Pokémon GO

The low success rates are understandable, it has only 2% catchrate and you can only have one medal for it (and it can be quite painful to get it to gold as Fire types are rather rare, compared to flying types you used for the birds and Lugia
The low success rates are understandable, it has only 2% catchrate and you can only have one medal for it
If a pokemon has two types, the catch bonus from medals is the average of the medals you have, so it never goes past that 1.3 bonus.

(and it can be quite painful to get it to gold as Fire types are rather rare, compared to flying types you used for the birds and Lugia
Where were you during the Rock and Fire/Ice event? Otherwise for beginners, yeah, it's a struggle. Still haven't unlocked gold for fighting and dragon despite playing for more than a year.
Where were you during the Rock and Fire/Ice event? Otherwise for beginners, yeah, it's a struggle. Still haven't unlocked gold for fighting and dragon despite playing for more than a year.

At least unless for Machamp, Fighting badge isn't used much yet. It is only until GenV, we have Fighting Legendaries and GenIV for more worthwhile fighters. Or not. Last time I checked Lucario has rather low CP, the only seemingly worthwhile is Gallade. And that's if he does appear in the wild.

Steel and Dragon are what I worry. Both Metagross and Lati_s are my favourite and Gen1-2 are pretty much drought to these types, even when I live in places with Dratini canals.
If a pokemon has two types, the catch bonus from medals is the average of the medals you have, so it never goes past that 1.3 bonus.
Thats awesome, but why is he so hard to catch then?
I barely ever hit the ring on Lugia and caught a lot, and I need to get tons of excellents with golden razzies to potentionally catch an Entei

As for these events, I couldnt play at the time
At least unless for Machamp, Fighting badge isn't used much yet. It is only until GenV, we have Fighting Legendaries and GenIV for more worthwhile fighters. Or not. Last time I checked Lucario has rather low CP, the only seemingly worthwhile is Gallade. And that's if he does appear in the wild.

Steel and Dragon are what I worry. Both Metagross and Lati_s are my favourite and Gen1-2 are pretty much drought to these types, even when I live in places with Dratini canals.
Don't forget Gen 3 Blaziken, Fighting and Fire are great typings for the additional Normal types like Slaking, as well as 4x weak powerhouses like Genesect. It's a multitasker for sure.
Plus unlike other Fighting types it won't be weak to Fairy. Certainly not the best, but also not bad either.
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Documented in screenshots! So basically it was like done in 4 minutes, as you can tell in the waiting room it is 6:01 and the capture Screen is like 6:05 pm.

Your excited to see it, n' I'm excited to own it! ;) :D

It was a 20 person raid, it didn't even last long enough to hurt my 3rd Tyranitar, just now, when I used Super Potions and revives only 2 of my Pokémon needed it.
Check out all of the other Tyranitar in the group, after you check out my team in the Waiting AKA Raiding Room

It feels great to have one of the first Mewtwo ever, especially important because it is in the hometown and homegrown HQ of Niantic, in the heart of San Francisco, California, United States of America. Woohoo!

It is also like the reverse Blissey, it is so powerful it's Attack is insane yo!
Also, it came with the best possible moveset, so no TMs wasted! Check out its stat card here!

I even took a photo of the Niantic Gym earlier today, separately linked here for your viewing pleasure.


I also included some catch rate tips in the screenshots above, so check all of the pictures. It will be useful when he is released worldwide. Who needs Gen 3, when you have the boss of all raid bosses?!

For the Record: 1 Quick Move TM, 3 Rare candy - And 1 Mewtwo!
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1. Im positive that the egg time is only 1 hour; Ive looked around me and saw an egg and a raid, then deleted some Pokémon, logged into my second account, and saw new eggs
All of which had about 45 minutes left
Which does fit quite well based on the time I spent cleaning my box

2. Holy crap thats awesome, cant wait to get my own Mewtwo, I have like 10 raid TTars ready to go :D

3. Ill admit these arrows and "teleport, walk" and such buttons look a bit suspicious :D
It has been debated whether Psychic is useful, though. Currently, it is pretty much one of worst charge moves ever. An insult to a Psychic-type Specialist. Shadow Ball has the same power and is 2-bar move.
Focus Blast also has no STAB, but a lot of things to destroy with it.

If they change Psychic back to its former glory... At least something like 80 power 2-bar (pretty much Psychic-type 10k Bolt), it'll be great. While turning Psybeam back to 3-bar or distribute Psyshock more (seriously, I recall only Jynx can use it. That should be staple enough for Espeon and other offensive Psychics as in main games).

Shame I didn't join the previous event.... then again most likely I'll just box him as trophy and never actually use him, only using my trusted team....

And I'm out of stardusts. I have at least 3 elite Tyrannitars, but that's it. I have to bleed more dusts to up my Scizor?....
What have you been spending your dust on? I have 3 ttar at level 30 + a couple other old mons (3 high level rhydons, a high level vaporeon, and so on), but beyond that I'm not really using stardust for much else.
What have you been spending your dust on? I have 3 ttar at level 30 + a couple other old mons (3 high level rhydons, a high level vaporeon, and so on), but beyond that I'm not really using stardust for much else.
The last thing I used my stardust on were Anti-Vaporeon team to solo it, after failing that once. I can now safely solo any set of it, but my supply took a blow due to it. Now around 250k dust.

Good thing I can use this team to fight Suikun too. I'm the most ready to raid it anytime.
1. Im positive that the egg time is only 1 hour; Ive looked around me and saw an egg and a raid, then deleted some Pokémon, logged into my second account, and saw new eggs
All of which had about 45 minutes left
Which does fit quite well based on the time I spent cleaning my box

2. Holy crap thats awesome, cant wait to get my own Mewtwo, I have like 10 raid TTars ready to go :D

3. Ill admit these arrows and "teleport, walk" and such buttons look a bit suspicious :D
The EX Raid has 1 hour eggs.
Thanks! Yeah, I know it looks funny with the arrows. No worries, my goal is to share with everyone what i can.

Regardless, I am glad to share for those who didn't get the opportunity to participate.
For EX Raids, there is no reminder in-game, Which is a shame, as some people might forget. I think they should have the notification just like when your Pokemon gets kicked out of a gym for both in-app banners, and the notification when you don't have Pokémon Go up as your current app running or when the app is off.

This translates to: if I didn't remember to do it at 6:00 pm, I might have joined after other raiders had already completed it and not had enough people. With something this exclusive, you have to take no chances, afterall there was no way to know which gym the EX Raid Pass would apply for, and I may not catch it at the high 6% chance again, because after the beta testing is done, it might be down to 2% like Lugia, etc.
P.S. In the raid invitation, it says "Get directions", when you click on it, it opens up your Maps app, and what does it have? Not the address, or the immediate driving directions... it has Longitude and Latitude coordinates!
AKA what spoofers use to teleport, do you know how hard it is to try and search for the exact address of a statue? Do you know how hard it is to try and convert that hard to find address into coordinates?

Niantic wants people to be able to spoof, otherwise they wouldn't have provided the Longitude and Latitude Coordinates. They would have the address and directions only.
Whether or not I spoof, they designed this for spoofers to get exactly what they need to teleport there. That is something people can take up with Niantic, and let's be honest, anyone who read my post benefits from learning the details in the event they didn't get the invitation. Yes, legit is ideal, but so is everyone winning the lottery. I won the lottery with regards to getting the invitation on a day I could participate, remembering to do the raid itself and actually getting to participate, joining at the right time by getting enough good fellow raiders to win the raid in the first place, and then getting to capture it before I ran out of Premier Balls. I only started with 9, while the cap is 14, so I was down to ball number 3 when I caught Mewtwo. And the final lottery of all, getting a good IV Mewtwo with the best Quick Move, and STAB Charge Move.

If any of these variables didn't add up properly we might not be having this Mewtwo conversation. So yes, ideally everyone should play legitimately, but that would also mean Niantic making the game fair to play, and realistic to play in the first place regardless of where you live, (for EX Raid Gym selection, rare spawn nests, Pokestops and Gyms locations and frequencies, getting a set number of items from Pokestops and Gym spins and from Raids for everyone, and not making the game so hard to level up both the Trainer and the Pokémon beyond level 30, and improving the catch rate of Pokémon, especially if you are out of Golden Razz Berries, Razz Berries and are not the best Curve Ball, and Excellent, Great, or Nice throw expert).
It has been debated whether Psychic is useful, though. Currently, it is pretty much one of worst charge moves ever. An insult to a Psychic-type Specialist. Shadow Ball has the same power and is 2-bar move.
Focus Blast also has no STAB, but a lot of things to destroy with it.

If they change Psychic back to its former glory... At least something like 80 power 2-bar (pretty much Psychic-type 10k Bolt), it'll be great. While turning Psybeam back to 3-bar or distribute Psyshock more (seriously, I recall only Jynx can use it. That should be staple enough for Espeon and other offensive Psychics as in main games).

Shame I didn't join the previous event.... then again most likely I'll just box him as trophy and never actually use him, only using my trusted team....

And I'm out of stardusts. I have at least 3 elite Tyrannitars, but that's it. I have to bleed more dusts to up my Scizor?....
(Psycho Cutter is better on Alakazam because it is frail and needs to use a fast move to dodge, while Confusion is better on Mewtwo because it is so powerful it will be the foe that needs to dodge! Allowing Mewtwo to use a slower yet stronger move to Attack).
Here is a breakdown of movesets:
Focus Blast - Worst for Gyarados (Bite & Crunch), Dragonite, Lugia, Gengar (Immunity and Resistance makes Hyper Beam even better).
Best coverage for Blissey, Tyranitar, Snorlax, Rhydon (Mega Horn)

Shadow Ball - Worst for Blissey, Snorlax.
Best for Gyarados (Bite & Crunch), Heracross, Dragonite, Gengar, Lugia.

Hyper Beam - Worst for Rhydon (Mega Horn), and Scizor.
Best for nothing, the worst. No STAB, slow animation.

Psychic - Worst for Tyranitar.
Best for Generalists: I.e. Most people use Blissey, Snorlax, Gyarados, Dragonite, Rhydon if they don't have Tyranitar, which means that Psychic hits them all nuetrally, while the above moves won't be as effective on some of them compared to others. If you want the trade off of having Mewtwo hit most things neutrally, the hardest, excluding Tyranitar, Lugia and maybe Scizor, then use Psychic.

If you want things that have advantages against Blissey and Snorlax only - Use Focus Blast.
Against Gengar, Lugia then use - Shadow Ball.

Most people won't use Lugia, but I included it because it is strong defensively even if not offensively, as it is the best choice for Focus Blast Raid sets, as unlike Gengar is has great Defensive stats and always resists the STAB Psychic Quick Move.
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P.S. In the raid invitation, it says "Get directions", when you click on it, it opens up your Maps app, and what does it have? Not the address, or the immediate driving directions... it has Longitude and Latitude coordinates! AKA what spoofers use to teleport, do you know how hard it is to try and search for the exact address of a statue? Do you know how hard it is to try and convert that hard to find address into coordinates?

Niantic wants people to be able to spoof, otherwise they wouldn't have provided the Longitude and Latitude Coordinates. They would have the address and directions only.
Ugh, not the spoofing virtue filibuster again. Because a gym may be located in some awkward place out from road, I imagine this is easier to pull out than putting an address to prevent possible address mistake and confusion. Making directions would be equally difficult, unless they can program it like other mapping appli like Waze. Not to mention there may be people who would currently be away because they were in vacation when they unknowingly qualify themselves for the exclusive raid. Coordinates are easy to use since it'll be linked to the map easily. In fact, I imagine it is coordinates first before the actual address. I have sent locations through chat appli LINE to tell people raid locations.

I thought I'm done with this scrap after that tragedy where a friend cried and nearly quit because one of 20 slots for a legendary raid was taken by a spoofer right after GOFest....
Regardless of you opinion, Niantic has been working with Google, hence the April Fools event a couple years ago, and also NASA for GPS coordinates. So, even better than Waze, they know where something is based on the address, my point was most "Get Directions" pinpoint a location via address, anyways.
It's too hard to get to.

I'm not justifying other people spoofing, I'm simply acknowledging that Niantic sure makes it realistic and easy to do so.

So it's harder for me, individually, to resist the urge, rather than get out of work at 5, try and find a non-busy street area in rush hour traffic so I can easily get picked up by UBER by 5:30, hope to get to the event on time at 6:00, then do the raid, catch an UBER to the nearest BART station, use the BART to get to my parked car, drive home then post. Sorry if you missed out...
Response to PsychicAcademic above.
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Regardless of you opinion, Niantic has been working with Google, hence the April Fools event a couple years ago, and also NASA for GPS coordinates. So, even better than Waze, they know where something is based on the address, my point was most "Get Directions" pinpoint a location via address, anyways.
It's too hard to get to.

I'm not justifying people spoofing, I'm simply acknowledging that Niantic sure makes it realistic and easy to do so.

So it's harder for me to resist the urge, rather than get out of work at 5, try and find a non-busy street area in rush hour traffic so I can easily get picked up by UBER by 5:30, hope to get to the event on time at 6:00, then do the raid, catch an UBER to the nearest BART station, use the BART to get to my parked car, drive home then post. Sorry if you missed out...
I still don't agree to the statement that Niantic is making it easy to spoof, at least intentionally. To me it's more like they can't do it more intricately to not give off temptation or simply got shortsighted on this since it is easy in their technical aspect. Do remember Niantic is a rather small company for this massive game appli with a lot of flaws and this EX raid is still in beta. That Google Maps April Fools don't require address at all anyway and the only thing NASA can do would be lending them their GPS satellites (otherwise, they'd be done more quickly in verifying new would-be-stops; they're apparently manually verifying it).
My campus life has started again. There'll be more chance that I'd still be in class when the raid which I have invitation of happens. And this is just one of the problems. Realistically speaking, can they really make it fair to people with 'disabilities' like rurals? There are limits to what they can do.
And there are also things that are applied 'unfairly' by means of skill. I have done raids and organised few of them, ensuring they can catch it too, but differences such as level, raid readiness, item management (I don't spam golden berries on Suikun), throwing skills, and so on does exist. All I could do was opening more opportunities for them, but skill difference exists.

I can still take these Mewtwo conversations as long as spoofing is not brought up in positive light. And this is certainly not what I can really take, ever since I'm still salty over knowing what they can do (that scrap better not happen again, nabbit). To me, this is pretty much as said, they can't do it more intricately to not give off temptation or simply got shortsighted, or flat out don't care anymore.
I don't bash you. I simply can't agree with that statement. You sounded it as if Niantic approved of it, which I can't take.
At least it is good that you acknowledge that spoofing is not the actual way of playing and playing legitimately is better. I didn't mean to personally attack you, so I apologise if I may have sounded so. However, do remember that this is Smogon and playing illegitimately is highly discouraged.
A lot of time I have wondered about the temptations (especially with one particular gym that is closed cemetery where my grandpa lies, where I want to eternally keep an Arcanine named after family's late husky's name), but never give in.
Response to PsychicAcademic
I didn't bring it positively to make myself look good. I did bring up the unfairness of the game since the beginning, I.e. Locations determine... everything.

But I did say, if I didn't participate, none of us would be able to even have these Mewtwo discussions, as no one else got to participate.

I don't post to make people upset, I tried to be as detailed as possible without having the equipment or apps to film the event like a Youtuber, so I took screenshots. This was so share the experience as Fluke and others said to share it when I complete it.
Please stop being emotional about it. I don't try and bring you down for being legit, don't target me for simply explaining that if I didn't spoof I may not have been able to participate at all, share this with you all, and discuss it to begin with. I completely agree with people who are legit, I don't agree with being targeted just because I am not... if I spoof, that doesn't affect you, because at least for this event, (The one I was invited to), you weren't invited to begin with- and thus you were not affected by me.
Don't bash me, I understand if you don't spoof, no need to shame me. It doesn't stop me, and doing what I did allows me to do and share things with people who weren't invited, and couldn't make it. I'm doing this for them, so they can share in the experience.
You can always not read the post if it bothers you.
I used the hide tags so the thread wouldn't be cluttered with this completely unnessary back and forth. I encourage PsychicAcademic to do the same.
New:I appreciate your most recent reply, it didn't show until I deleted my last post (I meant to edit it but hit the delete button and it is reposted above the dotted line).

So overall, I think regardless of how I play, my goal is to share my experience of something exclusive. Let's focus on that instead of how I got to participate...
Please use hide tags like I have so we don't clog the thread. Or better yet, we can both delete all of of our recent posts after my Mewtwo experience and moveset breakdown post. This way the back and forth on the legit or not discussion can be removed so it won't take away from what I tried to share.