[CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

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  • Pokémon requested: Mandibuzz
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 12 male (ultraball)
  • IGN: Sun
  • Pokémon requested: Mudsdale
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 10 female (greatball)
  • IGN: Ray
Thank you!
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  • Pokémon requested: Togedemaru
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Level 10 Female (named "Daddy" so others don't take it lol)
  • IGN: Drew
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  • Pokémon requested: Gastrodon
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 10 female (ultraball)
  • IGN: Sun
  • Pokémon requested: Milotic
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 11 male (quickball)
  • IGN: Ray
Thanks once again!
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  • Pokémon requested: Snorlax
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Male, 12
  • IGN: Torqan
Thanks so much again for giving out Pokemon so I can play with different kinds!
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  • Pokémon requested: Drampa
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: level 15 female
  • IGN: Xandre
I can't thank you enough for this giveaway. I am really enjoying the battles and strategies I am trying with these Pokemon!
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  • Pokémon requested: Salamance
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: Female, 11
  • IGN: Torqan
Thanks as always!
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  • Pokémon requested: Clefairy
  • Level and gender of the Cutiefly: lv 12 male (quickball)
  • IGN: Ray
Thank you!
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