CC + Scarf/Band, Pure Power and Tera Fighting ?)
(I'm forced, because of Revival Blessing, to put him as a "Niche mon"... But it's just because of a broken move)
(Same as Pawmot...)
(Clearly not that good but his typing and his moveset makes him better than the other bad mons of the gen)
(He's good in Sun, but without Torkoal, it's just a niche pokemon)
(In this meta, sticky is not bad)
(Honestly good versions of Tauros, but why using this instead of another mon ?)
(We can't forget Quiver Dance + Tera)

New mons with no real interest :

Arboliva (He have a decent bulk, an awesome SpAtk, but he's slow with a bad typing and movepool, you don't want to invest Tera in him)
Bellibolt (He's not really usefull, he don't have any coverage, have an average ability...)
Dachsbun (He's immune to fire and he's a Wish passer... but Alomomola is better at this and there is no Fire mon that good to put him in a team instead of the other Wish passers)
Dudunsparce (Just hope for haxx, that's the classic "Use it if you're lucky")
Farigiraf (He have a bad typing, he's slow, it's hard to do something with him)
Grafaiai (I tried this in the first OU days to counter Flutter Mane, it was a FAIL. I thought about him to counter Gengar, it's another FAIL)
Klawf (I'm sad about this but... Not good enough...)
Mabosstiff (A better Mightyena, that's all)
Oinkologne (Next)
Squawkabilly (Good talents, but the stats are awful)
Tatsugiri (Awesome typing but like Kingdra, he lacks of usefulness)
Toedscruel (The typing is so bad, and the fact he hit last is bad... He would love, unlike Amoonguss, to hit Spore fastly)
Veluza (Bruxish is better)
Wugtrio (Don't use this... If you want to make him good, put a Ground Tera and rename this Dugt... Wait... Oh no just use Dugtrio)

Sorry once again for all the grammar mistakes !!
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I agree with most points, but
:grafaiai: is a nice pivot/stallbreaker I find.
:tatsugiri: can be threatening in Rain against slow teams.
:tauros-paldea-water: is a very useful switch-in to Weavile/Bisharp/Gyarados/Lycanroc.
:toxtricity: can have a lot of success with Scarf set, still OHKOs Pawmot/Weavile
This is my first time posting to any Smogon forum in a very long time, but I'd like to put out a couple of sets that I've been using for a bit and have found moderate success with so far.


Armarouge @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Armor Cannon
- Psychic / Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Flame Charge

Armor Cannon and Psychic/Psyshock are there for STAB, Focus Blast is there to fend off those pesky Dark-types, and Flame Charge is there to aid Armarouge's admittedly middling speed. Granted, it's a bit hard to find the opportunity to actually use Flame Charge unless the opponent is paralyzed, switching, or both, but the chance to get to 409 speed in just one turn usually pays off for me. Armarouge is one of the few Pokemon that I tend to Tera defensively rather than offensively, and in this case I use Steel to gain as many resistances as possible (the fact that Steel is weak to Fire also serves to bait the opponent into launching what would otherwise be a super effective move into a mon with Flash Fire).

252 SpA Armarouge Psychic vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Haxorus: 192-226 (65.3 - 76.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Armarouge Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tauros-Paldea: 384-452 (131.9 - 155.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Armarouge Armor Cannon vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Slither Wing: 368-434 (118.3 - 139.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Armarouge Psychic vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Slither Wing: 276-326 (88.7 - 104.8%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Armarouge Armor Cannon vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Kilowattrel: 288-339 (102.4 - 120.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

It's not the worst at taking hits either, though of course you'll probably want to Flame Charge before you do if possible.

252 Atk Slither Wing First Impression vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Armarouge: 153-180 (49.1 - 57.8%) -- 96.1% chance to 2HKO
+2 252 SpA Espathra Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Armarouge: 229-270 (73.6 - 86.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Bisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Tera Blast
- Swords Dance

Remember when we worried that losing Knock Off would make Bisharp not good, or at least not as good as it used to be? Yeah, neither do I. This thing is a straight up monster, especially if you're able to get away with setting up. Even if you don't, Tera Flying is there to give Bisharp both a resistance to its otherwise Achilles's Heel in Fighting-types and enables it to hit them back super-effectively. In my experience, this set tends to eat Tauros-Paldea for breakfast and can even put Espathra in the ground before it steamrolls the rest of your team.

252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Iron Head vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Espathra: 251-296 (75.8 - 89.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Espathra: 439-517 (132.6 - 156.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Iron Head vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Haxorus: 181-214 (61.5 - 72.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Haxorus: 160-188 (54.4 - 63.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Life Orb Bisharp Tera Blast (Flying) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Tauros-Paldea: 315-374 (108.2 - 128.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Of course, the trade-off of losing the Fighting weakness is losing most of Dark/Steel's other resistances and gaining a weakness to Electric-type. I mention this specifically because Kilowattrel has been a particular thorn in my side that I need to figure out how to deal with.

252 SpA Kilowattrel Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Bisharp: 338-398 (124.7 - 146.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
0 SpA Rotom-Wash Volt Switch vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Bisharp: 210-248 (77.4 - 91.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Also I faced the most infuriating Dunsparce yesterday in ladder and it carried the disgusting move combo of Roost, Glare and (the reason why I'm posting this) Mud-Slap, which makes for an extremely annoying Pokemon to even succesfully land a hit on.
I agree with most points, but
:grafaiai: is a nice pivot/stallbreaker I find.
:tatsugiri: can be threatening in Rain against slow teams.
:tauros-paldea-water: is a very useful switch-in to Weavile/Bisharp/Gyarados/Lycanroc.
:toxtricity: can have a lot of success with Scarf set, still OHKOs Pawmot/Weavile

Hey, happy you answered me ! About the mons you highlighted...

Grafaiai is a good Parting Shot user because of Prankster, yes, but the lack of offensive presence make him really passive. He can taunt and... what ? Taunt and Switching out ? I'm not sure about him. Bombirdier or Revavroom have both Parting Shot too, and Bombirdier seems a better option for this in my opinion. Both also have taunt... Yes, not with Prankster, but you would more put a Klefki or Sableye than a Grafaiai imo.

Tatsugiri have Nasty Plot, so yes, it's more of a niche pokemon than a totally useless one, my bad !

Paldean Water Tauros is the only Water/Fight pokemon, so the typing saved him from "Useless new mons" but do you want to invest a place in your team juste to passively counter these mons ? Gyara DD with Flying Tera explodes you so for Weavile, Bisharp and Lycanroc, yes... For me it's still a niche mon rather than a good mon.

Toxtricity could clearly be a "Very Good Mon" in my list yes
So, i've been playing around with some funny mons lately and this is one mon i've been really impressed by as a revenge killer in this tier

Arcanine @ Choice Band
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Wild Charge

This mon hits really hard. Like really really hard. And now you have the option to go Tera Normal, get stab on that Extreme Speed and hit Steels/Rocks with Flare Blitz + CC. Ghosts also don't wanna switch into this since they get bopped by Flare Blitz.

Here is some really ridiculous calcs Arcanine can get with CB

252+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Tera Normal Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Pawmot: 256-303 (91.1 - 107.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Tera Normal Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Weavile: 271-321 (96.4 - 114.2%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Tera Normal Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Grafaiai: 271-319 (101.4 - 119.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Tera Normal Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Staraptor: 255-301 (81.9 - 96.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Tera Normal Extreme Speed vs. 252 HP / 228 Def Espathra: 211-250 (53.5 - 63.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
252+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Tera Normal Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Barraskewda: 288-339 (109.5 - 128.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Arcanine Tera Normal Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kilowattrel: 289-342 (102.8 - 121.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

So yeah um... try it out.
I wonder if non-Speed Boost Espathra is just as good as Speed Boost Espathra, because if it isn't then it's not the Pokemon that is the problem, but rather the ability. and it seems to be the only Pokemon with Speed Boost this gen, so that's enough to warrant a ban on the ability. In fact Speed Bost got Flittle banned form LC, so it's clearly the ability that's problematic here
I wonder if non-Speed Boost Espathra is just as good as Speed Boost Espathra, because if it isn't then it's not the Pokemon that is the problem, but rather the ability. and it seems to be the only Pokemon with Speed Boost this gen, so that's enough to warrant a ban on the ability. In fact Speed Bost got Flittle banned form LC, so it's clearly the ability that's problematic here
As of right now, Espathra (and Flittle) is the only thing that gets Speed Boost, so banning the ability would only serve to arbitrarily handicap a Pokemon. Besides, even if it didn't get Speed Boost, it still has Opportunist, which prevents you from setting up against it lest you empower its Stored Power and all but wear a sign that says "I want to lose, please steamroll me." I have mentioned in an earlier post that Bisharp can at least 2HKO Espathra, but that assumes the latter hasn't gone Tera Fighting yet, at which point the battle is basically over. Speed Boost or no, Espathra is an unhealthy presence in UU and it needs to be removed.
I wonder if non-Speed Boost Espathra is just as good as Speed Boost Espathra, because if it isn't then it's not the Pokemon that is the problem, but rather the ability. and it seems to be the only Pokemon with Speed Boost this gen, so that's enough to warrant a ban on the ability. In fact Speed Bost got Flittle banned form LC, so it's clearly the ability that's problematic here
This brings up the interesting case of banning certain parts of pokemon or the whole pokemon itself, but I think looking into an entirety of why a pokemon can be broken should be up for whether it should be banned or not. Espathra as InChandyWeTrust said is that Speed Boost ban is only a handicap to the entirety of a broken ass pokemon. Setting up is beyond easy and then on top of that you can turn into a tera-fighting and sucker punch no longer can deal with you, this applies with or without Speed Boost as this mon fits amazingly into the tier with its speed stat as well and can potentially steal more boosts with Opportunist. 100% a pokemon that is way too strong for the tier.
And then you have Frisk, which... exists I guess But it would be the only ability that would not make Espathra for the tier (but who uses a mon with Frisk anyways). So I guess banning Espathra makes sense for more than 1 reason then (Also flittle could be a threat in NU but atleast it's more manageable than Espathra is)
We can’t ban anything until January 1 and Espathra is likely rising to OU anyways. I think it’s pretty understood by everyone that, if we could ban things, Espathra would have been long banned by now. But it doesn’t matter since by the time we are able to ban things it’s likely out of the tier on its own anyways
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