Not sure if it's the place for ask (I guess it is) but any expectation about really possible Ultra S/M move tutors?
Celesteela has a lot of grass type moves in its arsenal... Could it be possible it learns Synthesis?
Just imagine the posibility, it's obnoxious enough with a semi-reliable recovery move, now imagine it with a even more consistent recovery move
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Hmm, well first let's establish some things. Any speculation will be going off that they'd be carrying over moves that were previously given out by the expanded Move Tutors (the ones who either charged Battle Points or Shards, specifically from
BW2 and
ORAS). Obviously, this excludes moves introduced in Gen VII since we don't know which ones will be made into Move Tutors, if any, but I guess that's another thing we can speculate about. So now with that done, let's speculate which Gen VII Pokemon may get what:
Giga Drain: Rowlet family, Cutiefly family, Comfey
Elemental Punches: Incineroar (Fire & Thunder), Crabrawler family (Fire), Lycanroc Midnight (all), Passimian (all), Golisopod (at least Ice), Hakamo-m/Kommo-o (Fire & Thunder), Tapu Koko (all), Tapu Bulu (Thunder), Alolan Geodude family (Fire & Ice)
Drain Punch: Incineroar, Crabrawler family, Lycanroc Midnight, Bewear, Passimian, Golisopod, Hakamo-m/Kommo-o, Tapu Koko, Tapu Bulu, Buzzwole, Marshadow, Alolan Grimer family
Knock Off: Litten family, Crabrawler family, Lycanroc Midnight, Mareanie family, Fomantis family, Stufful family, Steenee/Tsareena, Oranguru, Passimian, Wimpod family, Type: Null family, Komola, Mimikyu, Jangmo-o family, Tapu Koko, Tapu Bulu, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Guzzlord, Marshadow, Alolan Ratatta family, Alolan Meowth family, Alolan Geodude family, Alolan Marowak
Super Fang: Rockruff family, Bruxish, Guzzlord
Iron Tail: Rockruff family, Mudsdale, Passimian, Type: Null family, Togedemaru, Mimikyu, Jangmo-o family, Solgaleo, Alolan Ratatta family, Alolan Exeggutor
Drill Run: Type: Null family, Tapu Bulu, Buzzwole
Iron Head: Rockruff family, Mudbray family, Passimian, Type: Null family, Minior, Komola, Togedemaru, Jangmo-o family, Tapu Bulu, Guzzlord, Alolan Geodude family
Zen Headbutt: Rockruff family, Mudbray family, Stufful family, Type: Null family, Komola, Bruxish, Jangmo-o family, Tapu Bulu, Celesteela, Alolan Diglett family, Alolan Exeggutor
Aqua Tail: Type: Null family, Guzzlord, Alolan Ratatta family
Dragon Pulse: Type: Null family, Guzzlord
Seed Bomb: Rowlet family, Pikipek family, Fomantis family, Bounsweet family, Passimian, Dhelmise, Tapu Bulu, Guzzlord
Heat Wave: Rowlet family, Pikipek family, Oricorio, Drampa, Lunala, Celesteela
Earth Power: Minior, Turtonator, Celesteela, Guzzlord, Necrozma
Outrage: Toucannon, Yungoos family, Crabrawler family, Type: Null family, Tapu Bulu, Guzzlord, Alolan Exeggutor
Superpower: Incineroar, Passimian, Golisopod, Type: Null family, Komola, Jangmo-o, Tapu Bulu, Solgaleo, Pheromosa, Guzzlord, Marshadow, Alolan Geodude family
Gunk Shot: Litten family, Mareanie family, Pyukumuku, Guzzlord, Alolan Ratatta family
Skill Swap: Oranguru, Cosmog/Cosmoem
Synthesis: Morelull family, Bounsweet family, Pyukumuku, Dhelmise, Tapu Bulu, Celesteela
Pain Split: Oranguru, Sandygast family, Type: Null family, Mimikyu, Dhelmise, Tapu Lele, Nihilego, Alolan Vulpix family, Alolan Marowak
Gastro Acid: Mareanie family, Salandit family, Nihilego, Alolan Grimer family
Worry Seed: Rowlet family, Fomantis family, Morelull family, Bounsweet family, Comfey, Oranguru, Passimian, Dhelmise, Tapu Bulu, Celesteela
Trick: Salandit family, Oranguru, Passimian, Wimpod family, Mimikyu, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini, Alolan Ratatta family, Alolan Meowth family
Recycle: Wimpod family, Guzzlord, Magearna, Alolan Ratatta family, Alolan Grimer family
Magic Coat: Popplio family, Comfey, Oranguru, Type: Null family, Jangmo-o family, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini, Cosmog/Cosmoem, Nihilego, Pheromosa, Necrozma, Magearna, Alolan Vulpix family, Alolan Marowak
Magnet Rise: Type: Null family, Tapu Koko, Cosmog/Cosmoem, Nihilego, Celesteela, Kartana, Magearna, Alolan Raichu
Iron Defense: Bewear, Passimian, Pyukumuku, Type: Null family, Minior, Togedemaru, Dhelmise, Tapu Bulu, Buzzwole, Guzzlord, Alolan Geodude family
Heal Bell: Litten family, Cutiefly family, Comfey, Oranguru, Tapu Fini, Cosmog, Celesteela, Magearna, Alolan Meowth family
Tailwind: Rowlet family, Vikavolt, Cutiefly family, Oranguru, Lunala
Electroweb: Dewpider family, Togedemaru, Tapu Koko, Xurkitree, Alolan Raichu
Also, let's not forget that any of these moves a Pokemon learns via an Egg Move or a pre-evolution will probably be able to learn it via a Tutor as well. Also I was probably a bit too gracious, but that's the point of speculation.
Finally, a list of Gen VII moves I can see becoming teachable via the Move Tutor (or would like to see): Laser Focus, Liquidation, Lunge, & Speed Swap.
Actually, I think much like the TM list the Move Tutor list could also do with a rehaul. Some types are under represented and there are some moves on it I think are more design/type strict thus limiting the amount of Pokemon that can learn it. You might as well just give those Pokemon the move normally (or at least the ones it makes the most sense would have it) and replace it with a move that could be more widely distributed.