Ask a simple question, get a simple answer: Monotype Edition

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So in this battle on the monotype ladder of pokemon showdown, a togekiss proceeds to get to 2.5 on all stats before baton passing to an azumarill. So either I'm missing something, there's a glitch with showdown or the baton pass clause, or togekiss is just a monster.

If anyone could help explain what happened or maybe fix what did happen, it would be greatly appreciated.

I won anyways because ct lol
Ancientpower voids Baton Pass clause since its so situational, theres no need to outlaw it.

In the future, refer to the simple questions, simple answers thread for inquiries like this and dont make a thread without moderator permission.

scp edit (3/23/2016): moved this into the SQSA thread
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I have done some other types besides Normal, I have done Dragon, Steel, Water, Bug, Fighting, and Fairy. The core challenge does seem interesting. Thanks for the help.
I'm actually the guy in charge of the Core Challenges. If you wanna talk to me on PS! with any questions, or my buddy Ticktick (Ticken), you can catch either of us and we can answer any questions. They're very fun, I think you may get a kick out of them :)
hello there

I'm new to the monotype tier, and i was thinking if there is some sort of tutoring program for the tier as i'd love some support and help with the metagame


Welcome to Monotype!
We do have a tutoring program which can be found right here.
If you have any question or need any help ask any room auth, they will gladly help you build a team, know the basics or answer all our questions!
Hi there. I hope I am not abusing this system. I am interested in mono-Normal primarily.

Assuming I want to prepare for a team with Item Clause on and shy away from legendaries if possible (ie, a practice for a wifi mini-tournament with friends), what would be a good pair of walls if necessary? (For balance team play if that's the best option). All I see is double eviolite and Meloetta here and there... (That's why I said I hope I'm not abusing, since I understand this is not the "official" metagame in PS).

Also, some of the 'mons that I think are good are completely missing here. Most notably, Toxic Boost Zangoose. What outclasses him?

Finally, I'd like to help design a team for a friend who is new to competitive at all, basically new to the franchise even. Her favorite 'mon is Florges, so Fairy is it. But I don't know much about fairies. What pairs well with Florges?

Thank you in advance. :)
Hi there. I hope I am not abusing this system. I am interested in mono-Normal primarily.

Assuming I want to prepare for a team with Item Clause on and shy away from legendaries if possible (ie, a practice for a wifi mini-tournament with friends), what would be a good pair of walls if necessary? (For balance team play if that's the best option). All I see is double eviolite and Meloetta here and there... (That's why I said I hope I'm not abusing, since I understand this is not the "official" metagame in PS).

Also, some of the 'mons that I think are good are completely missing here. Most notably, Toxic Boost Zangoose. What outclasses him?

Finally, I'd like to help design a team for a friend who is new to competitive at all, basically new to the franchise even. Her favorite 'mon is Florges, so Fairy is it. But I don't know much about fairies. What pairs well with Florges?

Thank you in advance. :)

If you must follow Item Clause, Blissey (Leftovers) + Porygon2 (Eviolite) can work for walls. Diggersby is the Pokemon that completely outclasses Zangoose. A generic normal without legendaries team that obeys Item Clause might be Blissey (Leftovers), Porygon2 (Eviolite), Staraptor (Rocky Helmet), Mega-Lopunny (Mega Stone), Diggersby (Life Orb/Choice Band), Ditto (Choice Scarf).

On the matter of Florges, it's not viable as it's completely outclassed by Clefable. Fairy teams in general follow an archetype of using Dual Screens Klefki + Belly Drum Azumarill with either Mega-Diancie or Mega-Gardevoir. They use Clefable to form a defensive core with Klefki. They'll often have one more offensive Pokemon, commonly a Choice Specs Sylveon or a Belly Drum Slurpuff. They could easily run a defensive/utility Whimsicott or Togekiss in this slot as well. Their final Pokemon is their reliable speed control and could be a Choice Scarf Gardevoir (if using Mega-Diancie) or Togekiss (if not using it earlier).
I see, thank you. :) Ditto has the same problem that legendaries have (namely, that I can't breed for stats in the console). Maybe a curselax of some sort, but then I have no scarfer. Hmm... I'll work out something. (I've worked out the EV spread for standard Curselax to adapt it to level 50, btw. If you guys are curious it's 172 HP (so that final HP is still multiple of 16 plus one), 156 Sp.Def (so that I still hit a nature jump point), 180 Defense (what's remaining)).

BTW: Is there a level 50 room in PS? (monotype or regular).

For my friend, she doesn't care much about performance, so I'm guessing going with mainly cute but still good 'mons. Something like Florges, Sylveon, Gardevoir, Togekiss, Azumarill, and maybe Whimsicott, or I don't know... legendary Diancie, or something... But asking about a non-top team is definitely abusing the system. ;)
Why is Rough Skin incompatable with Natural gift in the teambuilder?
Natural Gift is a TM in Gen 4, whereas Rough Skin (Presumably you mean on Garchomp) is a Hidden Ability from Gen 5. This is the same reasoning for why Gliscor cannot run Defog and Poison Heal.
I know that it's one of the least used types, but why is Electric considered low tier? They seem to have a decent matchup against flying and water.
I know that it's one of the least used types, but why is Electric considered low tier? They seem to have a decent matchup against flying and water.
Both Flying and Water will always run some sort of Electric immunity, and they have access to plenty of options, so they can usually deal with Electric moves quite well. Electric might have a slight advantage, but not as much as you would think. Also, the type seriously suffers from a lack of good physical attackers. Last time I seriously looked at building an Electric team, physical Thundurus-I seemed to be the trend. I don't know if the trend has changed, but the only other options are Electivire, Luxray, and Eelektross, none of which are very impressive.

Another smaller issue the type suffers from is lack of hazards. Stunfisk is the only way of setting Stealth Rocks, and it's typically not good enough to justify putting it on your team.

EDIT: Galvantula has Sticky Web of course, but speed isn't something many Electric teams need to worry about. It can help for slower things like Magnezone or Luxray, but Mega Manectric, Raikou, and Thundurus are all plenty fast on their own.
I was going to mention that I had trouble with flying but I just chalked that up to being a new player. If they're smart they'll keep the absorb alive, and volt switch is super important for elec to be able to use.
So I'm trying to build a "sandless" Ground team, but I've been having troubles with finding a Stealth Rock setter due to forgoing Hippowdon. Could you guys suggest some alternative SR setters on Ground teams over Hippowdon? Also I am open to bringing Hippo onto the squad and forgoing a Sand Rush user if that's the definition of "sandless".
So I'm trying to build a "sandless" Ground team, but I've been having troubles with finding a Stealth Rock setter due to forgoing Hippowdon. Could you guys suggest some alternative SR setters on Ground teams over Hippowdon? Also I am open to bringing Hippo onto the squad and forgoing a Sand Rush user if that's the definition of "sandless".
Krookodile can work very well as SR Setter on non ground teams because its faster than Hippo and has good ability of Intimidate as well
Krookodile @ Black Glasses
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt/Pursuit
So I'm trying to build a "sandless" Ground team, but I've been having troubles with finding a Stealth Rock setter due to forgoing Hippowdon. Could you guys suggest some alternative SR setters on Ground teams over Hippowdon? Also I am open to bringing Hippo onto the squad and forgoing a Sand Rush user if that's the definition of "sandless".
"Sandless" just means no sandstorm whatsoever, so if you want it to be sandless, you can't use Hippo. As far as Stealth Rocks are concerned, you could give it to pretty much anything since almost all Ground types learn it. Gastrodon is the one I would recommend since it oftentimes has a filler moveslot or two (Recover, Scald, Earth Power, filler). Garchomp or Gliscor could be your hazard setter too if you're not already using them as offensive pokemon. Defensive Rocky Helmet Garchomp is very common on Dragon and I'm sure it can use the same set on Ground. As iVid said, Krookodile is also worth considering, but I don't have experience using support Krookodile so I'm not sure how good it is myself.

EDIT: Articuno I made a good point. You can still use Hippo without Sand Stream if you really care about being sandless, but there's almost no reason to not use sand.
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I'd have to ask why sandless? Partially because Hippo is good enough that I might consider using Sand Force Hippo even if I weren't allowed to use Sand Stream - it forms a very solid core with Gastrodon. And if you just want it to be sandless to be different, you can just try not running the mons that benefit from Sand.
I was wondering where i can find the banlist for Mono LC, i cant seem to find it
I was wondering where i can find the banlist for Mono LC, i cant seem to find it
The only thing that Mono LC has banned is Fletchling. Anything else that's legal in LC would be legal in Mono LC. You can find banlists for most MonoOMs by sending a PM on showdown to The Lord Monotyke. Just send ".bl lc" or replace the lc with any of the other MonoOMs.
The only thing that Mono LC has banned is Fletchling. Anything else that's legal in LC would be legal in Mono LC. You can find banlists for most MonoOMs by sending a PM on showdown to The Lord Monotyke. Just send ".bl lc" or replace the lc with any of the other MonoOMs.
Oh ok! thanks
I've been wondering, what OT attracts the most participants? I'm est, so they're at 3am/9am/3pm/9pm.
I've been wondering, what OT attracts the most participants? I'm est, so they're at 3am/9am/3pm/9pm.
They're all popular relative to the number of users in the room from what I can tell. The the pm ones get more users but that tracks with the overall ps! user count.
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