Postgame Acid City's Trouble [Day 4/End: City Win! 4/10 Players]

the bolded; it doesn't seem like you to dismiss someone so easily, the fact that it's King_ nonwithstanding

I was asking from Blazade's perspective because he seemed to dislike King_'s ideas on no lynching and I wanted to know why. I was asking if the root of his dislike was in "I think you're mafia with an agenda (scummy)," or "I might be town but with an idea that hurts the town (anti-town)"

I thought blazade's response was fine but not inherently towny.

I can't read king yet but would agree with Blazade that no lynching is anti-town. We need info, and the lynch is the best place to get it.
Wow BT's mispinterpretation of that jumpluff post was so comical it was either the most manufactured scum push in existance or oozing legitimacy.

I don't think King_ was ever pushing for no lynch just trying to make excuses to hang back until the end of this 72 hours or until we were all absolutely sure there were no cop claims.

Also King making a scumteam and then posting flimsy reasons is a start, but way more awkward than just posting reads with reasons.

Be back in a while, going to interview as a lab tech.
Pls don't accuse based on my activity when this game's been up less than 48h tyvm

if it's been more than that well


I think pluff seems legit, but dle's outright saying 'scummy or antitown' seems a bit odd to me; he doesn't seem the player to put folks on the spot outright
I said it was kind of a random read.
Question thrown out to the masses:
Let me rephrase DLE's question from the town perspective and in a more revelant way to the current situation we are in.

If you guys had to lynch someone in this game right now, who is it and why? No lynch is not an option, I want a name of your biggest scum read.
Man BT you could have earned free townpoints by answering your own question which is basically what I asked you to do earlier.

Probably King_ because I don't really know what a "random read" is supposed to be but it is extremely weak lean, not even enough for a vote.

I don't see a lot of active scum intent, most of today has been misinterpretation and the closest things to purposefully twisting discussion or ideas are in DLE or BT and those are still leaning town so far.

The people who are being passive are more than capable of being passive anyway and the ones I dislike most are the ones inclined to make excuses like King_ BT Ullar over someone like Jalmont Cancerous aciphoenix
I'm town because I'm the best of course. At being town. Yea. That's it. ^_^

No real thoughts about the jumpluff/BT scandal or w/e you want to call it. More inclined to believe jumpluff over BT if I had to take a side but I don't know I just thought the exchange was silly (in the sense that it seemed like BT overreacted in the first place).

I wonder if user Dullagamur is lurking or is actually afk? That's what I'm most interested in atm.
i never made excuses for my absenteeism, ftr

i was too lazy tbh

Blazade is being his usual aggressive village self, so I like him for town

as for who i'd lynch? I'd go with King_ because he is literally cancer
Yo I'm cohosting now rawr

If you want to make a vote I'm gonna need you to unbold previous votes made because I can't be assed otherwise.

Also don't bold anything other than votes.

Again, because I can't be assed.

Ullar by excuses I meant any kind of pointed attention or defensiveness to the fact that it shouldn't be a problem that you're posting as infrequently etc.

I fucking forgot about Dullagamur, she needs to get a real post in here ASAP especially since she has a lot to say when you talk to her in other games so I'll be looking for one this evening.
Votecount (1.2):
Acidphoenix (1) - Blazade.
Blazade (1) - Acidphoenix.
Jalmont (1) - Da Letter El.
Jumpluff (1) - ButteredToast.
Dullagamur (1) - Jalmont.

Will link new votecount posts in the OP.
In the future when you do this can you please briefly explain the change in the update post itself so I know what to look for?

All I did was give examples of the votes that could be done, if you don't want to look for them here they are:

/vote Player
/vote No Lynch
/vote Extension
I really don't get this. Explain.
Well most people I don't feel strong town vibes from at all yet, they just aren't scummy (qualitative difference). Jalmont is eager to participate so more data.

Jalmont is admittedly a player I have trouble reading but this is partially a meta read because I often find him extremely scummy (sort of like you) and I'm not getting any of that, so I adjust for bias. Then there's the mindmelds. Then there's the fact I think, despite his tone, most of what he's said has been pro-town re. leading the discussion. And I disagree that his tone matters but if it matters all it shows is that he is not really interested in pocketing or sucking up to people.

I can't put someone like Blazade in instatowniest because I believe him capable of this play D1 as any alignment so I am waiting for more useful things to read. Atm he has been quite pro-town which I am satisfied with. I am concerned about a playstyle that does not give answers. So that puts it down to you and Jalmont, my next town reads.

#1 scumread would lynch gun to my head right now is is Dullagamur because as previously stated I believe she(? sorry if I'm getting pronouns wrong, please let me know if I am) is familiar with these types of games and is being conspicuously quiet and that 'does anyone have info to share' was SOOOO pointed. Flying too much under the radar.

Of the active players I think King_ is struggling the most to participate and seem town.

I would b eok with a Cancerous lynch if he weren't Cancerous and this weren't normal Cancerous town range. If he doesn't step it up tho I will be wondering if it is not intentional lurking behind his meta.
Oh yeah the other thing that made me ? about Blazade, the other obvious 'most town' target, is his comment on the BT thing and construing it as necessarily scummy, rather than town vs town. It made me anxious about pocketing because I didn't think it was reasonable that BT would earnestly try to mislynch me D1 based off twisting my words in a way that would be easily explained. I mean ffs all I do on this site is argue. LOL

Even I didn't think BT was intentionally twisting my words, just failing to understand how I type; I realise I phrase things rather idiosyncratically when I'm not talking formally and I'm constantly working on it; that's why I ask for some slack in trying to figure out my intent. I do think there is a possibility of BT looking for what lynches will stick, but he definitely didn't pick low hanging fruit (since I'm quit eactive), and he put so much effort into that post that I think it was genuine. That's why I didn't retaliate, even finding so much wrong with the post. It would've just been internet debating and not useful for the game. So I wonder what Blazade actually thinks about that.

I'm not trying to imply that BT would be intimidated by me, but it's normal D1 to roll low hanging fruit because people in RVS tend to try to preserve active players. It's how UncleSam gets ganged up on every D1 but lives it somehow in NOC.

I don't think I misremembered you BT but it might have just been one game. It had Gale Wing Srock in it and he got godkilled. I remember you got pissed similarly and subbed. But if I'm wrong I'll drop it. Sorry! I just feel weird when my memory is called into question.
I will note for posterity that its interesting BT went off at me for criticising King_ when I merely differentiated between which of his reasons were forced and which of his reasons were interesting but didnt criticise Blazade for doing the same thing, who asked the question. I think things like that are useful to have on the record in case more significant things happen in the future.
Someone please explain to me why being silent and inconspicuous in NOCs do the mafia any good? It makes more sense in traditional mafia, where they have to make fake claims and communicate, coordinate, and organize with the rest of the mafia and that takes them away from doing village things.

In NOCs, I always tended to feel that mafia were instead more willing to participate because they not only are playing the game like the rest of us, but they have their scum partners team they don't want to let down. I'd think that scum would be more likely be active than inactive. Like in the ullar/king/jalmont activity level. In sight, but not pushing it. Jumpluff fit into this before, but is becoming more and more active and contributory.

I feel that for a scum member to be checked out, they'd be prone to being checked out. Or would feel obligated to ask for a sub because they're playing a far more team game than an individual one.

I'm not sure this pertains to anything in particular... It's just odd that people use inactivity to equal scum. It makes a little less sense in NOC because they dont need to converse with their buddies to make fake claims, and it's something that everyone thinks that the mafia is real good at just hiding in the weeds doing nothing and feinting inactivity.

These inactive need to be pressured, I get that. But I don't so much get the general idea of why usually everyone thinks inactives will flip scum.