Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament - Round 8

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I find it funny how all players are depicted as a human but Tele is a monkey lmao
Doom was a monster 4 years ago in DPP defeating Bro Fist and Sweepage on Regileague, he has graduated to a god. Let this trophy be his graduation present.

Baton Pass Clause: Limit 3 pokemon knowing Baton Pass

'naf said. it's not the 1st time u spam this log, and certainly not even the last time, so it really doesn't affect me in any way.
i'll give u a tip tho: just keep making posts like this to sound funny to the rest of the community, it won't help u when it comes down to win games, as ur olt run shows. cant wait for u and ur manager to fail in spectacular fashion since week 1 of spl, cos ill be there
Baton Pass Clause: Limit 3 pokemon knowing Baton Pass

'naf said. it's not the 1st time u spam this log, and certainly not even the last time, so it really doesn't affect me in any way.
i'll give u a tip tho: just keep making posts like this to sound funny to the rest of the community, it won't help u when it comes down to win games, as ur olt run shows. cant wait for u and ur manager to fail in spectacular fashion since week 1 of spl, cos ill be there
Baton Pass Clause: Limit 3 pokemon knowing Baton Pass

i thought u said you didn't ladder with baton pass? tele i can't believe you misled the community you care about so much!
Ive said my opinion about tele and i think everyone else has as well, tbh i dont think tele gives a single fuck about our opinion cuz he loves the attention he gets by being an complete asshole. So heres my idea, just ignore him in anyway possible and act like he doesnt exist, then he will stop. Cuz hes never going to stop if we keep giving him what he wants, and also a douche like him doesnt even deserve the harsh attention he gets anyway, hes not worth it.
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i guess if u lose to mono-flying with a snatch honchkrow u have to justify it any way you can
lmao gtfo. the fact that i sacked terrakion at turn 1 while having 3 switchins to hawlucha shows that i wasnt giving a shit about the battle, and its not hard to understand why, since facing a monoflying in low ladder doesnt push u to play at ur best, u idiot. but im not expecting u or anybody else to understand this, ur just looking for pointless drama, u and i perfectly know it

i thought u said you didn't ladder with baton pass? tele i can't believe you misled the community you care about so much!
yea an alt called 'telee' is very far from being a fake i guess. com on henry get the fuck out, ur not in this tour anymore, u have no right to call me out here
also it really makes me laugh how u post those logs right after i refused the friend request u sent me via pm
lmao gtfo. the fact that i sacked terrakion at turn 1 while having 3 switchins to hawlucha shows that i wasnt giving a shit about the battle, and its not hard to understand why, since facing a monoflying in low ladder doesnt push u to play at ur best, u idiot.

i guess if u lose to mono-flying with a snatch honchkrow u have to justify it any way you can
Ive said my opinion about tele and i think everyone else has as well, tbh i dont think tele gives a single fuck about our opinion cuz he loves the attention he gets by being an complete asshole. So heres my idea, just ignore him in anyway possible and act like he doesnt exist, then he will stop. Cuz hes never going to stop if we keep giving him what he wants, and also a douche like him doesnt even deserve the harsh attention he gets anyway, hes not worth it.

tele probably doesnt care about people's opinions since its usually the same people hopping on the bandwagon against him for epic forum likes, each different post is the same message with a different condiment sprinkled on
Says the guy who isn't even in SPL lmao



Tele's posts are fucking retarded, but your post is just as terrible as his. He isn't in the SPL, but neither are you unless you count your 0-1 record in Farm League as being part of the tournament. He's really far into this tournament, while you weren't even able to quality to playoff despite the fact you participated in every single cycle. You are clearly worse player than Tele and yet you are here talking shit.

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