Searching 1171. My IGN is ok boomer
Hey, If you ever manage to get your mawile with 4 egg moves, can you let me know? I want to collect some fairy type mons for a fairy type team, and Mawile is like 1 of the 2 steel/fairy types in S&S. I'd prefer to trade for it when it has 4 egg moves as I do a lot of breeding and thus I'd like to save time whenever I can. If you can get it with 4 egg moves I'd love to trade for it!
I should probably inform you that this gen's fossil Pokémon unfortunately aren't breedable...Updated the breedable Galar-Pokemon.
Updated non-Galar Pokemon List will follow the next days.
I should probably inform you that this gen's fossil Pokémon unfortunately aren't breedable...
Extremely interested in DB Cubchoo. I have every gen 6,7 and 8 pokemon in a DB with their HA where currently legal; anything that might interest you there? I can post a bigger list a little later!
Oh! Sorry, my mistake!You are misreading my list. Any pokemon with no listed EM/nautres/IV spread are pokemons I still need to obtain/also looking for.
It is basically a proxy.
Sorry for the misunderstanding!
I got myself a Dream Ball Cubchoo! How does it for Friend Ball Yamper sound?
I've also got an interesting proposition for you: You have a DB Impidimp but it doesn't have its HA. I have a Moon Ball Impidimp but it doesn't have its HA. I have DBHA Impidimp and you have Moon Ball HA Impidimp. Wanna help each other out?
Sweet! I've got yours done, so just send me a PM when you're ready!Happy New Year!
we can do both
Hi there, have I got anything in my thread that you'd be interested in trading for? :)
Charmander levelball and ghastly moonball. breedjects or perfect IVs?
Awsome! I would love Magic Bounce Hatenna and Woolo. I'm fine with breedjects, but I have finished breeds of Gastly and Charmander if you'd prefer.
Ok I'd prefer breeds then. I got Hatenna ready but Woolo I'd need to do some breeding. ATM I have orders from other users I have to fulfill first. I will let you know when your pokes are done and I thank you for your patience in advance
Ok I'd prefer breeds then. I got Hatenna ready but Woolo I'd need to do some breeding. ATM I have orders from other users I have to fulfill first. I will let you know when your pokes are done and I thank you for your patience in advance
Moon Yamask, Beast HA Vullaby and Lure HA Litwick catch my interest today! How does Dream Purrloin, Dream Woobat and Dream HA Phantump sound for them? (Purrloin and Woobat's HAs are currently unavailable)
Hey, could I have a Fast ball Toxel instead of the Wooloo please?