NOC Nomination Mafia Game Thread

His posts have more meat and substance to them then *pokerap voice* haruno hitmonleet earlio and king. This is concerning mainly because the case ive been told is on for tbz is he has no content, not doing anything towny etc which would be fine and dandy if this was actually true (it isnt) and why has this slot been tunneled down onto by so many when theres others slots doing what it is supposedly being lynched for? Tballs posts themselves are fine. Seriously read his iso.

and dude, if you actually read his ISO, you will notice that most of his posts dont contain shit related to the game at all. *newflash*, cos I actually read it before voting him, unlike you who announces that you're reading his iso like its a very spectacular thing to do

true, his posts have more meat than *pokerap voice* people who havent even post shit, but its like comparing a crate of rotten apples to a an empty crate lol. theres like 25% more apple in the rotten apple crate but that doesnt make it a good crate lmfao
apparently 180s are now "scum" instead of NAI tells, and apparently town can't reconsider their reads.

ok... mafia expert.. usher in the "new generation" of players with that fantastic mafia theory...

damn, its funny yet not funny at the same time

OK, because i dissed u, i'll give you this chance and see where this goes

No, the problem isn't that you made a 180, the problem I have is that you flipped faster than a pancake, with next to no explanation. As such, I'd like one.
serious reply: i didnt flip on hawkie, i still think he might be scum. but i read thunderballz iso and it was quite bad, and a higher chance of being scum than hawkie. like if you actually read my posts you would know. no pancakes involved
Nothing's cooler than talking in third person!
Memes aside I'm thinking that Sonic could be a town just trying really hard to not be lynched and making questionable plays along the way, but I'm not entirely sure of that.
Hawkie could be Mafia trying to look like aggressive town, it's what he did during the Vamps game (different circumstances, I know), so that's also a possibility. If either flips scum it's pretty obvious that the other is town.
Lol I actually have a lot of scum reads right now which is funny to me because usually I don't!

People who look really bad right now:

Granny Pie, Hitmonleet

Granny Pie is an awkward one because I really wanted Hawkie's read of being "too pure" to be right. But u look at his posts and it's just really repetitive and is strung with a lot of non-sequiturs/lines that look cute but don't say much that come off to me as misrepresenting him if that makes sense. I know the case laid out here isn't great, and I can expand since he doesn't have a lot, but yeah it just reads like typical "don't know what to do but trying to look good like everyone else since im mafia lol" to me.

Hitmonleet looks...terrible, but yet this is someone who historically I lean on the side of reading as scum anyways which is about the only thing saving him. Seriously, the questioning, "prodding activity" is rlly rlly bad and it's just such a tried and tested mafia strategy. I think it's something that almost subconsciously mafia default to because it's a great way of being "confrontational" when in reality it's a one-sided confrontation. Hitmonleet hasn't voted anyone in this game or provided reads on who he thinks is mafia yet wants other people to explain things all the time. It's a really bad look, and it's working me up so much I'm really tempted to vote him. The only thing stopping me is that again, it feels like this is just how he plays. I'm not sure, I might need to go take a look at popcorn again.

People who look bad to me but not so bad:

Hawkie, zorbees

zorbees looks bad because his #249 in response to everyone's "where is zorbees" reads super forced and generic (and then he follows up with a bandwagon vote on Tballz). It's not much but the lurking certainly has gotten me on alert re zorbs. King looks good as a result because he points this out btw in case anyone is wondering how I feel on King.

There is no doubt Hawkie has been the most active and yet...there's something that bugs me. The activity is a plus, he's definitely the driver of discussion. But his dismissal of granny pie worries me, and his focus on king/ms /asek (especially Asek) makes no sense to me (plus dropping zorbees early on from his "pool" even though zorbees has given no reason for him to do so. The asek thing bugs me because there's no mention of why aSek is bad, asek has hardly really been around for hawkie to continually return his vote to him. its like hawkie is just going in a circle coming back to asek and we've made no progress except waste time. the way in which hawkie has shaped discussion makes me feel like he's shifted it away/avoided what should be fairly obvious scumreads (e.g. leet, granny pie) and that's the sort of thing that super bothers me.

Vote granny pie

ill be around for a little while longer in case anyone wants to shoot the shit w/ me
Asek is taking a major backseat itg which is unlike them at least until their slot started pulling votes. I think the Haruno omgus is out of a need to get rid of him at some point and i don't get the sr on u either. However if asek is scum TBZ can't be since he wouldn't blatantly defend him like that.

the reads on jalmont/zorbees were very bread and butter also
dude im not trying "really hard" not to be lynched!!!! Dx
I must admit I'm finding it increasingly difficult to not vote for you.
To elaborate, while your posting style most definitely doesn't, your general play and lack of commitment to any lynches, even on wagons you created, points a bit more to self-persevering town over mafia, which would typically take a wagon and run with it. lmao
There is no doubt Hawkie has been the most active and yet...there's something that bugs me. The activity is a plus, he's definitely the driver of discussion. But his dismissal of granny pie worries me, and his focus on king/ms /asek (especially Asek) makes no sense to me (plus dropping zorbees early on from his "pool" even though zorbees has given no reason for him to do so. The asek thing bugs me because there's no mention of why aSek is bad, asek has hardly really been around for hawkie to continually return his vote to him. its like hawkie is just going in a circle coming back to asek and we've made no progress except waste time. the way in which hawkie has shaped discussion makes me feel like he's shifted it away/avoided what should be fairly obvious scumreads (e.g. leet, granny pie) and that's the sort of thing that super bothers me.

I've been pressuring my scumreads one by one I've stayed on Asek to push them to take a more active role itg
Granny Pie is still 1000% town and I'll stand by that forever Hitmonleet never pinged me until that post asking everyone in the game questions it reminds me of an NOC i was in with him where he done this D1 as scum Jalmont u were his partner in that game iirc
For whatever reason I'm not super satisfied by that answer (maybe half satisfied) but I can't really think of anything to say in response so I suppose I just let it slide for now.
ehhhh not really feeling the scumreads on leet. I get that his questions are "typically" a scumtell but i've seen town do that too and he's leaning on the town side for me

i'll lett you guys know if anything from him pings
I must admit I'm finding it increasingly difficult to not vote for you.
To elaborate, while your posting style most definitely doesn't, your general play and lack of commitment to any lynches, even on wagons you created, points a bit more to self-persevering town over mafia, which would typically take a wagon and run with it. lmao

you can release the pressure from yourself and vote me if you wish. pent up angst like that isnt good!

also, thanks for that, lmao. i dont know what to say, but thanks

king_(2): hitmonleet, tbz
tbz(2): metal sonic, zorbees
metal sonic(2): asek, earlio
asek(2): haruno, hawkie
hitmonleet(1): king
granny pie(1): jalmont
not voting(1): granny pie

vcs would be nice every once in a while u know
so, hawkie, now that asek has posted "stuff", what do you think of him now? any updates on your read on him? what do you think of his tbz read and read on me

I think he had an agenda with that spur of activity that was to redirect the lynch from TBZ to you. If they're both scum that's incredibly ballsy so I actually doubt it. I disagree with his read on u but we've had more interactions so it could just be a wrong read at the end of the day. I still think TBZ has a chance of flipping red in his last NOC where he was town he was a lot more forward and created points of discussion rather than just giving mindless commentary on setup spec which correct me if I'm wrong he's done quite a bit of D1.

on a side note i think I've said this already but I'm not reconsidering TR's until my SR's flip green so I'm never lynching Granny Pie Earlio or Haruno today
Haruno coming into a game and instantly scumreading asek/zorbees & proceeding to mindlessly tunel them due to scum-needing-a-good-player-meta or whatever he calls it just reeks of classic village haruno
Metal Sonic(2): Earlio, Asek
Asek(2): Hawkie, Haruno
Thunder~BALLZ(2): zorbees, Metal Sonic
King_(2): Thunder~BALLZ, Hitmonleet
Hitmonleet(1): King_
Granny Pie(1): Jalmont
Not Voting(1): Granny Pie

official(which is the same as the unofficial)