Tournament UUWC I - Round 1

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Activity Calls:

Star vs Ajna: ajna gave win lol

Dead Games:

avarice vs Anish
SPACE FORCE meeps vs vivalospride
The Kyle vs Shiba: Full decision explained better here.

Tiebreakers will be posted sometime tomorrow afternoon / evening depending on when lineups are submitted. Congratulations to the team that made it this far and thanks to everyone who didn't qualify for participating!
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Welp, now that my team's out. I guess it's about that time where I talk about my team's run. Honestly, despite being in 9th place, I've had an absolute blast with this. Judging by everyone's power ranks and predicts, we were predicted to be second last and have a bunch of us go 0-3, so while it looked like for a moment there that we had a shot at playoffs, I'm still super proud of everyone in my team, and at the end of the day, this is a fun tour and this is easily some of the most fun I've had on this site. Guess I should start by giving my shoutouts to Juno for hosting this tour and giving me the opportunity to manage this team. I know there is a lot of people that would've liked this tour to go on for longer, honestly hosting a tour like this is a thankless job and you're killing it.

Moving onto the actual team. My SS dudes TMM, gorex and Maple. Honestly before this tour, I had absolutely 0 interest or investment in SS UU, but I've had a hell of a lot of fun building and testing with you guys. Building that sun squad was some of the most fun I've had on this site in a while and it was super satisfying seeing it win. Wish I'd had more time to build with you guys.

Ninjadog - It was super satisfying seeing you play against kink and it's a shame I didn't get more opportunities to build for you. Losing the last game to stall is certainly rough and one of the most annoying things about SM UU is how powerful stall is so I don't blame you if you're not keen on playing SM any time soon haha. That said though, LC is still my favourite SS tier so hopefully we'll get the chance to team again soon.

Euphonos was an absolute pleasure being a co-manager. Thanks for always picking up after me whenever I'd fuck up discord perms or do other dumb shit on mobile. Ngl your teams still make no sense and I find ORAS even more confusing now but they got the results so I've gotta respect it.

trace - Idk if it's a coincidence or not that I had absolutely 0 input in bw UU and u were one of the only people that went positive or not, but hopefully if we team again, you're playing a tier that I actually know cos you're super chill.

byronthewellwell - similar deal with trace. I feel bad that I didn't get to interact with you as much cos DPP is completely foreign to me. You're clearly a competent player and if matchups were better I'm sure your score would be better. Also rip Oceania team.

eden - Thanks for coming aboard and learning ADV UU. I certainly enjoyed watching your test games and seeing you learn the UU meta. It's a shame that the tilt got to you cos I'm sure you'd have had a much better record without it.

last but definitely not least, I've gotta give a shoutout to my subs and support guys. Ark - you probably won't even log onto the forums for the next 6 months, but idk what we'd have done without the building support and scouting that you did for ORAS and ADV. Kreme - Would've been cool to see you play some ORAS too, but I'm super grateful for all the ORAS testing that you did with Euphonos. Cynde thanks for picking up all my teams and then making them 20% better and doing test games. Shame we didn't have more opportunities to build stuff. The CT reunion with you and Kreme was also pretty cool. Rip that room. tko shame you didn't get to play more considering how much we had to fight to get you into the team in the first place. Thanks for picking up at the last minute and making sure we didn't have any 0-3 slots. shame we didn't really talk much but you seem pre chill so I hope I team with you again.

Also massive shoutout to Eyan for providing us with some absolutely fire artwork. Honestly your art is insane and I hope I get to manage again so I can likewhore your artwork again. I know you don't do shit on smogon much anymore but you should really do ur own art thread because your work is fire.

Guess this is the last time I'll get to say this for a bit so uhh. Shoutouts to the Asiancy.

Stoward out.

edit: christopher the gopher dw ur not forgotten. We all know we'd have won if we picked u
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Dead Games:

avarice vs Anish
SPACE FORCE meeps vs vivalospride
The Kyle vs Shiba: Full decision explained better here.

Tiebreakers will be posted sometime tomorrow afternoon / evening depending on when lineups are submitted. Congratulations to the team that made it this far and thanks to everyone who didn't qualify for participating!

"edit: The case was reexamined and I decided to make this a dead game. There was clear evidence that The Kyle was trying to fish for some sort of act and Vaboh was also subbed in over Shiba to get the game done, however The Kyle presumably fell asleep (at 7 pm no less). After re-reviewing the case I determined that there's no real evidence in either favor for a proper act decision and as such this will be ruled a dead game. Either way this does not effect playoffs - Canada will still face LA, while NE will face the winner of the 3-way tiebreak for 4th place between France, Europe, and US South."

Just looking at the google doc, it looks like Kyle v Shiba's game was actually recorded as a loss for Canada (meaning we'd be in tie break) and not a dead game (meaning we are qualified). Would you mind clarifying that? My understanding is that this is a dead game and your administrative post was correct, not the google doc.


Kyle and Shiba's game was counted as a loss for Canada after talking to it with tournament directors. The consensus is that a dead game counts as a loss instead of not counting at all, so Canada would have 13-11 instead of 13-10. While the game wasn't officially played it's just a placeholder since leaving it blank would be inaccurate and unfortunately I can't leave Shiba's box for his game vs Kyle blank because the equation will notice that both games haven't been counted. I understand that this situation is difficult to deal with for Canada and that this overcomplicates things, but after having talked to a TD about the situation and the circumstances, having Canada have to participate in the tiebreak is what was deemed the right decision. Hope this answers your question!
This post will unlikely change the final decision on this matter (RE: The Kyle, Shiba), but I guess its worth a shot to explain both side of the story. It will outline the events that had transpired, how the situation could have been avoided, and much more. If anything I'm saying is incorrect please feel free to correct me, this is just based off of what I understood of what happened.

The Kyle and Shiba had originally scheduled their game to take place on friday. After The Kyle realized he was not available that day, both parties agreed to play around 3-4pm Sunday, as outlined the the following screenshot:

Sunday hits, and its around 5:30pm. Keep in mind this is already an hour and a half after their agreed upon time. The Kyle had asked me to ping viv to see whether Shiba was going to show up to play or if a sub was needed. After talking with viv and the host, it was clear Shiba was not going to show up but it was left unclear as to whether a sub was being put in or we were just getting granted the act win.

Screenshot (24).png
Screenshot (25).png

Shortly after this conversation occurred,The Kyle made an act call on Shiba. Viv made a sub post saying Vaboh was getting subbed in for Shiba to play the game about 4 minutes later. At the time this post was made, The host had already informed me that The Kyle had received the act win, hence why he logged off for the rest of the day since everyone thought it was a closed case and we were guaranteed playoffs.

This morning hits, and the tables have miraculously turned on us. Somehow we were both given a loss?? Shibais legitimately in uu discord almost every day talking about how he doesn't like mons and shares stupid NAV pictures with splash. West could have made the substitution earlier as he openly said on many, many occasions he did not care about playing since his team was eliminated.

At the end of the day, I don't understand at all how this can be a net loss for us. It should either be an act win in our favor or a deadgame, either of which would result us as a guaranteed playoff team since we would be 14-10 or 13-10, and both were enough to make it in.The Kyle surely would have stayed on and played had we not been told that he was getting the act win, so saying he was "act fishing" is ridiculous.

I hope no bullshit goes down like this again regardless of the final decision, and I hope you get a clearer picture of where we come from.
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Due to Canada's dead game counting as a loss after talking with a tournament director, they will have to tiebreak with Europe, France, and South for 3rd and 4th place. Canada received the higher seed over south from winning a coinflip due to being tied for points and differential. As such, the winner of the tiebreak between Canada and Europe will face LA, while the winner of US South and France will face US Northeast. I apologize for the inconvenience that this whole thing has caused. With that said, here are your tiebreaker matchups:

Canada (1) vs Europe (2)
SS: Amukamara vs CBU
ORAS: Kink vs Santu
BW: EviGaro vs BKC

US South (2) vs France
SS: TDK vs Corazan
SS: Indigo Plateau vs Ramolost
ADV: Christo vs Alkione

The deadline will be Saturday, August 22nd at 11:59 P.M. GMT -4. Good luck to everyone playing!
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In what universe is a dead game counting as a loss? You said you "spoke to some tournaments directors" but like, you literally said the same thing right after deciding we had an act win? How is that in any way a reliable explanation at all.

Even if you wanted to reverse a decision you made before - after, let's be reminded, talking about it with tournaments directors - we are not only penalized because of the reversal, which obviously gives us no chance to actually do something about you changing your mind, and then with a loss because a game wasn't played, which is just... what?

In what universe is a dead game counting as a loss? You said you "spoke to some tournaments directors" but like, you literally said the same thing right after deciding we had an act win? How is that in any way a reliable explanation at all.

Even if you wanted to reverse a decision you made before - after, let's be reminded, talking about it with tournaments directors - we are not only penalized because of the reversal, which obviously gives us no chance to actually do something about you changing your mind, and then with a loss because a game wasn't played, which is just... what?

And here I thought Canadians were supposed to be sweet, not salty... this shit has been going on all fucking day. The reason she keeps citing TDs is because she's a rookie, which is fine, no host is perfect, so she goes to people who are experienced with this shit and reports back

And What exactly are we salty about? Your player calling for activity prematurely and almost getting rewarded for it? I understand that the call was made but as someone whos captained multiple teams before I expect you to know how bullshit it is for an activity decision to be handed out DURING the scheduled window, even more so after a sub was announced.

Stop crying and play game, host decision stands

-Donny P. (W)
posting predicts cause i wanted to last round but ended up not doing so out of laziness and also cause this is an interesting set of games. hoping other people post their own

SS: Amukamara vs CBU - this is prob the hl of the series cause both of these players have been glowing up for the past few months or so, though i think both had good stints at the end of last gen too so there's that too. cbu has been in the game for much longer, so normally going by experience i'd bold him, but from the games ive seen (granted they are limited) from them lately, amukamara seems to have a solid grasp and can definitely handle whatever cbu throws at him, which can be a variety of things cause if memory serves cbu tends to run off kilter stuff sometimes.
ORAS: Kink vs Santu - on a personal level i'm rooting for kink in my heart, seeing him succeed is really fun to watch cause his games are always off the wall in some way. that being said he's just come back from a fairly lengthy hiatus, and his games in pools didn't look too great. beyond that i can totally see him running up with some team he laddered with in 2015-16, like darmanitan forretress mega ampharos type shit. santu is a master of running with the boring shit and winning with it, and he's a player who can win games that should like never be won lol which is a quality you always want in a player.
BW: EviGaro vs BKC - this match is pretty interesting. evi has had a pretty strong grip on bw uu for the past 2ish years and is pretty varied in her teams (though i was not the biggest fan of her one vs aldo), so she's a solid bet vs most players in the tier, even ones who have been playing longer than her. meanwhile bw uu is like the only uu old gen i haven't seen bkc play (i dont count oras and sm as old really). bkc is probably one of the best players you can get in a tiebreaker in the entire site obviously, but there could be doubts about that lack of "active play" here, for lack of a better term i guess. that being said, bw uu isn't really a hard metagame to learn, and most of the time you'll have enough breathing room to where you can win with like any solid team, despite the abundance of potential techs you can work with. there's also the fact that bkc has choolio on his side, who is someone that i'd say knows the tier more than probably anyone who still actively plays. that goes a long way here, and i think that strength should give bkc the edge here.

SS: TDK vs Corazan - corazan is a p solid player overall, granted i haven't really seen much of him aside from his snake last year and his st run this year, so that's a pretty sparse sample. i asked if he's played ss uu prior to this and moute said basa trusts him so there's that. kinda hard not to bold tdk here though, he had a pretty good r1 and of course he has the experience to win most games, so just trusting instincts here.
SS: Indigo Plateau vs Ramolost - like the two ss players in the canada, ip has had a solid year overall - he did well in masters or whatever that pre home tour was and went 7-2 in uupl, and....just kidding he went 7-1 when i asked to be sure in the uu server. he gave me a winky face in his answer. that's confidence right there. i don't really know who ramolost is but he beat chadaam so he's definitely at least decent but i gotta go with ip here.
ADV: Christo vs Alkione - christo, despite being relatively new to the tier compared to others in the tournament, has put in a lot of effort into learning it. playing a lot of games vs him he knows his shit, even better than a lot of people who have played the tier for years longer. alkione is an alright player overall but the teams that france brought in pools were weird to say the least, and that type of weird is definitely not something that's gonna cut it in this tier. off playing ability i could maybe see alkione bringing an upset but christo had a real dominant performance r1. also beyond that he has support from hogg and sam i yam who both have done well in adv in the past
Canada vs Europe
SS: Amukamara vs CBU - Two guys who had fantastic Open runs and should (imo) be duking it out in snake soon, this one will definitely have a lot of hype attached to it. It’s also a repeat of their game in pools where I felt that Liam made a aggressive call late in the endgame which wasn’t necessary and ended up costing him the game, which leads me into giving CBU the edge as I think he’s just a tad more consistent and assured in those situations because honestly, there’s not a lot to split these otherwise.
ORAS: Kink vs Santu - Santu seems to be winning at a high rate whatever he plays at the moment, and is also very familiar with ORAS UU which makes him a tough ask for anyone. That said, I just have a feeling that Kink can pull what might be considered an upset here by bringing something that no-one else would use or hasn’t used in ORAS for ages and it ends up catching Santu by surprise and taking this one home.
BW: EviGaro vs BKC - This one was really difficult because while I’ve no doubt he’s played it somewhere along the line, I’ve never actually seen BKC play BW UU and Evi has been turning out results in it in UUPL for the last couple of years. I still went for BKC here though because I feel the support of choolio means he should be able to start the game on an even or better footing in terms of matchup, and I think his playing skill should see him take it home from there.

US South vs France
SS: TDK vs Corazan - TDK has to be one of the most annoying people to prep a team for because as pools showed, he’s equally as comfortable bringing “standard” as he is more extreme stuff like stall and screens, which is a huge threat in the current metagame where those styles and others like webs have all seen success and are more consistent than they’ve been in the past. Cora is a good player, but his lack of SS tour exposure as well as the chance that he might get stuck with an extremely tough matchup if he’s not well prepared makes it difficult to favour him here.
SS: Indigo Plateau vs Ramolost - Toughest prediction of this series as ramo looked good in pools and is clearly in tune with this metagame, but the same can be said of IP and I think his greater experience in situations like this will count for a lot here as I expect this to be tightly contested, but I think IP is less likely to slip up throughout the game and that could be the difference in the end.
ADV: Christo vs Alkione - I didn’t actually catch most of the ADV games, so this is a prediction more from a viewpoint of player skill because while I think Alkione is definitely good, Christo is really a top player who just always finds a way to win and I think he’ll do it again here.
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Hi, this'll be my first time doing predictions but i think i've watched enough of each of the players to have a decent idea of what to expect!

(2-1 OR 1-2)
SS: Amukamara (55) vs CBU (45): Now this will definitely be a no holds barred duke of the century battle. These are both extremely capable players with pretty good showings this year. However, i'm going to edge out Amukamara in this close match giving him that revenge factor. He definitely has the skills to show off and don't get me wrong CBU is no pushover by any means, so Amukamara just has to want it more in the end.

ORAS: Kink (35) vs Santu (65): Going with the general consensus here and going with Santu the goat. He's very comfortable in the oras uu slot and so I don't think he should have too much trouble with this one. However, an upset from Kink is very possible so i wont shoe Santu completely in.

BW: Evigaro (50?) vs BKC (50?) : This one i'm not too knowledgeable about to have a definite opinion on. I will say that of course i've seen BKC have amazing results in many tours, but i do not know how impressive Evigaro is in this specific tier and he may even be able to outshine BKC in this match due to his UUPL showings. So for now a cool 50/50 is in order. Nevertheless, this'll be an interesting one to watch

SS: TDK (60) vs Corazan (40): Corazan is an impressive player, but I haven't seen him in this environment, while i have seen TDK have some pretty good results, so i'd safely bold TDK here.

ORAS: Indigo Plateau (51) vs Ramolost (49): This would be the closest match that i have at least some knowledge of each player in. I'd say they're both very comfortable in this slot and very capable, but i'll edge Indigo here due to having a bit more experience in this type of climate

ADV: Christo (55)vs Alkione(45): I'm not huge on ADV at all so this will be coming from a general player standpoint, and i'd say that Christo is more impressive of a player than Alkione. However, for all I know Alkione can be the god of ADV uu (if thats a thing), and so i cant confidently throw the numbers too high in Christos favor. Hopefully Alkione surprises everyone though.

And thats basically my predictions, you don't really have to pay attention to mine as much as others because i mean you don't even know me, but this is just from my analysis of the battlers!

Gonna make the results for amukamara and cbu a little closer to reflect my description.
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