Pokémon Necrozma

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I'm still confused why we have a Pokemon with 20 SpA higher than Atk but most of its movepool consisting of Physical attacks. However 107 Atk is not bad by any means so I thought that we could run a Physical set on it.


Necrozma @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Shadow Claw
- Brick Break / Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Brick Break / Swords Dance

Psycho Cut is Necrozma's only Physical STAB move. Shadow Claw is used to hit Ghost types that can threaten Necrozma & Psychic types that resist it's main STAB. The last two spots is mainly filler, Brick Break can be used to hit Dark types & Steel types together. However if you want to hit Steel types harder you could go for Earthquake. You can also run Stone Edge to hit Bug types, & to go along with Earthquake for near perfect coverage, but your left without something to hit Dark types. Swords Dance can be used if running Life Orb to set up for sheer power while also faking out the Sucker Punch.

Adamant can be run for sheer power, especially in conjunction with Choice Band. While Jolly can be used to outspeed full invested Base 70's, like Bisharp, Mega Heracross & Heatran.
Hold on, while it's true that Necrozma can't run any of these spreads due to requiring 3 perfect IVs:
  • 30/30/31/30/30/30
  • 31/31/30/30/30/30
  • 30/31/30/30/30/30
  • 31/30/30/30/30/30
  • 30/30/30/30/30/30
shouldn't it be able to run other IVs LESS than 30 in the 3 stats that aren't perfect and just bottlecap them up to perfect to pull an HP Fighting? Are there really no random spreads out there like 17/31/22/5/31/31 that produce HP Fighting that we simply didn't use until now because bottlecaps didn't exist, or does every single possible obscure variant of Hidden Power Fighting absolutely require 2 or less perfect IVs?
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Hold on, while it's true that Necrozma can't run any of these spreads due to requiring 3 perfect IVs:
  • 30/30/31/30/30/30
  • 31/31/30/30/30/30
  • 30/31/30/30/30/30
  • 31/30/30/30/30/30
  • 30/30/30/30/30/30
shouldn't it be able to run other IVs LESS than 30 in the 3 stats that aren't perfect and just bottlecap them up to perfect to pull an HP Fighting? Are there really no random spreads out there like 17/31/22/5/31/31 that produce HP Fighting that we simply didn't use until now because bottlecaps didn't exist, or does every single possible obscure variant of Hidden Power Fighting absolutely require 3 perfect IVs?

Unfortunately no. HP Fighting requires at least four even IV values, which means that the Pokémon needs to have at least four IVs with a maximum value of 30.

This little guide can help you determine the values for the various kinds of Hidden Power: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/696959-pokemon-x/67827372
I'm still confused why we have a Pokemon with 20 SpA higher than Atk but most of its movepool consisting of Physical attacks. However 107 Atk is not bad by any means so I thought that we could run a Physical set on it.


Necrozma @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Shadow Claw
- Brick Break / Earthquake
- Stone Edge / Brick Break / Swords Dance

Psycho Cut is Necrozma's only Physical STAB move. Shadow Claw is used to hit Ghost types that can threaten Necrozma & Psychic types that resist it's main STAB. The last two spots is mainly filler, Brick Break can be used to hit Dark types & Steel types together. However if you want to hit Steel types harder you could go for Earthquake. You can also run Stone Edge to hit Bug types, & to go along with Earthquake for near perfect coverage, but your left without something to hit Dark types. Swords Dance can be used if running Life Orb to set up for sheer power while also faking out the Sucker Punch.

Adamant can be run for sheer power, especially in conjunction with Choice Band. While Jolly can be used to outspeed full invested Base 70's, like Bisharp, Mega Heracross & Heatran.
All out Physical Necrozma sucks
Some useful Calcs:
252+ Atk Necrozma Psycho Cut vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Manaphy: 109-130 (31.8 - 38%) -- 94.5% chance to 3HKO
0 SpA Necrozma Psychic vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Manaphy: 118-141 (34.5 - 41.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252+ SpA Necrozma Psychic vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Manaphy: 160-189 (46.7 - 55.2%) -- 68% chance to 2HKO

0 Evs Psychic from Necrozma deals more damage than Max atk Necrozma's psycho cut
I'm absolutely loving this guy! I've only used a Stored Power set, and it catches so many people off-guard and they usually don't have much, if anything, to counter it barring a crit, me being badly poisoned, or (p)hazing. Of course, the set is a psychic mono-attacking set and is walled by dark types, but other than that, even Ultra Beasts fall to a set up Necrozma.

Necrozma @ Leftovers
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 104 Def / 8 SpA / 144 SpD
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonlight
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Iron Defense

I'm sure the EV spread can be optimized, but it works for me and outspeeds the more defensive Marowak-A I see (unless it just naturally outspeeds; I haven't checked). I've found Celesteela to be the most common and easiest setup fodder, and their leech seed doesn't bother me at all. Toxapex is also really good, if they don't carry Toxic or Haze (only saw that once). Thanks to its ability, even super-effective hits that don't do more than 50% are safe most of the time (well, if it's a physical hit) and you can just continue to set up through the pain-turned-tickle attacks by the opponent. Dark types are a problem, but team preview lets you see and prioritize them. Buzzwole is one problem, as is Kartana, but only if you haven't started setting up when they hit the field. If your opponent has Greninja, and doesn't know your set yet or just a little, hope it's Protean and changes type thinking you are going to switch out and throws out Spikes or something (but teammates should be the ones to get rid of it). Xurkitree, as long as it doesn't have Tail Glow, and you've already gotten a CM up isn't too scary. Magearna is a problem. Fleur Cannon eats through your defenses unless you've already set up once. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys more, as I'm certain you know more than I the various threats and checks; I only wish to share what I've found to be one of my favorite things so far.

Of course this isn't the best set out there, but it's fun and rather easy to do. The four major counters or checks are meant for your other 5 'mons to deal with, so the argument that this set is terrible and I shouldn't use it isn't really all that valid. Nothing is valid when viewed in a vacuum.

Mono-attacking set with one psychic attack is not usually expected and can win games on its own, but it has a few major downsides in the forms of dark types, (p)hazing, Toxic, and crits. Once you start setting up, you can usually take out half a team or more before going down. No, it's not the best set out there. Yes, it is one of the more fun ones to use.

Finally post #666, the post of the beast. Fitting seeing as this guy is rather beastly.
For the most part, I can't see what Necrozma brings to the table as a pokemon that other pokemon don't do better, unless you are in the oddly specific scenario of needing a bulky psychic, but also needing a rock setter in the same package. It hits reasonably hard, but has no movepool to speak of. It has only okay special bulk, and even with reduced damage, a weakness to bug seems like it might be a big deal in the coming meta. If Necrozma's attacking stats were swapped, it would be a much happier camper, as its physical movepool isn't quite as bad. Moonlight is shaky as a recovery option with sand, rain, and a possible new hail meta running amok, meaning it needs a teammate to control weather, or else loose the reliable recovery against a good chunk of teams.

I see Necrozma working as a very average, flexible, and bulky 'mon. I could see it dumping speed, and working as a bulky, mixed tank, but I'm not sure there is much room in the meta for such a wishy-washy style.
Necrozma's best hope is that it sinks to UU where it can statbrick better. I can't see it sinking lower than that, as while it certainly has a Kyurem-tier movepool, it has better typing, and a better support movepool.
I've had a bit of success with the support Rocks set. Fully specially defensive, since a lot of the hard hitters in the current meta are special

Necrozma @ Leftovers
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy / Calm Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave / Toxic
- Earthquake / Moonlight
- Psychic

It's bulkier than you'd think:

252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Landorus Earth Power vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma: 177-211 (44.5 - 53.1%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Greninja Dark Pulse vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 170-201 (42.8 - 50.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Aegislash-Blade Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 186-220 (46.8 - 55.4%) -- 17.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 Atk Genesect U-turn vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 240-283 (60.4 - 71.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma: 181-214 (45.5 - 53.9%) -- 3.9% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa U-turn vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 230-271 (57.9 - 68.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Necrozma in Electric Terrain: 179-212 (45 - 53.4%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Mega Alakazam Shadow Ball vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 127-151 (31.9 - 38%) -- 0.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

And just an example of bulk based on a move that's been commonly seen for a while (whether or not the set is that common now):

252 Atk Landorus-T Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Necrozma: 175-207 (44 - 52.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

I know these calcs don't have Stealth Rock factored in, but Necrozma isn't going to really counter all the threats, it's more of a support mon that serves as a temporary check or can take a hit in a pinch.

Yeah so I don't necessarily think it's gonna be an OU staple but I think it can be a pretty decent rocker. Maybe won't hold OU usage but may find a niche anyway. I guess we'll see as the meta changes and settles.
Is there a consensus on good natures for this thing? Should specially offensive sets (like a rock-setter attacker set) run Timid, or is it slow enough that you're better off just going for tanky Modest builds?
To me, weakness policy seems like a no-brainer. Necrozma has great bulk to compliment its ability, which lets it take only 3/4 damage from super effective hits. Because of this, Necrozma can comfortably get +2. The downside to this of course is lack of coverage. Necrozma has no quick and reliable way to deal with dark type pokemon, and in general, has a pretty whacky movepool which is tough to compliment, given the fact that it lacks a 2nd STAB. Stored power with automotize and weakness policy has merit, but again, lack of dark coverage means it's checked very easily.

Necrozma is a jack of all trades, but a crappy jack of all trades at that. There's nothing it can really excel in over another pokemon. It doesn't want to set rocks, it doesn't want to switch in and counter, it doesn't want to sponge hits. All this mon really wants to do is stay in the corner of the meta, relatively untouched and unexplored. Until the tiering process is complete and the meta is settled, I can't see Necrozma becoming anything special. Can't wait to see what sets people will start using on this bipolar beast Q(o.oq)
Also tried calm mind but with a bit of a different set

Necrozma @ Darkinium Z
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Dark Pulse
- Flash Cannon
- Calm Mind

Black Hole Eclipse is a pretty sick move as it punishes Aegislash heavy for switching in, as well as doing a decent chunk to most other mons if you need a nuke.

(Quotes post-aegi ban)

Why Darkinium Z? Does Psychinium Z-Calm Mind not give you anything? Z-Stealth Rock even gives you +1 Defense, if i'm not mistaken.

Anyway - I think another way Nec' can be used is Rocky Helmet. This, in combination with Prism Armour (Filter) I think would let you punish Uturn efficiently. Observe:

Necrozma @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 40 SpA / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Thunder Wave
- Moonlight
- Stealth Rock

252+ Atk Life Orb Scizor U-turn vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 181-216 (45.4 - 54.2%) -- 48.8% chance to 2HKO

252+ Atk Life Orb Pheromosa U-turn vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 189-224 (47.4 - 56.2%) -- 85.2% chance to 2HKO

252 Atk Life Orb Tapu Koko U-turn vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 101-121 (25.3 - 30.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

252+ Atk Gliscor U-turn vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 76-90 (19 - 22.6%) -- possible 5HKO

252+ Atk Gliscor Knock Off vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 70-84 (17.5 - 21.1%) -- possible 5HKO


This, in tandem with SR, can deny a LOT of safe momentum - as on average one would be taking north of 30% to Uturn out, and then come back in to threaten partners later.
I prefer Leftovers; I think the extra longevity is more consistently useful for Necrozmas role as a tank. Rocky Helmet may be useful in some matchups, but there will be some in which it isn't necessarily hit with a contact move like U-turn. Unlike Lando-T, it's not necessarily used to only check big time physical attackers, and for example Scizor doesn't have to U-turn, it can also SD up. The other thing is that the current meta is still fairly specially oriented. Maybe in the future Rocky Helmet would be a more consistent choice.

Also, I think Psychic should be the STAB of choice over Psyshock. It is stronger overall and hits Lando-T and other rockers like Garchomp harder. SpD drops are also a potential bonus that Psyshock doesn't offer.
Is there a consensus on good natures for this thing? Should specially offensive sets (like a rock-setter attacker set) run Timid, or is it slow enough that you're better off just going for tanky Modest builds?
Generally,I prefer 240 timid So that Necrozma can out speed and ko max speed heatran,bisharp,breloom and Mega Heracross and also to outspeed the Admant variants of Mega-Altaria and Dragonite which are common but max HP Modest Necrozma is viable as well but u generally are gonna run a mixed set with offensive Necrozma and u have to lower ur Spdef or defense nature so u can run it effectively.So i would say 240 Spe+ is better.
I think this thing can actually pull off stored power sweeps late game as it just has the right amount of bulk and a fantastic ability for a defensive mon, also having iron defense is impressive too, all it needs is being status immune, and removal of dark types both of which can be accomplished by using tapu fini intelligently. Also, a steel trapper like magnezone could help too taking out stuff like whirlwind skarm, scizor, ferro.
Other sets are pretty unimpressive though as it doesn't have the special movepool to pull off a offensive set, also psychic is a pretty bad defensive typing for a stealth rocker, asking to set up on by multitude of pokemon.(Though it gets thunder-wave)
Necrozma @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm / Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 31 Atk
- Stored Power
- Toxic / Brick Break / X-Scissor / Night Slash / Charge Beam
- Iron Defense
- Moonlight

Weakness Policy + one Iron Defense up
252+ Atk Technician Scizor-Mega Bug Bite vs. +2 252 HP / 0 Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 135-159 (33.9 - 39.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (140 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Scizor-Mega: 185-218 (53.7 - 63.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Weakness Policy with no Iron Defenses up
252+ Atk Life Orb Pheromosa Lunge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 289-341 (72.6 - 85.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Pheromosa Bug Buzz vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Prism Armor Necrozma: 253-300 (63.5 - 75.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 0 SpA Necrozma Stored Power (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Pheromosa: 1130-1332 (399.2 - 470.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
I've seen Weakness Policy ideas thrown around the thread and I can confirm that Necrozma uses it beautifully with Stored Power. With a proper setup opportunity - easily done with Iron Defense and Moonlight - anything that isn't a Dark-type is going to find itself having a very bad day if they trip the Policy. And with the Sassy nature handling SpD, it only needs one Iron Defense up to become a living wall (though extra Iron Defenses means stronger Stored Power too!), and physical attackers cease to be an issue after three Iron Defenses even if they're super-effective. The second move depends on what you want Necrozma to cover; bare in mind there's certainly more options than what's listed, but these are some of the better ones.

There's a few things to watch out for though. Bisharp is untouchable on the Toxic set, and Sableye and Spiritomb are untouchable on the Brick Break set, so you'll want something else on the team to deal with those if you run those moves. Powerful special attackers don't care about Iron Defense, so Stored Power needs to be built up to get rid of them quickly. Foul Play also needs to be watched out for as it can potentially OHKO after Stealth Rock if Weakness Policy is triggered beforehand; make sure Iron Defense is up before a Foul Player comes in.
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Any merit in running Red Card? Switch in, boost, red card, free boost. I mean, you can always get unlucky, so I guess you could force in something that you really don't want to have in, but it feels like it would be more "fool proof" than Weakness Policy, if outright weaker in certain circumstances.
For Calm/Sassy sets, I don't understand why you would run Sassy over Calm? Isn't it better to reduce a stat you won't use?
For Calm/Sassy sets, I don't understand why you would run Sassy over Calm? Isn't it better to reduce a stat you won't use?
He has Brick Break as an option for Bisharp, it's a physical attack so he would use his attack and calm would be detrimental.
A lot of people have been writing off physical variants, but it seems like a waste to limit his already small movepool. It's unfortunate that Necrozma doesn't get any +Atk boosts (besides Weakness Policy), but I want to do some calcs (maybe after work) to see if a physical set isn't salvageable.

Also, wouldn't X-Scissor be a better choice for dark coverage, since it doesn't get walled by ghost multi-types? I get that it doesn't hit Bisharp for SE but Bisharp is hardly the only threat in the metagame.
A lot of people have been writing off physical variants, but it seems like a waste to limit his already small movepool. It's unfortunate that Necrozma doesn't get any +Atk boosts (besides Weakness Policy), but I want to do some calcs (maybe after work) to see if a physical set isn't salvageable.

Also, wouldn't X-Scissor be a better choice for dark coverage, since it doesn't get walled by ghost multi-types? I get that it doesn't hit Bisharp for SE but Bisharp is hardly the only threat in the metagame.
I agree that X-Scissor and maybe Night Slash are probably better attacking options, but with stuff like Aurora Veil running rampant (and probably will be for a while even after the Pokebank update happens) I figured being able to smash through screens and let teammates deal with Ghosts would be better. Either way, I edited my post to include some more options for the second move; the coverage Necrozma gets is surprisingly diverse. Charge Beam might even be workable with its bulk and the increased oomph on Stored Power, or maybe even Thief after Weakness Policy goes off to screw with the opponent (imagine stealing Leftovers on a bulky set!).

As for purely Physical Necrozma... I'm not feeling it.
Necrozma @ Leftovers
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Brick Break
- Night Slash
- Moonlight

Necrozma @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Brick Break
- Night Slash
- Autonomize

Necrozma @ Assault Vest
Ability: Prism Armor
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Brick Break
- Night Slash
- Earthquake
252 Atk Life Orb Pheromosa U-turn vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 166-199 (49.4 - 59.2%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO
Pheromosa does half its HP and jumps out before it can even retaliate.

252 Atk Life Orb Kartana Night Slash vs. 4 HP / 252+ Def Prism Armor Necrozma: 136-162 (40.4 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Necrozma Brick Break vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kartana: 114-136 (44 - 52.5%) -- 16% chance to 2HKO
Unless you get some really good rolls or have Stealth Rock up, Kartana wins due to speed.

252+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Necrozma: 187-222 (55.6 - 66%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Necrozma Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 218-258 (77.5 - 91.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Tapu Koko's Electric Terrain gives its electric moves the extra punch they need to twoshot, though Necrozma could pull it out if Stealth Rock is up.

252+ SpA Life Orb Tapu Lele Moonblast vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Necrozma: 164-192 (48.8 - 57.1%) -- 95.3% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Necrozma Smart Strike vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tapu Lele: 170-200 (60.4 - 71.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Try as it might, Necrozma can't beat down Tapu Lele before it goes in for the kill.
It can run a 3 Phys. Attack + Recovery set or an Assault Vest set both with perfect coverage, but the lack of a defense-boosting move means it will easily get whittled down without making much of a dent unless something trips Weakness Policy on the first exchange of blows. It otherwise struggles to get any respectable strength without Stored Power or Calm Mind, and while Prism Armor is good, it's not great and requires a heavy defensive investment and recovery move to really shine - and it needs the bulk due to sitting on a deadzone Speed tier that doesn't work reliably with either Autonomize or Trick Room.
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Physical sets are just garbage. Not to say Earthquake doesn't have a niche, but psycho cut, night slash, etc. are stupid options. Don't think it can really do anything besides rocks and t-wave until tutors come out, that could potentially give it some decent options. I think it could be UU simply because it's not very threatening. I think lower than that and it will be able to brute force its way past shortcomings with specs or something.
I've seen more than a few people run Alolan Ninetales just to throw up Aurora Veil on the first turn despite not having any other Ice-types, simply because dual screens on turn 1 is busted as hell. Hail teams have also been on the rise now that they actually have a niche in Aurora Veil and Slush Rush, and the other Ability-weather setters in Gen 7 have a lot of glaring weaknesses to current metagame threats. Get used to people having that ice shield, because I don't think it's going anywhere even after Pokebank brings back the scarier weather setters.

Back on topic for Necrozma, attempting to run a coverage-based moveset is a Catch-22. Sets that allow the use of Moonlight don't have the defense boost of Assault Vest and will invalidate the recovery after one decent hit. Assault Vest sets can't heal and despite the added bulk will get finished off by the next 'Mon that comes in. Running Autonomize with a Weakness Policy will put out some pain, but will fall flat as soon as anything with a high Base Speed / Choice Scarf / Priority move appears since Necrozma needs to take a SE hit first.

Simply put, Necrozma can't put out any lasting pressure on a pure-offense setup. It's a great supporter and/or setup sweeper, but a coverage sweeper it ain't. This may change if it gets some new Special Attack toys from Move Tutors in the future, but for now it'll have to work what what it's got.
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A lot of people have been writing off physical variants, but it seems like a waste to limit his already small movepool. It's unfortunate that Necrozma doesn't get any +Atk boosts (besides Weakness Policy), but I want to do some calcs (maybe after work) to see if a physical set isn't salvageable.

Also, wouldn't X-Scissor be a better choice for dark coverage, since it doesn't get walled by ghost multi-types? I get that it doesn't hit Bisharp for SE but Bisharp is hardly the only threat in the metagame.
Brick Break hits Ttar,Heatran,weavile,Bisharp,Ferrothorn and Magnezone much harder and x-scissor hits so weak even against Multi Ghost types.
i just caught a bold necrozma and want to use either the calm mind or defensive set with stealh rock/t-wave, etc..mine has a crappy IV spread though (31/31/30/10/22/8), and i was wondering if i should keep or SR? What do you guys think? how important is it to have 0 atk IVs? if i calm mind, i know that crappy SpA can be mended a but should i just reset for another bold or stick with what i have?
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