Can I reserve Fomantis? I've already written a bit about it just to try writing an analysis out, but its fine if I can't reserve it :)

Approved - OP
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How long will it be before doduo is availiable for an analysis? If it can be reserved now can I have it? If I need to wait till later let me know. If I need to be higher on the lc ladder I am currently laddering on my showdown account woofmasterarf and should be high enough soon.
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How long will it be before doduo is availiable for an analysis? If it can be reserved now can I have it? If I need to wait till later let me know. If I need to be higher on the lc ladder I am currently laddering on my showdown account woofmasterarf and should be high enough soon.
Although it seems to have been left out, Doduo is a pretty important analysis as it has become a big part of the meta, and it will probably be in High importance, meaning only certain users will be able to reserve it. Also ladder rank determines almost nothing regarding writing analyses well. If you want though, you can probably reserve a mon of medium importance :)
Although it seems to have been left out, Doduo is a pretty important analysis as it has become a big part of the meta, and it will probably be in High importance, meaning only certain users will be able to reserve it. Also ladder rank determines almost nothing regarding writing analyses well. If you want though, you can probably reserve a mon of medium importance :)

It that case I would like to reserve magby since no one seems to have done an analysis on it. It might be a while before I get started because I will be testing its sets.

Approved. Don't post more than once. - OP
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Just finished up my Fomantis skeleton and its currently in QC. Can I reserve Larvesta in the mean time?
No sorry currently, unless you are approved personally by the QC staff, you can only have 1 up at a time. But, when you make it to GP, you can claim it :)
I'm kind of confused about the situation regarding Rowlet, as I thought it was claimed. If it isn't, I'd like to trade in Chinchou for it. If it is then feel free to delete this post or whatever.
You can take Rowlet - OP

Edit: didn't want to double post but OP can i reclaim chin as I have Fletch in GP

Edit to the Edit: OP approved
[3:42 PM] how3an: also i asked for chin
[3:42 PM] how3an: on reservation thread
[3:42 PM] Condor: consider it aproved
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Just out of curiosity, when will low importance analyses be available to reserve?

That's still to be determined, but expect sometime after we start to run out of the more important analyses. Please use the thread for questions next time! - OP
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Seeing as how Mega-Pokebattlerz was able to reserve 2 at a time even though his analysis was only QC 2/3, while i'm waiting for my third check, could I claim Alolan Geodude?

I approved him for another analysis because he has some prior experience writing them and they've been pretty high quality. I'd like for you to get a bit more experience if you don't mind. - OP

Edit in response to OP: Ah, that makes more sense. One day, then :)
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can i drop buneary and pick up corphish? If not can I have Lickitung

you can do corphish - OP
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