10 year old girl arrested for cutting food with knife.

It seems like a, "bitch got a knife!" situation.
Honestly, I wish I could have used a carving knife to cut the school lunch. School lunch: shortening your life a day at a time!
what... the ..... fuck. She should DEFINITELY be suspended, and have the knife confiscated. If the popo are really serious, maybe she should get fined. But the parents should sue because she got arrested! That is WAAAY too harsh punishment.

The police should go to law school.

how is arresting 'cruel and unusual punishment?' its being arrested. not only is it neither cruel nor unusual, but its hardly even punishment.

the girl didnt deserve it, obviously, but it had to be done. schools are under such a ridiculous amount of pressure to nip potential violence in the bud. the amount of parents who would rally against the staff if the girl got off too lightly is enough to make the staff realize that shit like this needs to be done.

its not right by any means, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
We can only imagine how that poor girl must have felt when she got hauled away in cuffs. :(
At the very least, she'll hopefully be a law abiding gal in the future because of this.
the girl didnt deserve it, obviously, but it had to be done. schools are under such a ridiculous amount of pressure to nip potential violence in the bud. the amount of parents who would rally against the staff if the girl got off too lightly is enough to make the staff realize that shit like this needs to be done.

its not right by any means, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

You are out of your fucking mind to the point it is starting to piss me off. No, something like that doesnt warrant such extreme measures. The steak knife was a mistake, granted, but there is a reason this story is making the news and that is because the silly end result was getting the cops.

I can envision 100 scenarios to deal with this situation that would make more sense than this, it definitely didnt need to be handled this way. Desperate times call for desperate measures, for fucks sake were not presently at war. Or are schools in america in that kind of awful shape that an rough example must be made out of a silly mistake like that? Why not whip the goddamn kid, that'll teach them not to bring steak knives in school, after all, she wouldnt deserve it but desperate times call for desperate measures.
how is arresting 'cruel and unusual punishment?' its being arrested. not only is it neither cruel nor unusual, but its hardly even punishment.

the girl didnt deserve it, obviously, but it had to be done. schools are under such a ridiculous amount of pressure to nip potential violence in the bud. the amount of parents who would rally against the staff if the girl got off too lightly is enough to make the staff realize that shit like this needs to be done.

its not right by any means, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Desperate? Tell me; what about this situation was desperate? She wasn't flailing her knife around like it was a toy or trying to hurt someone. She was eating a meal.

I said before that something had to be done, but arresting this child was not needed. I can only imagine what the girls emotional state was when cops showed up to escort her out of the school.
Listen, hypothetical President Evan would not have called the cops. But he can see why they would. Yes, in hindsight it was unreasonable, but what can you expect? The principal was covering his own ass and I'm sure nothing came of the arrest. Though, of course, the child did break the law which is a problem for the parents who thought it would be a good idea to pack a steak knife into her lunch. What if another kid who had malicious intent noticed the steak knife, stole it, and then hurt people with it?

It needed to be taken care of. I'll agree that it was a bit extreme, but none of you can deny that she and her parents were clearly in the wrong and should be punished for endangering the other students.
Which kinda just points out the absurdity of the situation.. What if a kid with malicious intent broke a window and used the glass to attack someone, or just picked up a rock.

It's like checks at airports, it is just patronising a paranoid sector of the community, there is no real benefit to rules like this.

Have a nice day.
you guys are seriously over rating the "innocence" of 10 year olds, especially in this day in age.

the article says she brought a knife to school a lot to eat, mayhaps she had already been warned? if she had would this punishment be deserved?
Well, it's state law. The article cites that it is a felony to have such an object on campus.
well sometimes laws aren't the most important thing.
i think, if we come back into reality instead of just throwing loop holes around in court it would not be such a serious matter.
people are suing for everything, and winning. lady stubs her toe, sues the place she stubs her toe at for 100,000 dollars and wins. and in this case its the same thing, send a girl to prison for cutting her food? send me to fucking prison because i brought a coke can to school and i could have molded it into a knife 0-0.

man, this story just pisses me off about how blind courts are, and laws.
well sometimes laws aren't the most important thing.
i think, if we come back into reality instead of just throwing loop holes around in court it would not be such a serious matter.
people are suing for everything, and winning. lady stubs her toe, sues the place she stubs her toe at for 100,000 dollars and wins. and in this case its the same thing, send a girl to prison for cutting her food? send me to fucking prison because i brought a coke can to school and i could have molded it into a knife 0-0.

man, this story just pisses me off about how blind courts are, and laws.

No offense dude but this post warrants ignorance, first of all, laws are always important, second, the girl isn't going to court, at least I don't think it'd be wise to put a girl in front of a jury, third, I don't even recall seeing a law suit anywhere itt or in the article, last but not least, you gave a pretty crappy example, people can carve pretty much everything into a weapon, if we give examples instead of generalizing instruments that can be turned into weapons this thread would never end.

The bottom line is, she brought a knife to school, whoever took it away from her decided to involve the police, and even thought that sounds harsh, and I wouldn't have called the police myself, I don't condone the action, many of you do, many of you don't.
No offense dude but this post warrants ignorance, first of all, laws are always important, second, the girl isn't going to court, at least I don't think it'd be wise to put a girl in front of a jury, third, I don't even recall seeing a law suit anywhere itt or in the article, last but not least, you gave a pretty crappy example, people can carve pretty much everything into a weapon, if we give examples instead of generalizing instruments that can be turned into weapons this thread would never end.

The bottom line is, she brought a knife to school, whoever took it away from her decided to involve the police, and even thought that sounds harsh, and I wouldn't have called the police myself, I don't condone the action, many of you do, many of you don't.
eh, your right, i got carried away because i brought other cases simmilar to this in.
yeah I think this is a little harsh, but a while ago there was some story that some girl dropped a piece of cake on the floor and was going to clean it up and some security guy tackled her and broke her arm.

THAT was a retarded story. i wonder whatever happened. this i could see happen but I would think they would just like confiscate it. hell most schools probably wouldn't even notice if she was just using it to cut food with.
You are out of your fucking mind to the point it is starting to piss me off. No, something like that doesnt warrant such extreme measures. The steak knife was a mistake, granted, but there is a reason this story is making the news and that is because the silly end result was getting the cops.

I can envision 100 scenarios to deal with this situation that would make more sense than this, it definitely didnt need to be handled this way. Desperate times call for desperate measures, for fucks sake were not presently at war. Or are schools in america in that kind of awful shape that an rough example must be made out of a silly mistake like that? Why not whip the goddamn kid, that'll teach them not to bring steak knives in school, after all, she wouldnt deserve it but desperate times call for desperate measures.

uhhh look man, i dont understand why yorue taking such offense to my stance on the issue. i dont think arresting her was right in the least; i just think its something the school had to do to avoid a serious amount of backlash. the 'desperate times' was in reference to how school violence is at an all time high, and parents need to be reassured over and over again that their little bobby or sally is safe at school.

and if you think whipping someone is comparable to arresting them, then its obvious which one of us is out of our fucking mind. chill the fuck out, i'm not being a right-wing nutjob here, im just saying that schools ar eunder such a ridiculous amount of pressure regarding shit like this that their reaction is understandable, albeit unfair.

Desperate? Tell me; what about this situation was desperate? She wasn't flailing her knife around like it was a toy or trying to hurt someone. She was eating a meal.

I said before that something had to be done, but arresting this child was not needed. I can only imagine what the girls emotional state was when cops showed up to escort her out of the school.

once again, desperate times referred to the amount of shit that goes on in schools now. i agree 100% that arresting her was not the right thing to do, and that it did not help the situation at all, but IT WAS THE LOGICAL THING TO DO TO AVOID BACKLASH FROM FANATICAL PARENTS. plain and fucking simple.
you guys are seriously over rating the "innocence" of 10 year olds, especially in this day in age.

the article says she brought a knife to school a lot to eat, mayhaps she had already been warned? if she had would this punishment be deserved?

you work with the story you have and nothing in it tells you she'd already been warned.

and if you think whipping someone is comparable to arresting them, then its obvious which one of us is out of our fucking mind.

nah you didnt get it, I consider getting the cops as an extreme measure, which you explain was alright because desperate times call for desperate measures. It wasnt a comparison at all, it was just pushing even further in the extreme.

You definitely overhype the "backlash of fantatic parents" that would come out of something like this. As a matter of fact, I'd be way more pissed as a parent if they called the cops for something like that then if they didnt. I cant think of what I would do if that would have happened to my own daughter.

This same kind of situation must have happened countless times. A student bringing a knife to eat in school not knowing he/she couldnt, but this is the first time we hear a story about it because it is the first time it was handled by absolute nut cases and it annoys me that you guys feel the need to dig deep and find why this was probably the best thing to do when in no fucking stretch it was.
I could understand arresting her if she was threatening someone, but she wasn't.

All of you talking about "she had to be arrested to prevent backlash", that's bullshit. She had brought the fucking knife to school on more than one occasion. If people were going to get upset about it, they would have by now. The school administration could have confiscated it and at worst suspended her.
nah you didnt get it, I consider getting the cops as an extreme measure, which you explain was alright because desperate times call for desperate measures. It wasnt a comparison at all, it was just pushing even further in the extreme.

and by pushing it even further in the extreme, the point is lost entirely, as believing calling cops is somewhat justified and believing child abuse is somewhat alright is a completely different thing. that 'argument' doesnt help your case, its just stupid.

You definitely overhype the "backlash of fantatic parents" that would come out of something like this. As a matter of fact, I'd be way more pissed as a parent if they called the cops for something like that then if they didnt. I cant think of what I would do if that would have happened to my own daughter.

your personal views dont fucking matter, to be blunt. youre a canadian, and youre obviously not a right-wing christian. obviously youd be pissed that they called the cops. fuck, i would too! but that doesnt change the fact that most parents want to be reassured, however stupid it may be, that the zero tolerance shit is being enforced to the full extent that it can be.

you definitely overhype the intelligence of the average american parent.

This same kind of situation must have happened countless times. A student bringing a knife to eat in school not knowing he/she couldnt, but this is the first time we hear a story about it because it is the first time it was handled by absolute nut cases and it annoys me that you guys feel the need to dig deep and find why this was probably the best thing to do when in no fucking stretch it was.

well first of all, youre operating under an assumption that could easily be false. i dont think the number of kids who dont realize that theyre not allowed to bring fucking steak knives to school is very high.

second of all, your reasoning for it being the first time we've seen this is also ridiculous. you live in montreal, you obviously dont go reading about news that happens in florida, and i highly doubt you read very much other local shit. i didnt mean to sound insulting, i frankly dont see why anyone would do that with any frequency. and

with that said, the only reason you heard about this is because the topic starter showed it to you.

and frankly, it really fucking annoys me that you seem so intent on completely ignoring my actual stance on the issue. i do NOT think it was the best thing to do. i just think that from the school's perspective, given the pressure theyre under, it was logical, and i dont really blame them, i more blame the zero tolerance policy that theyre essentially forced to adopt.
Most parents dont need to be told cops got involved to be reassured necessairly as long as they are explained how this has been dealt with, especially not for a silly event like that. I dont think even the most conservative right wing christians will be alarmed about this situation. If anything, you are making a mountain out of a mole and any parents uproar would be something related to that exaggeration, you've successfully managed to make them believe this whole silliness was a big deal by getting the cops over, when really, it wasnt.

Apparently there was one kid that wasnt aware she shouldnt, and I am pretty willing to bet this is something that happens very commonly. All it would take is one kid out of dozens that isnt fully aware of the rules for it to happen in every school every month? I still think this happens all the time and that every other time, they've settled the issue without having to go this far.

When I was in elementary school, we werent allowed to have sugary products in our lunches, it didnt stop many kids and parents to somehow forget about that rule and many desserts and soft drinks were confiscated daily.

I dont read local news that arent my own and this was something that was linked to me but it still was found unusual enough to be made into an article, which translates as this was a pretty extreme way to handle a very common situation.
It seems like this is more and more the Health Crazed PC Nanny state that countries like Britian and America are becoming, However in this case I'd say America is worse than Britian (A Child under the age of 10 cannot be charged for anything) However what ever happend to an eye for an eye? Surely that's why the Court is blind? Some kid shot another kid in america did he get arrested? Nope, but bring a steak knife to school to help you eat now that's a 25 to life sentence...

I have to agree w/ some of the above posters, Society is going to the shit, and I believe that Story just proves it. Police could be doing better things w/ their time than arresting 10 year olds and doing paperwork