SPOILERS! Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon New Pokemon/Moves Info


I have discovered a truly remarkable CT which this box is t-
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
This thread is a one-stop shop for concise information regarding the new Pokémon, moves, and ability that's arriving with Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon.

For raw data dumps on move/trainer/story info, see the datamine thread.

New Pokémon

Ultra Necrozma


Type: Psychic/Dragon
Ability: Neuroforce
Stats: 97/167/97/167/97/129 (BST: 754)
Notable moves: Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike or Moongeist Beam (depending on whether it transformed from Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings), Outrage, Stealth Rock, Autotomize, Power Gem, Earth Power, Heat Wave, Knock Off, Dragon Pulse, Earthquake, Calm Mind, Psychic, Psyshock, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Moonlight | Complete movepool
Additional info: Required to hold Ultranecrozium-Z. Transform into this form from either Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings. Uses Ultra Necrozma's Speed on the turn it transforms. Cannot use Light That Burns The Sky on the turn it transforms.

Dusk Mane Necrozma


Type: Psychic/Steel
Ability: Prism Armor
Stats: 97/157/127/113/109/77 (BST: 680)
(Solgaleo's stats for comparison: 137/137/107/113/89/97)
Notable moves: Sunsteel Strike, Photon Geyser, Stealth Rock, Autotomize, Heat Wave, Knock Off, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Moonlight, Trick Room. (Only inherits Sunsteel Strike from Solgaleo) | Complete movepool


Dawn Wings Necrozma


Type: Psychic/Ghost
Ability: Prism Armor
Stats: 97/113/109/157/127/77 (BST: 680)
(Lunala's stats for comparison: 137/113/89/137/107/97)
Known moves: Moongeist Beam, Photon Geyser, Stealth Rock, Autotomize, Power Gem, Earth Power, Heat Wave, Knock Off, Calm Mind, Psychic, Psyshock, Thunder Wave, Moonlight, Trick Room. (Only inherits Moongeist Beam from Lunala) | Complete movepool



Type: Electric
Ability: Volt Absorb
Stats: 88/112/75/102/80/143 (BST: 600)

Notable moves: Plasma Fists, Close Combat, Fire Punch, Knock Off, Drain Punch, Endeavor, Volt Switch, Bulk Up, Work Up | Complete movepool

UB Adhesive (Poipole)


Type: Poison
Ability: Beast Boost
Stats: 67/73/67/73/67/73 (BST: 420)
Notable moves: Gunk Shot, Dragon Pulse, Poison Jab, Nasty Plot, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave | Complete movepool
Evolution Line: Poipole -> Naganadel by Level-Up with Dragon Pulse

UB ??? (Naganadel)


Type: Poison/Dragon
Ability: Beast Boost
Stats: 73/73/73/127/73/121 (BST: 540)
Notable moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, U-turn | Complete movepool
Evolution Line: Poipole -> Naganadel by Level-Up with Dragon Pulse

UB Assembly (Stakataka)


Type: Rock/Steel
Ability: Beast Boost
Stats: 61/131/211/53/101/13 (BST: 570)
Notable moves: Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Trick Room, Magic Coat, Stone Edge, Superpower, Rock Slide | Complete movepool


UB Burst (Blacephalon)


Type: Fire/Ghost
Ability: Beast Boost
Stats: 53/127/53/151/79/107 (BST: 570)
Known moves: Mind Blown, Shadow Ball, Knock Off, Fire Blast, Trick, Calm Mind, Psychic, Will-o-Wisp | Complete movepool


Type: Rock
Ability: Tough Claws
Stats: 75/117/65/55/65/110 (BST: 487)
Notable moves: Accelerock, Drill Run, Iron Head, Stone Edge, Crunch, Stealth Rock, Bulk Up, Happy Hour, Fire Fang (Ultra Sun) or Thunder Fang (Ultra Moon) | Complete movepool


New Moves

Searing Sunraze Smash (Z-move specific to Dusk Mane/Solgaleo)

Type: Steel
Base move: Sunsteel Strike
Power: 200
Category: Physical
Effect: Ignores the target's ability.

Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom (Z-move specific to Dawn Wings/Lunala)

Type: Ghost
Base move: Moongeist Beam
Power: 200
Category: Special
Effect: Ignores the target's ability.


Light That Burns The Sky (Z-move specific to Necrozma)

Type: Psychic

Base move: Photon Geyser
Power: 200
Category: Special
Effect: Ignores the target's ability. Uses the higher of the user's Attack and Special Attack in the damage calculation (includes stat boosts, excludes effect from being Burned).

Clangorous Soulblaze (Z-move specific to Kommo-O)

Type: Dragon

Base move: Clanging Scales
Power: 185
Category: Special
Effect: Increases the user's Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by 1 stage each (except if used versus a Fairy-type or a Pokemon with Soundproof, in which case nothing happens).
Target: Hits both opposing Pokémon in a Double Battle

Splintered Stormshards (Z-move specific to Lycanroc)

Type: Rock
Base move: Stone Edge
Power: 190
Category: Physical
Effect: Removes the current terrain.

Let's Snuggle Forever (Z-move specific to Mimikyu)

Type: Fairy
Base move: Play Rough
Power: 190
Category: Physical
Effect: None

Photon Geyser

Type: Psychic
Power: 100 (Shattered Psyche power: 180)
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5
Category: Special
Effect: Uses the higher of the user's Attack and Special Attack in the damage calculation (includes stat boosts, excludes effect from being Burned).
Learned by: Necrozma (and all of its formes)


Mind Blown

Type: Fire
Power: 150 (Inferno Overdrive power: 200)
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 5
Category: Special
Effect: User loses health equal to half of the user's maximum HP, rounded up (this means even if you have odd HP, you'll still die after using Mind Blown for the second time).
Target: All adjacent Pokemon
Learned by: Blacephalon

Plasma Fists

Type: Electric
Power: 100 (Gigavolt Havoc power: 180)
Accuracy: 100
PP: 15
Category: Physical
Effect: Activates the Ion Deluge effect for the remainder of the turn (field effect which turns Normal-type moves into Electric-type moves) unless used against a Pokemon that is immune to Electric-type moves.
Learned by: Zeraora

New Ability


Effect: Powers up super-effective moves by 20%.
Pokemon with this ability: Ultra Necrozma


New Items



New Mechanics

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Hello man, I just wanted to mention that you missed that UB:Assembly is shown using what definitely looks like Iron Head (which makes perfect sense being a likely phisical oriented Steel type)
1:39 or so
Hello man, I just wanted to mention that you missed that UB:Assembly is shown using what definitely looks like Iron Head (which makes perfect sense being a likely phisical oriented Steel type)
1:39 or so
The Japanese trailer showed it using Wide Guard as well.
The cover legendary Z-moves can be used by the original Solgaleo and Lunala too, not just their Necrozma forms. Also worth noting that Dusk Mane Necrozma has Attack that "greatly exceeds" Solgaleo's.
Great to have a summary!

I was initially going to write more here, then I realized upon posting that the information was wrong. But it's still great to have a summary!
Adding to Splintered Stormshards, the Japanese page confirms that its base move is Stone Edge.

"Splintered Stormshards" (Radial Edge Storm) is a new rock-type Z move that can be used by Lycanroc that know Stone Edge and holding the Lycanroc Z Crystal". This would also mean Stone Edge should be added to the list of known moves for Lycanroc-Dusk.


Two more things to add about the new UBs, first about Burst. According to the Japanese page (scroll down to the video of it using Mind Blown):

Fire-type special attack that does recoil equivalent to half its max HP.

So it's likely that you can only use it if it has 50% of its max HP+1, like with Belly Drum.

Second, while insignificant, the Japanese trailer that initially revealed UB: Sticky shows it using Acid, not that anyone would really run Acid on their Sticky, I hope.
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So it's likely that you can only use it if it has 50% of its max HP+1, like with Belly Drum.

I don't think that's a safe assumption -- Belly Drum doesn't accomplish anything if you KO yourself using it, whereas KOing yourself to do big damage to an opponent is still something you might want to do. Plus, it's recoil instead of being applied before using the move.

They might balance it by making it only possible to use once without healing, but I can see them going either way on this one.
I don't think that's a safe assumption -- Belly Drum doesn't accomplish anything if you KO yourself using it, whereas KOing yourself to do big damage to an opponent is still something you might want to do. Plus, it's recoil instead of being applied before using the move.

They might balance it by making it only possible to use once without healing, but I can see them going either way on this one.
I should rephrase. The Japanese says "自分のHPを最大HPの2分の1減らして攻撃する", which actually means "reduces own HP by half of maximum HP and attacks", with the sequence being emphasised by the order of the verbs "減らす" (in the て form 減らして) and "攻撃する", so it shouldn't count as recoil, which is why I likened it to Belly Drum, but used the wrong word in recoil.

To try and figure it out, I looked up the description of Belly Drum...
This description explicitly says that the attack raise by 12 stages is done after (後) the HP decrease. It also states explicitly that it will fail when you are at less than or equal to half your max HP.

I've also compared it to the description of Flare Blitz, which is
Meaning "Takes a third of damage dealt to opponent". Here, the order of the verbs isn't important, but what is important is that 与えた is the past tense, meaning the damage done to the opponent is already in the past when you take the damage yourself.

Having said all this, the description of Mind Blown on the website is unlikely to be the final one we'll see in-game.

Not sure how finicky they are about these things, though. Maybe I'm overthinking.
Ahh, one of the many reasons I find learning Japanese very exciting and very frustrating at the same time.

From curiosity, what does the description of Curse translate to? Unlike Flare Blitz but like Belly Drum, your HP decreases before the move's effect goes off, and unlike Belly Drum but like Flare Blitz, the move works even if you KO yourself.
Should we be adding Venom Drench as Adhesive's known moves because it blasted Dartrix with it?

BTW I wouldn't be conceived if Mind Blown blows up the pokemon's HP before the damage is dealt. I would believe that it is a sort of phrasing problems instead of it actually reducing its own HP BEFORE the attack goes off (and possibly killing itself first) which otherwise would be extremely stupid.

Ahh, one of the many reasons I find learning Japanese very exciting and very frustrating at the same time.

From curiosity, what does the description of Curse translate to? Unlike Flare Blitz but like Belly Drum, your HP decreases before the move's effect goes off, and unlike Belly Drum but like Flare Blitz, the move works even if you KO yourself.
Unfortunately, Curse's text is "The effect of this move is changed according to the user's type (or sth like that i don't really know)" without mentioning about the effect when it is used by a ghost type, so comparision between this move and other suicidal moves is not possible at the moment.
I think we’ve already seen Mind Blown used in a trailer, with the move animation being seen before the recoil. That, to me, is stronger evidence than likely interpretations of ambiguous phrasing.
That doesn’t really mean anything here as far as how mind blown is going to work. Right now we can’t say it will function like a standard recoil move (flare blitz) or like belly drum since in both cases the animation plays before any change happens to the user’s HP except in the latter it will fail to do anything at all if the user is at 50% or under. Let’s just wait our 2+ weeks, i’ll have the battle mechanics thread up for usumo and we can figure it out then.
I was going to make a counter-argument with Substitute's behavior, until I looked it up and it turns out some generations show your HP decreasing before the substitute pops up, and some generations show it decreasing after. So I guess there really is no way to tell by animation alone if not having enough HP means the move fails or it means the move succeeds on a self-KO.
Ahh, one of the many reasons I find learning Japanese very exciting and very frustrating at the same time.

From curiosity, what does the description of Curse translate to? Unlike Flare Blitz but like Belly Drum, your HP decreases before the move's effect goes off, and unlike Belly Drum but like Flare Blitz, the move works even if you KO yourself.
Yep, Japanese is quite frustrating in that sense. Not that I've ever done any formal translations, but I do enjoy translating bits and pieces of USUM news from the trailers as the Japanese and English versions seem to offer minor detail differences.

Using the same source as I did for Flare Blitz and Belly Drum for Curse, I found the following description:
Ghost type -> Decreases own HP by half of maximum HP, curses opponent.

I actually just noticed that I've been using the descriptions on the right hand side of the webpages, which are not official and therefore are actually more concise. However, if we were to look at the official descriptions...

Flare Blitz
  • 第四世代:ほのおの よろいを からだに まとって とっしんする。じぶんも かなり ダメージを うける。
  • 第五世代・第六世代(漢字):炎を まとって 突進する。自分も かなり ダメージを 受ける。やけど状態に することが ある。
Fourth generation: Covers self in flames and charges. User also takes significant damage.
FIfth generation and sixth generation: Covers self in flames and charges. User also takes significant damage. May also burn.

Belly Drum
  • 第四世代・第五世代:じぶんの HPを さいだい HPの はんぶん へらして じぶんの こうげきを さいだいに あげる。
Fourth generation and fifth generation: Reduces own HP by half of maximum HP, then raises attack to maximum. (again we see the use of the て-form of 減らす into 減らして to show sequence of events being cutting HP down first before maximizing attack.

As mentioned before, the in-game description of Curse only says that its effects varies depending on whether or not the user is a ghost type, so it's irrelevant here.

EDIT, taken from my post in the other thread here:
Two in-game images from the digital pre-load via the Japanese eShop:


The four moves are: Screw Huntail, Screw Gorebyss, Lanturn 360, and Primarina Flip. We can conclude safely that moves are done by direction combinations, and there seems to be ranks for how well you perform them, with each rank (bronze, silver, gold) having a score requirement.

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Scrambling to keep this updated. Every time I edit the thread and save it, another leak appears and I have to go in and edit again lol. Not that that's a bad thing though. Keep it coming!
Plasma Fists - The user attacks with electrically charged fists. This move changes Normal-type moves to Electric-type moves.
Confused here, it's an attacking move that changes normal-type moves to electric-type moves? So the second part is a secondary effect?

Let's Snuggle Forever (Physical Fairy 190) - After obtaining Z-Power, the user, Mimikyu, punches the target with full force.
Might be my favourite move name of all time now.
I've just updated this thread with tons of new stuff both from Kaphotics' and SciresM's Twitter sand the datamine text files. I intend for this thread to constantly be up to date (barring gaps due to me sleeping and going to work and doing other things) with a summary of all the new info we know.


The text files here are huge and I can't go through all of them and find everything. So in general, if there's anything that's confirmed that you don't see in the first post, then post it in this thread.
Sounds like Burst's and Lay's actual names.

Oh, and just to be picky, Naganadel should be the name of what we're suspecting UB Sticky evolves into, rather than its UB codename, so you might want to put that in brackets in the first post.
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Some more interesting things I found:
A pressed flower petal you receive from Mina during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A pressed flower petal you receive from Ilima during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A pressed flower petal you receive from Lana during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A pressed flower petal you receive from Kiawe during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A pressed flower petal you receive from Mallow during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A pressed flower petal you receive from Sophocles during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A pressed flower petal you receive from Nanu during Mina’s trial. The goal is to collect seven different kinds of petals.
A flower made of the petals you received from captains. It’s proof that your growth has been recognized by them.
Sounds like Mina (who we knew is now a trial captain on September 22nd) sends you off on a treasure hunt to the other trial captains for her trial, but Acerola is missing from this list.

A novelty badge that you can receive at the Kantonian Gym. Rumor has it that it imitates the Badge of a Gym somewhere.
We know for sure Giovanni is returning, but do we know other Kanto Gym Leaders who might come back? If we can get a gym badge from him, cue more "gen one pandering" comments.

The Normalium Z you were entrusted with by Ilima. You were asked to place it on the pedestal at the back of Verdant Cavern.
Nice of them to change up the trials, or so it seems.

It’s a crystal that turns Necrozma fused with Solgaleo or Lunala into a new form.
Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings get another form when you use a crystal on it?? SEE BELOW

Ultranecrozium Z is a Z-crystal that transforms Necrozma fused with Solgaleo or Lunala into a new form.
Ultra Necrozma is Psychic/Dragon type with a base stat total of 750.

An item to store Zygarde Cores and Cells. You can also use it to teach Zygarde moves.
Zygarde Cell hunting is still around, gosh I hated that.

A bag filled with convenient tools for exploring. It provides access to the Underground in the Sinnoh region.
A sturdy, spacious bag that is used to carry any treasures or loot obtained in the coal mine.
A large key for operating the doors of the Valley Windworks in the canyon. It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt.
An ancient good-luck charm made of Pokémon bones to be taken to the elder of Celestic Town.
A card key for disengaging the security systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it can result in punishment, apparently.
A mythical chain that is said to link the Legendary Pokémon that created the Sinnoh region.
Sinnoh? SINNOH?? Then again there are descriptions with references to Unova and Kalos too so I'm probably overreacting.

One of the Rotom Powers. It helps Eggs hatch faster.
One of the Rotom Powers. It reduces the prices of products at Poké Marts by half.
One of the Rotom Powers. It triples the prize money you receive after battle.
One of the Rotom Powers. It increases the Exp. Points your Pokémon receive after battle a little.
One of the Rotom Powers. It helps Pokémon in your party grow friendly faster.
One of the Rotom Powers. It increases the chance of encountering high-level wild Pokémon a lot for a certain period of time.
One of the Rotom Powers. It prevents you from encountering wild Pokémon for a certain period of time.
One of the Rotom Powers. It fully restores the HP of your battling Pokémon.
One of the Rotom Powers. It fully restores the PP of your battling Pokémon.
One of the Rotom Powers. It raises all stats of your battling Pokémon.
One of the Rotom Powers. It increases the chance to catch Pokémon a lot.
Full list of Rotom Powers.

Totem [VAR PKNICK(0000)] has Mega Evolved into Mega [VAR PKNAME(0001)]!
Totem Pokemon from SM were Gumshoos, Alolan Raticate, Wishiwashi, Salazzle, Lurantis, Vikavolt, Mimikyu, Kommo-O. We also know that Alolan Marowak is now a totem, but this sounds like we'll get some more new Totems. (EDIT: Confirmed that Alolan Marowak, Araquanid, Togedemaru, Ribombee are new totems, but it still doesn't answer the Mega Totem question.)
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Wait, what? What is this about mega evolution? What’s going on?

Will we finally get an even bigger Ribombee?
New Mechanics

Description: A field effect that occurs when Water Pledge is used and combined with Fire Pledge.
Effect: Boosts the likelihood of additional effects occurring.


Description: A field effect that occurs when Grass Pledge is used and combined with Water Pledge.
Effect: Cuts Speed to 1/4

Sea of Fire

Description: A field effect that occurs when Fire Pledge is used and combined with Grass Pledge.
Effect: Damages Pokemon other than Fire-types every turn.

These have actually been in the games since Gen V, according to Bulbapedia.
All I gathered this morning: Should be true for the most part (at least the hastebins):

== USUM INFO ===
8 new Pokemon:
- Poipole aka UB Adhesive: Poison, 67/73/67/73/67/73
- Naganadel aka evolves from UB Adhesive: Poison/Dragon, 73/73/73/127/73/121
- Stakataka aka UB Assembly: Steel/Rock, 61/131/211/53/101/13
- Blacephalon aka UB Burst: Ghost/Fire, 53/127/53/151/79/107
- Zeraora, new Mythical: Electric, 88/112/75/102/80/143
- 3 new Necrozma forms:
- Necrozma Dusk Mane: 97/157/127/113/109/77
- Necrozma Dawn Wings: 97/113/109/157/127/77
- Ultra Necrozma: Psychic/Dragon, 97/167/97/167/97/129
Learn sets for the five non-Necrozma Pokemon: https://www.hastebin.com/raw/qukiwuhuvi
New Z-Moves: - Kommo-o, Mimikyu, Lycanroc, Necrozma forms.


https://pastebin.com/Uxme1NkC - all tutor moves
https://pastebin.com/MW5kL8bT - Stats + What Mon learns which tutor moves
https://pastebin.com/e65awjRH - Egg Moves
https://pastebin.com/QpfxCWiY - Level up moves
Updated! Now all of the new mon and move info is complete. I also added some notable moves for each mon.

One more item regarding the Necrozma formes: Ultra Necrozma appears when either Dusk Mane or Dawn Wings use Light That Burns The Sky, right? And that means Ultra Necrozma has Lunala and Solgaleo's movesets? Related, Dusk Mane has Solgaleo's + Necrozma's movesets, and Dawn Wings has Lunala's + Necrozma's movesets. Is that all correct?

Edit: updated notable moves now that we know TM info!
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