ORAS OU Yet another stall - How to scald spam to 1800 (top 20)

Hello all you fantastic smogoners, today i'd like to bring you a team i've made and laddered with during cycle 5 of the olt based around the deady duo of Azumarill and Quagsire!


Short back story: Originally i made this post here in the good cores thread about a rad combo of azumarill and quagsire, then i realised that i dont actually have any really decent replays for it so i decided to make a team and ladder with it. I wasnt really looking to qualify or do particularly well but somehow i found myself in a position where i was at 1809 and #7 on the olt list for this week and then i pushed for rating cos yolo and inevitably when i tried to force the games i tilted and lost a bunch lol. But anyway its a really sweet team and its something i'd like to share with people because its really a lot of fun to use (well if you like stall anyway)

Proof of peak:

Teambuilding process:


Obviously i started off with this duo, quag and the very underrated sap sipper azu have perfect defensive coverage with obviously quag only weak to grass and azu only weak to electric and poison. Quag ignores stat boosts when taking/recieving damage so he's really crucial for stall teams and azu has godly typing which when combined with sap sipper means sometimes he can wall entire teams if they are lacking strong poison/electric stabs


Might as well introduce the next two as a duo as well, not really much to say about them that most people dont know already as they've been around forever. They do their job of walling 90% of the meta and they do it very well and consistently, honestly you cant beat them and their role compression is fantastic.


At this point i kinda felt like adding a mega and the obvious one to chose is M-Sableye. He was raised to S rank again recently and quite frankly although there is a lot of debate whether it is warranted nobody can deny at least he is one of the best A+ megas currently and is probably the best mega to use for stall on a team-to-team basis. I wouldnt say he's a necessary requirement but he is very very good. None of my mons up to this point resist hazards except quag so keeping them off the field is very important. He also adds a more consistent burn than the azu/quag which can be crucial at times.


So at this point i realised that i dont actually have a win condition. I wanted something preferably very bulky but does a lot of damage and forces the opposing team to play on my terms. I was reading a fair bit of hype recently about roar suicune and by god does it put in work. Although i was kinda concerned about having 3 of the same types on one team it actually works in the same way that birdspam works by wearing down its counters. By spamming skill scald at everything eventually everyone is burnt and suicune can sweep after a couple of boosts as it starts to reach motherfucking tanky bulk levels. Its also a very good phaser and all around bulky wall.

The movesets and indepth explanations:


Sometimes Burns (Quagsire) @

Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earthquake

I literally love this guy, look at that face. Does it look like the face of mercy to you? Anyway Quag is my unaware wall, many phsyically attacking mons are unable to break him down without stat boosts or hax. For example, bisharp/lopunny/mega charizard x/mega metagross to name a few and these are all very threatening mons to stall. The spread/moves are fairly standard with scald/toxic the main methods to wear down its opponents and earthquake to hit things with, i actually doing use earthquake very much but its kinda useful sometimes. Recover is there to obviously recover off the damage. Spread is very simple, max bulk on the physical side, minus speed nature as who cares about speed when you're slow anyway and he attacks on both phsyical/special so its not good to reduce those as you need all the damage you can get sometimes.


No Burns (Azumarill) @

Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 HP / 114 Def / 138 SpD / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Toxic
- Rest
- Encore / Sleep talk

Sap Sipper Azu is so amazing i cant stop raving about it. His fairy typing is one of the things that like clefable makes him so viable as he resists dark/dragon/fighting but only gains one extra weakness in poison in return. Being immune to grass as a water mon is hilarious as well, ferrothorn does nothing to my team. Any grass mon without poison secondary typing is 100% walled and does nothing all game so i dont have to worry about serperior/breloom/celebi all of whom can cause trouble depending on their spreads/sets. This thing is often MvP as the number of teams that struggle to get past it is unreal, definetly a threat people need to be thinking of when teambuilding imo (not serious lol)

Scald and toxic again because spreading statuses is the point of this team. Rest because he doesnt have any reliable recovery, i've always felt like the lack of reliable recovery shouldnt hold a mon back from fulfilling its destiny as a stall mon. Encore is used as otherwise i have a distinct weakness to rd/rest manaphy and sub/cm keldeo as both can set up and just 6-0 me. At least this way i can lock them into something and roar them out with suicune. I did used to run sleep talk which is a perfectly viable option on azu as a whole but encore wins games and is really my only way of dealing with certain threats. The spread is designed to specifically tank a number of threats as much as possible which i will hide below and the 4 speed is to creep opposing base 50s who dont have any investment (read chansey)

252 SpA Life Orb Latios Psyshock vs. 252 HP / 116+ Def Azumarill: 164-192 (40.5 - 47.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 144 SpD Azumarill: 136-161 (33.6 - 39.8%) -- 27.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 144 SpD Azumarill in Sun: 160-189 (39.6 - 46.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252+ Atk Mega Charizard X Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 116+ Def Azumarill: 171-202 (42.3 - 50%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Sharp Beak Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 116+ Def Azumarill: 180-213 (44.5 - 52.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Amoonguss Sludge Bomb vs. 252 HP / 144 SpD Azumarill: 174-206 (43 - 50.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery


No Burns (Chansey) (F) @

Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 12 HP / 248 Def / 248 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Aromatherapy

Chansey is the premier special wall. Quag is a physical wall, Azu is a mixed-ish wall and now i need a special wall. Who else to turn to except chansey? Has a monster HP stat so spread combined with eviolite focuses on bolstering its rather lackluster defense and already decent special defense, spread maximises the eviolite effect by using round numbers and such. Stealth rock because every team needs SR to apply some pressure to the opposing team, s-toss to actually do damage and not be retarded. Aromatherapy to keep the team clean of statuses. To be honest i dont actually like this moveset as i much prefer my chanseys to have a status move but unfortunately with the team as it is nobody else can learn heal bell. Therefore somebody has to do it and that means my chansey is passive as hell but thats just the way this team works but it would be nice to fit thunder wave on there somewhere.


Useless Twat (Skarmory) @

Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 184 Def / 68 SpD / 8 Spe OR EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 12 Spe
Careful Nature OR Bold Nature
- Spikes
- Roost
- Defog
- Iron Head OR Counter

Skarmory is like the polar opposite to Chansey in that its physical walling capabilities are also top range but this is not due to a high hp stat (its rather mediocre) but rather typing combined with a very high defense stat. Its weaknesses (electric and fire) are covered by quagsire so between the two they can pretty much counter the entire meta/game. This spread is also another thing specific to this team as i get pretty much 6-0'd by any stall breaker togekiss. With 68spd + boosting nature i can kind of deal with the togekiss as used in this thread as well as a couple of other threats:

+2 0 SpA Togekiss Air Slash vs. 248 HP / 68+ SpD Skarmory: 105-124 (31.5 - 37.2%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
0- SpA Garchomp Fire Blast vs. 248 HP / 68+ SpD Skarmory: 132-156 (39.6 - 46.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
0 SpA Mega Venusaur Hidden Power Fire vs. 248 HP / 68+ SpD Skarmory: 114-136 (34.2 - 40.8%) -- 54.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Even with that spread i still need a lot of luck in order to beat a togekiss and quite frankly im not really sure its actually worth it as although i retain enough def to wall CB azu, i really really miss having rocky hat and counter to deal with all the physical threats that quag either cant handle or doesnt want to handle so its pretty 50/50 whether i prefer to get 6/0'd by a rarer stallbreaker or have an easier time dealing with the more common phsyical threats. Spikes / Defog seem counter-intuitive but due to the nature of role compression i dont have much choice lol as i kind of really like having spikes on a stall team due to applying pressure on balance teams / opposing stalls without sableye. But at the same time my own sableye cant always keep hazards off my side either so its a mixed blessing/curse.


Always burns (Sableye-Mega) @

Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Def / 192 SpD
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Recover

Speaking of Sableye here is my mega! This guy is really really good right now as reflected in his rise to S rank. Able to keep hazards off, spread statuses with ease and remove opponents items make this guy just a godsend to stall and a really annoying poke for people to deal with. Spread is designed to be as phsyically bulky as possible while still avoiding the 2hko from gengar which would otherwise be really really gay to deal with for my team. Fake out is for ez-evolution at the start of the game and very useful chip / revenge kill damage (10% is no laughing matter) and scouting tool to see if something holds lefties or a choice item. Will-o is because i love spreading burns, its the best status :D. Thanks to his magic-bounce ability he plays a crucial role in playing mind-games with people and keeping hazards off the field. His typing allows him 1 weakness which fortunately people dont generally carry as a coverage move which is good as keeping him healthy throughout the match is vital and he is often the primary target of most teams looking to win.


Rarely burns (Suicune) @

Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Roar

This dog is the best dog. Pressure is an AMAZING ability and this is my general win-con vs a lot of teams including opposing stalls as it soaks up PP like its going out of fashion. The spread is to be phsyically bulky again with enough speed to creep those people who creep standard spd heatran. Calm mind with scald is to up the ante and allow me to sweep through teams who are often caught off balance by how effective it is. Rest is because he doesnt have any other recovery and roar is to phase people who try to boost along-side me. The number of times i've let an opposing clef or whatever get to +3 then just phase them away so i can go to town on their team is incredible. Such a great all around mon and with his solid mono-water typing unless you're packing leaf-storm or thunder you wont be ohkoing this guy. Thanks to pressure as well you can outlast your counters once you get a boost or two underway:

0 SpA Mega Venusaur Giga Drain vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Suicune: 116-138 (28.7 - 34.1%) -- 97.2% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

Pressure reduces Giga-drain from 16 uses to just 8 which means that its so easy to beat grass types and other mons that people use to try and break you down. Its also good for opposing drawn out stalls as they only have 12 defogs instead of 24 providing you manage to get suicune in on every opposing defog (not that hard).

Useless Twat (Skarmory) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
- Spikes
- Roost
- Defog
- Iron Head

No Burns (Azumarill) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 HP / 116 Def / 136 SpD / 4 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Toxic
- Rest
- Encore

Sometimes Burns (Quagsire) @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Recover
- Toxic
- Earthquake

No Burns (Chansey) @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 12 HP / 248 Def / 248 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Seismic Toss
- Soft-Boiled
- Aromatherapy

Always burns (Sableye-Mega) @ Sablenite
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Def / 192 SpD
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Recover

Rarely burns (Suicune) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 244 Def / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Roar


No team is complete without a threatlist and there are several mons that kinda just beat me, its impossible these days to cover everything as there is so much to cover.

Like i said earlier stall-breaker togekiss just beats me 6-0 unless for some reason it doesnt run heal-bell and i can get a toxic on it. Luckily its relatively rare but it is gaining in popularity which is why i changed my skarmory set. I still lose to it anyway even with that spread but hey thats life lol
Manaphy with rd is hard to beat, its definetly do-able with the right encores but when it has rest it just kinda wears down my team as nothing particuarly likes taking repeated scalds in the rain. If necessary you can try to pp-stall it a bit with suicune while roaring it out but it becomes very difficult to keep suicune healthy and awake to do so.
This thing just almost invalidates any stall by itself. Fortunately its hype/usage has gone down but the fact is you lose half your team working out what set its running and its just a fucking pain to have to deal with i really hate seeing it
Not literally vaporeon itself but water-absorb mons are a pain to break past in general as suicune obviously cant do anything to them except phase
The one mon i really hate the most is Goth. At least the previous three threats i can kind of deal with with smart play and whatever but this thing is just pure aids. The worst offenders are opposing stalls with goth as there is literally nothing you can do eventually it will trap/trick something and then its just downhill from there zzz.

Sorry i only have a weeks worth of replays to chose from so there wont be too many but hopefully it will showcase how the team works

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-272687010 - instant forfeit when sap sipper revealed lol
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-272690178 - another azu hype replay
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-272722344 - vs a nice semi-stall where roar suicune carries the game
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-272892888 - vs a not so nice semi-stall where azu mostly carries
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-273958168 - god bless encore
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-273982520 - Played MoB 3 times and went 2-1 up but felt a bit bad as he is a really good player and my team has a very good match-up vs him. Barely won this game as last mon standing m-bro is hard to break without a toxic on it

And here is a reply of my mentor snowy using my team to beat a goth stall, it take 450 turns but eventually he managed it lol



So anyway thats the team, i hope people like it and i'd like to make a shout-out to my mentor Snowy who helped with the azu spread and has encouraged me a ton over the past month, its thanks to him that i was able to do as well as i have and im really proud of the fact i managed to climb with such tough competition in the current ladder using sap sipper azu. Im not going to try and claim that i invented it lol everyones seen it before but it was really fun using it at a high level and i hope more people pick it up and use it in the future
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Hey man I played it a few times and Rotom is so painful to deal with, especially if I accidentaly burn it, so I can't toxic it. It has infinite recovery with Rest or Pain Split with high PP . It is almost impossible to beat it. How did you do it?
Also I played against a Togekiss, it went for one Nasty Plot and I got 6-0'd
Hey man I played it a few times and Rotom is so painful to deal with, especially if I accidentaly burn it, so I can't toxic it. It has infinite recovery with Rest or Pain Split with high PP . It is almost impossible to beat it. How did you do it?
Also I played against a Togekiss, it went for one Nasty Plot and I got 6-0'd

Yes its a real pain to deal with, luckily its usually mono attack these days so i generally try and pp stall it a bit with suicune while getting roars/rest off then try and tank a bit with skarm lol.

Its hard and i lose to it very often but i wasnt really sure how to rebuild the team to deal with it :(
Great team, very inspiring. Cool to see that you hit 1800 vs. Mob. The only suggestion I have is Shed Shell on Skarmory. It allows you to switch to Quagsire from Magnezone, or MSab from Gothitelle / Wobb and get a burn on something. Nothing else needs to be changed from what I can see. Do you have a W/L for this team exclusively?
Great team, very inspiring. Cool to see that you hit 1800 vs. Mob. The only suggestion I have is Shed Shell on Skarmory. It allows you to switch to Quagsire from Magnezone, or MSab from Gothitelle / Wobb and get a burn on something. Nothing else needs to be changed from what I can see. Do you have a W/L for this team exclusively?

Sorry i didnt screen cap it but at one point i believe i was 53-15 or something along those lines.

Shed shell is something i experimented with but i kinda felt it was a dead-weight item against non trapper teams, every time i switched it inevitably the next game i really really wished i had the chip damage from rocky hat. But i should probably pick it up again as its pretty clutch to get free spikes off when they think you're trapped.
Your team seems to lack reliable ways of dealing with status sponges. Things like gliscor (both taunt knock and sd knock), enemy suicune, some clefable (moreso that it can reliably get rocks up and absorb burns), and regen spam seem near impossible for you to defeat. I mostly just think it's silly that triple waters is a viable stall build and it shows off how stupid the move scald is.

Ban Scald.

Cool team, though.

edit @ below: bulk up loom wins as well
Oh, just realized that Poison Heal Swords Dance Breloom, although extremely rare, cleanly 6-0s your team if Skarmory isn't running Brave Bird/Counter and Sableye isn't packing Foul Play, and therefore should probably be added to the threat list.
Your team seems to lack reliable ways of dealing with status sponges. Things like gliscor (both taunt knock and sd knock), enemy suicune, some clefable (moreso that it can reliably get rocks up and absorb burns), and regen spam seem near impossible for you to defeat. I mostly just think it's silly that triple waters is a viable stall build and it shows off how stupid the move scald is.

Ban Scald.

Cool team, though.

edit @ below: bulk up loom wins as well

Gliscor isnt generally a problem i've found that stops me from winning. Its an annoyance for sure but i dont think i've actually lost to one yet. Clefable is also relatively easy to deal with as generally speaking they either carry t-wave or flamethrower both of which suicune can wall/phase very easily. Opposing suicunes are the hardest, i went 0-2 vs hiye on the last day of the cycle which im going to put down as him just being a better player and using his own suicune better than me.

I didnt face any bulk up poison heal brelooms during my laddering with this team so maybe i was just lucky, but yeah that would probably be an issue fortunately it must be rare.

your bad and have no live if you use this

Thank you sir, perhaps you can join these chaps and make a club?


only joking, thanks for the rate :D
Hello Shruggy ...
First I want to congratulate you for the wonderful team.
Secondly, I wanted to thank you because I was inspired by your team to build one, but changing it according to my taste: in fact I kept the core chansey-Skarmory-Quagsire, and changed the other 3 pokemon.
I also wanted to tell you that I found online already 4 people who have shamelessly copied to your team in every way (one even has not even tried to change the names that you put it xD).
This is to make you understand what your team is really good, but I find it shameful to copy 100% of the team a person, the beauty of this game is just create your own custom team.
Anyway, thanks again for the inspiration, and I hope that the scripts they read this post to understand how wrong copy of the other team.
Hello Shruggy ...
First I want to congratulate you for the wonderful team.
Secondly, I wanted to thank you because I was inspired by your team to build one, but changing it according to my taste: in fact I kept the core chansey-Skarmory-Quagsire, and changed the other 3 pokemon.
I also wanted to tell you that I found online already 4 people who have shamelessly copied to your team in every way (one even has not even tried to change the names that you put it xD).
This is to make you understand what your team is really good, but I find it shameful to copy 100% of the team a person, the beauty of this game is just create your own custom team.
Anyway, thanks again for the inspiration, and I hope that the scripts they read this post to understand how wrong copy of the other team.

Er, I don't see why it would be a shame to "copy" someone's team, as long as you don't try to take credits for it. If you are going to leave a rating on a team, you should probably test it. If you test it, you are, for a limitted amount of games, "copying" the other person's team. There are people who excel at Team Building, there are people who don't, that's just how the game is xD
Yo man, stumbled upon this team and thought I'd make a few suggestions.

On your Skarmory, when you use that "Anti-Toge" spread, go for 248 HP | 60 Def | 200 SpDef with a Bold nature instead of your 248/184/68+. You will have the same HP and Defense (348/364) points and 14 (!) more points in SpDef (226>212). I'm not gonna give you a lesson about EV spread optimization but look it up.

Your Suicune kinda looks like it's been randomly splashed on your team as a win con/second check to various stuff when needed. Since you're not super reliant on its defensive bulk to check opposing threats (that are already handled by Quagsire and Azu for the most part), I think you could try out a spread with less bulk to soft patch your team weaknesses. As crazy as it sounds, maybe consider going with a 252 HP | 22 Def | 236 Spd spread with a Bold nature on Suicune. You lose out a ton of bulk (kinda annoying vs Keldeos, I'll give you that), but this spread gives you enough speed to outpace the Togekiss everyone is using these days (from NJNP's RMT) and bulky Manaphy (aka the one that gives you the most trouble with RD Tail Glow Rest). Also allows you to outRoar every other Suicune.

Have you thought of Perish Song as the filler move on Azumarill? Could help with SubCM Keldeo, but gives you less playing room for Manaphy I guess.

Keep enjoying your opponnents' tears as you endlessly burn them :pimp:
Hello Shruggy ...
First I want to congratulate you for the wonderful team.
Secondly, I wanted to thank you because I was inspired by your team to build one, but changing it according to my taste: in fact I kept the core chansey-Skarmory-Quagsire, and changed the other 3 pokemon.
I also wanted to tell you that I found online already 4 people who have shamelessly copied to your team in every way (one even has not even tried to change the names that you put it xD).
This is to make you understand what your team is really good, but I find it shameful to copy 100% of the team a person, the beauty of this game is just create your own custom team.
Anyway, thanks again for the inspiration, and I hope that the scripts they read this post to understand how wrong copy of the other team.

Thank you friend im glad you enjoyed the team. Im happy and flattered if people use my team/ideas so the more the merrier :)

Yo man, stumbled upon this team and thought I'd make a few suggestions.

On your Skarmory, when you use that "Anti-Toge" spread, go for 248 HP | 60 Def | 200 SpDef with a Bold nature instead of your 248/184/68+. You will have the same HP and Defense (348/364) points and 14 (!) more points in SpDef (226>212). I'm not gonna give you a lesson about EV spread optimization but look it up.

Your Suicune kinda looks like it's been randomly splashed on your team as a win con/second check to various stuff when needed. Since you're not super reliant on its defensive bulk to check opposing threats (that are already handled by Quagsire and Azu for the most part), I think you could try out a spread with less bulk to soft patch your team weaknesses. As crazy as it sounds, maybe consider going with a 252 HP | 22 Def | 236 Spd spread with a Bold nature on Suicune. You lose out a ton of bulk (kinda annoying vs Keldeos, I'll give you that), but this spread gives you enough speed to outpace the Togekiss everyone is using these days (from NJNP's RMT) and bulky Manaphy (aka the one that gives you the most trouble with RD Tail Glow Rest). Also allows you to outRoar every other Suicune.

Have you thought of Perish Song as the filler move on Azumarill? Could help with SubCM Keldeo, but gives you less playing room for Manaphy I guess.

Keep enjoying your opponnents' tears as you endlessly burn them :pimp:

thanks for the rate McMeghan, my math skills are below par so thank you for the improved skarmory spread. Suicune was kinda randomly splashed on the team as a last teamslot when i realised hey i already have 2 waters why not a third lol, didnt really try him out before and i saw a few posts recently about how good he can be. One of the main reasons i kept him in the team is his ability which is really amazing and forces such badass mind-games with people its crazy.

I will also be trying out that spread as outspeeding toge is huge and will be a huge difference between winning and losing (inb4 i get speed creeped :D). Perish song was something that snowy also mentioned to me and i guess i will give it a go over toxic maybe as encore is really really good for opposing stalls and things like m-bro / chansey / amooguss etc

Nice Team Bro i Hope you don't mind me using it? ;]

Feel free to use everything and anything you desire
Hey bro! First things first, I'm super proud of how far you've come as a player and I'm I'm glad I was able to have such an open-minded and creative tutee! I remember you telling me about all these cool ideas that you had and when you first told me about Sap Sipper it had me curious and to think not long after that you made a really cool stall using it.

Anyway, after hearing McMeghan suggestion for a fast suicune (very cool, props to you mcm), I noticed that this opened up a door to run Brave Bird > Iron Head on skarmory. Seeing as you're no longer all that scared of Togekiss (Don't get me wrong, its still a huge threat lol) and nor are you to concerned with most fairies. As mentioned previously the team is fairly annoyed by a lot of offensive grass types that can by pass / can't be touched by azu and this just gives you a simple and effective way of dealing with these, so I think it's defiantly worth a try.

Another alternative to this, would just be to to leave suicune as itw current slower set and run Whirlwind > Iron Head, as it allows you to reliably phase out Togekiss which doesnt even get 2hko'd by Iron Head sadly, as well as these previously mentioned before threats like Toxic Orb Loom and Gliscor. It also works for Fairies like DD Altaria and fire movesless Clefable. The only issue would be a last Mon Togekiss with full pp or a Toxic Orb Breloom, but both seem like very uncommon happenings, as Togekiss is usually the primary way of dealing with a team like this and its unreasonable to think they won't waste a lot of pp in the process and Toxic Orb Breloom are very rare.

That's all I really have to say and add on for now. I really hope we continue working together, so I can see you grow even more as a player! Take care bud, talk to you soon :]
Hey bro! First things first, I'm super proud of how far you've come as a player and I'm I'm glad I was able to have such an open-minded and creative tutee! I remember you telling me about all these cool ideas that you had and when you first told me about Sap Sipper it had me curious and to think not long after that you made a really cool stall using it.

Anyway, after hearing McMeghan suggestion for a fast suicune (very cool, props to you mcm), I noticed that this opened up a door to run Brave Bird > Iron Head on skarmory. Seeing as you're no longer all that scared of Togekiss (Don't get me wrong, its still a huge threat lol) and nor are you to concerned with most fairies. As mentioned previously the team is fairly annoyed by a lot of offensive grass types that can by pass / can't be touched by azu and this just gives you a simple and effective way of dealing with these, so I think it's defiantly worth a try.

Another alternative to this, would just be to to leave suicune as itw current slower set and run Whirlwind > Iron Head, as it allows you to reliably phase out Togekiss which doesnt even get 2hko'd by Iron Head sadly, as well as these previously mentioned before threats like Toxic Orb Loom and Gliscor. It also works for Fairies like DD Altaria and fire movesless Clefable. The only issue would be a last Mon Togekiss with full pp or a Toxic Orb Breloom, but both seem like very uncommon happenings, as Togekiss is usually the primary way of dealing with a team like this and its unreasonable to think they won't waste a lot of pp in the process and Toxic Orb Breloom are very rare.

That's all I really have to say and add on for now. I really hope we continue working together, so I can see you grow even more as a player! Take care bud, talk to you soon :]
I Second this statement, I battled this team and used it for a while.
It had a hard time dealing with set up sweepers, especially that blue blob in the threat list, but other ones were a problem too(sure, quagsire can help, but only to a certain extent, cause the majority are huge hard hitters that deal over 50% .
Furthermore suicune can roar but in most cases the battle will go on to a force rest on suicune, allowing the opponent to set up, again. So skarmory being a backup helps. But hey, they are stallbreakers afterall, it's to be expected to cause trouble.) And no brave bird does not allow skarmory to hurt certain things that annoy the team.
In my case when phasing the team it failed to phase out +2 mega Herracross and was unable to hurt it due to the lack of Brave bird.
There isn't much more I can say to make his team better, much of what could have been said has been mentioned already. I really love the team and even if you get a hard matchup you could rely on burns on scald and such and GG anyway. But a nice,original and efficient team none the less. Well done Shruggy
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