SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

Remember what happened when we got a Grass/Ghost? We got even more of them afterwards.

This is not even hopium anymore, it's pure facts

Sunflora is a literal sunflower, you can't be any firegrassier than that
It's a Mankey's Paw. We'll have so many Grass/Fire types that we'll be sick of them as they just come up with a grass type idea and shoehorn fire typing into it.
Do we know if the ruin legends are shiny locked?
Yes, they are. At least in 1.0.1.

iron fist: punch moves power x1.2
punching glove: punch moves power x1.1
iron fist + punching glove: x1.32
Are you sure? I had heard x1.2 for the gloves too.

SO After looking at the dex Entries. I am convinced Quaxly was intentionally based off of Brazil and not due to lack of research like some people speculated. I have dubbed it's Fighting Style Samboeira. I shall Nickname mines Eddie Birdo.

Yes, it's based on Carnival Samba dancers... Specifically the female ones. AKA "Queens".

As a Brazilian, all I can say is... It's just a fucking mess man.

GF made a Spain-based region with 2 starters referencing Mexico and Brazil, the Brazil one being extremely half-baked because they picked the most recognizable Carnival dancer style, but it's the most aggressively female design possible for a mon that has an 87.5% male ratio.
That's just poor research.
Scovillian proves that the bare minimum you need is something "hot"

Spice & sun are instant fire players there. But also can probably just "what if thing LOOK like fire BUT ACTUALLY ARE NOW"

Yes, they are. At least in 1.0.1.

Are you sure? I had heard x1.2 for the gloves too.

Yes, it's based on Carnival Samba dancers... Specifically the female ones. AKA "Queens".

As a Brazilian, all I can say is... It's just a fucking mess man.

GF made a Spain-based region with 2 starters referencing Mexico and Brazil, the Brazil one being extremely half-baked because they picked the most recognizable Carnival dancer style, but it's the most aggressively female design possible for a mon that has an 87.5% male ratio.
That's just poor research.
dog they've done a mermaid and a witch (that was just straight up a magical girl the stage prior) before this i don't think they really care about femme designs on their starters
Note that according to Theorymon, the box legendary you meet at the beginning is permanently tied to your save, so you basically just have one spare legendary to use freely anyway. It always exists in your party menu, you can't (battle) box it, and you have to switch it from ride and battle mode any time you want to ride or battle with it and you can't do both at the same time.

But can I use it competitively like any other? Or are there restrictions? If it only behaves in a strange way in casual terms, I can still trade the second.
Don't spam gameplay support questions in the leak thread.
Does anyone know fire fight taurus location in pokemon scarlet I can't find it.
If multiple compatible Pokemon are in a Picnic at the same time, how does it determine which ones breed? (2 females + 1 male, 1 male + 2 females, or two different sets of 1 male + 1 female)
Speaking of Kecleon. It's one of the last Gen 2 3 pokemon to not get anything to help its sorry state. Most single stages now have evolutions, and Delibird at least has a paradox. Kecleon is just out here kekking.
The slight inaccuracy of Kecleon's generationality aside, this observation is actually quite accurate. Most of the single-stage Pokémon from the early generations have received evolutions, pre-evolutions, alternate forms, Mega Evolutions, G-Max forms or various other stuff through the years, to the point where there are quite few left. I just went through the whole list of "untouched" Pokémon from the early generations on the OI Discord earlier today, and there are surprisingly few single-stage 'mons left that haven't seen some sort of upgrade over the years.

In Gen I, there's just Ditto. As it is a Pokémon designed around the gimmick of transforming into an opponent, I don't think it is likely to ever receive anything.

Gen II's list is only slightly longer:
  • Shuckle
  • Skarmory
  • Miltank
  • Smeargle
  • Unown
Unown is one of those "gimmick 'mons" in the vein of Ditto, where it's reasonable to assume that it will never get anything. Smeargle could arguably be counted there as well. Shuckle slightly less so. Miltank could be seen as a counterpart to Tauros, which just received its upgrade as the last and final Gen I single-stage Pokémon eligible for it. Skarmory is as regular a single-stage as they come, and it's a mystery why it hasn't even received a pre-evolution like its counterpart Mantine did.

As for Gen III, there are quite a few more. However, note that several of them were created as counterparts to take advantage of the new gimmick of the generation, double battles, and so should be considered in pairs. Hence:
  • Plusle/Minun
  • Volbeat/Illumise
  • Torkoal
  • Spinda
  • Zangoose
  • Seviper
  • Lunatone/Solrock
  • Castform
  • Kecleon
  • Tropius
  • Relicanth
  • Luvdisc
I think the pairs are unlikely to receive any upgrades any time soon. If they do, they will get them together. It's a shame, though, because they are rather weak Pokémon on their own, and they don't have much synergy even when paired up as they share all weaknesses and STABs. Zangoose and Seviper are "canonical" counterparts, but mechanically they don't have much to do with each other and could be regarded separately. Still not sure if Game Freak would be willing to do so, but if Tauros can be considered separate from Miltank, then maybe. Spinda and Castform are "gimmick Pokémon" and unlikely to see any additions (one can dream, though). Kecleon is a bit of an edge case, with type change as its gimmick, but it is slightly undermined by the distribution of Protean and later Libero to other Pokémon. It still has Color Change unique to it, but that's an ability the opponent can exploit much easier than the user can.

That leaves Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Tropius, Relicanth, and Luvdisc.

Gen IV is in a similar boat to Gen II. There are so few "native" Gen IV Pokémon that there were never that many single-stage families to begin with, so even though most of them were never "upgraded", there are still few enough to list:
  • Pachirisu
  • Chatot
  • Spiritomb
  • Carnivine
The first is a Pikaclone, the second a gimmick 'mon, the third arguably a gimmick too, the fourth one is as ordinary as they come.

Gen V, similar story. The single-stages were few to begin with, and while they have barely gotten fewer over time, the list is still short enough to bring up in its entirety:
  • Throh (counterpart to Sawk)
  • Sawk (counterpart to Throh)
  • Maractus
  • Sigilyph
  • Emolga (Pikaclone)
  • Alomomola
  • Cryogonal
  • Druddigon
  • Bouffalant
  • Heatmor
  • Durant
Not going to bother with gens 6-8. But yeah, early-gen single-stages that haven't seen an evolution or some sort of alternate form (and are eligible to receive one) are becoming quite rare nowadays. The list keeps getting shorter for every generation too. Or longer, I guess, if you consider that many of those forms were only available in past generations.
Look, eggs appear out of nowhere, you're definitely not sitting there while your 6 pokemon and koraidon are having the time of their life ok?

There's NO way this'd be the case.

right? RIGHT???
I thought it was amazing that Miltank didn't get the games rated E10+ and now that we don't have Miltank any more, thinking about other things makes me start to wonder how Pokemon isn't at least T... 0_o

Also Koraidon isn't doing that because he's Legendary, but he's still there, so... is that better or worse?

Poke Fur Bait picnicks... 0_o
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But can I use it competitively like any other? Or are there restrictions? If it only behaves in a strange way in casual terms, I can still trade the second.
I don't know any details about PVP battling with the box legendary at this point. If you can still use your party for challenges or random matchmaking then it should be fine, but if you want to use it in official competitions or tournaments later on, then you may need the spare that can be put into your battle box.
I don't know any details about PVP battling with the box legendary at this point. If you can still use your party for challenges or random matchmaking then it should be fine, but if you want to use it in official competitions or tournaments later on, then you may need the spare that can be put into your battle box.

I've been out of the console games for ages ('ve been Showdown-only for like forever), just got me a Switch today - thanks for the heads up regarding the battle box, I didn't know that mechanic.
Is this the first time in a long time that we have new evos of old Pokémon that aren’t regional variants? Or am I forgetting someone?