Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 46 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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LF a Diancie.

I've basically got any Pokémon to offer except for event Pokémon, along with a lot of essential items. I also have a LOT of 5IV spitback mons, too many to name them all. If you're looking for one, I probably have it. Mostly not in special balls, though.

cmt, ive got a flawless jolly
I'm looking for female Heavy Ball Shellder. To trade, I have Impish and Jolly Safari Ball Shroomish spitbacks with Focus Punch Bullet Seed and Drain Punch.
LF: Modest female 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Honedge in fancy ball (don't really care which as long as it is legal and not the standard ball)

see my thread for what I have to offer

EDIT: I can also offer a cloned event Pachirisu that I got during VGC Nationals

Thank you, Fiat500.
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LF: Modest female 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Honedge in fancy ball (don't really care which as long as it is legal and not the standard ball)

see my thread for what I have to offer

EDIT: I can also offer a cloned event Pachirisu that I got during VGC Nationals

Dude if you still need it, i have one you can have free. Was breeding that exact spread Shiny some time ago, so i can give you the extra flawless eggs i have.

(But the event pachurizu does sound nice...)
LF Careful Landorus pentagon legit 31/31/31/x/31/31 for VGC team. Willing to do cloning for you, and to pay $$ for it via Paypal. I can make a list of my Pokémon I have for trade if you want to trade. Hit me up.

The original post in this thread says that there shouldn't be any money involved things so paypal would not be the way to go buddy:/. However, I have a few free things in my giveaway thread in my signature your welcome to. I don't have my 3ds right now so you would have to wait a few days but it's free stuff. Just a friendly reminder and just trying to help out.
The original post in this thread says that there shouldn't be any money involved things so paypal would not be the way to go buddy:/. However, I have a few free things in my giveaway thread in my signature your welcome to. I don't have my 3ds right now so you would have to wait a few days but it's free stuff. Just a friendly reminder and just trying to help out.

Got it. Thanks for the heads up and for the offer.

LF Careful Landorus pentagon legit 31/31/31/x/31/31 for VGC team
Hey, does the female's EMS override the male's?

I attempted to breed Disable on a Kecleon via a Seel. The Kecleon I was breeding already have Nasty Plot, Recover, Fake Out, and Camouflage (which frankly it gets via level up). However, the Kecleon I hatched didn't have Disable.
Anyone got a spit back timid Eevee female they don't need? Having it's HA would be a plus...^^'

*EDIT* My FC is 5043 4585 3494 and my ign is Jet

Thank you for anyone that helps.
Would Bold or Timid Rotom be in higher demand? I'm asking because I plan to RNG a Rotom but Bold and Timid are on the same shiny save file (I will do both eventually, I just want to know which I should do first).
Would Bold or Timid Rotom be in higher demand? I'm asking because I plan to RNG a Rotom but Bold and Timid are on the same shiny save file (I will do both eventually, I just want to know which I should do first).
Bold has more viable OU sets, but Timid is viable yet harder to find.

Basically, it's a question of whether you want more trades that will have more competition, or fewer trades that might be willing to offer more for something less readily available.
Would Bold or Timid Rotom be in higher demand? I'm asking because I plan to RNG a Rotom but Bold and Timid are on the same shiny save file (I will do both eventually, I just want to know which I should do first).
after playing to much pokemon showdown let me just say calm and bold in my opinion are the way to go. Some people may disagree but I think you should do bold.
I can give you a non hidden ability kricketot spitback in a few days free of charge.
That would be really cool. Thank You!
Would Bold or Timid Rotom be in higher demand? I'm asking because I plan to RNG a Rotom but Bold and Timid are on the same shiny save file (I will do both eventually, I just want to know which I should do first).
It all depends on what kind of Rotom you are planning to run. Normal Rotom would be ideal to run Timid.
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