Fusion Evolution V2 (Submission Phase)

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Parents: Meganium + Manectric
Shared Egg Group: Field
Offspring Name: Megaman
New Typing: Grass/Electric
New Base Stats: 85/88/90/104/90/102
New Ability: Ion Overcharge (Overgrow + Static) When this Pokemon has 1/3 of it's health left, it's attacks always paralyze the opponent.
Notable Moves: Petal Dance, Energy Ball, Reflect, Light Screen, Ancient Power, Aromatherapy, Grassy Terrain, Ingrain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Thunder, Discharge, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Overheat, Toxic
Role Identification: Megaman can play a few different roles, with the some of the most notable being a fast sweeper, a great tank, or a utility-mon. It has fine Sp. Attack, but incase if it isn't enough, it's 90s in both defenses paired with 85 hp make it more likely that it can survive a hit, which if it does, it will most likely be under 1/3 health, which means that it can also paralyze the opponents if they can survive through one attack. It's defenses also allow it to run a defensive set, since it has access to Light Screen, Reflect, Leech Seed, Aromatherapy, and Grassy Terrain. It's speed combined with these moves also allow it to run a great utility set. If you don't think that it's stats are giving you the muscle you need on your team, then there is one other option you can go with...

Parents: Meganium + Manectric-Mega
Shared Egg Group: Field
Offspring Name: Mega Megaman
New Base Stats: 85/88/110/134/110/132
New Ability: Intimidate
Notable Moves: Same as base form
Role Identification: With speed above the average of 110, a powerful Sp. Attack, and sustainable defenses, what more could you want? It is a bit of a shame that it has it's ability replaced, but intimidate still works well on this mon, switch it in and it will be able to take physical attacks very well. All of the roles that this mon could use before, except for utility, are still viable, just in a slightly different way. While it isn't legal yet, it will once Manectite is accessible in game.
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Can't wait for the Zebstrika + Samurott fusion. This one's certain to be sheiking FE's ground.
Mew2king may have been exclusively memes, but Dabuz actually seems pretty good. I don't know if Zebstrika + Samurott could be that good.
On an unrelated note, I was going to do Manaphy + Golisopod, but >tfw it wouldn't get Cloud Nine
Ok, I'm getting better at this. Here are some new fusions that are both cooler and stronger than the last ones I made. I went for quality over quantity this time.


It does everything. The opposite of four moveslot syndrome.
Parents: Latias + Landorus
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Ladius
New type:

New base stats: 84 / 122 / 95 / 122 / 95 / 120
New ability and desc: Earth Force: Dorugons deals 33% more damage with, and takes 33% less damage from ground, rock, and steel type moves.
Notable moves: Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Defog, Dragon Dance, Earthpower, Earthquake, Focusblast, Ice Beam, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Light Screen, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Superpower, Recover, Rock Polish, Sludge Wave, Swords Dance, Surf, Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, U-turn, Waterfall

Role identification: Ladius is one of the most flexible and powerful pokemon you could ask for. Thanks to its ability and mixed offenses, it only needs two moves to threaten 90% of pokemon: Earthquake and Stone Edge. The other slots go to whatever coverage or support you want.

It has a long list of support moves, including stealth rock, thunderwave, knock off, and defog. You can run it as a sweeper or wall breaker using anything from its excessively long list of set up moves including bulk up, calm mind, dragon dance, and swords dance.


Not a terribly exciting fusion, but a very strong one.
Parents: Slowking + Venusaur
Shared egg group: Monster
Offspring name: Slowsaur
New type:

New base stats: 97 / 88 / 91 / 110 / 115 / 65
Mega base stats: 97 / 106 / 131 / 133 / 135 / 65
New ability and desc: Overgrow + Oblivious: Prevents damage from grass type moves.
Mega ability: Thick Fat
Notable moves: Calm Mind, Curse, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Fireblast, Giga Drain, Hidden Power, Ice Beam, Knock Off, Leech Seed, Scald, Slack Off, Sludge Bomb, Thunderwave, Toxic, Trick Room

Role identification: With 97 / 135 SP.def, and its only outstanding special weakness being poison, Mega Slowsaur acts as a specially defensive blanket check. A high special attack and wide move pool give it offensive presence as well. Dragon tail and thunderwave let it parashuffle without much concern. Access to calm mind and curse and great mixed defenses let it act as a win condition. If you want to save your mega slot for something else, regular Slowsaur still has 97 / 91 / 115 defenses with an immunity and a wide support move pool.


Compound Eyes + Quiver Dance + Hydro Pump
Parents: Vivillon + Keldeo
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Vivideo
New type:

New base stats: 90 / 62 / 70 / 120 / 80 / 112
New ability and desc: Compound Eyes + Justified
Notable moves: Giga Drain, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Quiver Dance, Roost, Secret Sword, Sleep Powder, Taunt, U-turn

Role identification: Vivideo is designed to have a perfect stab combo and the ability to quiver dance easily. Firstly, compound eyes gives hurricane 91% accuracy, and hydro pump 100% accuracy. Secret sword rounds off that coverage by taking out special walls and water/steel types. It has a good defensive typing with few weaknesses and resistance to both mach and bullet punch.
Vivideo doesn't have to be a one trick pony. It has 97% accurate sleep powder as well as roost and u-turn with which to support its team.
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Ok, I'm getting better at this. Here are some new fusions that are both cooler and stronger than the last ones I made. I went for quality over quantity this time.


All the powers of a Flygon, but better!
Parents: Flygon + Latios
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Flygon L
New type:

New base stats: 85 / 120 / 95 / 110 / 100 / 120
(+5 to all from double levitate, +20 Atk, + 10 Def, +10 Speed)
New ability and desc: Leviate
Notable moves: Calm Mind, Defog, Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Hidden Power, Ice Beam, Light Screen, Mementeo, Outrage, Recover, Stone Edge, Thunderbolt, Thunderwave, Toxic, U-turn

Role identification
: Better stats! More utlity! More coverage! Respectable 85/ 95/ 110 bulk gives a huge bolster to dragon dance and utility sets. In fact, its utility has increased even further thanks to the addition of light screen and thunderwave. A choice scarf set reveng/scouting set suddenly becomes usable again thanks to 120/110/120 offenses, and a greatly expanded special movepool. You can even run a mixed life orb set with earthquake, stone edge, draco meteor, and a filler move. And it doesn't even mega evolve yet.


The offensive regenerator pivot you have been waiting for.
Parents: Mienshao + Tornadus Therian
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Tornashao Therian
New type:

New base stats: 77 / 125 / 75 / 125 / 80 / 132
(+5 to all from double regenerator, +8 Atk, +18 SpA, +14 Spe)
New ability and desc: Regenerator
Notable moves: Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Calm Mind, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Fake Out, Focus Blast, Heatwave, Hidden Power, High Jump Kick, Hurricane, Knockoff, Poison Jab, Sludge Wave, Substitute, Superpower, Swords Dance, Taunt, U-turn

Role identification
: A fast offenisve pivot with excellent mixed coverage. Regenerator allows it to ignore hazard damage as well as life orb recoil, or even to switch into a few resisted hits. It has some tough choices in its moveset, having access to both very safe and very powerful moves. For example, for fighting coverage you can run aura sphere, drain punch, super power, focusblast, or high jump kick. Taunt and knock off are good tools against stall, with swords dance allowing it to wall break or just plain sweep.


It does everything.
Parents: Flygon + Landorus
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Dorugon
New type:

New base stats: 85 / 120 / 95 / 97 / 80 / 120
(+8Atk, 10 Def, +20Speed)
New ability and desc: Earth Force: Dorugons deals 30% more damage with, and takes 33% less damage from ground, rock, and steel type moves.
Notable moves: Bulk Up, Defog, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Fireblast, Hammer Arm, Hidden Power, Iron Tail, Knock Off, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Superpower, Rock Polish, Roost, Swords Dance, U-turn

Role identification
: I didn't plan on making a pokemon who does everything, yet here we are. I was just looking for a cool flygon fusion and accidentally brought together a perfect blend of movepools and abilities. It lays and removes hazards. It has your choice of setup win condition between bulk up, dragon dance, rock polish, and swords dance. Thanks to its ability, earthquake and stone edge are all the coverage it will ever need, so feel free to slap in some utility moves like knock off, stealth rock, or defog. Oh yeah, it has roost and u-turn if you are into either scouting or longevity.

Dorugon @ Life Orb / Leftovers / Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Earth Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Knock Off / Stealth Rock/ Hidden Power Ice
- U-turn / Rock Polish / Swords Dance / Defog

I think I'm done with flygon fusions now.
For the Mienshao + Tornadus-T and Flygon + Latios, you don't get a +5 to all stats for repeated ability. That only happens on non-DNA fusions.
Also, I don't get where the resistances to rock and steel come from on Dorugon's Earth Force.
Don't worry I didn't use Power Construct, this is much better

DNA Donors: Komala + Zygarde
Offspring Name: Komagarde
New Type: Normal/Dragon
New Base Stats: 106/107/100/80/100/86 (+20 HP, +7 Def, +2 SpA, +5 SpD, +6 Spe) BST: 579
New Ability: Status Break (Comatose + Aura Break): Status effects are reversed on this Pokemon. Immune to Freeze and Sleep, but Sleep Talk can be called without going to sleep
Burn= Heals 1/16 of max HP at the end of every turn, and doubles the damage of physical moves
Poison= Heals 1/8 of max HP at the end of every turn
Toxic= Heals 1/16 at the end of every turn, then 2/16, 3/16 and so on.
Paralysis= Doubles speed and no chance of being paralyzed
Notable Moves: Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Outrage, Thousand Arrows, Rapid Spin, Wood Hammer, U-Turn, Play Rough, Stone Edge, Sleep Talk, Dragon Tail, Facade, Swords Dance, Wish
Role Identification: Wow this thing is broken. With it's ability, it can easily run a Toxic Orb to heal HP very fast, or a Flame Orb to gain leftovers recovery and double power on physical moves. It gets STAB Extreme Speed, the best priority move in the game, as well as Dragon Dance, Thousand Arrows, Rapid Spin, and U-Turn. It can even run a gimmicky but effective sleep shuffle set with a choice scarf, sleep talk and dragon tail. This thing with a scarf outspeeds every pokemon without a scarf except for ninjask and deoxys-speed.

Parents: Dragonite + Kommo-o
Egg Group: Dragon
Offspring Name: Drago-o
New Type: Dragon/Flying
New Base Stats: 93/132/120/110/112/92 (+10 All) BST: 659
New Ability: Bulletproof Focus (Bulletproof + Inner Focus): Immune to all moves that have a flinch chance (without items) and moves that would be immune to Bulletproof
Notable Moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Extreme Speed, Fly (Supersonic Skystrike), Stone Edge, Brutal Swing, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Poison Jab, Brick Break, Clanging Scales, Draco Meteor, Hurricane, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Roost, Belly Drum, Bulk Up, Autotomize
Role Identification: Dragonite with better stats and coverage moves but no Multiscale, but in return it gets more immunities.

Remember how I said that Status Break was better than Power Construct? Well I was 100% wrong

DNA Donors: Komala + Zygarde-10%
Offspring Name: Komagarde-10%
New Type: Normal/Dragon
New Base Stats: 60/114/80/68/90/110 (+1 HP, +7 Atk, +12 Def,+20 Spe) BST: 522
New Ability: Coma Construct (Comatose + Power Construct): Combines the effects of Comatose and Power Construct
Notable Moves: Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Outrage, Thousand Arrows, Rapid Spin, Wood Hammer, U-Turn, Play Rough, Stone Edge, Sleep Talk, Dragon Tail
Role Identification: Outside of 100%, this functions similarly to Zygarde-10% but with much better options and a status immunity

DNA Donors: Komala + Zygarde-100%
Offspring Name: Komagarde-100%
New Type: Normal/Dragon
New Base Stats: 222/114/130/98/100/80 (+162 HP, +50 Def, +30 SpA, +10 SpD, -30 Spe) BST: 744
New Ability
: Coma Construct (Comatose + Power Construct): Combines the effects of Comatose and Power Construct
Notable Moves: Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Outrage, Thousand Arrows, Rapid Spin, Wood Hammer, U-Turn, Play Rough, Stone Edge, Sleep Talk, Dragon Tail, Coil, Swords Dance, Wish, Core Enforcer, Hyper Voice, Earth Power, Focus Blast, Sludge Wave
Role Identification: NO THIS THING IS BROKEN. 222/130/100 Defenses and a Status immunity is too much. It has three of the best attack boosting moves in DDance, Swords Dance, and Coil, along with STAB Extreme Speed, Thousand Arrows, Hazard Removal, Momentum, Wish Passing, and even a trend in BH called Comaphazing, which is a combination of Sleep Talk, Dragon Tail, and Comatose to use Dragon Tail without moving last, and even a usable special movepool for throwing your opponent off.

Try saying that 5 times fast

Parents: Togedemaru + Dedenne
Egg Group: Field/Fairy
Offspring Name: Togededemarunne
New Type: Electric/Fairy
New Base Stats: 76/88/70/70/80/108 (+10 All) BST: 492
New Ability: Cactus Spikes (Iron Barbs + Cheek Pouch): Heals 1/3 of pokemon's max HP when hit by a contact move or eating a berry. Healing will activate after damage is taken if the pokemon is alive.
Notable Moves: Zing Zap, U-Turn, Play Rough, Poison Jab, Aerial Ace, Wish, Spiky Shield
Role Identification: This thing is bad I only made it for the name.
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For the Mienshao + Tornadus-T and Flygon + Latios, you don't get a +5 to all stats for repeated ability. That only happens on non-DNA fusions.
Also, I don't get where the resistances to rock and steel come from on Dorugon's Earth Force.
Well that's disappointing. I'll update them, though I might remove them as they hinged somewhat on the free stats.

As for the earth force, it is a combination of sand force and levitate. Sand force boosts ground, rock, and steel moves. Levitate grants an immunity to ground. Rather than spread the immunity to all three which sounded broken, I met in the middle.
Well that's disappointing. I'll update them, though I might remove them as they hinged somewhat on the free stats.

As for the earth force, it is a combination of sand force and levitate. Sand force boosts ground, rock, and steel moves. Levitate grants an immunity to ground. Rather than spread the immunity to all three which sounded broken, I met in the middle.
Forgot that Landorus had sand force for some reason lol
Yes please. I didnt even realise. Is it the same for fusions that you submitted and have won?
Ye, all of them, this is how I did it, for DNA I averaged out and used the 40 points boost to fix .5 numbers, for example (60 + 75) / 2 would equal 67.5, so I'd add 2.5 points, for example.
In Non-DNA fusions I would either round up or down, chosing the one that felt more convinient but always ending with the average BST, if somehow the average BST would end up as a non-whole number, I'd round it up.
I know this thing I did may sound stupid but I found no info on rounding up or down, so I just assumed it could be done this way... If my method was not ok warn me and I'll edit Tapu Loom (my only winnig fusion) asap :]
Forgot that Landorus had sand force for some reason lol
lol I know right. Its so easy to forget sheer force is a HA since its the one everyone uses.

By the way, I just realized I should have asked someone this a while ago: When we do fusions of pokemon with therian forms, do we have to make fusions for both forms? Does the therian have the same stat boosts as the regular form?
lol I know right. Its so easy to forget sheer force is a HA since its the one everyone uses.

By the way, I just realized I should have asked someone this a while ago: When we do fusions of pokemon with therian forms, do we have to make fusions for both forms? Does the therian have the same stat boosts as the regular form?
I would assume not since you don't have to do so for Deoxys and both of them change forms outside of battle.


Intentional Femboy Penguin
is a Community Leaderis a Community Contributor
Community Leader
lol I know right. Its so easy to forget sheer force is a HA since its the one everyone uses.

By the way, I just realized I should have asked someone this a while ago: When we do fusions of pokemon with therian forms, do we have to make fusions for both forms? Does the therian have the same stat boosts as the regular form?
No, they count as two individual pokemon. This also means that by doing both you can only do four other fusions since the max per slate is 6


You humour me greatly with your arrogance and c...
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
No, they count as two individual pokemon. This also means that by doing both you can only do four other fusions since the max per slate is 6
I feel like you should be able to do either (regular, Incarnate or together). I mean, they are form changes after all.


Sugar, Spice and One For All
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
I feel like you should be able to do either (regular, Incarnate or together). I mean, they are form changes after all.
Showdown considers them seperate enough to tier differently, and they they are MUCH different from each other, so fusing them won't get the same or even similar results baring typing. Therefore they are counted differently.


Sugar, Spice and One For All
is a Community Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
I just realized, through all of these slates, we still do not have the infamous Venustoise 0-0
Its been submitted several times in the old thread. Personally I was waiting til Hidden Abilities are unlocked before dropping it.
This slate has some awesome abilities, decided to try to continue the trend


The cold-hearted queen summons really weird snow where she walks

Parents: Glaceon + Tapu Lele
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Lacele
New type: Ice - Psychic
New base stats: 77 / 72 / 92 / 140 / 105 / 100 (+10 HP, +10 SPA, +20 SPE) (BST: 586)
New ability and desc: Mystifice (Psychic Surge + Snow Cloak) - The user summons Hail and Psychic Terrain for 4 turns each. One of the effects will be boosted to 8 turns when the appropriate boosting item is held.
Notable moves: Aurora Veil, Psyhic / Psyshock, Blizzard, Shadow Ball, Substitute, Calm Mind, Taunt, Aromatherapy
Role identification: Lacele is a support pokemon at heart, but most support pokemon can't double their defenses, hit no-miss 100% accurate blizzards, or use base 120 pre-STAB special-wall-killers. Lacele also has 140 special attack, relatively decent bulk, and an above-average 100 base speed. Lacele's true power comes whenever it uses Aurora Veil, however, and doubles its bulk to allow it to survive super effective moves. Incredible spammable psychic STAB and no-miss powerful ice STAB, both off of a very high special attack, ensure that this fusion will deal huge damage back.

Lacele is not without downsides, however, as Ice / Psychic are both walled by the ever-common steel types, and Lacele has too many choices for an item slot; the terrain extender, light clay, and icy rock are all picks, and Lacele's ability means that it needs one of these three to be viable.

Edited to buff mystifice to 4 turns each, because 3 turns is bad


Garsona strikes with the force of wet paper

Parents: Golisopod + Kartana
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Garsona
New type: Water - Grass
New base stats: 87 / 153 / 135 / 59 / 60 / 95 (+20 HP, +20 SPE) (BST 588)
New ability and desc: Last Stand (Beast Boost + Emergency Exit)- At 50% or lower HP, the user's highest stat sharply raises, and the user cannot switch out (Whirlwind, Dragon Tail, etc will still force this pokemon to switch) (This boost/effect activates at the end of the turn).
Notable moves: Leaf Blade, Liquidation, Sucker Punch, Aqua Jet, Secret Sword, Leech Life, Smart Strike, Synthesis, Swords Dance, Substitute, First Impression
Role identification: If played right, you can take down the entire opposing team. If played wrong, at least Garsona went down with a fight. 153 base attack is a whole lot, and a free swords dance at 50% HP is awesome from any perspective. With the perfect stats to run assault vest and the move options to run reliable recovery (not at the same time, sadly), once Garsona gets hit meaningfully it will be incredibly hard to take down. The ability is a double-edged (paper) sword, though; once Garsona is at the stage of monstrous attack, there is no return. This is mitigated by Garsona's nice (but small) offensive movepool, as moves like Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch allow Garsona to get priority hits to finish off weakened targets.



Carogo is like your early-game bug, but catastrophic

Parents: Volcarona + Nihilego
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Carogo
New type: Bug - Poison
New base stats: 107 / 56 / 76 / 131 / 118 / 111 (+10 HP, +20 DEF, +10 SPE) (BST: 599)
New ability and desc: Catastrophe (Flame Body + Beast Boost) - If the user is burned, their highest stat is boosted by 30%. (The attack drop from burning is ignored, but the damage-over-time is not)
Notable moves: Bug Buzz, Protect, Quiver Dance, Sludge Wave (Sludge Bomb), Fire Blast / Flamethrower, Hurricane, Solar Beam
Role identification: Carogo shares a typing with some of the worst pokemon in the game, yet it is definitely one of the best in FE. Fully invested (modest included), burning Carogo will boost its special attack to what is equivalent to base 185. After that, Carogo can blast holes in the opposing team with powerful Fire / Poison / Bug coverage. Quiver Dance can be used as well, which gives Carogo enough sweeping potential to end the game. However, all 10 of the Heatran fusions do not help Carogo, and Carogo is heavily reliant on the flame orb successfully activating.

Edited to bring a nerf to the ability (50% -> 30%)


Pormor barfs through all of your non-special walls

Parents: Porygon-Z + Heatmor
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Pormor
New type: Normal - Fire
New base stats: 86 / 108 / 70 / 120 / 70 / 94 (+1 HP, +20 ATK, +2 DEF, +17 SPE) (BST: 538)
New ability and desc: Stuffed (Gluttony + Download) - The user always acts as if they have +3 on their stockpile counter, and moves that use it (Spit Up and Swallow) do not reduce it. (Apathy and Overwhelming Presence made it in somehow, this isn't game-breaking)
Notable moves: Spit Up, Swallow, Fire Blast / Flamethrower, Z-Conversion
Role identification: Pormor seems like a pretty pathetic fusion at a glance, with no notable stats besides a high special attack (and maybe speed), but after seeing the ability, Pormor is absolutely insane. A free 100% recovery move combined with a 300BP STAB move (The strongest ever in Fusion Evolution) make this munching monster a absolute nuke. 97 speed isn't super great, but faster than most of the walls that Pormor is created to obliterate. Pormor also lacks the bulk to use its boosted Swallow, especially against most offensive fusions. Lastly, Pormor can boost itself to oblivion with Z-Conversion, effectively destroying all of its previous counters at the cost of a fire STAB (and a reliable way to hit ghost-types and steel-types).

Edited Pormor to nerf its stats a little. Still a slayer of weak defensive mons (except ghost / steel / rock types lol), but no longer 140 SPA to KO them. I also nerfed the speed to 94 in order to fall behind the common base 95 offensive mons. 300 BP STAB remains, as that is the only reason to use this guy.


Theridel burns the opponent, even though it isn't a fire type

Parents: Chandelure + Landorus-Therian
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Theridel
New typing: Ghost / Ground
New base stats: 74 / 100 / 90 / 145 / 85 / 105 (+20 SPA, +20 SPE) (BST 599)
New ability and desc: Flaming Presence (Intimidate + Flame Body) - Upon switching in, this pokemon burns all opposing pokemon that can be burned. (This ability works like intimidate; if a pokemon gets it via skill swap etc, it will activate the ability)
Notable moves: Hex, Earth Power, Psychic, U-turn, Energy Ball
Role identification: A status spreader, a special nuke, and a physical tank rolled into one! Auto-burning allows Theridel to passively weaken a whole lot of fusions, and the attack halving effect means that Theridel is technically physically bulky. However, Theridel's key strength is its special attack. Combined with its auto-burning ability, 130 BP Hex coming off of 145 base special attack hits incredibly powerfully.

Of course, once Theridel KOs an opposing pokemon, the next one comes in unburned. In order to combat this, Theridel has U-turn and 100 base attack, which allows Theridel to snag a near-KO or simply pivot into something that can get rid of the Dark and Water types that make Theridel struggle.


Zygle's feeling hexadecimal

Parents: Zygarde-50% + Smeargle
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Zygle-0x32
New type: Dragon - Normal
New base stats: 101 / 60 / 78 / 50 / 70 / 105 (+20 HP, +20 SPE) (BST: 464)
New ability and desc: Tech Construct (Power Construct + Technician) - At <50% HP, this pokemon transforms into Zygle-0x64, and the strength of its attacking moves are boosted by 50%. (This change occurs exactly when <50% is reached, so it can occur in the middle of a turn.)
Notable moves: Outrage / Core Enforcer, Thousand Arrows, Sketch (Belly Drum, Z-Conversion, Transform, Wish, King's Shield, Z-Geomancy, Spore, Z-Sketch), ExtremeSpeed
Role identification: The goal of your single sketch slot is to make Zygle-0x64 as powerful as possible. Options include boosting your bulk, recovering your HP, boosting everything, changing your typing, and more! Your strategy on how to achieve this is up to you. An interesting thing is that you can sketch transform and steal someone's sweeper (very much like BH impostor chansey, but without the reliability).

Here's the big boy Zygle-0x64

Parents: Zygarde-Complete + Smeargle
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Zygle-0x64
New type: Dragon - Normal
New base stats: 209 / 60 / 78 / 60 / 70 / 95 (BST: 572)
New ability and desc: Hex Construct (Power Construct + Technician) - At <50% HP, this pokemon transforms into Zygle-0x64, and the strength of its attacking moves are boosted by 50%. (This change occurs exactly when <50% is reached, so it can occur in the middle of a turn.)
Notable moves: Outrage / Core Enforcer, Thousand Arrows, Sketch (Belly Drum, Z-Conversion, Transform, Z-Transform, Wish, King's Shield, Z-Geomancy, Spore, Z-Sketch)
Role identification: You've survived as a weak Zygle-0x32, and here you are. With impressive bulk, boosted offense stats thanks to Tech Construct, and usable speed, Zygle-Complete is a monster. With the right preparation in Zygle's 0x32 form, Zygle-Complete is unstoppable, as it can change into a different type, steal an opponent's pokemon, have turbo-boosted stats, or simply be played well. Once Zygle's power is boosted, STAB ExtremeSpeed and Core Enforcer wreck past most fusions that rely on their abilities or speed. If you prefer to trick the opponent, you can run transform (Z-Transform fully restores the user's HP) or a supporting move.

Zygle-0x64 is pretty weak without boosting beforehand, though, and it doesn't have the holy bulk that Zygarde-Complete usually gives (roughly 100 / 124 / 124 on Zygle-0x64). Zygle also relys on being unpredictable, and if the opponent predicts correctly, they can OHKO or force Zygle out. Zygarde's moveset also isn't fantastic for moves to convert into.

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How do fusions with Power Construct Zygarde 50%/10% work? Do they add a new form of the fusion at 50% HP? Is the new form's HP calculated by doubling it? Is it banned like Wishiwashi?
I have a minor addendum to that question:

How would this work with Minior and similar form changes?

Parents: Golisopod + Kartana
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Garsona
New type: Water - Grass
New base stats: 87 / 153 / 135 / 59 / 60 / 95 (+20 HP, +20 SPE) (BST 588)
New ability and desc: Last Stand (Beast Boost + Emergency Exit)- At 50% or lower HP, the user's highest stat sharply raises, and the user cannot switch out (Whirlwind, Dragon Tail, etc will still force this pokemon to switch) (This boost/effect activates at the end of the turn).
Notable moves: Leaf Blade, Liquidation, Sucker Punch, Aqua Jet, Secret Sword, Leech Life, Smart Strike, Synthesis, Swords Dance, Substitute
Role identification: If played right, you can take down the entire opposing team. If played wrong, at least Garsona went down with a fight. 153 base attack is a whole lot, and a free swords dance at 50% HP is awesome from any perspective. With the perfect stats to run assault vest and the move options to run reliable recovery (not at the same time, sadly), once Garsona gets hit meaningfully it will be incredibly hard to take down. The ability is a double-edged (paper) sword, though; once Garsona is at the stage of monstrous attack, there is no return. This is mitigated by Garsona's nice (but small) offensive movepool, as moves like Aqua Jet and Sucker Punch allow Garsona to get priority hits to finish off weakened targets.
I think your forgetting about Golisopod's signature move First Impression for the moves section. Afterall, a first turn 90 base power bug move that has priority gives some great coverage and is put to even better use than Golisopod has, since Garsona has a higher base attack stat.
I think your forgetting about Golisopod's signature move First Impression for the moves section. Afterall, a first turn 90 base power bug move that has priority gives some great coverage and is put to even better use than Golisopod has, since Garsona has a higher base attack stat.
Garsona isn't bug type so actually it doesn't do that much.
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