ORAS General Discussion - Mark 2 - Spoilers Inside

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By the way, it's quite strange that the 'reveals' on CoroCoro have not yet been fully confirmed in the games' website. So far in this generation, that has happened the day after the release of the latest issue, but not this time...

The site usually updates the 14th of every month. XY's site updated on the 14th for each month too. Expect it Tuesday.
Yes, because how dare we add ANY new Megas which are outside of Hoenn. ORAS should focus on Hoenn and Hoenn only and should not touch upon any generation outside of itself at all.
Look, I'm not quite sure I follow this logic. It's a Ruby Sapphire remake, I get that... but why should we restrict all the new Megas to Pokémon only from Hoenn? If anything I'm glad with them introducing a whole mix of Pokémon from across every generation, it really changes the pace and makes things a little more interesting. Fans who don't particularly care for Hoenn can still get excited because hey, their precious Birdjesus is getting a power-up. If we were to follow your little plan of having only the Hoenn Megas in ORAS and all the other Megas in XY... I don't know, it kinda takes away from the unpredictability, surprise factor and out-of-the-blueness we can see in Megas. Before Mega Sceptile, Swampert, Diancie were announced there was a lot of debate and speculation on whether or not we would actually get Megas in the remake. Then we did get them, and lo and behold we were now speculating on who would next get a Mega. Then Lopunny rolled around and opened up even MORE opportunities and speculation and options for the remake.
I know it's a very easy conclusion to jump to that Hoenn remake should only have Hoenn Megas at most. But I see absolutely no problem expanding beyond that especially if the new non-Hoenn Megas are found in the aftergame areas, thereby increasing playability factor. Keep in mind this isn't just a remake, this is a new game for kids as well - and I'm personally excited to see Game Freak exploring options and possibilities beyond just limiting themselves to Hoenn nostalgia.
also you're being negative about mega beedrill which makes your opinion invalid
Yes, because how dare we add ANY new Megas which are outside of Hoenn. ORAS should focus on Hoenn and Hoenn only and should not touch upon any generation outside of itself at all.
Look, I'm not quite sure I follow this logic. It's a Ruby Sapphire remake, I get that... but why should we restrict all the new Megas to Pokémon only from Hoenn? If anything I'm glad with them introducing a whole mix of Pokémon from across every generation, it really changes the pace and makes things a little more interesting. Fans who don't particularly care for Hoenn can still get excited because hey, their precious Birdjesus is getting a power-up. If we were to follow your little plan of having only the Hoenn Megas in ORAS and all the other Megas in XY... I don't know, it kinda takes away from the unpredictability, surprise factor and out-of-the-blueness we can see in Megas. Before Mega Sceptile, Swampert, Diancie were announced there was a lot of debate and speculation on whether or not we would actually get Megas in the remake. Then we did get them, and lo and behold we were now speculating on who would next get a Mega. Then Lopunny rolled around and opened up even MORE opportunities and speculation and options for the remake.
I know it's a very easy conclusion to jump to that Hoenn remake should only have Hoenn Megas at most. But I see absolutely no problem expanding beyond that especially if the new non-Hoenn Megas are found in the aftergame areas, thereby increasing playability factor. Keep in mind this isn't just a remake, this is a new game for kids as well - and I'm personally excited to see Game Freak exploring options and possibilities beyond just limiting themselves to Hoenn nostalgia.
also you're being negative about mega beedrill which makes your opinion invalid

No, I really like Mega Beedrill! I just think the moment of its introduction is random and could've been better chosen. And actually, I agree with pretty much everything you said! Read carefully what I posted. You see, I didn't gripe about mega Lopunny or even mega Slowbro. But Pidgeot and Beedrill are too FRLG to fit into ORAS in my opinion. Especially after XY, which would've been the perfect game for introducing them. Here's my previous post with the most relevant parts in bold.

Isn't ORAS an awful (or at least questionable) timing for releasing megas like Beedrill and Pidgeot? First, they are much more related to the Kanto games than other Kanto pokémon such as Slowbro. Not many people have ever used Slowpokes on their FRLG runs, but I doubt you'll find someone who haven't caught a Weedle or at least a Pidgey. Also, the Slowpoke family got a second evolution in Gen II and Regenerator in Gen V, which made them more mainstream and not the kind of thing you'd only see when playing FRLG or even HGSS in Pidgey's case.

But aside from the totally random timing, what upsets me the most is the fact that XY was the perfect opportunity for introducing them. The mega Kanto starters, Santalune Forest which is basically a copy of Viridian Forest where you can even find wild Pidgey and Weedle. There was a whole bit of nostalgia going on in XY and mega Pidgeot and mega Beedrill would've fit in perfectly. You would be able to mega evolve not only the starter Prof. Sycamore gave you, but also the Pidgey/Weedle caught at route 2/Santalune Forest, possibly the first pokémon you ever caught in Gen VI. With the new graphics. But no, they preferred to introduce them in ORAS instead, where they won't be catchable until post-game if at all.

I'm happy for the new megas and hope they breathe new life into those two forgotten pokémon, but I can't say I'm happy with the way they're being introduced. We're aboard the Hoenn hype train and then we find out Viridian forest is going mega. In Hoenn.

I can totally understand if you think that now is as good a time as any (for mega Beedrill and Pidgeot specifically). It's your opinion, which is different from mine. But next time please, care to at least read people's opinions before criticizing.

Edit: just to further illustrate my point: For me mega Beedrill/Pidgeot in ORAS is similar (but of course not as bad) as saying: Hey, Hoenn remakes, who cares about Sceptile, Blaziken and Swampert? Let's introduce mega Johto starters instead!

Just like the starters, the first bird, bugs and rodent are iconic to their generation. And if they really had to give one first route bird and bug a mega, choosing Pidgeot and Beedrill for ORAS is... weird to say the least.
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Megas are a purely competitive and end-game mechanic in most cases. Have you forgotten how few mega stones were available any time before the elite four in X/Y. I mean you can only have 1 mega at a time in your party, what good would it be if every Pokemon you could catch early in the game had a mega stone..\

It seems to me like Gamefreak intend to give everything a mega and are doing them in an order of what they themselves or their fans want the most.

I'd be pleased with even.. just sporadic patches that put new megas into the games. Each and every last mega is an enjoyable reveal, every fan of that Pokemon (and every Pokemon has fans) are overjoyed, and a new viable Pokemon makes its way into the metagame.

I actually found that a bit annoying. One of your early "missions" in the game was to discover the secrets of Mega Evolution, got a handful of Mega Stones to help you out, and then end game tells you "okay, here are the dozen other Mega Stones, have fun". Actually the whole Mega Evolution mystery seemed pointless being there's a tower dedicated to Mega Evolutions filled with equally dedicated trainers (including a Gym Leader), Sycamore couldn't pick up a phone, take a trip there, or something? But anyway, while I understand having some Mega Stones for certain very powerful Pokemon being left for post game, I do think most should have been able to be found as you played through the game.

It was mentioned Mega Pokemon (at least for those in XY) were mainly picked due to popularity and design potential. Could be different in ORAS now that they're established so they don't have to sell us the idea anymore, though I imagine the design team has a big meeting to decide which Pokemon gets a Mega Evolution and pass around some design ideas. So yeah, obviously in the picking there's going to be bias or just general forgetfulness (how many Pokemon do you forget exist until reminded of them). I also imagine nostalgia plays a big part, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the newer GameFreak employees played Pokemon themselves so have fond memories of Gen I & Gen II. Thus they're getting a lot of Mega Evolutions while new generations like IV & V aren't.

While I do have some complaints, I do like Mega Evolutions as it is giving new life to that Pokemon (even if its only for its Mega Form), even if its only temporary. As you said, you can only have ONE Mega Evolution at any time and so that creates competition between the Mega Pokemon, each one has to prove why you should pick it over another. Those who have fans can rely on its fans, but outside of its fanbase there's rough competition.

Hopefully not every pokemon gets a mega. I mean with OR/AS we'll be at 46 Mega stones, I doubt anyone wants hundreds of Mega Stones floating around.......

Either way I really hope they continue to target pokemon that really needed it competitively or at least offer a different role they can perform.

No more Mega Blazkien / Mega Lat Twin like pokes (tho Lat Twins really aren't out yet so....), which are simply better stats with no new ability or playstyle to already great pokemon.

After Gen VI they'll probably ease with releasing a whole batch of 20+ Mega Evolutions per new game. If they don't they will probably start overwhelming people, but as of right now they want a nice selection people can pick from and have new generations just provide "boosters". At least I hope. However, as I said, if its fully evolved it can get a Mega Evolution. You can say that a certain Pokemon is too weak, already overpowered, or has a gimmick that won't work if it gets a Mega; but according to the rules laid down if its fully evolved its a candidate for Mega Evolution. Yes, including that one. And that one too. No, not that one, remember it got an evolution in a later gen, but it's evolution can possibly get a Mega Evolution.

Actually I'll sort of defend Mega Blaziken as its Mega Ability is its Hidden Ability normally. And while they did give away a Torchic with its Hidden Ability that everyone got, remember that unless you trade one to ORAS the Torchic you'll get in that game will have Blaze. But the Eon Duo are inexcusable, in more ways than not changing type or Abilities (aka no increase in Speed).

My friend and I had this idea, that GF wants lessen the amount of new Pokemon per Gen, because if they followed the Gen V plan and making as many new Pokemon as possible, there would be less chances for anyone to catch them all and many mons would get forgotten. I'm thinking the creation of new megas isn't only helpful competitively, but that it also allows them to create new Pokemons, without having to expand the Pokedex too much.

Mega Evolutions do seem like GameFreak's solution of reducing the number of Pokemon released, but with that said I do think they should still be a bit more careful of which Pokemon get Mega Evolutions if they normal evolution potential. However I'm okay with them releasing less Pokemon, but as long as there's enough that they are primarily noticeable throughout the game. I would like major NPCs like Gym Leaders, Elite Four, Champion, Villain Team's Admins & Bosses, Rivals, etc. to not only have that generation of Pokemon as their "star" Pokemon but also have at least half of their team be of new Pokemon. Maybe the designers could even sort of plan around this, like they know who at least the Gym Leaders and Elite Four are so they make enough Pokemon of that type for them to use and fill in whatever is missing. And Mega Pokemon don't count as a "new" Pokemon, if someone is going to have a Mega Pokemon they also need to have another Pokemon from that generation to act as their "star" Pokemon.

Audino could have potential, but... healer ? wtf ? lol

Funny enough it probably should have gotten Mega Launcher, if anything to just increase the amount Heal Pulse healed. :P

But yeah, Healer makes sense for it and on paper it doesn't sound bad... until you write in it only has a 30% chance of curing its ally. It's already bad enough it can't cure itself, but at least make it so that it's guaranteed to cure its allies, at least upon being send out. Of course Healer would be one a list of Abilities that could really use a buff.

And I agree that this is a good idea. There are too many pokémon as it is and there aren't many places left where GF can get inspiration for new pokémon (just look at how mega Pidgeot resembles Braviary and you'll get a feeling that GF is running out of ideas). Also, mega evolution is a highly popular mechanic that allows GF to please its fanbase and introduce new pokémon (in a way) without stuffing the game with more bug, rock, flying types that tend to disappear in the crowd. A brilliant move.

Not to mention we should totally expect some crazy new mechanic like pokémon fusions by Gen VIII.

As much as I'd love to say one day "Ow, there are one thousand pokémon!!" I think GF has realized that creating over a hundred brand-new pokémon every 3~4 years is tough and makes them less special. And now with mega evolutions they have the perfect (and most valid too) excuse to ease up on the pokémon creation front and focus on exploring the potential of the ones that already exist.

Wha? There are PLENTY of things left for GameFreak to find inspiration in. I have an entire list myself (bored nights) and Serebii has one too (at the moment their forum servers are kind of experiencing a, well, crash. But they should be back up eventually and it shouldn't effect this link). Heck, Pokemon really hasn't branched out into other mythologies that much except for the home country Japan's. But with Pokemon now going global they have a chance too really start looking into other mythologies for inspiration (imagine if they base a region in Greece/Rome...). And as Mark Twain once said "truth is stranger than fiction", I dare you, go to Google and type in things like "strange animals". Heck, just look around your house (or even your refrigerator)! And to top this all off, there's always another way of looking at things. For example, Ninetales and Zoroark are both based on the mythical Kitsune but different aspects of it (Ninetales has the appearance of a Kitsune while Zoroark has it illusen powers). There's still plenty of inspiration, of course it all depends if GameFreak can see or willing to find these inspirations (which, as I said, is just a Google search away).

Kyurem wants to know why he's being forgotten.

Because he's not complete yet. Actually, maybe if they do focus on Pokemon fusion we can get a complete Kyurem, maybe even have him be the poster mon for it.

I didn't forget it. I even thought of mentioning it, but I figured it wouldn't be worth it. Kyurem-B and Kyurem-W are two Kyurem forms that happen to be obtainable by fusing Kyurem with Zekrom and Reshiram. But they're still Kyurem, just like Giratina-O is still Giratina.

When I said GF might introduce some crazy new mechanic in the future (just like they did with mega evolution last year) and used pokémon fusions as an example, I meant something unlike what we've seen before. Like pokémon A + pokémon B = pokémon C. What happens with Kyurem is: Kyurem (A) + black dragon (B) = Kyurem-black, which is still pokémon A, just in a new form.

Just wanted to clear that up. Now back on topic, it's indeed weird that the official website hasn't been updated yet. We've had some really early leaks over the past few months but that didn't stop the site for being updated 1~2 days later.

(And to be honest, I'd be glad it if those scans turned out to be fake. Yes, it's the edition where we learned we'll be able to fly through Hoenn and catch hundreds of legendaries from past generations, but it's also the edition we found out mega Beedrill and mega Pidgeot are being released in ORAS. I'd love it if we could delete that last part. Not the megas themselves, they are great, but GF could wait one year or two to release them. How about X2/Y2? They've missed XY but there's still time to make up for it.)

But yeah, that's probably just a delay.

I'd imagine to make Fusions work they'll probably need to do what they did with Kyurem. Basically they'll need to focus on one Pokemon fusing with others since they'll need to use the "base" Pokemon's HP stat. We can't fuse together, say, Heracross and Pinsir because who's HP stat will we be using? We sort of need a third Pokemon to act like a "base", even for a a fusion that combines all the members together. Now this does mean we'll probably need to create a whole batch of new Pokemon to provide the base, but it will still be an alternate form of that Pokemon (but that doesn't mean it can't radically change the way it plays depending on who it fuses with).

Has CoroCoro been officially released yet? They may want to give CoroCoro a day or two of being the first to giving the inside scoop before updating the site. In addition I'm sure the site is going to provide us more info and pictures. Let us also not forget that the main site is probably preparing for the release of the demo, so next site update could be big.
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There's now a slight possibility for any of the forgotten bug to get Mega thanks to Mega Beedrill. Honestly I'm still optimistic that Mega Masquerain is bound to happen at one point lol. Give it Pranskter and all hell will break loose.

Why prankster? Masquerain would have to wait until the turn after mega evolving to use it (and by that time, it may be too late), and what moves would prankster be able abuse besides Sleep Powder (which has shaky accuracy)?

If Masquerain actually did get a MEvo, it would do better with something like Simple or Coumpound Eyes, since it would be a sweeper that's similar to Mawile in terms of setting up (Intimidate before mega evolution.)
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That's be very unfortunate.
How was it like for XY? Did they leak any stats?
No, people started figuring out stats for things around the game's release and we didn't get all the stat info until about a week after the games released. Everything really depends on whether we get pics of the stat screens for the new Mega Evolutions anytime soon.
They didn't "leak" any stats. In fact, people thought Megas would be just a gimmick, and they would only get the boosts announced pre-release ("MegaLucario has increased Attack!" so it's obviously going to have ~140 Attack and that's it).

They have a pattern, though: the announced boosts are always the larger ones, the only exception being Venusaur (Sp. Atk increased by 22, but they mentioned Sp. Def that only increased by 20). With this, we might expected boosts such as +50 Sp. Atk for Pidgeot, +30/40 for Beedrill's Atk/Speed, and so on.
When I played BW , some old NPC guys would tell me about the Kyurem story, that he was very powerful, and all, but one day, he was divided in 2: Zekrom and Reshiram,and the Kyurem we know tobay is just an empty shell that kinda froze in a cave. So I was always thinking, what would Kyurem be like in its original form?(Not ice, because its ice typing was from the years he spent in sluber, frozen) When B2W2 came out, my questions werent answered. Instead of the "primal" Kyurem, told in the stories of the elderly, there were 2 new kyurem formes. Is there a possibility for a Primal Kyurem forme?
Do we have US demo release details yet? It seems odd so close to release.

I wonder if those useless event only moves (Hold Hands & Celebrate) will be like Splash was in the Ruby/Sapphire contests and actually be useful in them?
Do we have US demo release details yet? It seems odd so close to release.

I wonder if those useless event only moves (Hold Hands & Celebrate) will be like Splash was in the Ruby/Sapphire contests and actually be useful in them?

Not sure about the demo but those moves probably will have some contest value (I say like +3 hearts or so)

When I played BW , some old NPC guys would tell me the Kyurem story, that he was very powerful, and all, but one day, he was divided in 2: Zekrom and Reshiram,and the Kyurem we know tobay is just an empty shell that kinda froze in a cave. So I was always thinking, what would Kyurem be like in its original form?(Not ice, because its ice typing was from the years he spent in sluber, frozen) When B2W2 came out, my questions werent answered. Instead of the "primal" Kyurem, told in the stories of the elderly, there were 2 new kyurem formes. Is there a possibility for a Primal Kyurem forme?
That actually sounds epic! I dunno if they'd reuse the primal idea, though.
They didn't "leak" any stats. In fact, people thought Megas would be just a gimmick, and they would only get the boosts announced pre-release ("MegaLucario has increased Attack!" so it's obviously going to have ~140 Attack and that's it).

They have a pattern, though: the announced boosts are always the larger ones, the only exception being Venusaur (Sp. Atk increased by 22, but they mentioned Sp. Def that only increased by 20). With this, we might expected boosts such as +50 Sp. Atk for Pidgeot, +30/40 for Beedrill's Atk/Speed, and so on.

People were really thinking that only the mention stat was going to be increased? While I wasn't thinking they'd all get +100 to their BST, I did think they'll get more then one of their stats increased. Though honestly I thought that they were going to have stats equaling Legendary Pokemon so there you go.

When I played BW , some old NPC guys would tell me about the Kyurem story, that he was very powerful, and all, but one day, he was divided in 2: Zekrom and Reshiram,and the Kyurem we know tobay is just an empty shell that kinda froze in a cave. So I was always thinking, what would Kyurem be like in its original form?(Not ice, because its ice typing was from the years he spent in sluber, frozen) When B2W2 came out, my questions werent answered. Instead of the "primal" Kyurem, told in the stories of the elderly, there were 2 new kyurem formes. Is there a possibility for a Primal Kyurem forme?

So basically a Mega Kyurem (if we're going to give it a special name I'd rather "Original Kyurem")? I suppose that could work, but then again if they ever make a Mega Zekrom and Mega Reshiram they'll still have a higher BST than it. Would also sort of go against Kyurem's story. It's 1/3 of the original dragon, the original body which is now broken and seeping energy. Zekrom was its idealistic, physical, and masculine side while Reshiram was its realistic (truthful), special, and feminine side. A super fusion makes a bit more sense. It would probably become a pure Dragon-type.

However this is PURE speculation which is against the rules.

Do we have US demo release details yet? It seems odd so close to release.

I wonder if those useless event only moves (Hold Hands & Celebrate) will be like Splash was in the Ruby/Sapphire contests and actually be useful in them?

Nothing yet, and with 3 days left it's kind of annoying. As I said, I think when the site updates we'll probably be told (and they better say we can get it on the 15th).

Maybe, if they think of it. Honestly I don't know why they created those moves in the first place. No, don't make a special event move which we'd wanna use, make completely useless ones that makes it seem like you're giving us something special but aren't. Just like how you lock Legendaries from being Shiny so you can maybe make them Event fodder and not give them a special move.
Why prankster? Masquerain would have to wait until the turn after mega evolving to use it (and by that time, it may be too late), and what moves would prankster be able abuse besides Sleep Powder (which has shaky accuracy)?

If Masquerain actually did get a MEvo, it would do better with something like Simple or Coumpound Eyes, since it would be a sweeper that's similar to Mawile in terms of setting up (Intimidate before mega evolution.)
Masquerain is defensive enough to cushion most physical attacks/attacker bar rock type moves. Its defensive capability while not spectacular shouldn't be overlooked. So that gives it a chance to Mega evolve.

It seems that you're rather unfamiliar with Masquerain's movepool as it has one of the coolest and unique pool of status moves. Priority Roost, Quiver Dance, Baton Pass, Defog and Sticky Web is well worth the Prankster.

For the record, Masquerain doesn't learn Sleep Powder but Stun Spore..
Do we have US demo release details yet? It seems odd so close to release.

I wonder if those useless event only moves (Hold Hands & Celebrate) will be like Splash was in the Ruby/Sapphire contests and actually be useful in them?

I could see the event moves being decent in contests (they both sound fitting for contests, now that I think about it); perhaps future contests were the reason for them to actually exist (still wouldn't justify giving out useless moves on "special" Pokemon though)

Masquerain is defensive enough to cushion most physical attacks/attacker bar rock type moves. Its defensive capability while not spectacular shouldn't be overlooked. So that gives it a chance to Mega evolve.

It seems that you're rather unfamiliar with Masquerain's movepool as it has one of the coolest and unique pool of status moves. Priority Roost, Quiver Dance, Baton Pass, Defog and Sticky Web is well worth the Prankster.

For the record, Masquerain doesn't learn Sleep Powder but Stun Spore..

Whoops, I actually meant to say Stun Spore. I blame the Quiver Dance/Sleep Powder bug stereotype on that typo. ;_;

Good points though. I'll admit I haven't bothered with Masquerain since Gen III, so I should've looked at its movepool first. But either way, if such a MEvo existed, I still see it being more of a special sweeper than a supporter (guess it could go hybrid, but the defenses for a mega probably wouldn't justify it, and you'd have to run Protect during the turn you mega evolve in order to effectively use Prankster, which compromises the set options), so still not sure if Prankster would be the go-to ability.

Also, best we drop the speculation since it's irreverent to the topic anyway.
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When I played BW , some old NPC guys would tell me about the Kyurem story, that he was very powerful, and all, but one day, he was divided in 2: Zekrom and Reshiram,and the Kyurem we know tobay is just an empty shell that kinda froze in a cave. So I was always thinking, what would Kyurem be like in its original form?(Not ice, because its ice typing was from the years he spent in sluber, frozen) When B2W2 came out, my questions werent answered. Instead of the "primal" Kyurem, told in the stories of the elderly, there were 2 new kyurem formes. Is there a possibility for a Primal Kyurem forme?

Well, we had a thread much like this for B2W2 too. In it, lots and lots of people were speculating the "Original Dragon" to be in the game, and they went nuts when they saw the statue in Iris' room. "Original Dragon confirmed! I bet it has a BST of 750!" As we all know, we got... well, not quite that.

One of the points of speculation that refused to die was that this "Original Dragon" somehow had a new ability negating the charge turn of Freeze Shock or Ice Burn. There was so much stupid it physically hurt (at least deleting those posts wasn't my task back then). So if you wonder where my inclination against mid-gen new moves and abilities comes from, the B2W2 pre-release thread is partly to blame.
I know it's a bit early for that, but... I'm looking forward to next month's CoroCoro. We'll finally get to see Winnona, Tate, Lisa, Wallace, Glacia and Drake's new artwork. I've liked every character artwork so far, except for Sidney's. He seemed to be a nice guy in RSE but his updated artwork makes him look like a thief.

Also, they'd better show the Battle Frontier. CoroCoro started to show post-game content this month and the Frontier isn't the kind of thing they'd just put in the game and wait for us to discover. So if it doesn't show up in CoroCoro next month... I don't even want to think about it...
Also, they'd better show the Battle Frontier. CoroCoro started to show post-game content this month and the Frontier isn't the kind of thing they'd just put in the game and wait for us to discover. So if it doesn't show up in CoroCoro next month... I don't even want to think about it...

I want to see Battle Frontier more to see new/returning tutor moves.

I have plenty of bred 5 IV pokes in Y that are banking on returning tutor moves to make them viable.
I want to see Battle Frontier more to see new/returning tutor moves.

I have plenty of bred 5 IV pokes in Y that are banking on returning tutor moves to make them viable.

Move Tutors are a given with or without frontier. If there's no frontier, they will be scattered throughtout the region like in Emerald, but they'd probably work like BW2 move tutors, where each one of them can teach more than one move multiple times in exchange for some item (most likely shards).
I know it's a bit early for that, but... I'm looking forward to next month's CoroCoro. We'll finally get to see Winnona, Tate, Lisa, Wallace, Glacia and Drake's new artwork. I've liked every character artwork so far, except for Sidney's. He seemed to be a nice guy in RSE but his updated artwork makes him look like a thief.

Also, they'd better show the Battle Frontier. CoroCoro started to show post-game content this month and the Frontier isn't the kind of thing they'd just put in the game and wait for us to discover. So if it doesn't show up in CoroCoro next month... I don't even want to think about it...

Huh? Was it confirmed we'll be seeing their artwork next issue?

I think Sidney is suppose to be a punk, though he doesn't really dress like one. He did seem nice, eager to battle but accepted being defeated. I think it's suppose to imply he's a risk taker but doesn't sweat it if the results don't end up in his favor. So I guess he's a rebel, a chaotic neutral? That matched with the Dark-type, right?

And yes, please, Battle Frontier news. I know it was in Emerald but come on, just because these are remakes of Ruby & Sapphire doesn't mean you have to exclude Emerald stuff!
Huh? Was it confirmed we'll be seeing their artwork next issue?

I think Sidney is suppose to be a punk, though he doesn't really dress like one. He did seem nice, eager to battle but accepted being defeated. I think it's suppose to imply he's a risk taker but doesn't sweat it if the results don't end up in his favor. So I guess he's a rebel, a chaotic neutral? That matched with the Dark-type, right?

It wasn't confirmed, but given that they've showed the first half and could've been holding off the other ones not to "spoil" them, I think they're finally going to show the month of release, especially since it'll be coming out one week before release (and we know there will be some leaks anyway).

And I totally agree with what you said about Sidney. The thing is, his current artwork doesn't really convey that to me. Now he looks more like some ordinary thief who's fighting you under the condition that if you lose you'll have to hand out your pokémon or whatever, not like the cool guy with an aggressive playstyle from Gen III.

What pokemon would you guys prefer to get as the Ice Mega if there is one ? Id love something like Froslass, Id call it Dovahkiin. (LOL)

I'm cheering for Walrein or Jynx, but discussing this any further would probably be baseless speculation...
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