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How does steel beat sub hoopa?
Keep hazards on the field and don't let it sub freely, then you can always revenge kill with Mag, Bish, or Mega-Scizor (Bullet Punch does >60%).

It is always going to be a rough matchup though. The entire set on the best mixed wall breaker in the game is dedicated to specifically beating your team.
Where can I find the Monotype banlist? I want to find out if Talonflame is banned in monotype or just flat out unviable.
When did aegislash get banned globally and why is it banned globally?
I understand that on steel, there was that big steel core between heatran, skarmory, and aegislash that created a lot of havoc for monotype players. Since I stopped playing monotype for a while, I don't see how aegislash got banned on ghost since it was a great addition to the ghost type.
When did aegislash get banned globally and why is it banned globally?
I understand that on steel, there was that big steel core between heatran, skarmory, and aegislash that created a lot of havoc for monotype players. Since I stopped playing monotype for a while, I don't see how aegislash got banned on ghost since it was a great addition to the ghost type.
It was banned a few months ago, because only being allowed on Ghost was a complicated ban and Monotype wanted to get rid of that.
When did aegislash get banned globally and why is it banned globally?
I understand that on steel, there was that big steel core between heatran, skarmory, and aegislash that created a lot of havoc for monotype players. Since I stopped playing monotype for a while, I don't see how aegislash got banned on ghost since it was a great addition to the ghost type.

Aegislash was banned back during the Monotype Suspect 3 (Hoopa-U) in early Spring. The reason being is that Monotype has shifted away from type-bans as it seeks to develop the metagame.

Edit: Got flexxed on :,/
Are dragon teams better than fire in terms of favorable matchups?

Overall, Dragon is a much more consistent type; it has two bad matchups in Fairy and Ice, otherwise it has either a good or neutral matchup against the other types. It does well against the common types of Water, Flying, and Fighting.

Fire has surprisingly good matchups for a lower tier type, but its bad matchups are far more difficult to get past - you can see Dragon beating Fairy occasionally, but it's quite rare for Fire to beat Dragon or Rock. It is also less consistent, it will do well against some Flying teams, particularly well against Mega Charizard teams and about neutral against Mega Gyarados teams. It also struggles with Water, Fighting, and Ground, three top types, but it of course performs well against Steel teams, which are about neutral for Dragon teams.
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Aye, I see, thanks. On another note, Is Mega Diancie or Gardevoir generally better against most things?

Hello! Mega Diancie is generally better on Fairy-type teams due to its secondary typing in Rock which gives it neutrality to Poison, it has also allows Fairy taking on Bug-, Flying-type teams, it also have some good coverage move against Steel such as Earth Power, its mixed stats plus ability are too good to miss.
Q to the council, is there a place where one can publicly discuss the tiering philosophy? Right now all I see is "PM one of the council members" and it's a very hush and taboo-esque? topic, and gets automatically hushed whenever talked about. I personally have no opinions on the matter but would just like to know a place where one can publicly discuss it, rather than just be told to PM a member and be told the same thing. There seem to be a lot of people that want to talk about it, but cant. Unless ofc there is a place and i just dont know about it, then nvm.
It took me a bit but I think I understand your qualm. There was a big smogon pm discussion conversation with a ton of people of the community back in March where people gave their opinions or whatever, and anybody anytime can do that again. It's not "hush hush" or whatever, it's just a lot easier to give a direct answer to people in pms rather than "discussing" it in the main metagame thread(you can see this in action now lmao.) A lot of people want to talk about it and can but for some reason choose the wrong venue to do so.
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Q to the council, is there a place where one can publicly discuss the tiering philosophy? Right now all I see is "PM one of the council members" and it's a very hush and taboo-esque? topic, and gets automatically hushed whenever talked about. I personally have no opinions on the matter but would just like to know a place where one can publicly discuss it, rather than just be told to PM a member and be told the same thing. There seem to be a lot of people that want to talk about it, but cant. Unless ofc there is a place and i just dont know about it, then nvm.
We're not trying to keep things "hushed". We have no problem telling people why we have this philosophy (read the posts by Articuno I, Eien, and me from this evening). We just don't want it to clog up a metagame discussion thread when the council isn't considering changing it. If, at some point in the future, we want to field discussion on potential changes to the philosophy then we'll create a thread for that.

Essentially, we ask for pm's because that is the most efficient way to answer people's questions without derailing our main thread.
It took me a bit but I think I understand your qualm. There was a big smogon pm discussion conversation with a ton of people of the community back in March where people gave their opinions or whatever, and anybody anytime can do that again. It's not "hush hush" or whatever, it's just a lot easier to give a direct answer to people in pms rather than "discussing" it in the main metagame thread(you can see this in action now lmao.) A lot of people want to talk about it and can but for some reason choose the wrong venue to do so.
We're not trying to keep things "hushed". We have no problem telling people why we have this philosophy (read the posts by Articuno I, Eien, and me from this evening). We just don't want it to clog up a metagame discussion thread when the council isn't considering changing it. If, at some point in the future, we want to field discussion on potential changes to the philosophy then we'll create a thread for that.

Essentially, we ask for pm's because that is the most efficient way to answer people's questions without derailing our main thread.

yeah i understand you guys, but my main concern was a place where people can discuss it publicly. Im fine with the current philosophy, but I think a lot of other people want kind of a public way to voice their opinion, where they can get support for their thoughts? So yeah, but scp you said that the council is not considering to change it now, so nvm then.
Hey this is going to be an odd question, but is that monotype mentorship program I heard about still going on?

I'm not necessarily new to monotype, but I haven't played mons since the BW days and competative has changed so much that I feel like a newbie all of it. I think having someone talking my through the current meta would help me understand it a bit more because it's actually kinda confusing, I'm also trash at team building/battling in general. I was simply wondering if that program is still a thing or if it's long since gone by the wayside.

Alternatively are their any youtube channels or such that cover monotype? I've tried poking around but haven't had any luck.
Hey this is going to be an odd question, but is that monotype mentorship program I heard about still going on?

I'm not necessarily new to monotype, but I haven't played mons since the BW days and competative has changed so much that I feel like a newbie all of it. I think having someone talking my through the current meta would help me understand it a bit more because it's actually kinda confusing, I'm also trash at team building/battling in general. I was simply wondering if that program is still a thing or if it's long since gone by the wayside.

Alternatively are their any youtube channels or such that cover monotype? I've tried poking around but haven't had any luck.
I'll tag Snowyyy to answer about the mentor program. As far as I know though, it's now defunct.

As for teambuilding, I've written scripts for a few Introduction to Monotype video. You can find them on the Smogon Youtube channel. Here's the playlist for the series:
Hey this is going to be an odd question, but is that monotype mentorship program I heard about still going on?

I'm not necessarily new to monotype, but I haven't played mons since the BW days and competative has changed so much that I feel like a newbie all of it. I think having someone talking my through the current meta would help me understand it a bit more because it's actually kinda confusing, I'm also trash at team building/battling in general. I was simply wondering if that program is still a thing or if it's long since gone by the wayside.

Alternatively are their any youtube channels or such that cover monotype? I've tried poking around but haven't had any luck.
I'm not sure if the Monotype Tutoring Program is still around. I'm sure one of the counsel members could talk you through that. However, any and all questions about the meta, team building, etc. you can ask in the Monotype chat or directly to staff (+, %, etc.) and they can help you as well.
Thank you for responding so quickly : )
I'll have a peek over the videos. Sadly I'm unable to partake in the monotype room discussion, my account's too new for autoconfirm. But soon. I'm perfectly fine with lurkin
Ho to everyone! Just a question:what are the best possible teammates for mega sceptile on a mono grass team?
I sticked with mega venusaur for a long time and now I'd like to experiment something new.
His moves would be for now Energy ball/dragon pulse/earthquake/focus blast or rock slide.
Ho to everyone! Just a question:what are the best possible teammates for mega sceptile on a mono grass team?
I sticked with mega venusaur for a long time and now I'd like to experiment something new.
His moves would be for now Energy ball/dragon pulse/earthquake/focus blast or rock slide.
Ferrothorn and Cradily form a defensive core that's essential to all Grass-type teams so those are definitely two great partners. Here are some other useful links that will guide you in picking the right Pokemon, sets and what direction to go when building your team.

Viability Rankings
EVs and Sets Compendium
Ho to everyone! Just a question:what are the best possible teammates for mega sceptile on a mono grass team?
I sticked with mega venusaur for a long time and now I'd like to experiment something new.
His moves would be for now Energy ball/dragon pulse/earthquake/focus blast or rock slide.
Confluxx had some great suggestions and you should definitely check out the links he posted, but I also wanted to mention that since you're not using Mega Venusaur, your team is going to be particularly weak to Ice and Fire. Ludicolo would help against both of those weaknesses, so it would be a good choice.
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