Do you prefer newer or older games?

Assuming that's mewtwo MO, media's aside he is always motionless, saving energy for when it's needed, and as its only true purpose given its savage nature is to battle he just sits in a cave till a battle ensues.

It's also evidenced in pokemon village as he is the sole pokemon in its cave that it's guarded till someone proves worthy of facing it, instead of interacting with the other pokemon. Kinda like we let him stay there out of pity, he won't do anything unless someone enters.
In my mind, it'd be like how Pokemon Origins brought the anime closer to the video game, but reversed; Mewtwo definitely has personality, purpose, and a desire for vengeance in the movies (as much as they were a waste of cels and paint). He was a character, and I honestly can't think of any Pokemon in the game that would be better suited to BE a character - instead of just someone standing in a cave guarded until you beat the E4.
In my mind, it'd be like how Pokemon Origins brought the anime closer to the video game, but reversed; Mewtwo definitely has personality, purpose, and a desire for vengeance in the movies (as much as they were a waste of cels and paint). He was a character, and I honestly can't think of any Pokemon in the game that would be better suited to BE a character - instead of just someone standing in a cave guarded until you beat the E4.
But that's the whole point of mewtwo, a clone of mew that got tampered in a way that only the savage traits where not only preserved but augmented, leaving behind an uncontrollable savage beast that only exist for battles.

I just ignore the movies and go by the games to be honest.
Umm, Mewtwo's connection to Team Rocket is not in the games, but rather in the manga and anime.
That's why I said, and I quote, "It'd be like how Pokemon Origins brought the anime closer to the video game, but reversed."

The anime might not be meant for ME and my age group (when it was going strong I was rediscovering Robotech and getting into Ranma 1/2 and Slayers - oh, and I'd just found out about the wonderful world of fansubs via a 6th-generation taped copy of Fushigi Yuugi), but there are elements that could be pulled from it that would enrich the game.

But hey, it's just a thought, and I sure don't have time to go around messing with an FR/LG game mod featuring Mewtwo as a combination antagonist/ally.
I think that every REGION is great, as is their respective plotlines. But if you ask me to pick between buggy, glitchy, black and white, 8-bit Red and Blue over 3-D graphics, amazing music, and gorgeous world design in OR/AS, I'll pick OR/AS anyday. And this is someone who's played through every game.

If (God forbid) Fire Red and Leaf Green are remade for the 20th anniversary of the franchise (which would also accompany the Hoenn remakes), I would have no problem with that (even if I'm getting a bit of Kanto overload...). I love the plot of the original Red and Blue. The Dex may be limited in type distribution but I can work around it (unless they add the 30+ cross-gen relatives for once!). And Kanto's a little bare compared to other regions, but I love its simplicity and charm. Not every real world area has distinguishing features.

But considering I can't even play the REAL FR/LG without complaining about how slow the game is, I certainly could not and would not be able to go back to Red and Blue.

So I'd say I prefer the newer games because of the more effective engines and hardware and aesthetic upgrades and such, not because of the actual games' content.
I love R/S/E, HG/SS and R/B/Y but for some reason dont like D/P/Pt even though it was the first i played. I dont like B/W or B/W 2 but i likeX/Y. D:mad::toast:ont like alpha ruby/omega sapphire. I think i'm an oddgener.

However, I dislike ranking them like this, because I love all of them! I guess if you had to classify me into one of Basilius's categories, it would be a mix of "truegenner" and "sinnoh hater", though I don't actually hate Sinnoh.

I do think Sinnoh had more flaws than the rest of the gens, especially given the fact that it's newer so there's less excuse for messing up because Game Freak should have known what they were doing by the time 4th gen rolled around. Mt Coronet was extremely annoying. I hated having to go through that same stupid boring mountain a million effing times. I also didn't like the complete lack of fire types. Surfing in Sinnoh was pretty much the worst-- SOO slow!! And all those stupid prevos and evos to already-existing Pokemon drove me nuts. OH and the fog part was awful. Defog was the worst idea for an HM ever.

That being said, I did like some things about Sinnoh, too! I enjoyed the updated graphics, I liked Dawn, I adored the starters. The gyms and gym leaders were relatively memorable, and I really loved the snow routes. The mythology was really cool too. And the Underground was so much fun! I loved the secret base feature down there (not as much as the 3rd gen secret bases, but still!), and the digging minigames were also lots of fun.
I don't really think Gen III deserves all the love it's getting ITT. Sure, secret bases were awesome, and the towns and gyms were relatively memorable, and it had cute starters, but that's about all it has going for it. Team Aqua and Team Magma are really dumb... their goals don't even make any real sense. Expand the land mass or expand the sea? Sure, but... why? It's just pretty pointless. Also, there were no good electric types (Plusle + Minun can go kill themselves, and Electrike was only slightly better). The music was terribad (oh hey let's just blast synthetic trumpets until your ears bleed!) with few exceptions (okay, Verdanturf Town's music WAS gorgeous, and Fortree City's music had a ton of personality). I didn't really like this region's mons in general, either. OH and the rival was really stupid. WAYYY too nice to you, and didn't even bother to fully evolve their starter. I want a rival who is actually somewhat challenging, thank you very much. Still, I like it better than 4th gen because at least the landscape is varied.

Gen I is where it all started, and it will always hold a special place in my heart. The graphics may have been rudimentary, but that just allowed imagination to run wild. The glitches were really fun to exploit, too, and the fact that they were there made the possibilities seem endless for the Gen I world. The Pokemon themselves were all really great, and although the sprites were kinda messed up, this gave the game some real personality. The music was also really wonderful, especially given the limited hardware GameFreak had to work with at the time. And it had the best rival of all time, Gary Motherfucking Oak. Seriously.

Gen II had all the benefits of Gen I, except with more Pokemon and more awesome features. OH and you could also go visit Kanto, so it was like two games in one. Say whatever you want about the terrible level curve, but the addition of Kanto in the Gen II games was amazing. It was post E-4, so it was technically post-game anyway, and honestly, no other gen gave us a post-game nearly this rich (well, HGSS did, but that's just because it's a gen II remake, so yeah. I'm not counting remakes in my assessment of gens, btw, or else I'd have to say that Gen IV was the best because of HGSS, but aggghh I do not want to say gen IV was the best because DPP were pretty much the worst). I loved the fact that you could re-battle trainers with phone-calls too, especially in Crystal where they sometimes gave you rare items. The music this gen was my favorite of any gen, even more than gen I, which is difficult to beat IMO. I also loved the plot. And all the areas in Johto to explore. And pretty much everything. The Ruins of Alph in Crystal were the coolest thing ever, and Lugia and Ho-oh were boss. Gen II is the best gen, hands down.

Gen V is definitely the best in terms of graphics, and arguably the best in terms of story line. I also loved almost all the mons introduced this gen, except for the Swoobat line. Unova was a really cool region with tons of unique locations, and B2W2 only expanded upon this. The only complaint I have about Unova is that it's too linear, but whatever. Surfing is fast again and there's the Dream World. N is an extremely well-written character. The gym leaders have compelling back-stories and insanely cool gyms. Life is good.
wow. that is exactly how I picture it.:mad::toast:
I'm definitely an oddgenner, since I love new Pokemon and want as many as we can provided they have creative designs and competitive aspects. Diversity makes the game so much better since you have so many options and can make your run really your own. The reason I prefer the odd gens is that the odd generations introduce more new Pokemon and lots of new aspects, and really feel like a "new dawn", whereas even gens usually introduce evolutions, or in Gen 6's case, Mega Evolutions, and feel too much like the odd gen before.
Personally, I enjoy older and newer games, but for different reasons. Ever since getting into competitive I haven't been able to get back to that original feeling of playing Pokemon for the first time, you know? Now I can't catch anything without worrying about its nature or IVs. I know it's silly and is largely irrelevant ingame, but I'm super OCD about it nonetheless (Like I'll soft-reset my starter a billion times until I get a good nature, for example. As much as I love Nuzlockes, not being able to try again for a better nature irritates me to no end when I'm stuck with a Modest Heracross).
The reason I really love playing older games is that it's about the closest I can get to that 'untainted,' if you will, feeling that I got when I first picked up a Pokemon game: mostly clueless, playing through the games and going with whatever worked. Now, you must understand, I never gen my competitive Pokes, I always breed them myself. So, as you might expect, with the advent of reusable TMs in Gen 5 and the buffs to breeding in Gen 6, it's relatively painless to acquire a large squad of competitively-viable 'mons (Obviously not as easy as genning, but that's not the point). As such, when playing, say, FireRed, it's far easier to distance myself from this OCD, competitive mindset in a game where breeding competitive Pokemon is no easy feat and TMs are single-use. Essentially, I love them for nostalgia factor and simplicity.
With newer gens, conversely, I can actually get the perfect team I always wanted in Gen 3 with minimal effort, and can sate my OCD relatively easily. That's the main thing, really. Obviously, the great graphics are nice, and updated mechanics are great too. I like the somewhat more plot-intensive nature of the newer games as well (B/W had, IMO, the best plot of any other Pokemon game). That's probably about it. Don't get me wrong, it seems as though I'm biased towards older games. And you might be right. But I've logged in 900+ hours into Y (probably because I'm addicted to breeding stuff), and in general I probably play games Gen 4+ more frequently than older ones. I probably do, as a whole, prefer newer games, but I always enjoy going back to the roots and just playing older games as a ten-year-old might.
I like all of the games with the exception of GSC, which I used to like until the batteries in all my GSC carts died a premature death. (Because it's the GSC batteries that I really dislike, I don't mind HGSS.) As for which I like the most, my current favorite is XY, although my AS game is currently my "main" game.
I find it difficult to answer such a question because in my eyes - aside from the travesty that was DP - all games in the series are either equally as good or extremely close to each other in quality; after of course taking into context the technology and such of the time - there's no point in saying BW plays better than RB; of course it does, BW is a game made much later with better technology.
The one problem that persists, to me, is unfortunately how similar each game is to the last with an unwillingness to change. This said there are things each gen does which I am excited to see - the new Pokémon being paramount to this. Unfortunately with the exception of gens 2 and 6, mechanics wise what each gen brings to the series is ultimately rather pathetic. This to me is the biggest reason people see a title as inferior to the other -- if viewed as individual games, they are very close to each other in quality. When viewed as a series, Gens 2 and 6 seem to be the only ones willing enough to bring a substantial change to the franchise while the others seem relatively lazy in comparison.
This said, I find myself enjoying Gen 6 and FRLG more than any other game in the series. They're fast, simple, fun and have a good selection of Pokémon to choose from and sidequests to do.
Ironic, as I never understand the sinnoh lovers!

Honestly though, look at what the pokemon series gave us in hoenn. The biggest level curve was in the elite four which was about 6 levels, a wide array of useful and original pokemon, and then a simple to maneuvor but battle-filled victory road! Simple to maneuvor if you have a freaking map of it next to you, not to mention the hidden items Then look at sinnoh, a giant level leap between Volkner and Aaron at 8 levels (on a full team of 6, it is a lot! Especially with the small amount of battles in an extremely long and boring victory road) DPPt VR is not boring, and has about as many battles as RSE VR. The pokemon on offer there are little. I mean, there are 2 fire type species in diamond and pearl! That is terrible! Sure, hoenn has a lot of water, but the pokedex is not short of any other type - at least not one that should be common like fire! It offers some variety, but when does it offer it? You have Torchic (starter), Slugma, Numel (mid-early game, but both are 4x weak to Water and have lame stats, specially Slugma), Torkoal (no 4x to Water but its stats are very low and it has no evolution or advantage, and Vulpix (you need a Fire Stone to evolve it, not to mention how late in the game you get it and the fact that Ninetales gets no moves outside of TMs once you evolve it).

That is just 3 points from each game showing how sinnoh is worse than what many people think the worst games in the series. Good luck doing something like this in return Already did, asshole ;p, since sinnoh has little merit over hoenn as far as I can see. Physical/Special split is enough to give it the Nobel Peace Price or something Oh, and another note;

In order to finish battling team galactic you have to spend at least 15 minutes going up mt. coronet with no healing machines or anything else of the sort. That's supposed to be a challenge. Besides, in Galactic Team HQ there is free healing. And that cave where you find Kyogre/Groudon and Archie/Maxie has no healing and it's way more annoying to leave an come back, as diving is AWFULLY SLOW You need to buy lots of healing items, and Barry actually has his munchlax poison your pokemon in the double battle. This is just game freak's way of saying "haha lol. Now you have to go back down since you are out of antidotes from all the golbat poisoning you on the way here!" Munchlax never poisons your Pokemon. Also, there's a little button in the battle screen called 'Run', if you don't want to face a gazillion Golbats

In hoenn the bases of the enemy teams are easy to reach and have healing machines all over the place. What's the fun of that? Isn't ths exactly why people complain about newer games, they serve you everything on a silver platter?
Your argument is just pure Sinnoh hate. IGN rating: 10/10 "Darn right that's a ten you're looking at. I'll be questioning this ***t argument forever.
What's wrong with Sinnoh hate? DP left a scar in many players.
Pt parched it a lot to be honest but DP is still the worst of its kind.
What's wrong with RBYGSC hating? Honestly, it's music left scars in a lot of people's ears due to being so loud, the batteries died quickly and it's loaded up with glitches.

What's wrong with RSE hating? It cut off communications with previous gens, had way too much water, and the Battle Facilities are horribly difficult, not to mention how slow Diving is and how annoying the Spear Pillar is

What's wrong with remake hating? Those games are uncreative and just look forward to milk on nostalgic players

Do I keep going or you get my point? After a few hours of playing DP, one gets used to the speed. If you can't get past Mt. Coronet, then use a guide. No fire-types? Find alternatives. If you're just going to use a few negative things to judge a game, you might as well write your criticism down and stick it up your ass
What's wrong with RBYGSC hating? Honestly, it's music left scars in a lot of people's ears due to being so loud, the batteries died quickly and it's loaded up with glitches.

What's wrong with RSE hating? It cut off communications with previous gens, had way too much water, and the Battle Facilities are horribly difficult, not to mention how slow Diving is and how annoying the Spear Pillar is

What's wrong with remake hating? Those games are uncreative and just look forward to milk on nostalgic players

Do I keep going or you get my point? After a few hours of playing DP, one gets used to the speed. If you can't get past Mt. Coronet, then use a guide. No fire-types? Find alternatives. If you're just going to use a few negative things to judge a game, you might as well write your criticism down and stick it up your ass
It's not a few man, it's the combination of factors that made the game punishing, and the later realization of how 5th gen fixed every problem it had except the no previous gen Pokédex some people complain about.

DP wasn't even nice when you played it, I would complain about it since day one, the the routes, the pacing those are the main elements of a pokemon game... And they destroyed them completely by repeating the same pokemon, breaking it's distribution and diversity. Clustering routes around a mid cluster and then going trough plot exhaustion before the gauntlet challenge and the post game zones. If we add up the HM dependability and slow interface to salt the wound we are left with a horrible single player experience.

DP did one thing right and that's Wifi. Everything else was Pt work.
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I like all of the games with the exception of GSC, which I used to like until the batteries in all my GSC carts died a premature death. (Because it's the GSC batteries that I really dislike, I don't mind HGSS.) As for which I like the most, my current favorite is XY, although my AS game is currently my "main" game.
So you dislike a game because of its internal battery life?

Your argument is just pure Sinnoh hate. IGN rating: 10/10 "Darn right that's a ten you're looking at. I'll be questioning this ***t argument forever.
LMAO that post was a bit over two years ago. There's nothing wrong with Sinnoh hate, because there's quite a bit to hate about it really. At this point, the Sinnoh games are actually some of my favourites in the franchise, but I don't know if that's more of a "want what you don't have" sort of thing because my life is too hectic to even be able to put up with the speed. It seems like I'm only able to get one or two battle done before I have to go do somehing else whereas I can do one or two levels in other games.

Also lol @ using critic scores for an argument.

What's wrong with RBYGSC hating? Honestly, it's music left scars in a lot of people's ears due to being so loud, the batteries died quickly and it's loaded up with glitches.

What's wrong with RSE hating? It cut off communications with previous gens, had way too much water, and the Battle Facilities are horribly difficult, not to mention how slow Diving is and how annoying the Spear Pillar is

What's wrong with remake hating? Those games are uncreative and just look forward to milk on nostalgic players

Do I keep going or you get my point? After a few hours of playing DP, one gets used to the speed. If you can't get past Mt. Coronet, then use a guide. No fire-types? Find alternatives. If you're just going to use a few negative things to judge a game, you might as well write your criticism down and stick it up your ass
There is nothing wrong with complaints because there is no such thing as a perfect game so stop with your fanboyism of the Sinnoh games please. Your arguments are flawed though. RBYGSC's music can be turned down (never even heard of that argument before) and the batteries were fine for the last century. Glitches are entirely subjective, but unless they are in your face and game breaking like in Sonic 06, they are widely considered positive.

RSE cut off communication with Gen 1 and 2 because of a console upgrade. There is noting I hate more than people saying a game is shit because of the console it is on without good reason. Would you really rather the games still be on the Game Boy? Oh no, of couse not, because their batteries die quickly and there are many glitches. TheBattle Facilities provide a challenge, and the sheer irony of you defending the speed of the entirety of Geneation 4, but criticising the speed of diving in generation 3 (10-20 minutes of your time) is hilarious. Spear Pillar also isn't in Hoenn lol.

You can't criticise remakes in this post either. Remakes have literally solved every problem you mentioned in the post. They aren't a means of milking fans, they are a means of giving fans of the original games a more refined and updated version, as well as increasing communication between versions etc. etc.. Personally, I think this was succssful with FRLG and HGSS, but ORAS failed to be better games than Emerald. Of course, that's just my opinion.

You also are being very ignorant in your last paragraph. Not eveyone uses guides to beat games, and I definitey can't get used to the speed because it feels like any progress just takes far longer than it should. Out of interest, what will you think about the somewhat inevitable DPPt remakes? According to you, Gen 4 is seamless and remakes are horrible things, so I'm genuinely interested in this.
LMAO that post was a bit over two years ago. There's nothing wrong with Sinnoh hate, because there's quite a bit to hate about it really. At this point, the Sinnoh games are actually some of my favourites in the franchise, but I don't know if that's more of a "want what you don't have" sort of thing because my life is too hectic to even be able to put up with the speed. It seems like I'm only able to get one or two battle done before I have to go do somehing else whereas I can do one or two levels in other games.

Also lol @ using critic scores for an argument.

There is nothing wrong with complaints because there is no such thing as a perfect game so stop with your fanboyism of the Sinnoh games please. Your arguments are flawed though. RBYGSC's music can be turned down (never even heard of that argument before) and the batteries were fine for the last century. Glitches are entirely subjective, but unless they are in your face and game breaking like in Sonic 06, they are widely considered positive.

RSE cut off communication with Gen 1 and 2 because of a console upgrade. There is noting I hate more than people saying a game is shit because of the console it is on without good reason. Would you really rather the games still be on the Game Boy? Oh no, of couse not, because their batteries die quickly and there are many glitches. TheBattle Facilities provide a challenge, and the sheer irony of you defending the speed of the entirety of Geneation 4, but criticising the speed of diving in generation 3 (10-20 minutes of your time) is hilarious. Spear Pillar also isn't in Hoenn lol.

You can't criticise remakes in this post either. Remakes have literally solved every problem you mentioned in the post. They aren't a means of milking fans, they are a means of giving fans of the original games a more refined and updated version, as well as increasing communication between versions etc. etc.. Personally, I think this was succssful with FRLG and HGSS, but ORAS failed to be better games than Emerald. Of course, that's just my opinion.

You also are being very ignorant in your last paragraph. Not eveyone uses guides to beat games, and I definitey can't get used to the speed because it feels like any progress just takes far longer than it should. Out of interest, what will you think about the somewhat inevitable DPPt remakes? According to you, Gen 4 is seamless and remakes are horrible things, so I'm genuinely interested in this.

Never said remakes are the devil, I was just finding arguments that I've seen in the Internet. Also I don't care about them, unless they add a way to pass down abilities with Incense Babies (considering this game added so many, it'll be a good idea)

Remakes don't fix a lot of issues imo. FRLG fixed almost all of them, but HGSS didn't fix the awkwardness of the level curve post-Kanto or even in Johto. It just added a few legendaries and Crystal's giving Suicune a special treatment. Oh, and if you complain about DP check out HGSS Red-level 80+ Pokemon all of a sudden, without trainers to grind. As of ORAS, I haven't played it yet, so I'll stay out of that

They didn't even bother fix the communication, they just cutted it off for good. In case you don't know, the GBA (SP), reads GBC games, so that could've been worked on for transferring Pokemon in some way.

Please don't mention Sonic 06, that shit game me all possible variables of cancer. I still have nightmares on that game to date

Why should I stop with Sinnoh fanboyism if people won't stop with fanboyism of other Gens?
Never said remakes are the devil, I was just finding arguments that I've seen in the Internet. Also I don't care about them, unless they add a way to pass down abilities with Incense Babies (considering this game added so many, it'll be a good idea)

Remakes don't fix a lot of issues imo. FRLG fixed almost all of them, but HGSS didn't fix the awkwardness of the level curve post-Kanto or even in Johto. It just added a few legendaries and Crystal's giving Suicune a special treatment. Oh, and if you complain about DP check out HGSS Red-level 80+ Pokemon all of a sudden, without trainers to grind. As of ORAS, I haven't played it yet, so I'll stay out of that

They didn't even bother fix the communication, they just cutted it off for good. In case you don't know, the GBA (SP), reads GBC games, so that could've been worked on for transferring Pokemon in some way.

Please don't mention Sonic 06, that shit game me all possible variables of cancer. I still have nightmares on that game to date

Why should I stop with Sinnoh fanboyism if people won't stop with fanboyism of other Gens?
If you're going to use arguments to solidify an argument it's basic sense to agree with them.

"Remakes don't fix a lot of isses, but FRLG fixed all of the issues in RBY". Nice contradicting yourself there. HGSS didn't "fix" the level curve because it would be changing the games too much. Do I actually like the level curve? Not really, but it could be worse. It's not exactly unplayable through badges 5-7, is it. And like I said before, I acually disagree with some of my post you referenced there now.

The GBA SP actually works with all GB games, not just GBC. I have one. Regardless, the games would still have to upgrade consoles at some point. They could have fiddled with the connectivity, except that the connectivity would also have to be implemened into GSC somewhere, and as there weren't actually supposed to be sequels to gen 2, there won't have been any features implemented there.

Exactly. That's when glitches are a problem. You know when they're not? In generation 1.

Tu Quoque my friend. Other people blindly fanboying over games doesn't make it any less obnoxous when you do lol.
What's wrong with RSE hating? It cut off communications with previous gens, had way too much water, and the Battle Facilities are horribly difficult, not to mention how slow Diving is and how annoying the Spear Pillar is
You were just saying how lack of difficulty was one of the problems with the newer games and why Mt. Coronet was so awesome. So why is the Battle Frontier being difficult bad? Surfing in DP (and pretty much everything else) is much more slow than diving. Spear Pillar is in DP THE GAMES YOU WERE DEFENDING !

Why should I stop with Sinnoh fanboyism if people won't stop with fanboyism of other Gens?
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Honestly I like em all. Albeit I do hold bias for Gen 3, but that's a different story.

Gen 1 - Pretty great, start of the Pogeymanz franchise, cool stuff. A RPG where you could capture and select from 150 creatures? Oh boy oh boy. Also fun ass glitches.

Gen 2 - You mean I get to explore 2 regions? That's like 2 games for the price of 1!!! Also you get to face Red, which is a representation of your character from the first game. If that's not sweet I dunno what is.

Gen 3 - Hary shet dem grapheecs! I heard people say they hate Gen 3 for the surf-fest, but I don't really mind it, just grab a repel or 10 and you'll be set. The introduction of Abilities, Choice Band, the re-introduction of the EV system, oh me oh my, Gen 3 really made a lot of contributions to the Competitive Scene. Also I heard that people say "lel the villains are eco-activists or something dumb." I suppose that may be true, or they're just people who have good intentions but didn't see the consequences of their actions until they summoned Kyogre or Groudon.

Gen 4 - Yeah, tons of neat things too in here. My only complaint is that D/P were just so sluggish and or bland to play, but Platinum and HG/SS was a'ight. Also introduced Stealth Rock, T-spikes, Choice Specs and Scarf, Special/Physical Split, what's not to like?

Gen 5 - I've heard people argue about dem Trash bins or them Ice Creams, just don't. It's not that their running out of ideas, some ideas are just sorta..underwhelming, but hey you can't have everything right? Perma weather, DREAM WORLD ABILITIES, eviolite, Team Preview, all kinds of good stuff in here.

Gen 6 - Overall a solid gen, the only complaints I've been hearing are "lel megas break the metagame no skill no effort freelo imo." That's sort of subjective really, so not gonna tackle that. Also gen 6 felt way too easy, exp share or not. the Character customization was fairly limited, albeit a neat feature, and Pokemon Amie was cool too. Kinda sucks you have to pay for Pokemon Bank/Transfer, but it's a small price anyway. Also pogeymans on 3d, again what's not to like?
I like only HGSS,RSE and DPP...and DPP has been the best so far...there were enough no.of pokemons(not too many).Gen 4 also has the perfect moves which were missing in gen 3...
I'm under the belief that gen 2, especially SoulSilver/HeartGold, are the absolute peak of the series. Those two games were excellent.

I've no opinion on gen 1 because I never played it (not even the remakes), but gen 2 imo is the best, gen 3 is ok (definitely better than 4th and 5th tho), gen 4 is eh, gen 5 is terrible, and gen 6 is.. slightly better than gen 3 I'd say.