Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Hmm, I think it's set 2, since set 1 doesn't have Head Smash.

Might be a moot point regardless...if you were, in fact, in Battle #38-ish, you could only face Rampardos 3 or 4 at that point. If you did actually hit it with Surf, there is this to consider:

252 SpA Greninja Surf vs. 0 HP / 252 SpD Rampardos: 156-186 (90.6 - 108.1%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO

That's right, Rampardos with SDef investment is a thing. So, you may have actually faced Set 4 (assuming your item was not Life Orb/Wise Glasses/Expert Belt/Water-boosting thing).

This would also fit your Gliscor outspeeding it, as it runs a Relaxed Nature.
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I'm just gonna drop this here, but hey. Would anyone like to rate and critique my team (Super Triple)? I don't know how to calculate IVs, so I'll put down the quotes from the IV judge at Battle Resort so there is some things to work off of.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability : Stance Change
Level : 50
EVs : 252 HP / 252 Def. / 4 SpD
Nature : Sassy
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat."
-King's Shield
-Shadow Sneak
-Gyro Ball

Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability : Justified
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Nature : Adamant
IVs : "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk stat." "This pokemon has some fantastic stats."
-Close Combat
-Extreme Speed
-Swords Dance
-Ice Punch

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability : Synchronize
Level : 50
EVs : 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Nature : Timid
IVs : "...has overall superior potential." "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk stat."
-Healing Wish

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability : Protean
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe. / 4 Def
Nature : Jolly
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk Stat."
-Shadow Sneak

Skarmory @ Red Card
Ability : Sturdy
Level : 50
EVs : 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def
Nature : Careful
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat." "...has some fantastic stats."
-Stealth Rock
-Iron Head

Mega Charizard X @ Charizardite X
Ability : Blaze (After Mega Evolve : Tough Claws)
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature : Jolly
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat." "But this Sp. Atk won't even leave a scratch on an opponent." "...Speed Stat is nothing to brag about."
-Power-Up Punch
-Flare Blitz
-Dragon Claw

The team order I see that yields the most success is sending out Lucario (Sweeper), Greninja (Suicide Lead), and Skarmory (SpD Tank.) Greninja and Skarmory hazard set up. Once Greninja goes down, Charizard goes out and starts dishing out damage with Lucario (granted Lucario hasn't been KO'd yet.) If Charizard or Lucario are low on health, call either of them back and switch with Gardevoir. Trick with anything if you can, then Healing Wish, but if in immediate danger, just Healing Wish, causing an immediate comeback of one of my sweepers.

I hope this is sufficient enough information to judge my team thoroughly. My hope is that I can at least make it past Round 50. Thanks! <3
I'll throw it out here: your suggested Maison Triples team has got some serious holes in it. The very idea of trying hazards stack and double Toxic is crazy enough in Triples, where the overall fast pace and the opposition double- or triple-targeting you means even your bulky mons won't get much opportunity to set up before succumbing. This is on top of you using several frail mons, a couple to directly aid in the stalling! Still, I have theorymonned the hazard stacking strategy in Triples myself a couple of times and would love to see you try and make this happen, even if I'm expecting a...less-than-desirable result. With that in mind, I will recommend as much as I can without changing any of your movesets or items:
- Run Protect on your sweepers. That way, if any of them lead they can lure some attacks their way while your set-up mons do their thang, then boost later
- Since Greninja has only the one attacking move, has that as priority, and is part of your hazards stack, divert most of the Spd EVs to HP (keep 20 to 40 Spd EVs handy to outrun opposing +1 priority)
- You need to get bred some mons with good IVs, period: four mons with 'decent IVs', a Lucario whose best IVs are in SAtk when he has no special attacks, vice versa for Greninja, and a Jolly Charizard with 0 Spd IVs is is simply not going to cut it

You will hear more from others, of course, but you can start here. Make those fixes first, and let's see if you can crack 30 with this setup.

Again, I love the courage you're showing in trying a stall-ish team in Triples, though. Someday, someone will make something like this work...
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I'm just gonna drop this here, but hey. Would anyone like to rate and critique my team (Super Triple)? I don't know how to calculate IVs, so I'll put down the quotes from the IV judge at Battle Resort so there is some things to work off of.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability : Stance Change
Level : 50
EVs : 252 HP / 252 Def. / 4 SpD
Nature : Sassy
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat."
-King's Shield
-Shadow Sneak
-Gyro Ball

Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability : Justified
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Nature : Adamant
IVs : "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk stat." "This pokemon has some fantastic stats."
-Close Combat
-Extreme Speed
-Swords Dance
-Ice Punch

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability : Synchronize
Level : 50
EVs : 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Nature : Timid
IVs : "...has overall superior potential." "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk stat."
-Healing Wish

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability : Protean
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe. / 4 Def
Nature : Jolly
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk Stat."
-Shadow Sneak

Skarmory @ Red Card
Ability : Sturdy
Level : 50
EVs : 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def
Nature : Careful
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat." "...has some fantastic stats."
-Stealth Rock
-Iron Head

Mega Charizard X @ Charizardite X
Ability : Blaze (After Mega Evolve : Tough Claws)
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature : Jolly
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat." "But this Sp. Atk won't even leave a scratch on an opponent." "...Speed Stat is nothing to brag about."
-Power-Up Punch
-Flare Blitz
-Dragon Claw

The team order I see that yields the most success is sending out Lucario (Sweeper), Greninja (Suicide Lead), and Skarmory (SpD Tank.) Greninja and Skarmory hazard set up. Once Greninja goes down, Charizard goes out and starts dishing out damage with Lucario (granted Lucario hasn't been KO'd yet.) If Charizard or Lucario are low on health, call either of them back and switch with Gardevoir. Trick with anything if you can, then Healing Wish, but if in immediate danger, just Healing Wish, causing an immediate comeback of one of my sweepers.

I hope this is sufficient enough information to judge my team thoroughly. My hope is that I can at least make it past Round 50. Thanks! <3
I use this to check my IVs

If you want to breed pokemon with better IVs, normally I'd point you to Buckert's ditto giveaway thread, but it's currently closed. For now, check out Eisen's giveaway to get some perfect dittos, and breed up some stronger pokes. If you have any questions about how to go about that, feel free to message me.
If you don't know the IVs, at least post lv. 50 stats since that's more useful for people trying to pinpoint potential threats than approximate IVs are.
I am doing a Super Triples team, currently around 260ish wins, and was looking for some critiques on my team.

Talonflame @ Focus Sash "Rick Hunter"
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
EV: 252 Attack, 252 HP, 4 Speed
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz

Blastoise @Blastoisinite "SDF-1"
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
-Water Spout
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

Politoed @ Sitrus Berry "Clyde Frog"
Ability: Drizzle
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
-Helping Hand
-Ice Beam

The three leads for my team. Match start is usually Tailwind and double Protect, and proceed to sweep with Helping Hand rain-boosted Water Spout. Considering switching sash off of Talonflame for Sharp Beak, but often time it survives with 1 hp and allows it to Brave Bird many things that resist Water Spout. Also maybe reduce speed on Politoed because of Tailwind boost.

Ludicolo @ Life Orb "Lilly"
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot

Takes advantage of rain incase Talonflame doesn't Tailwind for various reasons.
Sylveon @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
Nature: Modest
EV: 252 Sp. Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
-Hyper Voice
-Shadow Ball

Back up spread attacker, mostly just a Hyper Voice spam.
Conkeldurr @ Assault Vest "Durr Durr"
Abilitiy: Iron Fist
Nature: Brave
EV:108 HP, 252 Attack,6 Defense, 144 Sp. Defense
-Drain Punch
-Ice Punch
-Mach Punch
-Knock Off

Trick room answer if my leads don't defeat the Trick Room user, generally bulky and awesome.
Talonflame @ Focus Sash "Rick Hunter"
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Adamant
EV: 252 Attack, 252 HP, 4 Speed
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz

I'd ditch Sash since you're going to breaking it yourself using Brave Bird/Flare Blitz, or KOing yourself if you actually do end up getting to make use of it. Speaking of Flare Blitz, you've got Rain on this team, so imo switch Sash -> Sharp Beak and run Taunt to improve your Trick Room matchup further. I might also consider Protect over U-Turn since Talonflame can be used to bait attacks once its HP is low enough from recoil. I'd also run enough Speed to not get bodied by things like Zoroark3's Sucker Punch (212 EVs is what you'd need for Zoroark specifically).
Back again, this time posting an ongoing Triples run of 550 wins.

Battle No. 550 vs Artist Azure: 4LKW-WWWW-WW53-MAGZ

(Even Archeops couldn't handle the camel's sheer power #rekt)

Here’s the team for reference, with a couple tweaks from Battle 500 onwards in bold:


Cresselia (F) @ Mental Herb
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Levitate
IVs: 31/3/31/31/31/0
- Trick Room
- Psychic
- Helping Hand
- Moonlight
252 HP / 76 Def / 180 SpD

Pretty standard fare here; Mental Herb for Cress to setup TR in front of Taunt, Helping Hand to boost allies' moves, and Moonlight for reliable recovery, restoring a massive 2/3 of total HP when the sun's out. The nature and EV spread favours Cresselia's higher Special Defense, while still offering respectable Defense.


Camerupt (F) ("Hot Humps") @ Cameruptite
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Magma Armor --> Sheer Force
IVs: 31/1/31/31/31/0
- Eruption
- Earth Power
- Solar Beam
- Protect
252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA

Not much of an explanation needed for the camel either. STAB Earth Power and Solar Beam beat down Fire-resistant threats, but even so, Helping Hand, Sun-boosted Eruptions can do things like this: 252+ SpA Mega Camerupt Helping Hand Eruption (150 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tyrantrum in Sun: 97-114 (61.7 - 72.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. Protect is mandatory for something so slow, but there are rare instances where you can afford not to Protect even before TR is up.


Klefki (M) ("Key Chainz") @ Wide Lens
Nature: Impish
Ability: Prankster
IVs: 31/31/31/7/31/31
- Safeguard
- Sunny Day
- Play Rough
- Swagger
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

Safeguard's ability to protect my whole side is an absolute godsend, as we all know how prevalent status is in the Maison. Sunny Day powers up Eruption to scary levels (imagine if it got a Sheer Force Boost as well!), and Swagger provides utility in two ways: in conjunction with Safeguard, Klefki can boost Conkeldurr or Bisharp's Attack if the need arises; or if there's no better option, he can use it in an attempt to dismantle the CPU. Play Rough is the filler move, its main target being Dragon types which it still does respectable damage too. Other options are Magnet Rise or Protect, which would make Klefki Taunt-bait. He has 31 Speed IVs which may not be optimal here, but I couldn't be bothered breeding for a new one, and the non-Prankster Play Rough is rarely used anyway. Max physically defensive build works out well here, balancing out with the more specially oriented teammates.


Gastrodon-East (M) ("Slughorn") @ Rindo Berry
Nature: Quiet
Ability: Storm Drain
IVs: 31/3/31/31/31/0
- Scald
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Protect
100 HP / 92 Def / 252 SpA / 64 SpD

Gastrodon's a great switch-in to the Water moves Camerupt attracts, redirecting any single-target move. Storm Drain doesn't protect Camerupt from Surf or Muddy Water, however, which I need to remember haha. Standard coverage, but the main change I'm considering is Scald; Muddy Water does provide spread damage, but that 85% accuracy will probably bite me in the butt before too long, and Gastrodon's damage output isn't that impressive without any boosts. Scald's 100% accuracy and 66% chance to burn may be in my best interests. Also, I'm not sure how often Rindo Berry will actually come into play, so Sitrus Berry was another option. I believe the EV spread was taken from R Inanimate's Rain team.


Conkeldurr (M) ("Mr Muscle") @ Assault Vest
Nature: Brave
Ability: Iron Fist
IVs: 31/31/31/13/31/0
- Drain Punch
- Knock Off
- Ice Punch
- Mach Punch
108 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Def / 140 SpD

With the Assault Vest and Iron Fist, Conkeldurr's a good switch-in to special attackers with great power to boot. Drain Punch recovers lost health and is his most damaging move, Knock Off & Ice Punch were too good to pass up for coverage, and Mach Punch is the emergency response for threats that need to be dealt with ASAP, and for picking off weakened foes. I just used Eppie's EV spread, as I liked the look of the damage calcs he displayed.


Bisharp (F) ("Mileena") @ Black Glasses
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Defiant
IVs: 31/31/31/0/31/31
- Sucker Punch
- Iron Head
- Knock Off
- Protect
124 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 124 Spe

The Speed EVs might look weird, but Bisharp's middling Speed tier and access to STAB Sucker Punch means he can function well both inside or outside of Trick Room. I wanted her to hit 106 Speed so she can outrun Articuno1/2, Cresselia1/2/3, and Suicune1/2/3, while still "underspeeding" a decent number in TR. Protect is always handy for baiting SE moves (especially Fighting ones), as is Knock Off for its power and item-removing effect, while STAB Iron Head rounds off Bisharp's coverage nicely.

- Klefki’s Leftovers swapped for Wide Lens, boosting Swagger + Play Rough’s accuracy to 99%.
- Gastrodon’s Muddy Water ditched in favour of Scald, one of the top three moves in the game.

Having put my Singles streak on hiatus for now (which is currently sitting at 2,152), the past few days in a row I've been cranking out 50+ Triples battles; and I must say, it's going superbly! I wanted to make my mark in a second format before this thread sadly plunges into inactivity, with less than a month to go.

But I honestly didn’t expect the team to perform this well. The ease and speed at which it can destroy the opposition is quite astonishing, or perhaps I was just never aware of how good Trick Room Hyper Offense was until now. Regardless, it’s encouraging to see the effort and thought I put into building this team pay off.

What I love the most is how each member oozes a certain coolness, both function-wise and design-wise. Mega Camerupt literally has an active volcano on her back, she’s the centrepiece sweeper with unmatched ferocity. Don’t get me started again on Helping Hand-boosted Eruptions in the sun; you’d need some good bulk on top of a Fire resistance to survive one of those, and that’s even taking spread reduction into account.

Klefki might seem like an unusual choice here, but he’s got the right tools for as close to a foolproof TR setup as you can get. Mental Herb + Safeguard support means the only things Cresselia is vulnerable to are flinches, risk of KO’d by strong double targeting or something like a crit Megahorn from Escavalier/Heracross. I don’t find myself Swaggering the enemy very often; most of the time I either sac him for a free switch-in after using Safeguard and/or Sunny Day, safely switch out if the situation permits (e.g. into Gastrodon on a Water move directed at Camerupt), or to Swagger Conkeldurr/Bisharp mid-late game for hassle-free clean up. Occasionally I’ll even stay in against the Veteran classes, since he can finish off Dragons/Terrakion etc. with Play Rough after boosted Eruption does its work. This set of keys rarely lets me down; he’s got it on lock. [groan]

Gastrodon provides much-needed glue in the reins for Camerupt and Klefki to do their thing later if they must switch out; absorbing Water attacks for the former and tanking Fire attacks for the latter. His excellent coverage also handles things that resist Camerupt’s STAB combination, such as Salamence, Gyarados and Moltres. Rindo Berry doesn’t see heaps of use, but I reckon it still proves more useful than Leftovers or Sitrus Berry would. I'm already much preferring Scald's 100% accuracy and handy burn chance over Muddy Water; the spread damage didn't prove worthwhile often enough to warrant keeping it.

I don’t think I need to elaborate any more on Conkeldurr or Bisharp; their roles are straightforward, much like they have been on already existing teams here in the Maison. I don’t mean to brag, but the synergy between every member of my crew is so good, like, really good. This is why I find it so fun to use; each Pokemon was handpicked for a reason, that reason being they’re strong at what they do individually, but when put together they form this super solid offensive & defensive core. I’m still relatively new to the teambuilding side of things, but this experience has opened my eyes a little as to what defines the essence of a successful Triples team; each Pokemon supporting one another to tackle anything thrown at them. Equality is also key, because the last thing you want is for your team to fall flat on its face if you didn't get TR up, or if your 'star' sweeper was KO'd. With those thoughts in mind, I believe in this squad of mine and hope it can reach for 1,000 wins and beyond!

Battle No. 268 vs Battle Girl Kata: FVGG-WWWW-WW53-MEL3

I played this rather sloppily at the start, apparently the possibility of Megahorn + Explosion KO'ing Cress didn't cross my mind. However, I quickly bounced back and got myself into a winning position through careful switches and Protect baiting, not to mention Mach & Sucker Punch putting in the work.

Battle No. 323 vs Chef Caesar: CPBW-WWWW-WW53-MBSV

This battle was hilarious as I could stay in against a full side of Water types thanks to Gastrodon and go to town, taking zero damage in the process.
So this is my current streak, moves VERY slowly since I play like 2 or 3 battles a day or something like that. Figured Id get on the leaderboard at least haha. Team is weird, might make changes but I despise breeding so....yeah.....its a rain team with Swampert being the main sweeper cause hes a big boy and my favorite starter chain. The point of the teambuilding process is that I dont want to share that many weaknesses. Although another swift swim mon would be kinda neat. Anyway, Swamperts EVs dont make much sense since I used an idea before competitive EVs got posted and Im too lazy to change them. Suggestions are welcome and I can post some battles if requested :)

Politoed @ Damp Rock
Sassy Nature
EV: 252 HP, 236 Def, 20 SpD
Scald, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Protect

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Relaxed Nature
Iron Bards
EV: 252 HP, 176 Atk, 80 Def
Leech Seed, Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Protect

Gengar @ Focus Sash
Timid Nature
EV: 252 Atk, 4 SpD, 252 Spe
Shadow Ball, Sludge Wave, Thunder, Protect

Swampert @ Swampertite
Adamant Nature
EV: 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Spe
Earthquake, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Protect

Tornadus-T @ Assault Vest
Timid Nature
EV: 96 HP, 160 SpA, 252 Spe
Hurricane, U-turn, Focus Blast, Knock Off

Latios @ Choice Specs
Timid Nature
EV: 4 Def, 252 SpA, 252 Spe
Draco Meteor, Psychic, Energy Ball, Thunder


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So this is my current streak, moves VERY slowly since I play like 2 or 3 battles a day or something like that. Figured Id get on the leaderboard at least haha.

I'm afraid that ongoing streaks aren't leaderboard eligible until they reach 1000 wins. So I can't add you until you win a lot more or you lose.

But nice to see Mega Swampert getting some love, and continued good luck with the streak!
Well, I've revamped my triples team entirely. That's not because it was in any trouble - quite the opposite, I had 330 wins lined up.
But I was tired of it. The wins came too easy, and I wanted a change. My former team was extremely standard and unoriginal, albeit effective:

Talonflame on the left flank,
Sylveon in the middle,
Greninja on the right
Backups were Terrakion, mega Scizor, and Gastrodon.
Tailwind, mat block, win.

My new team is an adaptation of my old doubles team and not incredibly original either, but at least it has some less frequently seen members.
(I'll save more details for when I lose, this is just an update!)
On the left replacing Talonflame is
Togekiss with Air slash, aura sphere, tailwind and yawn.
In the center - his role is fakeout support - is Weavile. On the right is Mega Gardevoir, replacing sylveon.
My backups are No Guard Machamp, physical aegislash (to counter double rock weakness) and the surprisingly effectively choice spec'd Pyroar!

This Pyroar was given to me by a member of this site, and I'm not sure it would be wise to mention his/her name, as that might stir jealousy. All I can say is that I put it to good use, and I've won 20 straight with this setup so far. I'm at 350 currently, and the biggest threat seems to be trick room teams, especially now that I gave up Gastrodon.
I'm just gonna drop this here, but hey. Would anyone like to rate and critique my team (Super Triple)? I don't know how to calculate IVs, so I'll put down the quotes from the IV judge at Battle Resort so there is some things to work off of.

Aegislash @ Leftovers
Ability : Stance Change
Level : 50
EVs : 252 HP / 252 Def. / 4 SpD
Nature : Sassy
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat."
-King's Shield
-Shadow Sneak
-Gyro Ball

Lucario @ Life Orb
Ability : Justified
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Nature : Adamant
IVs : "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk stat." "This pokemon has some fantastic stats."
-Close Combat
-Extreme Speed
-Swords Dance
-Ice Punch

Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability : Synchronize
Level : 50
EVs : 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Nature : Timid
IVs : "...has overall superior potential." "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk stat."
-Healing Wish

Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability : Protean
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe. / 4 Def
Nature : Jolly
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Sp. Atk Stat."
-Shadow Sneak

Skarmory @ Red Card
Ability : Sturdy
Level : 50
EVs : 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def
Nature : Careful
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat." "...has some fantastic stats."
-Stealth Rock
-Iron Head

Mega Charizard X @ Charizardite X
Ability : Blaze (After Mega Evolve : Tough Claws)
Level : 50
EVs : 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Nature : Jolly
IVs : "...decent all around." "...greatest potential lies in its Attack Stat." "But this Sp. Atk won't even leave a scratch on an opponent." "...Speed Stat is nothing to brag about."
-Power-Up Punch
-Flare Blitz
-Dragon Claw

The team order I see that yields the most success is sending out Lucario (Sweeper), Greninja (Suicide Lead), and Skarmory (SpD Tank.) Greninja and Skarmory hazard set up. Once Greninja goes down, Charizard goes out and starts dishing out damage with Lucario (granted Lucario hasn't been KO'd yet.) If Charizard or Lucario are low on health, call either of them back and switch with Gardevoir. Trick with anything if you can, then Healing Wish, but if in immediate danger, just Healing Wish, causing an immediate comeback of one of my sweepers.

I hope this is sufficient enough information to judge my team thoroughly. My hope is that I can at least make it past Round 50. Thanks! <3
I can help you get some of your key poke as 5iv if you want, most notably greninja (who u should run mat block on) and lucario who is better in the maison triples as a special attacker with a timid nature and moves nasty plot/aura sphere/flash canon/dark pulse or protect, from the left side he can do a lot of damage with his cross field moves ...and if mega y doesnt work out for u then give lucario his mega stone :)

I decided to win some more battles, but Battle 79 came along & had me cornered. This damn Registeel with the Curse & Amnesia came along to ruin me. However my luck prevailed as I used Will-O-Wisp to widdle away its health then to get a critical Hydro Pump to kill it. Battle 80 seemed easier at first but then a Latias came spamming Draco Meteor that 2HKO'd Rotom-W & almost killed my Mence. After I killed his Latias, I was praying to god he wouldn't have a bulky mon, but alas the CPU sent out an Icy Wind Cresselia to end my streak.
My team consisted of Mega Salamence, Rotom-Wash & Greninja throughout my streak.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EV: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IV: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Return
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EV: 248 HP / 204 Def / 56 Spe
Calm Nature
IV: xx/xx/31/31/31/xx
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunder Wave

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EV: 20 Atk / 236 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IV: xx/31/xx/31/31/31
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Gunk Shot
- Low Kick

for the variable IVs, Mence's SpA at Level 52 is 127, Rotom-W's HP at Level 50 is 149, Speed is 111 & Greninja's HP & Def at Level 50 at 133 & 79 respectively. I could've perfected them but eh. And idk what the hell I did to Rotom-W's EV spread.

EDIT: Greninja was dead so I couldn't send it out on Latias
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Here's my all new team update for Super Singles. I haven’t posted in over a year, since I lost my previous streak at 216 and thought I would try to get a good win streak with never used before mon’s. this run has been on and off, because i either lost interested, or because i actually lost a run, well anyway...
Now currently at 216 wins like before, but I need my sleep at 3 in the morning, from typing this up.

Say Hello to Team Venomoth!!

Meowstic: Male (PussInBoots).
Item: Choice Scarf.
Nature: Calm.
Ability: Prankster.
IV’s: 31/ 10/ 31/ 21/ 31/ 31
EV’s: 252 HP. 124 Def. 134 Sp. Def
-Thunder Wave

Durant: Female (Nat).
Item: Focus Sash.
Nature: Jolly.
Ability: Truant.
IV’s: 31/ 31/ 31/ 04/ 31/ 31
EV’s: 124 HP. 124 Def. 252 Speed.
-Iron Head

Venomoth: Female (Dovahkiin).
Item: Black Sludge.
Nature: Modest.
Ability: Tinted lens.
IV’s: 31/ 14/ 31/ 31/ 31/ 31
EV’s: 252 HP. 4 Def. 252 Sp. Atk
-Quiver Dance
-Bug Buzz

My EV’s look weird but there are some that make sense. My Durant should have 252 atk, but since it was an old one I was experimenting with, I kinda forgot to re-EV train it. Woops.

Suppose I better explain the concept here. Use a Prankster Pokemon turn 1 holding a choice scarf, to force the opponent into only using 1 move. Use Torment to force that Pokemon to use struggle every other turn, and paralyse them with thunder wave to bring the speed stat back down again, before it goes down, and then go with the Entrainment Durant route as normal. Set up and win.

Sounds good on paper doesn’t it… not quite. The Trick, Torment strategy only works if the opponent uses a damaging move turn 1. If they go for something like Swords Dance, then they’ll switch out eventually. But thankfully Torment and Thunder wave still do work to the newly switched in Pokemon to the point that the new pokemon isn’t an immediate threat. Even Fire types. Ground types are still immune to thunder wave though.
Protect gives me a win condition against Arena trap Dugtrio, as I can force it to use struggle to death under Choice, Torment lock. Same goes with shadow tag Gothitelle.
I can also use Protect on Struggle turns so Meowstic dies to a normal attack so Durant won’t take the normal attack.

Meowstic as my Prankster lead, was the choice I made, because I wanted to be original with my team, and not have to rely on copying other people's teams too much. Like using Whimsicott. I tried using Murkrow and Liepard in testing, with a taunt lead, but things didn’t work out well for me. The idea was that prankster taunt Thundurus and Tornadus, (my arch nemesis) would be 2HKO by Sucker Punch, if they did get taunt on me. While Murkrow and Liepard did take kos, thanks to taunt/ sucker punch combo, it wasn’t reliable enough, as on turns where I wanted them to die so I got a free switch to Durant they might survive. And if they die on the last turn of Taunt and Durant comes in, it might get protect/ detect blocked.

The evs on Meowstic are tricky. You want to be able to survive at least 2 hits from any attack, however no matter what ev investment you give it, you’ll still be OHKOed by either a special or physical attacker. Namely Chandelure and Rampardos.
If you put evs in def, and Bold nature, you can prevent Naughty Rampardos from an ohko. (a quick calc for you guys)

252+ Atk Rampardos Head Smash vs. 252 HP / 196+ Def Meowstic: 153-180 (84.5 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If you put evs in Sp. Def and Calm nature, you can prevent an ohko from a modest Chandelure.
As you can see from my chosen ev’s, I choose the Chandelure route. (heres another quick calc for you guys)

252+ SpA Chandelure Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 134+ SpD Meowstic: 152-180 (83.9 - 99.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

With that out of the way, let’s move onto Durant. Nothing to say here (Except it’s evs I’m not happy with. I suppose it can take physical hits better I suppose, but that's it. Like I said earlier it was one I was experimenting with earlier). Durant comes in. Sets up entrainment and gets the hell outta there. But this set is slightly different. It has Focus sash. Since the opponent is going to be paralysed from Meowstic’s T-wave, I don’t have to worry about being outsped by anything. And if the opponent is stuck in the Choice Scarf, Torment lock, and they used a normal damaging move to KO meowstic (Not struggle), all they are going to do is use struggle on me. LOL. This is funny when the opponent is locked into a fire type move, and they have to use struggle on me because of Choice, Torment lock.

The Focus Sash is there for when things go bad. By bad I mean, opponent gets Choice locked into a non damaging move. Switches. I still get to Torment the new Pokemon but Meowstic will have to be able to tank the hits of the new Pokemon. If it dies after Torment and the opponent is somehow faster than Durant, if I was unable to set up the T-Wave, they could ohko me. Focus Sash ensures that Entrainment is still pulled off nicely. Even against Fire type attacks. If I still mess up for whatever reason, and durant goes down, before I can use Entrainment (most likely caused by opponent spamming Protect and Detect on the new Pokemon) then Torment, acts as a weaker, lesser Truant ability on the opponent, forcing them to not use the same move every turn. Paralysis from an opponent's electric type move is still an issue here.

If they have a super effective attack on my Moth, they can only use it every other turn any way, giving me a chance to set up sort off. It can still protect on turns where the super effective attack will land. However one of the Maisons Blaziken’s have 2 fire type damaging attacks. Yikes!
One last note. The last move on Durant, crunch, is there just for Chandelure. Moth at +6 sp. Atk still can’t ohko it. If I lose Moth, Durant can come in and finish it off with crunch.

Which brings us to the main event… The Dragon born Dovahkiin the Venomoth! (ATV FTW!)
I was looking for a decent set up sweeper, and loved the idea of Drapion being used by the top players, however I wasn’t a fan on acupressure. I then decided I want just as many stat boosts as I would of gotten from acupressure but being more reliable. Which is where Quiver Dance comes in as I get 3 stat boosts out of it. Now there’s also Shell smash but lowering the defences isn’t ideal for a substitute set up. (I guess sub cloyster could work, though never tried it).

Now first thing I thought of was Volcarona, the most powerful Pokemon with Quiver Dance. However, the X4 stealth rocks weakness, and toxic spikes weakness threw me off, leaving me to find a pokemon that would be immune to toxic spikes. There are many Quiver Dancers but most which where immune to toxic spikes where also X4 weak to rocks. One pokemon stuck out though, and that was Venomoth. Still weak to rocks, but only X2.
I also found out if I used a set up pokemon with an immunity, and the lead pokemon was choice locked into a move I was immune to, it would switch.
An example. Lead pokemon is locked into earthquake. My set up mon is an Altaria. (one of my previous runs) I’m immune to earthquake, so the opponent would switch out after X number of turns.
Venomoth has zero immunities, meaning zero chance the opponent will ever switch out, while I set up on it. This is one advantage over Drapion, while using Trick, Torment lock.

Not only does Venomoth have some nice resistances to fighting, bug, poison, fairy and grass, but it comes with Tinted Lens, which is amazing! It takes away those not very effective hits making them neutral, and the X4 resisted pokemon would only take half damage from me. Which is pretty nice in itself.
This would allow me to get OHKO’s on birds and other things resisted to bug.
If the lead Pokemon chose to attack Meowstic with a super effective move on psychic, like X-Scissor, then Venomoth is able to eat them up, due to resistance and survive multiple hits inside its substitute.
Lead fire, psychic, rock and flying types are also more likely to use a dark, bug or ghost move if they have them against Meowstic (if they have any) meaning Venomoth can save pp on protect by going for multiple dances in a row, (as long as i’m in a sub)!

The move choice was tricky. Bug buzz is more powerful, and gets some ohkos on the quad resist Pokemon, and goes through opponents subs, but gets stopped by Soundproof. Or go Signal beam, which is a guaranteed 2 hit on most of those quad resisted mons, however you may lose your sub if they attack, which can be bad. Especially if it's only the second Pokemon. Gale wings, brave bird, Talonflame is an example of a bad matchup for signal beam as Talonflame has priority, and you’ll never be able to get off a second attack. But Bug Buzz OHKO’s Talonflame. Sludge Bomb was considered, but I get walled by steel types.

In testing Venomoth can successfully PP stall out many of the soundproof pokemon if using the Bug Buzz route, with PP maxed on every move. (R.I.P Bastiodon. LOL) However I don’t have much in the way to combat Ice Shard Abomasnow, which cost me a run. I can stall out Stone Edges from a Bastidon no probs. It only has 5PP. But 30PP Ice Shards… no chance. Its for this reason, that it's important to have as much hp on both Meowstic and Durant as possible, so I can switch out, if I see the Abomasnow and can immobilize it and get Truant on it.
Venomoth doesn’t have speed evs due to the fact that a +6 speed boost from quiver dance still outspeeds everything, which lets me give it max hp investment, which is great for subs.

And there you have it. Team Venomoth on a roll with over 200 for its win streak.

Let me know what you guys think of this team. I will most likely be fixing the evs on durant, since I think it really needs the 252 attack, when going with a focus sash route.
I will post a video if i reach 250 or lose before then.

I decided to win some more battles, but Battle 79 came along & had me cornered. This damn Registeel with the Curse & Amnesia came along to ruin me. However my luck prevailed as I used Will-O-Wisp to widdle away its health then to get a critical Hydro Pump to kill it. Battle 80 seemed easier at first but then a Latias came spamming Draco Meteor that 2HKO'd Rotom-W & almost killed my Mence. After I killed his Latias, I was praying to god he wouldn't have a bulky mon, but alas the CPU sent out an Icy Wind Cresselia to end my streak.
My team consisted of Mega Salamence, Rotom-Wash & Greninja throughout my streak.

Salamence @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EV: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IV: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Return
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast

Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EV: 248 HP / 204 Def, Spe / 56
Calm Nature
IV: xx/xx/31/31/31/xx
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Thunder Wave

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Protean
EV: 20 Atk / 236 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
IV: xx/31/xx/31/31/31
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Gunk Shot
- Low Kick

for the variable IVs, Mence's SpA at Level 52 is 127, Rotom-W's HP at Level 50 is 149, Speed is 111 & Greninja's HP & Def at Level 50 at 133 & 79 respectively. I could've perfected them but eh. And idk what the hell I did to Rotom-W's EV spread.

You definitely should have sent out Greninja to take on Latias after Rotom-W fainted, that may have saved you the battle.
It might still've been close though.

Also, look into replacing gunk shot on Greninja. Scald or Grass knot are good options.
Well this was quite unexpected. Team Venomoth (from my previous post) has just cracked 250 wins. Oh boy. (I thought I would of died by now. I got bright powder haxed by a Gothitelle earlier but didn't save match. Now I wish I did so I could of shown you guys. Venomoth at +6 dances missed 2 Bug Buzzes, on the opponents second pokemon... Gothitelle setting up psych up and braking sub, forcing me to switch out, and set up all over again. luckily Meowstic hit thunder wave and Durant got entrainment off again. But man, was that terrifying having all my boosts.)

Well anyway. Thought i'd upload the video for my 250th win for now, but it was nothing special, though it was interesting.


Battle with Pokemon Ranger Cerese using Walrein, Krookodile and Wishcash.

I use trick turn 1, and give choice scarf to lead Walrein. It uses Fissure and OHKOs me. Damn son.
send out Durant, and get Entrainment off. Fissure misses.
Switch to Venomoth. Set up sub, and Quiver Dance away. GG
Apart from that turn 1 this match was pretty uneventful.
Battle No. 550 vs Artist Azure: 4LKW-WWWW-WW53-MAGZ

(Even Archeops couldn't handle the camel's sheer power #rekt)

Battle No. 323 vs Chef Caesar: CPBW-WWWW-WW53-MBSV

This battle was hilarious as I could stay in against a full side of Water types thanks to Gastrodon and go to town, taking zero damage in the process.

I love how even Magnezone4's SDef EVs and Assault Vest are utterly useless against this assault.(the former.)

Not so much hilarious as efficient, I would have played Turns 2 & 3 a little more conservatively than you, good show (the latter.)
Meowstic: Male (PussInBoots).
Item: Choice Scarf.
Nature: Calm.
Ability: Prankster.
IV’s: 31/ 10/ 31/ 21/ 31/ 31
EV’s: 252 HP. 124 Def. 134 Sp. Def
-Thunder Wave

Oh my god, I have been trying to figure out a Torment strat for ages now. (Not joking when I say I've spent 15+ hours on it just trying to get it "perfect".) Props to you man, that's super cool that you're doing well with it.
I love how even Magnezone4's SDef EVs and Assault Vest are utterly useless against this assault.(the former.)

Not so much hilarious as efficient, I would have played Turns 2 & 3 a little more conservatively than you, good show (the latter.)
Haha, yeah. Specially bulky? I didn't even notice.
Team's going strong by the way, sitting at 703 wins currently!

I'm not sure what you mean though by more conservatively. Camerupt was fully protected on the right side by Gastro switching in, so he could freely KO Floatzel, I didn't see any point in leaving Cresselia in, I'd rather get more power on the field asap. Klefki also served his purpose setting up the sun, no need for Safeguard. 3rd turn was all guaranteed KOs afaik.

-edit- I think I do understand your point though looking back on it. I tend to make quite aggro switches and whatnot, I guess I just like to make the most of the TR turns. E.g. Staying in an extra turn to setup Safeguard still would've been a fair play, in case something annoying came out afterwards. Am I along the right lines here?
-edit- I think I do understand your point though looking back on it. I tend to make quite aggro switches and whatnot, I guess I just like to make the most of the TR turns. E.g. Staying in an extra turn to setup Safeguard still would've been a fair play, in case something annoying came out afterwards. Am I along the right lines here?

More like I would have switched Megarupt for Gastrodon: TR & sun both being up wouldn't make me feel safe enough to keep Megarupt in while Floatzel4's there, even if sun dissuades the latter from Aqua Jetting under TR (I've had the AI do enough random things over my time here to allow small probabilities like that). Putting Gastrodon there would slow the battle down, yes, but it preserves Megarupt for later (since you were facing Ceasar, making that switch gives me a small cushion in case he packed any Ice-types as backups), and it more safely allows a triple switch with your physical attackers in tow (inherently a risky play, but given the Turn 2 circumstances equally as safe as the play you made).

Excellent work on the streak overall, you join the crowded 700s section of the Triples leaderboard. Here's to hoping you can keep pushing! (kuladiamond currently seems a bit lonely up there in the 800s section).
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So i have let my team down after 584 wins in super triples! Like most people that get a decent streak on the go i think that the team could reach into the thousands if in the hands of Turskain/TDP/Vaporeonice/Jumpman etc but unfortunately they were in my hands and i started to rush the streak with the imminent arrival of SuMo, took a chance against a landorus and that was enough to find my chances of winning the battle spiral down!

PS9G-WWWW-WW53-VZQP :the loss! I think i'd have won if i'd switched lucario for sylveon, i’ve replayed on mock battle and just that change was enough for me to win as lucario would come back later game to take better care of articuno and registeel. Landorus aiming for greninja first round was a bit of a surprise as he does usually go for lucario but since he did i kept lucario there in the hope/expectation that he’d go for greninja again but i guess the proteon change forced a change in tact from the AI. Whilst i’ve lost lucario very early before (and part of the teams success is that he’s not solely relied upon to win each match) i really missed his STAB moves, particularly against articuno and registeel.



Lucario @ Lucarionite

Ability: inner focus

Nature: Timid

EVs: SpA 252 Sp 252 Hp 4

:Aura sphere

:Flash Canon

:Dark pulse

:Nasty plot


Marowak @ Thick club

Ability: lightning rod

Nature: Adamant

EVs: Hp 118 Atk 252 Sp 140



:Fire punch



Greninja @ Focus sash

Ability: Proteon

Nature: Timid

EVs: SpA 252 Sp 252 Hp 4

:Matt block


:Dark pulse

:Ice Beam


Hydregion @ Choice Scarf

Ability: levitate

Nature: Modest

EVs: SpA 252 Sp 252 Hp 4

:Dragon pulse

:Dark pulse


:Earth power


Talonflame @ Sharp beak

Ability: Gale wings

Nature: Adamant

EVs: Hp 252 Atk 252 Sp 4

:Brave bird

:Flare blitz


:Quick guard (irrelevant i know but i dont think id have used anything in that slot!)


Sylveon @ Lum Berry

Ability: Pixilate

Nature: Bold

EVs: Hp 188 Def 116 SpA 204

:Hyper Voice

:Heal bell

:Light screen


i didn't realise almost a year ago when i was thinking of a triples team that turskain had put mega lucario ..rightfully so the top of the triples leaderboard! I had been reading his write up on his lucario/greninja doubles team and at some point he mentioned the issue of fast electrics being a problem to the matt block tactic so i thought why not add a lightning rod poke in the middle and take it to triples! I’ve always prefered special Lucario and whilst i understand why people go for the physical set on battlespot i still view it as vastly inferior to his special set, mega evolution taking care of his speed issue and nasty plot+Adaptability making him quite overpowered. I did go for dark pulse over protect (which prob cost me the run in the end as i could have used protect until ninja had taken care of landorus) and whilst i have two other strong dark pulse users, my tactic against TR teams have just been to overpower them by O/2HKOs when they lack the power to do the same to poke like lucario and hydreigon, i know it sounds brutish rather than a well thought out plan but it has always worked out, Marowak and Sylveon can match the low speed battles under TR but then are weak to the water/steel moves that are prevalent under TR, so i usually keep lucario in to pick them off in order of threat.

So turn 1 is usually:

Lucario - M/evo + Nasty plot

Marowak - Earthquake (or rock slide)

Greninja - Matt block

The leaderboard clearly shows that i'm in no position to tell turskain how to create a team lol! But why not get the absolute best out of matt block by letting out one of the games most powerful earthquakes? lucario is also protected from thunderwaves meaning that there is no status that can affect him other than confusion or falling in love which can both be switched out of. Once turn 1 is done Marowak tends to draw special attacks so will protect through them, i have had fire punch to give coverage but its been used so little i may have been better off with bonemerang as i think damage output against grass types is similar although does lack the 100% accuracy.

With the backups, im a big fan of scarf Hydreigon and he can take the ground/fire moves aimed at lucario, as can Talonflame who also doesn't mind any bug/fighting/fairy threats that bother Hydreigon who again don't mind water or rocks….the point being that if lack of speed is an issue between them they solve it. Also Hydreigon has two STAB moves that can hit cross field and Talonflame one so i don't think there are many better backups for triples, they give you options and versatility and that's important in triples moreso then in doubles and singles as you can have talonflame hitting water types where they can't reach him to hit back. Offensively i was happy with what i had but wanted someone to tank a few hits, particularly from fighting types and thats where Sylveon came in, hyper voice to send out some spread damage when im in a sticky situation and waste a few of the AIs turns as it trys to take her down. Heal bell and light screen to provide team support...basically if im losing its her job to turn it around in my favour ..for my loss i sent her out too late so had to face two steel bad! Im not sure what i was trying to accomplish with the evs as she was bred over a year ago but i have a feeling that nidoqueen/king was involved somewhere!

Marowak has 140 speed EVs putting him on a speed of 83 which made sure he outsped all abomasnow and univested base 70s but i should have probably put him on 85 to outspeed chesnaught but my thinking was that he gets taken out by Lucario or ninja anyway so i wanted to keep Marowaks hp as high as possible.

Everything else is fairly self explanatory i think, Talonflame has tailwind but i only ever needed it for Marowak or Sylveons purpose, no one else needed it.

One more point on Mega Lucario is that our advantage over the AI is in having the mega evolutions, so in putting your advantage in the centre and making in susceptible to all possible attacks isn't maximising the advantage. Eruption camerupt may be one of the few exceptions ...even mega blastoise may be better of making best use of his mega launcher ability then water i think it's no mistake that a pokemon that sits to the left and is able to hit all the opponents is at the top of the leaderboard and credit to turskain for the incredible number that he has put up there!

I’ll keep it short as most have been covered in other streaks but fighting/fire types that hold a scarf entei3/darmaniton4/charizard3/Heatran4/ as they can KO Lucario before matt block comes up. fake out is an issue but i just mega evolve Lucario second turn and use rock slide over earthquake on Marowak then continue as normal! Taunt crobat needs to be taken into account but because of his speed im quite happy to forgo earthquake just to take him out early.

. ...and of course Landorus2

Some battle videos:

SMWG-WWWW-WW53-VP3S :the warning video! battle 554 warned me about scarf landorus

GCHW-WWWW-WW53-VPW7 :Marowak kills everything …...including his own team!

464W-WWWW-WW53-VPX8 :dont care about mara ...she and the rest of the hexmaniacs just get overpowered!

Well im not sure if there's much left to say, i wish i had more time to get through battles (how does Josh C. get through 50 battles a day in triples!) Apologies to the 6 poke that i know are capable of more and thanks to all that have contributed and run this thread, by far my favourite thread on Smogon and keeps me interested in the Maison for so long ...looking forward to SuMo!

Edit...would help if i remembered to post proof photo!...
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More like I would have switched Megarupt for Gastrodon: TR & sun both being up wouldn't make me feel safe enough to keep Megarupt in while Floatzel4's there, even if sun dissuades the latter from Aqua Jetting under TR (I've had the AI do enough random things over my time here to allow small probabilities like that). Putting Gastrodon there would slow the battle down, yes, but it preserves Megarupt for later (since you were facing Ceasar, making that switch gives me a small cushion in case he packed any Ice-types as backups), and it more safely allows a triple switch with your physical attackers in tow (inherently a risky play, but given the Turn 2 circumstances equally as safe as the play you made).

Excellent work on the streak overall, you join the crowded 700s section of the Triples leaderboard. Here's to hoping you can keep pushing! (kuladiamond currently seems a bit lonely up there in the 800s section).
Oh, fair point there. Over the whole streak I've never seen Floatzel4 go for Aqua Jet once the sun is up (much like Carracosta4), but I'll keep that in mind still. That's what I'm really liking about this team, though; even if I find myself in a non-ideal situation I can switch around, as the memnbers can shine under TR while at the same time not have a huge over-reliance on it.

Thanks, I'll definitely try my best!

Well im not sure if there's much left to say, i wish i had more time to get through battles (how does Josh C. get through 50 battles a day in triples!) Apologies to the 6 poke that i know are capable of more and thanks to all that have contributed and run this thread, by far my favourite thread on Smogon and keeps me interested in the Maison for so long ...looking forward to SuMo!
It still takes a decent amount of time, thankfully individual battles go by pretty quickly due to the team's aggressive nature (battle animations are off obviously). Maybe I should use a timer to see how long on average it takes.
So I finally made it to 70 and climbing in Super Rotations. Really wanted to construct a team around Serperior and after much tweeking, It's finally working out!
Proof: Battle No. 70: VXJG-WWWW-WW54-BLMU

The Team:

Serperior@ Wide Lens
Timid / Contrary
56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Moves: Leaf Storm / Sub / HP Fire / Leech Seed

Sharpedo@ Focus Sash
Naughty (Should be Adamant but too lazy to breed) / Speed Boost
4 SpA / 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Moves: Protect / Waterfall / Crunch / Destiny Bond

Sylveon@ Leftovers
Bold / Pixilate
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Moves: Wish / Protect / Hyper Voice / Heal Bell


Adamant / Tough Claws
252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Moves: Dragon Dance/ Flare Blitz/ Outrage / Earthquake

The only thing I would really change is leech seed to dragon pulse cause once sub is up, I keep leaf storming upto +6 and then use HP fire from time to time. 56 Hp eves has actually a hugh advantage in saving the sub from breaking as Serperior has a pretty abysmal HP stat. I think its in the 150s at lvl 50 after those eves and an IV of 30 or 31(whichever is required for HP fire). Charizard X is to handle the poison weakness. Otherwise overall a solid team. Pushing for 100 so lets see.

Now that I have 4 trophies, wondering if I should even bother with multi's. Looks like a pain so in silent contemplation about whether I should give it a go for good measure.
Well my Super Singles run is over. I lost on battle 265 to Abomasnow 4 which had Soundproof. Of all the soundproof Pokemon, I hate Abomasnow 3 and 4 the worst.
Here's the team re-cap.

Meowstic: Male (PussInBoots).
Item: Choice Scarf.
Nature: Calm.
Ability: Prankster.
IV’s: 31/ 10/ 31/ 21/ 31/ 31
EV’s: 252 HP. 124 Def. 134 Sp. Def
-Thunder Wave

Durant: Female (Nat).
Item: Focus Sash.
Nature: Jolly.
Ability: Truant.
IV’s: 31/ 31/ 31/ 04/ 31/ 31
EV’s: 124 HP. 124 Def. 252 Speed.
-Iron Head

Venomoth: Female (Dovahkiin).
Item: Black Sludge.
Nature: Modest.
Ability: Tinted lens.
IV’s: 31/ 14/ 31/ 31/ 31/ 31
EV’s: 252 HP. 4 Def. 252 Sp. Atk
-Quiver Dance
-Bug Buzz

Heres the video.
5K7W-WWWW-WW54-9P9S VS Maid Joan

So basically the lead was Blaziken4. I used Trick on turn 1 and it got locked into flame charge. But it had speed boost. I managed to torment it, protect and Thunder Wave it, but by this time, it was at max speed from the flame charges and Speed Boosts. I wanted to swap out Meowstic, however, even a paralysed Choice Scarf Blaziken would still be able to outspeed durant on the switch. there was still a 25% chance of being fully paralysed but i didn't want to risk it. Regardless of whether it used struggle or not first, it would of moved first, and hit me with one move, then the other. This meant I was forced to let meowstic die so I could safely switch in Durant. Durant pulled off entrainment and took the Struggle.

I switched to Venomoth and set up. Koed Blaziken. Opponent sends out Florges. OHKO. Then things go downhill. The opponent sends in Abomasnow.
I use bug buzz and find out it has Soundproof. I switch to Durant who is at 90% health, and Abomasnow uses protect. Oh crap!
I wait a turn loafing, and it hits me with focus blast. I survive in the red, but then Abomasnow uses ice shard and KO's me. Crap.

I'm now left with Venomoth. I manage to get all my stat boosts back and try to stall as much as possible, however the opponent keeps using its other moves like protect and blizzard, instead of going for ice shard. While in the sub it takes 2 ice shards to brake, however that still wasn't enough to stall it out for the amount of PP that that move has. in the end, i'm too weak to make a sub and die. GG.

It was a very nice run while it lasted. i'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. While I enjoyed using Venomoth. A clearly underrated Pokemon, its weakness to soundproof Pokemon was its downfall.

Doing calcs now I can see that after my failed Entrainment, I could of swapped back into Venomoth and taken the X4 resisted focus blast, and possibly tried again. or better yet, count how many Protect PP it had used, Stall until it had used all PP for protect, and then switch into Durant.

Apart from Abomasnow, Venomoth is able to handle Soundproof Pokemon quite well.
Heres an example video I uploaded against Taunt Electrode on Battle 261: JZ9G- WWWW-WW54-9P8V
Due to a misclick on switching back to meowstic, I actually give the electrode a leftovers, which makes the match last longer than it should of done. However Electrode is under the Torment lock when Meowstic dies. Durant is unable to fire of Entrainment on Electrode due to the damn protect, But Venomoth is able to stall the electrode. even when it successfully fires off a taunt on me.

I may consider trying this again with the same team. But for now, I'll be looking for a set up Pokemon which has no immunities, so the choice locked opponent won't switch out on me.
I had discussed my entrainment team a bit back, and NoCheese had mentioned using a support and a sweeper instead of 2 sweepers
I was wondering if this might be a good option:
Black Sludge
Adamant | Battle Armor
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpDef
Substitute / Acupressure / Knock Off / Protect