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I did some general housecleaning earlier today. First off, I removed the tag from every Gen 6 analysis and locked those that weren't already, so the WIP, QC, and Done tags will now pull up solely Gen 7 analyses. Speaking of which, I went ahead and cleaned up the Gen 7 analyses as well, which included locking every analysis thats been in WIP for over a month. In the future, please complete all WIPs in a timely manner, otherwise no progress on the analysis can be made and your analysis will be locked and reassigned. Finally, I updated the OP to accurately reflect the ongoing analyses. Note that many Pokemon that were reserved are now unassigned, so stake your claim in them now while you can.
Can i make a arguement for Torn-T, its not in the OP but i feel its one of the best mons in cap currently with it being able to check Lando-T, break all 3 of the cap stalwarts in Pyroak, Argh and Tomohawk- aswell as being one of the most reliable defoggers in the tier. Couple this with being a great pivot due to regenerator and decent defensive stats aswell as its usage of Z-Hurricane and slew of coverage options for its 4th slot and it adds up to be rather potent.

Suggesting this because i think it is one of the more important none caps to cover and because it is one of the Pokemon i am most familiar with, thanks!
I would like to reserve Krilowatt.

MeepBard has already taken Krilowatt. However, your comments on the analysis would be appreciated, and you can reserve something else :)

Also everyone who has posted a reservation in the thread, you have 48 hours to post a skeleton of your analysis. That’s not the full analysis written out. Airwind’s current Volkraken analysis is a perfect example of a skeleton. Please get them up or PM me or cbrevan on Smogon, or I’ll assume that you’re not interested anymore. Thanks!
snake_rattler Meepbard has yet to post in this thread for their reservation, where the writers not reset for USUM?

He reserved in the SM C&C thread, which carried over to USM. His analysis is in Quality Control, Krilowatt is not in the Unreserved hide tag in the OP, and it’s in the Reserved hide tag. Sorry :(
Birkal, Syclant is all yours.

Reviloja753, since this is your first time tackling a CAP analysis I'd like you to start off with just Voodoom for now. Voodoom is a simple Pokemon with one set, perfect for a beginner. Once Voodoom has some work on it we can talk about Revenankh.
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