Pokémon GO

well In the case of the 7 spawned at once I HAD to catch 2 of them to get to a Squirtle.
I do actually need ALL the dust from everything, but did ignore all the rubbish.
Regarding Speed stat, it is their stat transformation to GO that should be revamped. I'm obviously sad to know Espeon will be... well, at least still better than Jolteon, but still....

Anyway, after this event is over, I do still hope cluster spawn is still a thing. If I recall correctly, wasn't there a brief period after the daily bonus update (where despawn timer is also set to 30 min) and before this event and during that people already report 'cluster spawn' thanks to increased timer?

Also, this is crazy.The event made me stockpile so many better balls. I had burnt my better potions to put my paladin Clefable yesterday, but now they're back at somewhat stable number of +/- 140 Hi+Max Potions. Now have like 80 Ultra? Balls and 110 Great Balls. Even had to reduce space allocation for berries to better the supplies.
cluster spawn has always been there, I found one that spawned 5 a few months ago, they have always existed, especially in nests.

they should really add better moves for psychic tbh.. most powerful is 55... same with fighting cross chop is only 60
Holy shit, defeating level 10 gyms solo is so easy right now. I can't imagine how fast it is if you have a friend tagging along. I even saw a level 10 red gym that has been up since the beginning of the game get taken down yesterday. Normies are catching on. I fear my level 10 gym will get taken down soon.
Well, yeah, it is officially over. All my stagnant gyms were brought down. Kinda sad, but I suppose it is just fate, for the sacred ritual of Pokemon battle and the health of the meta and game itself. It is just about time until Lv10 gym exist no more. At least I managed to have double Pokemon box and one bag upgrade, so I hope this is enough for the next generation.

(... to be honest, there is one fairly inaccessible gym I still have my Nidoqueen in)
Seriously, why mess with the prestige formula? That was the one thing they didn't have to do, it would leave the building of a gym just as difficult as taking one down. Both can take the same amount of time and resources this way and you are not demotivated to do any of these two things, alone or with friends. In fact, it was already easier to take gyms down than build them up, but since people aren't playing the game due to lack of content, people weren't contesting gyms. If there were active players then it would be feasible for multiple players to attack gyms and bring them down easily (talking about the old system here). But rather than create incentives for that, Niantic just tightened the pants around their heads and did number tweaks AGAIN just like the halloween 'event'. So rather than creating any content, they just tipped the scales because thats all they know how to do. Even for this 'daily bonus celebration event!' all they did was bump up some more numbers. The only thing they seem to know how to do is change numbers to different numbers.
I saw a guy terying to level a level 9 gym half full of junk CP. and he just gave up...
I took a level off, but they really need to sort out these bloody delays on switches.
I did find a gym in a building site near a busy road, that is stupidly hard to access, had to switch WI-FI off to get the GPS to walk me there... it was putting me in the wrong spot in the first place, hopefully I can keep that for a while.
getting rather fed up of gyms being taken down now, they dont actually get time to level up, and are all full of high CP stuff that means using stuff that adds naff all prestige pretty sure Ninatic did this so people cant claim loads of free coins.
so todays stuff. these spawns are complete nonsense, worked out around the area of the 5 pokestops around the supermarket... there are a possible 15-20 spawns.... yet in the city there are enough pokestops to fit the demand.. I think they messed up with that a little.
but had a good day at nests taking advantage of all these spawns... farmed some growlithe... then evolved the wrong freaking one :( (still ended up with 1807 cp and best moveset, only 71% iv.. rather then the one that would reach 1998 with 73%), also caught a few Abras (rubbish iv) a pikachu.. which is always nice, a Rhyhorn.. again nice, and went to an exeggcute nest.. which, like the growlithe nest, wouldn't be worth the visit without these boosted spawns, first catch.. 801 CP 91% IV :D, caught 2-3 more before leaving, as I said it was one of those few spawn an hour nests, there was another one I couldn't find. glad I ignored it though, because getting home, Lapras on Nearby... (it than vanished off nearby behind other rubbish when i got near it... the issue with these spawn spams) but it was there in-front of me anyway. only 2196 CP with dragon pulse... 53% IV (15 defence) so still very valuable oh and 1 ultraball, missed the circle as well
also a perfect moveset 75% Slowbro at 1797.. giving me a few more things to sit in gyms.
Haha, I find it truly enjoying to read your stories. You write in such a nice anecdotal way, thanks for that.

Back on topic, I'm hesitating. Should I spend a few bucks on this game so I can expand my Pokemon storage a bit? I'm coming to the point where I want to do some Pidgey evolving again, but I just don't have space for it. I also don't have any Lucky Eggs, so it would be pretty pointless without those. I rarely do gyms so I can't really rely on that. What should I do?
Haha, I find it truly enjoying to read your stories. You write in such a nice anecdotal way, thanks for that.

Back on topic, I'm hesitating. Should I spend a few bucks on this game so I can expand my Pokemon storage a bit? I'm coming to the point where I want to do some Pidgey evolving again, but I just don't have space for it. I also don't have any Lucky Eggs, so it would be pretty pointless without those. I rarely do gyms so I can't really rely on that. What should I do?
I expanded my Pokémon storage to 400 and bag to 900. No regrets.
I was thinking of making my bag 400 once I get enough coins on friday since I plan to go to a nearby mall to restock my bag up during the event. I also eventually need to get coins for a box storage upgrade though, and I could use some incubators as i'm once again stuck with 9 5ks.
I expanded to 650, because of the event, and needing to IV check, end up with 1000+ cp keepers (training) and the possible 80%ers.
loving the spawns effect on nests though, manged to evolve my clefairy, on the overflow from the most Bizarre nest ever.
it isn't... although a snorlax spawned nearby :D
turns out it was rather rubbish... 1464 CP is too high for training as well :(
I'm experiencing quite an annoying bug. I switched my buddy earlier (from Lapras to Weezing), and whenever the circle fills up the counter goes back to 0km and I don't earn a Koffing candy. Already tried switching. Anyone else experiencing this?
no idea.. check Journal just in case you missed it.
caught Pinsir today 1558 cp.. Rock Smash and Vice grip... not even usable... whoever designed movesets needs to be fired.
There should be a move tutor in this game. Like you pay 50 candies of the Mon to teach a quick move, 100 to teach a charge move. That way, you still need to catch a lot of Pokémon but at least you have a fulfilling reward with a perfect moveset Pokémon.
Do you guys think niantic will update the pokemon that got bst buffs in S/M? Most of the buffs were to irrelevant pokemon, but a big one in particular was eggy getting +10 to sp. def. Which would inflate its already large max cp.
no idea... but I found a Porygon today... not seen one for ages, much needed candy for Porygon 2 i guess.
and gyms are still stale.. now people are not bothering because they can't hold them long enough.. because its only realistic to get them to 4.
woo GPS went glitchy and I hatched a 2K egg by adding 600m over a few hours of sitting around in the house.. and hatched... Pikachu \o/ thats my 4th Pikachu.. hatched 2 caught 2... (same as Grimer.. i see more grimers then pikachus lol)
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There should be a move tutor in this game. Like you pay 50 candies of the Mon to teach a quick move, 100 to teach a charge move. That way, you still need to catch a lot of Pokémon but at least you have a fulfilling reward with a perfect moveset Pokémon.

Move tutor, a new item that lets you change room, paying stardust to change a move. Pretty much any way that lets you change moves would be highly desired.

Do you guys think niantic will update the pokemon that got bst buffs in S/M? Most of the buffs were to irrelevant pokemon, but a big one in particular was eggy getting +10 to sp. def. Which would inflate its already large max cp.

To be honest I don't know. I can imagine them not doing it, since they seem to prioritise their own random list of tasks like discouraging people from playing whilst on buses and using third party software instead of being true to the games. We're still waiting for the big changes like trading and second generation that we know have been coming for a while, and other really desired features like changing your moves and a reworked battle system. Can't see them prioritising stats over this when nobody's asking for it. It's not like this will affect gameplay anyways - Def/SpD doesn't make much difference to CP anyways so Exeggutor will still be roughly as good as it was before.

and gyms are still stale.. now people are not bothering because they can't hold them long enough.. because its only realistic to get them to 4.

I couldn't be bothered to level a gym up to level 5 from level 4 to deposit a Pokemon yesterday. Levelling up one gym to level 4 from level 3 was enough to put me off levelling gyms. It took twice as long as what it did previously thanks to that prestige change (6 battles as opposed to 3). It was more frustrating than what it should have been. In part because I do wonder why they decided to introduce this change since I can't imagine anyone enjoying it. I do enjoy the quicker time to take down gyms though - I enjoy faster times for everything.

I share your view of not bothering to level up gyms and just aim at taking down gyms. That's already happening back at home. Most of the gyms that were once stable level 10s in my neighbourhood have been taken down completely.
I level them up because they don't get stupidly high, and can still add 800+ a battle, which on gaps of 2000 isn't that bad.
but a fair few gyms on the tram network are 7+ again.
adding +10 SpDef would wouldn't do much imo, given its to the 1/2 power in a calculation so if anything it would add less then 50 cp.
day 7 capture daily reward is immense.
3100 stardust O.O loads of exp.
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I level them up because they don't get stupidly high, and can still add 800+ a battle, which on gaps of 2000 isn't that bad.
but a fair few gyms on the tram network are 7+ again.
adding +10 SpDef would wouldn't do much imo, given its to the 1/2 power in a calculation so if anything it would add less then 50 cp.
day 7 capture daily reward is immense.
3100 stardust O.O loads of exp.

I'm getting about 350 CP per battle :( That's with Pokemon that are about the same CP as the gym's highest Pokemon
330 to 350 because of a weak Pokémon. Bubblestrat doesn't work that well anymore and the effort to build up a gym isn't worthy. I just go, get a gym, put my Mon and my wife's there, we both collect the 10 coins and call it a day.