The Most Facepalm Worthy Thing You Have Done in All of Pokémon


Last night, while playing X, I went out on Route 10 and caught an Eevee. Intending to turn it into a Sylveon, I named it Sylvie. I played with it on Pokémon-Amie until I got the two hearts, then levelled it up.

Then I noticed Sylvie was a male. FML.

tl;dr: I am now the proud owner of a male Sylveon named Sylvie.

Last night, while playing X, I went out on Route 10 and caught an Eevee. Intending to turn it into a Sylveon, I named it Sylvie. I played with it on Pokémon-Amie until I got the two hearts, then levelled it up.

Then I noticed Sylvie was a male. FML.

tl;dr: I am now the proud owner of a male Sylveon named Sylvie.
To be expected with a 1/8 female ratio

Last night, while playing X, I went out on Route 10 and caught an Eevee. Intending to turn it into a Sylveon, I named it Sylvie. I played with it on Pokémon-Amie until I got the two hearts, then levelled it up.

Then I noticed Sylvie was a male. FML.

tl;dr: I am now the proud owner of a male Sylveon named Sylvie.

Debated whether to post all the feminine looking Pokemon which has a possibility of being male.

But hey, Sylvie sounds gender neutral and can't guys be allowed to be fabulous? :P

Last night, while playing X, I went out on Route 10 and caught an Eevee. Intending to turn it into a Sylveon, I named it Sylvie. I played with it on Pokémon-Amie until I got the two hearts, then levelled it up.

Then I noticed Sylvie was a male. FML.

tl;dr: I am now the proud owner of a male Sylveon named Sylvie.

That reminds me of when I first played Alpha Sapphire, and I picked Mudkip, as I had never used one. I thought my noob days were over, but they really weren't when I decided to name the Mudkip MuddyMudkip. Yes, it was named MuddyMudkip (cue facepalms). I wasn't until about half an hour later that I realised it evolved. Now I have a Swampert called MuddyMudkip. I've never changed the name as a reminder of my own stupidity. MuddyMudkip still cracks me up every time I send it out in battle.
When I was a kid, a friend convinced me that there was a secret place in the neighbourhood of Goldenrod City where you could find any Pokemon, including legendaries and stuff. I wandered there for hours before finally realizing he was trolling me and was talking about the daycare...
That reminds me of the time when I was playing Crystal version for the first time. Since I normally didn't bother with dialogues, Crystal was the only time I knew you can board the SS Anne again after using it to travel to Johto for the first time (in Gold / Silver, I relied solely on the Magnet Train and thought you couldn't return unless you have it). Anyway, since I discovered this too late in the game (I had just beaten Red and my Pokemon levels are in the 60s), I just beat all the trainers in the ship without needing to heal. Problem? I couldn't get out of the ship since you need to rest in bed to have the sailor move out of your way. I was stuck in the ship for almost 2 months, mashing A everywhere until I accidentally stumbled on the bed. I felt like an idiot after that.
Debated whether to post all the feminine looking Pokemon which has a possibility of being male.

But hey, Sylvie sounds gender neutral and can't guys be allowed to be fabulous? :P
It's now my highest-levelled Pokémon on my team at Lv. 44 after Valerie. I almost named it Sylvia, which would have been more awkward.

Kilgrave Yeah, that's pretty much my username in a nutshell.
That reminds me of when I first played Alpha Sapphire, and I picked Mudkip, as I had never used one. I thought my noob days were over, but they really weren't when I decided to name the Mudkip MuddyMudkip. Yes, it was named MuddyMudkip (cue facepalms). I wasn't until about half an hour later that I realised it evolved. Now I have a Swampert called MuddyMudkip. I've never changed the name as a reminder of my own stupidity. MuddyMudkip still cracks me up every time I send it out in battle.
I just saw the connection.

Coincidence? I think not.
Shortly after my older brother gifted me my first game, Platinum, he challenged me to a link battle. My team of course consisted of my starter as an Hm slave, a Bibarel, and a couple Staravias, but that's beside the point.

My bro was predictably ripping my team to shreds, but at this point in the game I didn't know what happened when a pokemon fainted (none of my team members fainted before). When my pokemon started dropping like flies, I FREAKED OUT because I thought that when they fainted they would be permanently gone. I also got it in my head that if all of my pokemon fainted, my game would reset itself and I would never be able to play it again. So naturally, like any 8-year-old that had that revelation would do, I started crying uncontrollably, to the point where my bro had to call off the battle and explain all of the game mechanics for me to understand that nothing would happen.

Not exactly my proudest moment, but I guess we all start somewhere :D
I traded my Articuno from X for someones Azelf... i had never heard of azelf before, having just gotten back into pokemon after a very long hiatus... i assumed he was a celebi rank legendary...

I baught alpha the next week and found azelf naturally... i was pissed...

ALSO there are those moments im sure we've all had when you're close too the end of a cave or dungeon and you accidently work your way back to the beginning..

Specifically in gen 1, on Cinnibar island, the pokemon mansion, where theres all the switches on the statues and holes you fell down... that was a bitch for me at that age, and yes I accidentally fell down to the beginning and proceeded to mess up all the damn switches x.x
ALSO there are those moments im sure we've all had when you're close too the end of a cave or dungeon and you accidently work your way back to the beginning..

Specifically in gen 1, on Cinnibar island, the pokemon mansion, where theres all the switches on the statues and holes you fell down... that was a bitch for me at that age, and yes I accidentally fell down to the beginning and proceeded to mess up all the damn switches x.x

Seafoam Island for me. I got lost in there, thought I found my way out, realized I'm actually back at the entrance, and decided to down from Pallet Town to Cinnabar Island.
While exp training my monoGrass ingame team in White, I got into a double battle with a bouffalant and something else. Didn't pay too much attention, was watching a TV show or sth and mostly spamming STAB attacks.
after the first round, the other foe and one of my pokemon was KOed, bouffalant and my tangrowth still alive. Sent out Roserade, clicking Leaf storm and Power whip with my pokemon.
A minute later I look down again; Tangrowth KO'd, roserade still alive, bouffalant still at 100%. My thoughts: "Maaan, both attacks must have missed, just gonna send out Rotom-C and whipe that bouff off the earth with double Leaf storm..!"

...It was a sap sipper boaffalant.... joyfully spamming +4 megahorns...
Nearly swept my team whoops
Because of the way HMs were structured in FireRed, I never found Fly.

I covered enough miles to go around the earth in that game as a result.
I can relate to this. Emerald was my first game and because of how hidden it was, I thought that the Master Ball was a myth even though it was mentioned the instruction booklet that came with the game. (Yes some people actually read those.) That lead me to thinking that the Premier Ball was guarantee to catch any Pokemon, which is why I threw it at a full health Swablu when I was struggling against the Flying Type Gym Leader's Altaria.

As for unforgivable stuff, my first playthough is painful to think about. I don't remember much, but what I do remember was my first encounter with a Shuppet being terrifying because none of my attacks were doing anything, not replacing Bullet Seed with Leaf Blade because Bullet Seed had been good to me for the entire game, and restarting when I got stuck against what I think was The Elite Four. (I'm thankful for that last one. The second playthough was much less painful even tough it ended with a Level 80 Altaria.)
This isn't all that facepalm-worthy, but it still feels like a stupid moment.

I'm breeding Pawniard, and Bank over a 4IV female I bred in X. I shove it in with Ditto, then go bike around until I have a bunch of eggs. When I hatch them, I'm initially excited, and prepare to have them judged... only to notice as I look at them that they all have different natures. I'd forgotten to put the Everstone on the Pawniard. It gets better though, as I search my Pokemon and bag and can't find it, so I think I must have Wonder Traded or released the last Pokemon holding it. Naturally, I make preparations to Thief one from wild Roggenrola, but as I open the bag to select the Eon Flute... I find the Everstone. I hadn't thought to check the very bottom of the bag or reorganize it.

Still going to go grab another Everstone, though, just in case.
My face-palm worthy moment is freaking out about not knowing ''the boy's'' name in HearthGold after the professor asks for it, I was literally freaking out about having it wrong not realizing his name was never shown and I was giving him one. I remember literally asking my brother in despair if he knew how he was called after which I just put a random name in and it worked.
My face-palm worthy moment is freaking out about not knowing ''the boy's'' name in HearthGold after the professor asks for it, I was literally freaking out about having it wrong not realizing his name was never shown and I was giving him one. I remember literally asking my brother in despair if he knew how he was called after which I just put a random name in and it worked.

At least you didn't call him ????? like pretty much every kid that owned the english versions of Gold and Silver.
What are some of the dumbest things you did in Pokemon when you were younger? I remember doing quite a few dumb things actually.

1. I don't remember doing a lot of dumb things on my first play through of Pokemon, but one thing I do remember was this: It was back on Pokemon Soul Silver on Mt. Silver. I couldn't beat Red for the life of me. But my only solution apparently was to train my Dragonite to level 100, instead of training the rest of my party too. In the end, I did end up beating Red, because everyone knows that "You can't be a Pokemon master without knowing how to spam Full Restores!" However, this means I did get a lot less credit on the school yard.

2. On my second play through, I did something even more stupid. I played through the entire game with my starter. I don't even think I finished because it wouldn't let me save because I didn't do the whole hard reset, I just clicked "New Game" and assumed it reset my file. But anyway, I do remember making it to level 40 with my Feraligatr and giving up.

3. This one has got to be the worst one of all. I had finally gotten Black 2 for Christmas one year, and I was ecstatic to play. I knew exactly who my starter would be: The adorable Fire type Tepig! See the problem here wasn't choosing Tepig, the problem was never evolving it. It was too cute for me to evolve, so I had to press B. I got this Tepig up to level 40, when at that point I just boxed it. Thanks to Pokebank, I still have this Tepig today.

I know I sound like an old man, but by telling you I got Black 2 for Christmas tells you I'm still pretty young ;). What are some of the dumb things you have done?
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