CAP 2 Smogon "Create a Pokemon" Part Deux

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I now change my undecided vote to:
Original Pokemon

Anything to stop WarLax...

I also want a Ghost/Normal mirrored Blissey, but thats just me...
^on that front, have there been any actual attempts to contact nintendo about this? like a formal letter explaining what we're trying to do?
Does anyone agree with me?

Why would we do that unless we were creating a new generation? All we are doing is creating stuff that would have a real use in the metagame. If the project gets far enough that people feel it is feasible to create a new generation, that would be the time to design "ratatta".


Giratina sez hay.

Oops, but I didn't mean I wanted Ghost/Dragon, just an example, but I was wrong.
Why would we do that unless we were creating a new generation? All we are doing is creating stuff that would have a real use in the metagame. If the project gets far enough that people feel it is feasible to create a new generation, that would be the time to design "ratatta".

I am currently in the process of planning a fakegen that would include these pokemon, but it is not going to happen for a lonnnggg time...
I prefer an Evo

Even tough you prefer answer that justify people's votes, a poll is much easier to vote and give you more votes which shows majority opinion, even if the votes aren't explained.

I prefer an evolution not only because it's easier to create, but also because there's a lot of good pogeys who desperately need an evolution. Bannete, Dunsparce, Girafarig and Unown are good examples.
We could make a next evo for Mr. Mime. It has a pre-evo set and if a 3rd evolution was to come out he would see more play in competitive battling.

I know of his 100 sp. atk base but a 120 sp. atk base would be nicer.

Mime Jr. -> Mr. Mime -> Dr. Mime or Sir Mime
I really like the idea of a new evo.

Especially Banette. To me it always seemed that him and Dusclops were a pair, and the fact that one of them got an evo while the other didn't just seemed inconsistent.

I've thought about the term significant advantage. I just have no way to decide a concrete measurement for it. Idea's I've had:

1) 10% advantage: that means new evo only needs 55% approval to win
2) 10% advantage over a perfect tie: means new evo needs 60% to win, but leads to problems in a 3 way poll; 44%, 42%, and 14%... doesn't provide decisiveness

Yah.... I need to know this before I tally.
Make it an evolution of Farfetche'd.
I don't know what a bannete evo would do that gar/magius/noir can't except maybe be a physical ghost sweeper. Yeah, that would be cool but a fighting/flying type would be cooler!!

I've thought about the term significant advantage. I just have no way to decide a concrete measurement for it. Idea's I've had:

1) 10% advantage: that means new evo only needs 55% approval to win
2) 10% advantage over a perfect tie: means new evo needs 60% to win, but leads to problems in a 3 way poll; 44%, 42%, and 14%... doesn't provide decisiveness

Yah.... I need to know this before I tally.

We could use a popularity floor. Any option that does not get 25% in a poll is automatically knocked out. If other results are close, make another poll, otherwise drop the lowest among them. Among 4 options this means one is nearly guarenteed to drop out, possibly 2. Among say 6 optios, 2 get knocked out.

You could move it up to 34% I suppose, which would always lower a poll to two final options, but that may not always be wise.
Tomorrow night.

Deck Knight, I like the 25% floor, but still doesn't help in a closely matched 2 option poll like this one.

Simple Majority is really the only way to resolve a close, 2-option poll short of starting another poll.
Are people still suggesting a Fighting Bannete evo?

C'mon people, Banette can evolve to a Normal/Ghost too. Being weak to one thing but walled by Steel-types already doesn't make him overpowered by any means.

Unless someone suggests Pure Power+Brick Break...

PS.: Go Flarrim.
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