Pokemon Scarlet & Violet - 18th Nov 2022! **OFFICIAL INFO ONLY**

We need a phys def assault vest. or a phys def blissey that doesn't suck

Not good enough for you?:v
a QD sweeper that gets murdered by both Aqua Jet and Grassy Glide? You may want to rethink that ground typing.

why not

grounds an amazing type even outside of pex/tran and at the moment p much all ground type answers are physically defensive. besides, volc was already weak to aj and bringing in rillaboom/weav on volc often means that something already died

priority weakness suck but special ground type good basically
I don't think aegislash particularly was an issue either (gen 7 at least) but got a nerf to gen 8. VGC might be a target point for them, but if we're talking about them removing abilities rarely used or overlapped by items its probably less predictable than VGC. Skill link I would think would be booted not because of VGC but because an item basically replaces it, there aren't many non-skill link users I can think of that get better with multihit moves over raw damage like life orb, the skill linkers primarily had movepools centralized around that multi-hit gimmick (rock blast, bullet seed, tail slap, etc).

Eh to me it just kind of reads as a gimmick item. Through Breloom te trailer already tells you what they want you to do with this item - Slap it on a Technician mon that either gets STAB on the moves (Such as Breloom) or gets various different multi-hits that could be valuable coverage (Say something like Cinccino, idk). Its definitely no top tier item but there have always been gimmicky items and this is 100% not here to just replace or recreate Skill Link. This isn't much different from Focush Sash and Sturdy having similar effects or Utility Umbrella and Cloud Nine for that matter. Idt that Skill Link will be nerfed just to match this item.

What however I wouldn't be surprised happening is... more Intimidate nerfs.
This gen we already had a bunch of indirect nerfs to it: several abilities make you immune to it (notably, Inner Focus, which was already a very strong VGC ability due to fake out immunity), several of the new nonrestricted legendaries either ignore it (Urshifu) or get buffed from it (Zapdos / Articuno, tecnically also Enamorous). And it wasnt enough, cause if you saw Worlds, Incineroar still turretted at over 90% usage.

To be honest I see these less as nerfs are more as new methods of counterplay. Intimidate itself isn't necessarily getting worse, and will probably remain a meta-defining ability for as long as it exists, but what they're doing here is essentially taking the fact that Intim shapes the meta and making mons that have different ways to take advantage of that. Specially when talking about VGC, a Pokémon's interaction with Intim can be really defining for how viable it ends up, so essentially having intim countermeasures as a form of "anti-meta" is more of a way to make different Pokémon have different matchups vs the big defining ability, while not making Intim itself worse against any other users, if that makes sense

We need a phys def assault vest. or a phys def blissey that doesn't suck

I'll be honest, I don't really get the need some people have for this kind of symmetry when it would just kind of make things more boring imo. Pokémon has deliberate choices to make Physical mons and Special mons play differently - an easy example being Physical moves usually being more reliable (For an example, having moves that have high BP and good accuracy at once but with some sort of drawback that endangers you such as recoil or defense drops) while Special has a lot more secondary effects and the high BP special moves tent to not have as good accuracy. Stuff like Intim and Burns already makes Physical a lot easier to handle than Special so idt a physical assault vest or a physical Blissey really add anything positive to the game.

Now back to SV - something I either have missed when reading the past few pages or just hasn't been mentioned itself:


The TCG refers to Koraidon as a Dinosaur, which I find rather fascinating. We all already knew that Koraidon was meant to represent the past, but I didn't expect it to be dozens of millions of years old.

Also could note that Dino Cry or WildImpact could respectively be its ability or signature move in-game, but do note that the TCG often goes by its own rules and makes up its own moves pretty often
Eh to me it just kind of reads as a gimmick item. Through Breloom te trailer already tells you what they want you to do with this item - Slap it on a Technician mon that either gets STAB on the moves (Such as Breloom) or gets various different multi-hits that could be valuable coverage (Say something like Cinccino, idk). Its definitely no top tier item but there have always been gimmicky items and this is 100% not here to just replace or recreate Skill Link. This isn't much different from Focush Sash and Sturdy having similar effects or Utility Umbrella and Cloud Nine for that matter. Idt that Skill Link will be nerfed just to match this item.

To be honest I see these less as nerfs are more as new methods of counterplay. Intimidate itself isn't necessarily getting worse, and will probably remain a meta-defining ability for as long as it exists, but what they're doing here is essentially taking the fact that Intim shapes the meta and making mons that have different ways to take advantage of that. Specially when talking about VGC, a Pokémon's interaction with Intim can be really defining for how viable it ends up, so essentially having intim countermeasures as a form of "anti-meta" is more of a way to make different Pokémon have different matchups vs the big defining ability, while not making Intim itself worse against any other users, if that makes sense

I'll be honest, I don't really get the need some people have for this kind of symmetry when it would just kind of make things more boring imo. Pokémon has deliberate choices to make Physical mons and Special mons play differently - an easy example being Physical moves usually being more reliable (For an example, having moves that have high BP and good accuracy at once but with some sort of drawback that endangers you such as recoil or defense drops) while Special has a lot more secondary effects and the high BP special moves tent to not have as good accuracy. Stuff like Intim and Burns already makes Physical a lot easier to handle than Special so idt a physical assault vest or a physical Blissey really add anything positive to the game.

Now back to SV - something I either have missed when reading the past few pages or just hasn't been mentioned itself:

View attachment 448647

The TCG refers to Koraidon as a Dinosaur, which I find rather fascinating. We all already knew that Koraidon was meant to represent the past, but I didn't expect it to be dozens of millions of years old.

Also could note that Dino Cry or WildImpact could respectively be its ability or signature move in-game, but do note that the TCG often goes by its own rules and makes up its own moves pretty often
You know, I could see using recharge/charge moves as a way to represent the past/future theme, since they're two-turn moves with the effect weighted at different times. Power Herb would need to be buffed to not end up with a zacian/zamazenta-level internal balance failure, though.
The second most tempting type with Levitate if you're looking at weaknesses is Poison
This. Everyone will be more than ready to carry answers to Steel Teras, but a lot of them won't apply to Poison. Especially for Levitate users since EQ is the most common way of handling them.

As for Tera Blast... I really need this move to be good. Not the Tera buffed version, mind you, the base one.

Ever since they lost Return, Normal-types have been out there eating cereal with water. They're struggling. The likes of Unfezant have to pick between Facade or Giga Impact in SwSh.

They need help. :psycry:

I'm really hoping Tera Blast is a no-frills 90BP move with no drawbacks and the flavor text is talking about the type change.
I wanna know you guys thoughts on Mew? Tera any type Mew is going to be something. It's basically going to be mini Arceus in OU but with a much bigger movepool and can hold any item on top of that unlike Arceus. Ghost Mew will have Poltergeist. Dark Mew will have Sucker Punch. Steel Mew is going to be interesting since I don't think any other steel type gets Will-O-Wisp. Defensive water Mew is also interesting. It gets Dragon Dance, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot. Good STABS for sweeping will be ground, flying, ghost, rock, ice.
They are not nearly as bulky as blissey is on the special side though.

Yeah and they aren't anywhere near aa comically passive as Blissey is (well slowbro can be but still not nearly as bad).

it'd be hilarious if they also nerf Dauntless Shield to maintain symmetry and end up making Zamazenta even more of a joke than it already is.

Maybe for VGC but lately in Ubers it has been a pretty decent pokemon. Even if dauntless shield was nerfed, they could always compensate with.
The Japanese website has updated with some slight differences in the screenshots. Also they are in higher resolution (1024x576 vs 960x540).

The Japanese version of the website shows Breloom hitting 5 times instead of 4 with Blissey alive on the field.


Cyclizar takes 41 from Hariyama's Fake Out instead of 25 in the English version, possibly getting a lucky critical if based on the same setup. Water Coalossal also takes 45 instead of 30 from Rotom-W's Hydro Pump in the same vein.

With this I also realized that every language would have its own Fake Out damage roll, so here it is for the other languages. They all have a dead Blissey in 4 hits though so that setup is probably different at least.

French: 25 damage
Italian: 22 damage
Spanish: 22 damage
German: 22 damage


The pokemon listing also makes it explicit that Cyclizar is not a legendary, and its descriptions make it out to be a common mon anyway. Also it has a gender as seen in the trailer for a brief moment before moves go through.


I checked the Korean trailer as well, though their website isn't updated.

Something funny I noticed is that it looks like their Breloom barely 5HKOs Blissey and they had to do a cut between hits in the Blissey segment to make it match the 4 hits of the other trailers, probably to pace with the music the same way. The second hit we see starts at less HP than the first hit.

EDIT: I checked some other language trailers too though there's not really much visible difference other than Rotom hitting Coalossal.

Japanese and Korean Azumarill have green HP after Belly Drum while most other languages have it yellow, so their setups are probably different and related.
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I think by virtue of showing it in this trailer, Shed Tail won't be the unique wheelhouse of Cyclizar and its "evolutions." I actually think it has a good possibility to be a TM/TR. That being said, I think its distribution is going to be pretty limited.
I think the first group of obvious candidates are lizardmons. So if they aren't purged that's the Lickitung, Treeko, Kecleon, Scraggy, Helioptile, Salandit, Sobble, and Dreepy lines.
Outside of that (and before I knew that Cyclizar had it) I consider the Shed Skin lines as likely targets. The bugs don't seem like a good fit, given most lack tails, but I could see snake lines like Ekans, Dratini, Seviper, and Silicobra all getting it.
Thinking about it as I type this post, I think Regenerator mons will also have a good chance of getting it, even if they don't have a tail. People have already pointed out the Slowpoke line as a pretty sure bet. Other likely targets include Corsola (mentioned as breaking off its branches to escape Mareanie), Tangela (also has dex lines about its vines snapping easily so it can get away), or Mareanie. Likewise some Recover users might get access, like the Staryu and Wooper lines. Whether any of these mons get this move will probably depend on the move's name (in Japanese) and the exact description of how it works (does it specifically mention tail, or a part of their body?).
Outside of that, I'm not to sure. You could probably give it out to a few dinosaur or dragon-ish lines without too much of a fuss, even if lore-wise it doesn't make any sense. There are also a few mons who could potentially lose their "tails" because of their design concept, like Zygarde, Wishiwashi, and Mimikyu (sub into a sub, lol).

You guys have any other possible ideas?
I think Silicobra/Sandaconda distribution is the one I would most like to see. Decent synergy with Sand Spit, and you could fire off a Glare beforehand to further protect the incoming sweeper.
Sandaconda - Ground.png
I like this trailer. It seems like it has a lot more info that us fans would be interested in, beyond the new Items and pokemon. Things like showing off the effects of new items, how terralize will actually work in battle, etc.

Shed Tail seems like an interesting move. One of my favorite general strategies in past generations was passing off Substitutes with Pokemon like Celebi or Mienshao to maintain momentum safely and possibly getting a massive advantage on the foe if the substitute survived when switching in. Shed Tail does this two turn process in one move, making it even more advantagous and versatile, since you can use it on something like a Choice Scarf set to still get the Substitute pass off. I know Baton Pass is a quite controversial move, but to my understanding, this was moreso due to the absurd power of boosting moves like Geomancy combined with Substitute and Magic Bounce and not neccisarily due to subpassing itself, so I am hoping Smogon doesn't axe this move under the Baton Pass clause. That being said, the one turn process of this move could possibly make it broken entirely on its own merits.

Mirror Herb seems like a cool item, thoiugh I can't see it being used much outside of counterpicking, or possible meme strategies like using Swagger + Mirror Herb on some weak defensive Pokemon like Toxapex. To my knowledge, the item doesn't work with multiple boost, so it feels kinda meh at doing something like countering setup sweepers, particularly since it isn't even guarenteed the Pokemon holding the item has a good matchup against the setup sweeper or will even benefit from the boost. Something like Scizor for example might do okay against something like Tapu Lele using Calm Mind, but it might struggle against Thundurus boosting with Nasty Plot.

Covert Cloak is another item that seems like it will have limited utility in Singles. I could see it having limited Utility as an alternate to Lum Berry against a Water-type spamming Scald or something, but really it seems like Lum Berry will be the better option even in that scenario since it protects you from Prankster WoW, Thunder Wave, etc. It will definitely be a game changer in doubles though since it allows for more counter play against Fake Out.

Its a complete crapshoot if Loaded Die will be good or not. If it guarantees 5 hits on multi-hit moves, then it is a great option on Pokemon like Kyurem-B to get consistent 5 hit Icicle Spears or Breloom for consistent 5-hit Bullet Seeds. These moves are 125 BP attacks so the guarentee in high damage seems like it would be worth it on average. However, if the high rolls on multihit moves get only a 5 or 10% boost, it seems like it will be a bad item. Someone else can crunch the numbers to seem how much the moves average BP will increase under these kind of circumstances but I don't think it will be too much.

Terra Blast seems like a high risk move if you have to dedicate a moveslot for it. There may be many situations where it winds up being a deadslot due to the dynamic way that Tera can be utilized and what matchups a Pokemon is in. That being said, I'd imagine Magnezone being a good user of it since trapping is its main strategy.
Cyclizar: So we have a "com mon" that looks like a prevo of the Legendary Mascots. What to make of this... two things come to mind:

  1. No relation. Or, at the very least, its a Carbink-Diancie situation. Cyclizar do not evolve into the Legendaries, if they evolve at all, but rather the Legendaries are special members of the species.

  2. They're the modern day species. Heavily leaning on that Past & Future angle again. Fun fact, did you know that chickens (as well as ostriches and other similar birds) are descents of Tyrannosaurus Rex? Or, using Pokemon lore, that in the ancient past Magikarp where a much more fiercer species than their docile modern day members? What am I getting at with all this? Cyclizar is our chicken/weak Magikarp, Koraidon is our T-Rex/fierce Magikarp, and Miraidon is what the species could become in the future. Putting the analogies aside, this does make (some) sense. Cyclizar is essentially the tamed form of the species after many years of cooperation with humans (hence it having grown sleeker & a seat pad), Koraidon is the ancient form of the species before really having cooperated with humans (thus still has its wild "decorations" & no visual place to sit), finally Miraidon shows how the species would keep adapting along with humans in the future (with wheels that actually spin). "Wait, you're saying it biologically evolves into a machine"? Does seem like a stretch, infact a dark part of my mind presents an alternate option the species is actually extinct and Miraidon is an android make to resemble/replace the species (maybe a cyborg if DNA of the species is somehow used in its creation). Of course, why is Koraidon and Miraidon in the present then (even if Koraidon is a "hold out", Miraidon most definitely wouldn't exist unless its some escaped prototype)?

Whatever the case, there is also a practical reason for Cyclizar's existance: to give a motorcycle Pokemon for the NPCs to ride.

Until Cyclizar, a big mystery about the Treasure Hunt's "Racing Challenge" is what would the NPCs be racing on? While there are other rideable Pokemon, it seems kind of unfair to put them against a Legendary motorcycle. But now Cyclizar puts that question to rest, all other "rider" NPCs will use the com mon motorcycle Pokemon. "But wouldn't that still give the player an advantage riding on a Legendary version"? Ugh, yeah, that's kind of the point. We're the main character, we get the special motorcycle to give us a leg up in one of the main story objectives. We'll still have to try to win, but we'll just be that little bit faster & maneuverable so we (or rather a little kid) don't get stuck on "that one" track (don't worry, I'm sure the NPCs will have rubber band AI). Also a good way to make more challenging opponents would be giving Cyclizar an evolution or two (or maybe a split evolution focusing on different racing aspects). This Pokemon has a lot of potential, though until they reveal information on the "Racing Challenge" (which I feel would be the last of the three Treasure Hunt challenges given info about) we'll likely have to wait and see what else they have in store with this running motorcycle.

  • Shed Tail: I'm conflicted whether this would be a Signature Move or not. We have plenty of lizard (and lizard-lik) Pokemon which I could see getting it, though why then have it specifically on Cyclizar's page? In the use of the right Pokemon (and right partner Pokemon) it can be quite a powerful move, getting the user out of an unfavorable situation while giving its partner a shield that'll last at least one turn. I imagine the biggest trick would be knowing when would be a good time to use it as it'll likely fail if Cyclizar/the user doesn't have enough HP to create a substitute (and thus the Speed of the user is going to play a major part).

  • Tera Blast: So we finally get our answer about the all-purpose Move for Tera Types. It's a TM learned by every Pokemon (does that include Pokemon who normally don't learn TMs?), Normal-type when your Pokemon isn't Terastallized, and uses the user's highest offense stat. Pretty much what I was expecting, though I was hoping they would have just recycled Hidden Power. Oh well, only question left is Power. 80 feels like the baseline, though I could see them going to 90 as the user could be giving up all their powerful moves leaving only Tera Blast as their STAB.

  • Mirror Herb: Hmm, a competitive player can correct me on my thoughts, but this feels like it would be very niche. Like, unless you know what stat your opponent is going to increase, Mirror Herb feels like it'll just be as useless as useful. Neat idea, but still works better as a Move (Psych Up).

  • Covert Cloak: Ooh, Shield Dust but you don't got to be a frail Bug-type (and still can have another Ability)! This sounds like it could be a major game-changer. They gave us an easy example with it ignoring Fake Out's Flinch (which means ALL Flinching is out the window), but so much more. If the thread stays upon for a little longer maybe I'll go through all the Moves to see how wide affecting Covert Cloak is (oh, BTW, since the only moves that can Freeze are attacking moves than means Freeze is also no longer an issue).

  • Loaded Dice: A weaker Skill Link, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Like, the thing about Skill Link which makes it busted is the guaranteed 5 hits which for some Moves make them 100-125 Power! But if its not guaranteed I can't help but think it would still be better to just use a normal Move of high Power. Also, Skill Link Pokemon generally are given many kinds of multi-hit moves because they have Skill Link, outside of that I don't know what other Pokemon get a wide variety of multi-hit moves of various Types.

All these Items are taking inspiration from Moves & Abilities. If there's time maybe I'll gather a list of other Moves & Abilities which would be neat to see as an Item (and maybe some Item effects as Moves or Abilities).


Cool detail they chucked in.

The base of the crown is also made of tombstones. :bloblul:


BRELOOM IS BACK LET'S GOOO ! I like this item a lot, a bit gimmicky but still plenty useful for Technician users.

Oh, yeah, forgot about Technician users. Alright, foot in mouth (or I guess fist in mouth from Breloom), in combination with some Abilities can have a really strong niche.

Also, I wonder, what happens if you give Loaded Dice to a Skill Link Pokemon? Does it do nothing? What would be neat is if gave the Skill Link user a chance to do an additional hit after the normal number of max hits. Would this be too OP though?

If that's the case, maybe now they'll actually do something about that enforced 20 minute online timer by preferably not having it be there. (...)

I certainly hope they ditch it.

They don't even need to ditch it (they probably would want to keep it for official tournaments), just let the host decide how many minutes they want a match to last (and maybe how long each player has to choose a move).

Slowbro used Shed Tail!
Congratulations! Your Slowbro devolved into Slowpoke!

Charmander used Shed Tail!
Ooh, Charmander fainted... um, it's not breathing...

who needs Teleport you've got Shed Tail now

Pokemon who don't get Shed Tail.

The player characters finally have names...they're Florian and Juliana. I like the ring to those names a lot!

Guess you're talking about this image:

Hmm, call me over-cautious, but have they revealed the player's name before in this way? What does the Japanese site have as their name?

Anyway, if these are their default names, let's check what they mean:

Juilana: Downy-haired, youthful.
Florian: Blond; blooming, flowering. Though the Spanish version of this name is supposedly "Florencio".

Juilana is for Scarlet (which has the "past" theme) and Florian for Violet (which has the "future" theme), so I guess they fit. Though interesting this time around they're having the girl be the representative of the "1st" version (as in the version that's named first).

It's a shame that Tera Blast will probably be akin to a 50 BP move if you're not Terastalized
If it was like 70 it'd be a decent thing to have on hand for various Normal types if they wanted to throw out a special move

They could also have it be two different BPs. Normally is 70, but if used by a Terastallized Pokemon goes up to 80/90.

It only has the users Tera Type after Terastalizing. Lower power before Terastal would be insult to injury.

Well, think about it this way:

  • It's a TM that every Pokemon is going to learn. If it's such a powerful Normal move normally it could become a niche coverage move for a lot of Pokemon which have problems dealing with non-Steel & Rock-types.

  • If I were making this move with competitive, I would really only want it to be used by Pokemon who the player plans on Terastallizing. Why? Because this Move could be a dead giveaway who the player's Terastallizer is. If its a decent move normally that any Pokemon could throw in, it could be used to hide and even trick people into who the player's Terastallizer is. But if its weak normally, or weak enough the player would be better choosing another move, only players who would really want to keep their Terastallizer a surprise would make the sacrifice of having it on their Pokemon instead of another useful move.

If Cyclizar truly is a prevo to Koraidon and Miraidon... They'll get Shed Tail too...

That move on a 670 BST Legendary scares me
Shift Gear too.

Of, if they want to keep it the in-between of both of them, Koraidon will only get Shed Tail and Moriadon will only get Shift Gear.

Only Cyclizar will have both Shed Tail and Shift Gear. And I doubt Cyclizar or its evo will have 670 BST...

Cyclizar is the pseudo Legendary of the region, isn't it?

Imagine if Alolan Ninetales could use Shed Tail alongside Snow Warning + Aurora Veil.

Shed Tail sounds like it'll only be something lizards, amphibians, and whatever Slowpoke is other animals that can grow back their tails can get.

Have they confirmed whether or not Pokemon need to be holding an item to jump into their Tera forms?
I know that you have to have the Tera Orb or whatever, but I couldn't find anything specifying whether it's just a key item in the inventory or an item that a Pokemon has to hold in order to Terastalise.

As far as we know you just need the Tera Orb, which brings up another interesting point: that means, just like Dynamax, ANY of your six Pokemon can Terastallize! We've all been focusing on having that one Pokemon to pull off a surprise Terastallize, but if any of your Pokemon can then that means you're not just limited to just using a trapping strategy. Heck, you're not just limited to using one trapper!

Forgot to mention this in my above post, but I really like the music played during the trailer. Have we heard it before? Also, what would it play for? Trainer Battles? Online battling? EDIT: Wait a second, is this the new music piece that Toby Fox made?
EDIT: Wait a second, is this the new music piece that Toby Fox made?
Something about the music stood out to me. Maybe just because it was awesome, but Toby Fox would help explain it. IIRC, he said that he was shown a crystalline Lucario with a flower on its head, told it's the Gen 9 Gimmick, and told to make a song based on it. It does sound crystalline.