Megas For All (Read the whole 1st post and check current slate)

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Before I talk about the other issue with my previous wining entry, I better make my entries for the current slate first:

Mega Escavalier:
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat------> Intimidate
Attack: 135
Defense: 105 (+30) = 135
Sp. Attack: 60 (+30) = 90
Sp. Defense: 105 (+30) = 135
Speed: 20 (+10) = 30
New Moves: None
Since seeing the division of the "New abilities" group vs. "No New Abilities" group, for Escavalier's case, I look back at moments of human history. I mean, why intimidate as an ability? Simply, back in the old, Military Forces are a great deal for the common folk to be afraid of due to another kingdom wanting to raid and conquer the land. If your homeland is about to be taken over by an army of elite knights compared to your measely trained army, wouldn't you be scared as an ordinary Civilian?
Competitive wise, Since it's attack is already excellent on its own, I just put the rest to its defensive stats and waste the rest on its other stats.

Mega Emolga
Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Quick Witted? (that ability that is polar opposite of Intimidate lowering its Sp. Attack instead)
New Moves: none
HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 100 (+25)
Def: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 93 (+33)
Spe: 103 -> 110 (+7)


For another issue to be solved:

I'm not sure if any of the worried voters (nightsitter and others alike) saw my previous post on nerfing the mega Cinccino entry that I just did. For those who can't find that post, here it is:

Hmmm, I guess I can see the problem about that. But you see, Had I put her speed to 140 (+35) , and her Attack to 120(+30), I would be forced to either make her an out of control mixed sweeper by putting the rest to special attack (which becomes 100) like Mega Garchomp or Mega Absol.
The other thing I end up fearing is that if I put the remaining 35 BST to either one of her defensive stats, I just end up making her a bit more survivable like Mega Gengar. Which is why I want her mega to keep her frailness on her mega.
The inspiration to give my Cinccino that stat distribution comes from Greninja. And I feel like we just need a new successor to Jolteon's speed tier since Jolty (the regular one) is in RU now [It saddens me to look back]. Hence, I ask myself, can Cinccino succeed on Jolteon's role this time? As for the extremespeed, I feel like it is an alternative option for her tail slap attack (powerful but only usable 8 times.).
So far, I can only see Mega Mawile and Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn working well against her crappy HP. Prankster Mega Banette just could work to fire off Will-o-Wisps for burns.
But I say that this is something that I kinda want to ask you about. Since I want to keep her stat distribution that way, can we just possibly remove extremespeed for that? Or is the only way to balance my winning chinchilla is surrendering 20 base points from the attack and speed stat, AND transfer them to her Special attack (hence making her a potential mixed sweeper like Garchomp's Mega)? The third option is to make her pure normal type so that she won't have resistance to any type at all. Just an Immunity to ghost, which happens to be a great immunity to have this generation.
Maybe they already read this, but still making a decision. Simply, after seeing the initial reactions of a few contestants about my dynamic entry with my adorable Cinccino, one part of me just chuckles that I won something that I initially thought should not have won. But a few posts later, I see a few fears from others that I made her REPLACE greninja for best speed tier with amazing priority and coverage. So I decided to step up in hopes of resolving this issue due to the fact that she has little to no counters and checks.

Direct to the point, I ask nightsitter and company for them to decide on how to balance my winning entry with these edited options.

A. Keep the stat boosts, remove Extremespeed, and keep her typing Pure Normal (not Normal/Fighting)

B. Keep the added moves and Typing, but change the stats to either:

==>B1 (Stat boosts for a mixed attacker like Mega Absol)
Attack: 90 (+30) = 120
Defense: 60
Sp. Attack: 65 (+45) = 110
Sp. Defense: 60
Speed: 115 (+25) = 140
==>B2 (give a bit more bulk instead of spamming her best stats)
Attack: 90 (+30) = 120
Defense: 60 (+25) = 85
Sp. Attack: 65
Sp. Defense: 60 (+25) = 85
Speed: 115 (+20) = 135
Ha, that's easy. I actually voted for TheTrainator because I think that idea is more fun than mine. We can just go with his, unless you'd like a compromise to make it a Poison/Steel with Regen (which I still think is much better typing). Your call, TheTrainator.
Haha, hey, sorry for being a dick with the late reply, I've had a busy couple of days. I'm glad to see both of our concepts do well, and though I would be perfectly fine with either of ours being selected, it seems they're just going to make a Garbodor X and Garbodor Y, which I am a-ok with. To be honest, my Garbodor concept was my favorite one, so I am glad it was one of the winners as well, but I like yours a lot too, especially since we don't really have a Poison/Steel type, (unless one of the other Megas is.)
Escavalier (Escavalite)
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Flash Fire Defiant
New Moves: Sucker Punch, U-Turn
HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 170 (+35)
Def: 105 -> 125 (+25)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 125 (+25)
Spe: 20 -> 35 (+15)
BST: 495 -> 595

With Defiant, Escavalier is now a great and extremely bulky way to stop defog, and more importantly in my opinion, intimidate. Sucker punch gives it some much needed priority, and U-turn is nice for pivoting out. It's still very susceptible to burn and general fire-type moves though.
You know the drill. PM The Pizza Man

Current Slate

Mega Jellicent
Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Ability: WaterAbsorb/CursedBody/Damp -> Cursed Body
New Moves: None

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 70 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 90 (+20)
SpA: 85 -> 110 (+25)
SpD: 105 -> 130 (+25)
Spe: 60 -> 80 (+20)

Flavor Concept: “The fate of the ships and crew that wander into Jellicent’s habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished.” “It’s said there’s a castle of ships Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor.” “Their favorite food is life energy.” All of these statements come from Jellicent’s various Pokedex entries. It just seemed like Cursed Body fit a little bit better than Water Absorb.

Competitive Concept: The Utilitymon and Keldeo counter of last gen. Now with greatly improved stats, Jellicent can cripple stall with Taunt, physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp, and special attackers with sheer bulk. Mega Jellicent is difficult to face for any playstyle, so all teams will need adequate preparation.
Mega Jellicent
Typing: Water/Ghost ----> Water/Ghost
Abilities: Water Absorb/Cursed Body/Damp ----> Water Absorb
BST: 100/60/70/85/105/60 ----> 100/60/130/115/115/60
New Moves: None

Mega Jellicent turns from a special wall into a physical one. With Scald and Will-O-Wisp to spread burn, it walls a myriad of physical attackers in OU, and the 115 Sp.Def helps as well. It retains Water Absorb, which is always useful for switch-ins. While the absence of leftovers hurts its longevity, Mega Jellicent still has Recover, and the nice 115 Sp.Atk means it can deal some damage towards the foe.
Mega Jellicent
Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Ability: WaterAbsorb/CursedBody/Damp -> Volt Absorb
New Moves: Discharge

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 60
Def: 70 -> 105 (+35)
SpA: 85 -> 110 (+25)
SpD: 105 -> 130 (+25)
Spe: 60 -> 75 (+15)

Concept: Jellyfish are oft portrayed as electrical. Why not at least let him absorb it. By doing this, his niches of walling capacity increase immensely. Being immune to fight, normal and electric is awesome, no contest. With this, it can outright counter most Rotom forms except the lesser used Grass type. Being immune to Volt Switch will cost many teams immense amounts of momentum.
Jellicent (Jellicentite)
Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Abilities: Water Absorb, Cursed Body (Damp) -> Storm Drain
New Moves: Thunderbolt, Thunder

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 60
Def: 70 -> 80 (+10)
SpA: 80 -> 105 (+25)
SpD: 105 -> 120 (+15)
Spe: 60 -> 110 (+50)
BST: 480 -> 580

Jellicent becomes an asset and a counter to rain teams, absorbing boosted water attacks and hitting hard with Water Spout and Thunderbolt/Thunder. Lots of Ghost types and special attackers like Gengar and Misdreavus. I'm not sure if this is too different but there you have it, speedy offensive Jellicent.
Mega Jellicent
Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Abilities: Water Absorb, Cursed Body (Damp) -> Ring Creation: Automatically makes an Aqua Ring for itself.
New Moves: Baton Pass

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 60 (+0)
Def: 70 -> 80 (+10)
SpA: 80 -> 115 (+35)
SpD: 105 -> 140 (+35)
Spe: 60 -> 80 (+20)
Mega Jellicent

Water / Ghost ----> Water / Ghost
Water Absorb / Cursed Body / Damp ----> Ectoplasm, passive damage that the opponent receives is converted into health for this Pokemon, though the health received is half the damage dealt (think Leech Seed's passive damage with Giga Drain's healing mechanics)
100 / 60 / 70 / 85 / 105 / 60 (480) ----> 100 / 70 (+10) / 100 (+30) / 115 (+30) / 125 (+30) / 60 (580)
New Moves: None

Mega Jellicent becomes very annoying with Ectoplasm, as he can burn everything with Will-O-Wisp and regain health with Ectoplasm. This is inspired from his dex entry: "Their favorite food is life energy.", and I simply added a little spin to it. This combined with Recover will make Mega Jellicent a defensive juggernaut, as the passive recovery combined with Recover will make it quite difficult to break through him. Plus, Hex seems like a more appealing option, since you want to status things asap, as well as the Special Attack buff received. His defenses get receive a sharp boost, and his Special Attack gets a sizable increase as well, while the rest go into Attack for balancing purposes.


Mega Amoongus
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Regenerator
New Moves: None

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 100 (+15)
Def: 70 -> 95 (+25)
SpA: 85 -> 100 (+15)
SpD: 80 -> 105 (+25)
Spe: 30 -> 50 (+20)

Flavor Concept: Amoonguss’ arms greatly enlarge to the point that each is indistinguishable from its actual body, bar the lack of facial features.

Competitive Concept: Special wall with one of the best moves in the game coupled with one of the best abilities in the game. Spore, Synthesis, Giga Drain, Foul Play, Sludge Bomb, Clear Smog, and HP Fire are all very viable moves on MegAmoonguss. The only truly necessary move is Spore; even the lack of Synthesis can be patched by Regenerator.
Mega Amoongus
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Abilities: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Regenerator
New Moves: N/A

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 95 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 105 (+20)
SpD: 80 -> 110 (+30)
Spe: 30 -> 40 (+10)
BST: 464 -> 564

Flavor Concept: As Amoonguss is designed around being a Pokeball, Mega Amoonguss would be designed around a Master Ball. The mushroom heads are also larger in size as well.

Competitive Concept: Bulkier version of Amoonguss with no access to Black Sludge for recovery basically. M-Amoongus can now function as both a physical or special wall now, with a solid base stat in both attack to function as a tank as well
Mega Amoongus
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Regenerator
New Moves: Recover, Earth Power, Toxic Spikes

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 90 (+5)
Def: 70 -> 105 (+35)
SpA: 85 -> 115 (+30)
SpD: 80 -> 120 (+40)
Spe: 30 -> 20 (-10)

Flavor Concept: Amoonguss’ role doesn't change much. It still comes in to take hits like a champ with a decent type combo and newly gained access to recover.

There's not much left to say about it. 114/105/120 defenses are absolutely grand!
Amoonguss (Amoongussite)
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Abilities: Effect Spore (Regenerator) -> Regenerator
New Moves: Dark Pulse

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 95 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 105 (+20)
SpD: 80 -> 120 (+40)
Spe: 30 -> 30
BST: 464 -> 564

Keeping things simple, Amoonguss becomes even bulkier. Dark Pulse is a common move, lots of Poison types like Weezing and Seviper learn it and it fits Amoonguss.
Mega Amoongus
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Propagate (auto Leech Seed on the switch; same as Mega Parasect)
New Moves: Infestation

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 95 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 120 (+35)
SpD: 80 -> 105 (+25)
Spe: 30 -> 30

There's some good Regenerator builds already, so this is something a bit different. Amoongus can hit harder while also having some new passive damage options to play with.
Mega Amoongus
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Abilities: Effect Spore (Regenerator) -> Regenerator
New Moves:

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 85 (+0)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 110 (+25)
SpD: 80 -> 125 (+45)
Spe: 30 -> 30 (+0)
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Dry Skin
New Moves: Infestation, Rain Dance, Rapid Spin (it looks like a Poke-Ball so it should be able to spin)

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 85
Def: 70 -> 125 (+55)
SpA: 85 -> 105 (+20)
SpD: 80 -> 125 (+45)
Spe: 30 -> 10 (-20, so slow, so why would you bother?)

Amoongus seriously hates lack of Leftovers, but Dry Skin can offset this in rain. This thing is gonna become your favorite mixed wall. With passive damage options like Infestation and/or Leech Seed, Dry Skin, and Protect, this dude can rapidly rack up the HP and drain the opponent of their health. He seriously hates Taunt though, so always put Giga Drain on so he's not Taunt bait. He also needs Polited support or he has to set up his own Rain Dance... Mushrooms are pretty dry so Dry Skin makes sense.



Mega Emolga
Type: Electric/Flying -> Dark/Dark (jk still Electric/Flying)
Ability: Static/Motor Drive -> Prankster
New Moves: Parting Shot

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 85 (+10)
Def: 60 -> 90 (+30)
SpA: 75 -> 85 (+10)
SpD: 60 -> 80 (+20)
Spe: 105 -> 145 (+30)

Flavor Concept: Emolga’s black “hood” covers more of its body to make it an adorable flying stage ninja.

Competitive Concept: Is there any animal more inherently mischievous than a squirrel? With fantastic defensive Electric/Flying typing, Emolga can make for a wonderful Prankster. With bolstered defenses, Emolga can use priority Roost to stay alive and use its surprisingly large supportive movepool to its fullest. Thunder Wave and Toxic are nice enough, but how about Encore and Taunt to ruin people’s day?

But the kicker, of course, is Parting Shot. Emolga is part of the very small club that learns both U-Turn and Volt Switch, and its squirrely demeanor fits the flavor for Parting Shot perfectly to round out the skittish fleeing move trio. Together with Prankster and blazing speed, Emolga now acts as a terrific pivot, spreading status, forcing switches with Encore, and lowering the attack stats of whatever switches in as it flees.

Finally, this sucker gets Tailwind, which may not last long, but enhances Emolga’s new role as a brilliant support mon.
Mega Emolga
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Ability: Static/MotorDrive -> Download
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 95 (+20)
Def: 60 -> 75 (+15)
SpA: 75 -> 95 (+20)
SpD: 60 -> 75 (+15)
Spe: 103 -> 133 (+30)

Flavor Concept: Emolga’s ears become hyper-receptive and capable of “Downloading" the opponent’s weaker defense stat. Dazzling Gleam is added because it’s fucking adorable.

Competitive Concept: Powerful mixed pivot with poor coverage but solid attacking stats. Download+Volt Switch gives it a similar role to the now-banned Genesect, albeit with less coverage and more cuteness. Under the right circumstances, it might be able to pull off a sweep.
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Ability: Static/Motor Drive -> Arc Current (uses Discharge following the use of a Flying-type move)
New Moves: n/a

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 100 (+25)
Def: 60 -> 85 (+20)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 85 (+20)
Spe: 103 -> 113 (+10)

For the design, think a more futuristic-looking Emolga where the gliding flaps now contain those little vent things associated with hoverboards. The main competitive draw of this is that STAB Air Slash + STAB Discharge in a single turn will hit hard and have a good paraflinch chance. Mega Emolga's mediocre stats will balance this, though:

252 SpA Mega Emolga Air Slash vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gyarados: 24.6 - 29.2%
252 SpA Mega Emolga Discharge vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gyarados: 52.4 - 62%
So it's not totally decimating a bulky, Electric-weak Pokemon. For comparison's sake, this combination slightly outdamages a LO Volt Switch from Thundurus-I:
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus Volt Switch vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gyarados: 70.4 - 83.1%

With base 100 Special Attack and literally no coverage outside of Hidden Power, it doesn't pack the power to scare Electric-immune Pokemon with Air Slash/Hidden Power alone, and the points dumped into defenses still leave it on the frail side.
Mega Emolga
Type: Electric
Ability: Levitate
HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 80 (+5)
Def: 60 -> 85 (+25)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 85 (+25)
Spe: 103 -> 123 (+20)
New Moves: Super Fang, Spikes

Concept: Mega Emolga has one role: Annoy the shit out of you! Nuzzle/Air Slash will drive you batty! Even without Serene Grace, it's a combo that will wear you down, and if it doesn't work, Super Fang doesn't discriminate.

By removing Flying and replacing it with Levitate, Emolga becomes ludicrously, and deceptively durable with Roost and status infliction. Spikes are added to ensure that if enemies are switching around on you, that they'll regret doing that.
Emolga (Emolganite)
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Prankster
New Moves: Nasty Plot, Super Fang, Defog

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75
Def: 60 -> 80 (+20)
SpA: 75 -> 97 (+23)
SpD: 60 -> 80 (+20)
Spe: 103 -> 140 (+37)
BST: 428 -> 528

More like E-mold-a, ew. This thing sucks, but now it doesn't suck as much. It's still an annoying little shit.
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Bug
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Competitive
New Moves: Parting Shot

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75 (+20)
Def: 60 -> 65 (+5)
SpA: 75 -> 97 (+20)
SpD: 60 -> 65 (+5)
Spe: 103 -> 153 (+50)
BST: 428 -> 528

Two words. Speedy Pivot. Electric/Bug typing gives it STAB on Volt Switch and U-Turn, and can also carry Parting Shot against Ground/Steel types. Emolga-M can actually stay alive through the entire battle unless there is a Deoxys-S which has been banned from OU. Think of Emolga like Manetric-M. Bug-typing was to give it STAB on U-Turn, and also fits in with the ability, as a small cute little bug/squirrel thingy is gonna make everyone's Attack and Special Attack lowered.
Mega Emolga
Abilities: Static, Motor Drive>>>>>>>>>>>Serene Grace
Regular: 55/75/60/75/60/103
Mega: 55/85/70/120/70/128
New Moves: N/A

I remembered that I made a series of fantasy mega evolutions but that series didn't work out, so I founded this forum. This, however, is broken material. With Discharge, and Air Slash flinch shenanigans, this mega can follow the footsteps of Skymin.
Mega Emolga

Electric/Flying ----> Electric/Flying

Static/Motor Drive ----> Gale Wings

55/75/60/75/60/103 ----> 55/105/75/105/75/113 (--/+30/+15/+30/+15/+10)

New Moves: Brave Bird, Hurricane

Mega Emolga gains huge boosts upon Mega Evolving. For starters, it gets Gale Wings as an ability, giving it priority on many useful moves, including Hurricane, Brave Bird, Tailwind, and Roost. Secondly, Mega Emolga’s increased Attack and Special Attack stats allow it to attack on either side of the spectrum, which means it is harder to wall. Finally, Mega Emolga’s defenses gain slight increases, giving it slightly more longevity.
Mega Emolga
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Special Power (*Huge Power but for SpA)
New Moves:

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75 (+0)
Def: 60 -> 80 (+20)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 85 (+25)
Spe: 103 -> 133 (+30)
Mega Emolga
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Lightning Rod
New Moves: Hurricane, Nasty Plot, Heat Wave

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75
Def: 60 -> 65
SpA: 75 -> 135 (+60)
SpD: 60 -> 60
Spe: 103 -> 143 (+40)

It lives on treetops, which means it is exposed to storms. It adapted to these storms. It redirects lightnings and nullifies thier destructional potential to protect the treetop where it lives. it stores the power of the lightnings that hitted it and uses the added power to fight against pokemon trying to harm it.

Your fast cleaner that can grab monumentum and create set up opurnities for itself.
Mega Emolga
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Prankster
New Moves: Topsy-Turvy, Defog, Perish Song
HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75
Def: 60 -> 90 (+30)
SpA: 75 -> 92 (+17)
SpD: 60 -> 100 (+40)
Spe: 103 -> 116 (+13)
BST: 428 -> 528
Emolga immediately made me think of Prankster, but to differentiate from other prankster users, I decided to give it Topsy-Turvy, which gives the otherwise atrocious squirrel a usable niche. Defog and perish song also give it a use, and along with taunt, roost, tailwind, charm (lol) and U-turn/volt-switch already available, it's certainly more viable. Stats are meh, nothing much to work with :/
Mega Emolga
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Quick Witted? (that ability that is polar opposite of Intimidate lowering its Sp. Attack instead)
New Moves: none
HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 100 (+25)
Def: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 93 (+33)
Spe: 103 -> 110 (+7)


Mega Escavalier
Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Swarm/Shell Armor/Overcoat -> Swift Sting (Bug type Gale Wings clone)
70/135/105/60/105/20 -> 70/165/135/70/135/20

To be honest, with this ability, I might just stop right there. Mega Escavalier, according to the Pokemon Black dex entry, is supposed to be flying around at high speed and striking with its spears. So, its new ability grants it just that. With its spears, it can now swiftly stab opponents with Megahorn. Escavalier, with just the way it is now, is B ranked in UU right now. It's decent. The problem is the pathetic speed. The attack is beautiful, the defenses are ok. The problem is that a bit of things can threaten it. Now, the only reliable thing that can threaten it is standard Talonflame with Brave Bird. It has Megahorn, Iron Head, Knock Off, and Drill Run so it really doesn't need many new moves. With STAB priority Megahorn, it has the strongest priority in the game. And it doesn't have to worry about recoil.

So, the Attack and the Defenses were both added to and the special attack was added to make it less broken. Nothing was added to speed because I might as well make it perfect for trick room and not change anything
Mega Escavalier
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Dark
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat -> Precision (moves with BP of 40 and lower have their BP doubled; basically a more precise Technician)
New Moves: Pin Missile (seriously how does this guy not have Pin Missile?)

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 85 (-20)
SpA: 60 -> 60 (+0)
SpD: 105 -> 85 (-20)
Spe: 20 -> 130 (+110)

Flavor Concept: Escavalier abandons its armor, looks like a blend between Escavalier and Karrablast.

Competitive Concept: Whoa nelly, look at that turnaround! I like Megas that take mons in a new direction, so I decided to work with the ongoing theme of Karrablast’s armored journey and have the knight go rogue. Losing the armor increases speed drastically while lowering defenses, but not as badly as poor Accelgor.

The new dark-type wasn’t just slapped on, but has two purposes: one, flavor-wise, as a rogue knight, Escavalier’s shed his steel for a more offensive, say, “evil” typing. Second, look at his new ability. I hate new abilities for the most part, but this one allows me to keep Escavalier’s tiny movepool (only adding Pin Missile because again, come on) and maximize its advantages.

Any move 40 BP and lower has its power doubled. Now, what relevant moves does Escavalier have that are under 40 BP?

Twineedle: suddenly this move becomes Bugmerang, a dual-hitting 50 BP move, but with perfect accuracy and a chance to poison.

Pin Missile: 80 BP minimum, 200 BP maximum? Before STAB? Yes please.

Rock Smash: now an 80 BP Fighting attack with that sexy 50% defense drop chance. And the grand winner,

Pursuit: which is now 80 BP whether or not the foe switches, before STAB. Perfect for our evil, avenging knight.

(Also, Peck is now 70 BP, which isn't the best in the world, but still beats Aerial Ace if you want Flying coverage.)

Precision also allows for a few gimmicky moves, like Fell Stinger and Fury Cutter (and lol False Swipe), to be just a little less gimmicky. Just a little. Also, still has access to moves like Drill Run, Iron Head, and Poison Jab for more coverage (Iron Head/Poison Jab especially helps against the fairies that resist both STABs). Knock Off doesn't take advantage of Precision, but is still a powerful STAB with a great effect. And of course, there's Swords Dance.

The way I see it, Scizor already has the powerful Bug/Steel niche down pat, and Forretress is a better defensive mon than Mega Escavalier could hope to be unless we radically change its movepool. This way, Mega Escavalier gets to be its own mon.
Mega Escavalier
Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Armor Pierce (This Pokemon’s physical moves deal 50% more damage to opposing Steel-types)
New Moves: U-Turn, Sacred Sword

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 145 (+40)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 105
Spe: 20 -> 40 (+20)

Flavor Concept: Mega Escavalier’s lances grow enormously to the point that they can pierce through even the toughest of armor. U-Turn is added because it should definitely already have U-Turn. Additionally, it can use its lances as Sacred Swords.

Competitve Concept: Slow, powerful tank/pivot with the special ability to take out opposing Steel-types. Despite its unfortunate lack of reliable recovery, Escavalier can pull its weight with a set like U-Turn/IronHead/KnockOff/SacredSword.
Mega Escavalier
Typing: Bug/Steel ----> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm/Shell Armor/Overcoat ----> Motor Drive
BST: 70/135/105/60/105/20 ----> 70/165/105/60/115/80
New Moves: Rock Slide

Escavalier's shell part looks like a wheel... Aaand now Mega Escavalier got wheels for legs. Really.
To be honest, Motor Drive is likely the speed-boosting ability that makes the most sense on Escavalier, or rather, all the other abilities makes no sense whatsoever. Anyways, the main difference between Mega Escavalier and regular/Mega Scizor is that MegaEsca lacks both STAB priority and U-turn, but can hit harder with 165 Atk, and if it gets the Motor Drive boost, can outspeed a fair part of the unboosted OU pokes. However, it's less bulky than Mega Scizor on the physical side, and aside from Drill Run suffers from the low BP attack problem. Many Electric move users in OU also carries Fire-type moves, which means it's difficult for Mega Escavalier to get a Motor Drive boost.
Mega Escavalier
Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Paladin (Non-STAB attacks from enemies do 25% less damage. Pokemon also does 25% more damage to ghost, dark, dragon and faeries.)
New Moves: Attack Order, King's Shield, Leaf Blade

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 145 (+40)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 105
Spe: 20 -> 40 (+20)
Concept: Mega Esca throws away its wily nature and becomes a paladin!

I'm glad you asked, Avatar. He serves his god or king with glory and power, and in this case gaining orders and even shields. He often has magical resistance, that grants him added survival or the ability to smite evil. While the overall bonuses are only 25%, the cumulative ability to do both is very good. Keep in mind that even moves with set damage will be reduced, so Blissey's Seismic Toss will only do 75 damage instead of 100.

Despite his resistances and power, this paladin forgot to grab healing, so while an excellent slayer of evil and guard, some shmuck forgot to get healing specs, dumb retnoobs! Have a wish handy.

I'll let Spoony explain why you should vote with your awesome genes and sort out reason later:
Escavalier (Escavalite)
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Piercing Lance (Contact moves ignore negative damage modifiers and hit through Substitute)
New Moves: Agility, U-turn

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 125 (+20)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 125 (+20)
Spe: 20 -> 50 (+30)
BST: 495 -> 595

To specify, the ability ignores Reflect, as well as abilities like Filter and Fur Coat, and Defense boosts on top of that. However it still factors in type effectiveness, so the ability his functions like a better Mold Breaker limited to contact moves.

This puts emphasis on the risk/reward of contact moves, with things like Flame Body and Rocky Helmet around to punish contact moves, but with Escavalier's best options being contact moves. The stat boosts are rather straightforward and with extra speed and Agility, it can actually glide around at high speeds.
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Dragonslayer (This Pokemon's Steel, Bug and Fighting-type attacks deal SE damage on Dragons; immunity to Dragon-type moves)
New Moves: Sacred Sword, ExtremeSpeed (it flies around at high speed in it's Pokedex entries.), Fly (as before)

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 115 (+10)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 115 (+10)
Spe: 20 -> 70 (+50)
BST: 495 -> 595

Think about what Escavalier is based on. IT'S BASED ON A KNIGHT! and they are know for SLAYING DRAGONS. Yes, this little fella is the ultimate counter to Dragons with Megahorn Iron Head for SE against almost all dragons! It can also carry Iron Head and Sacred Sword, and Extreme Speed for priority. There's only one problem... Escavalier is still in the awkward 70 Speed tier,with no way to boost it's Speed, and it's almost always OHKO'ed by Flamethrower, Fire Blast or Flare Blitz, which is his only weakness. But Escavalier is the ultimate switch in to Outrage, and can then proceed to use Megahorn, Iron Head, Sacred Sword and ExtremeSpeed.
Mega Escavalier
Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Valiant Parry (100% Critical hit rate when Mega Escavalier is at 50% or below health)
New Moves: Gyro Ball, Sacred Sword

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 135 (+30)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 135 (+30)
Spe: 20 -> 30 (+10)

"Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely" - Pokedex entry from Black, hence Valiant Parry. The moves are to help differentiate it from Scizor by giving it more powerful Steel STAB to make up for no Bullet Punch and better coverage, respectively.
Mega Escavalier

Bug/Steel ----> Bug/Steel

Swarm/Shell Armor/Overcoat ----> Moxie

70/135/105/60/105/20 ----> 70/165/120/70/120/50 (--/+30/+15/+10/+15/+30)

New Moves: King’s Shield, Horn Leech

Mega Escavalier is based on a knight. It gets King’s Shield because knights have shields, Horn Leech because it gets other horn moves, and Moxie as an ability because knights because Escavalier’s Pokedex entry states “Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely,” which fits perfectly with the definition of Moxie.

Basically, Mega Escavalier is a bulky sweeper. Once it gets a kill, it’ll keep getting stronger and stronger. However, its lacks reliable recovery, with Horn Leech being its only draining move, so strong hits will eventually knock it out.
Mega Escavalier
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Mega Lance: All Contact Moves have a 25% chance of critical hit! (meaning its base Critical hit ratio 25% with high critical hit moves that make contact 50%)
New Moves:

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 170 (+35)
Def: 105 -> 135 (+35)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 125 (+20)
Spe: 20 -> 20 (+0)
Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat>>>Opportunist(doubles the power of SE moves used by this pokemon)
Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20>>>70/165/145/60/145/10
Movepool: same

Alright so the stat boosts basically make him more of what he already was.
Opportunist makes sense because the dex says he defends himself and attacks with two lances, which means he waits for an opportunity to attack.
with opportunist he has a guaranteed 2HKO against Hippowdon with a 75 BP non-stab SE physical attack
He does SE effective damage to 422/774 currently existing pokemon forms using stabs+dark+ground and does 79.1 - 93.4% damage to Mega-v if he runs aerial ace.
Mega Escavalier
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Knight's Heart (+2 Priority when facing a Pokemon whose STABs can hit the wielder of this ability for *4 damage because of weaknesses. In short, +2 priority for Escavalier when facing a Fire type Pokemon)
New Moves: Rock Slide

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 190 (+55)
Def: 105 -> 120 (+15)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 120 (+15)
Spe: 20 -> 35 (+15)

Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely.

Well, facing a fire type pokemon as Escavalier is the biggest trouble you can imagine. Giving it +2 priority against these Pokemon turns this into a kill or be killed situation.

The stat boost allows Mega Escavalier to hit as hard as a Life Orb boosted Escavalier with similar investment. A little bit bulk is always helpfull, the other 15 stats are wasted.
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat -> Speed Boost
Stats: 70/135/105/60/105/20 -> 70/170 (+35)/125 (+20)/60/125 (+20)/45 (+25)

As we all know, escavalier had some major speed problems. But not anymore! Well... kinda... With speed boost, mega-escavalier snowballs in power the longer he is in battle, but it takes him awhile to get up there. Even at +2 he can have trouble outspeeding things with or without investment. However, get him boosted enough, and the only thing that can stop him is priority, which will have a hard time piercing his newly upgraded armor. Just set up swords dance and escavalier will wreck everything as long as fire types are out of the way.
Mega Escavalier
Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat------> Hydration
Movepool: Wild Charge, Rain dance

Hydration Escavalier protects Escavalier from it's overlooked weakness to will-o-wisp while rain support lessens its weakness to fire. Hydration Escavalier makes sense because like shelmet Escavalier skin drys up because of the shell. Hydration makes Escavalier near invincible with Rest in rain and gives Escavalier a niche of being way better than mega Scizor as a bug/steel pivot on rain teams. Log and wild charge helps Escavalier break Skarmory and water types and is pretty flavorful IMO.
Mega Escavalier:
Type: Bug/Steel
Ability: Shell Armor/Swarm/Overcoat------> Intimidate
HP: 70
Attack: 135
Defense: 105 (+30) = 135
Sp. Attack: 60 (+30) = 90
Sp. Defense: 105 (+30) = 135
Speed: 20 (+10) = 30
New Moves: None
Since seeing the division of the "New abilities" group vs. "No New Abilities" group, for Escavalier's case, I look back at moments of human history. I mean, why intimidate as an ability? Simply, back in the old, Military Forces are a great deal for the common folk to be afraid of due to another kingdom wanting to raid and conquer the land. If your homeland is about to be taken over by an army of elite knights compared to your measely trained army, wouldn't you be scared as an ordinary Civilian?
Competitive wise, Since it's attack is already excellent on its own, I just put the rest to its defensive stats and waste the rest on its other stats.
Escavalier (Escavalite)
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Defiant
New Moves: Sucker Punch, U-Turn
HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 170 (+35)
Def: 105 -> 125 (+25)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 125 (+25)
Spe: 20 -> 35 (+15)
BST: 495 -> 595

With Defiant, Escavalier is now a great and extremely bulky way to stop defog, and more importantly in my opinion, intimidate. Sucker punch gives it some much needed priority, and U-turn is nice for pivoting out. It's still very susceptible to burn and general fire-type moves though.
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My main issue with this is that most of the existing Megas were already powerful OU mons that would still be good with keeping their existing ability. Of the ones that weren't OU last gen, I see abilities like Huge Power, Parental Bond, Prankster, Mega Launcher (+ beneficial moves), Skill Link (+ beneficial moves), Drought, Magic Bounce, Mold Breaker, and -ate clones.

These are unquestionably top abilities, ones you often see in metagames when you can choose any ability for your Pokemon (until they get banned like Huge Power/Parental Bond or Wonder Guard lol). The only other top abilities that see play in metagames like Balanced Hackmons that aren't covered by existing Megas are Protean, Impostor (both seem to be signature abilities), No Guard + moves to abuse it, Magic Guard, and Poison Heal (both of which require status orbs for optimal use). If every bad Pokemon has to get one of those abilities, eventually there will be some Prankster/Regenerator/Huge Power Mega that's totally outclassed by all the similar options.

Even something like Scizor's rise from Gen II/III to Gen IV is the result of essentially the same process where someone at Game Freak said "Let's make this Pokemon OU-viable by giving it a new ability/new moves that are perfect for its current typing/base stat distribution," because otherwise it was just slow and not particularly hard-hitting. Similarly, think of Talonflame, which as a Fire/Flying ~500 BST Pokemon wouldn't be anywhere near OU if not for the exclusive, recently-invented ability it got. If there had been no such thing as Talonflame and someone proposed a Mega Fletchinder that got huge Attack/Speed boosts and the "new" Gale Wings ability, would it have been deemed ridiculous and been given something generic like Reckless instead?

Like I alluded to before, lots of these Pokemon are a far cry from being OU and need more than +100 BST and [insert top-10 preexisting ability] to get there.

No matter how you distribute the base stats, Mega Emolga is going to have essentially the same BST as base form Lucario (which isn't exactly tearing OU a new one as it is), and that's before factoring in typing, movepool, the inability to use Life Orb/Leftovers/etc, and the fact that it takes up your Mega slot. If it's limited to existing abilities, the best possible option for it from a competitive standpoint is something like Prankster, +50 to both defenses, and giving it Defog, and even that's of questionable viability.

Making some of these Mons viable is an uphill climb either way, and it should ultimately come down to flavor first and then the ease of which any new abilities can be implemented - I don't think one method is inherently superior to the other. It's just that abilities like Huge Power/Prankster/Fur Coat/Regenerator (extra Attack, Speed for support-oriented Pokemon, Defense, and HP, respectively) are essentially nothing more than additional buffs to the Pokemon's stats that don't count towards the +100 BST limit, so throwing them in without a really good reason just seems pretty meh.
See, if all it took was a top-10 ability and stat boost to bring things like Mawile and Charizard from decent in NU to top of OU, then so can anything else. So we really don't need a unique ability for even one Mega a slate. Only 2 of the 35 existing Megas have entirely unique Abilities.

I'm fine with simple variants like -ate abilities, Shiver (special Intimidate) and even the Gale Wing for different types. But not everything needs a unique ability.
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See, if all it took was a top-10 ability and stat boost to bring things like Mawile and Charizard from decent in NU to top of OU, then so can anything else. So we really don't need a unique ability for even one Mega a slate. Only 2 of the 35 existing Megas have entirely unique Abilities.

I'm fine with simple variants like -ate abilities, Shiver (special Intimidate) and even the Gale Wing for different types. But not everything needs a unique ability.
I'd add that it would also be nice to look over new abilities from our own past MegaMons before inventing another new one. The best-case-scenario is no invented abilities, in my mind, but for instance, we've decided to create Fire Absorb for Mega Entei. That ability can be used on more than Mega Entei, and it would kill two birds with one stone: we wouldn't be making a new ability wholesale for a future mon, and it makes Mega Entei's new ability less contrived if it's spread out over multiple mon.

That was my mentality with Precision, the more focused Technician that gives a larger boost, but for moves with only 40 BP or lower. Unlike, and I'm just picking this one because it seems most fitting for this case, GG Unit's Arc Discharge, Precision is by no means limited to one mon or even a handful of mon, but can feasibly be used on all sorts of Megas.

That's why I'm sort of sad I don't like Propagate Amoonguss better. As I've mentioned before, it simply is inferior to Regenerator, but it would be great for that ability to see more distribution.

Still, despite the overabundance of custom abilities this round, I think we have some real winners in this slate too.
See, if all it took was a top-10 ability and stat boost to bring things like Mawile and Charizard from decent in NU to top of OU, then so can anything else. So we really don't need a unique ability for even one Mega a slate. Only 2 of the 35 existing Megas have entirely unique Abilities.

I'm fine with simple variants like -ate abilities, Shiver (special Intimidate) and even the Gale Wing for different types. But not everything needs a unique ability.

And not everything gets a different ability. For the most part, the votes do a good job of this. Most of the time, people are just spitballing unique abilities to see if it gets support and to avoid duplicating someone else's submission. I can think of two times when I thought a submission with a unique ability was the best one and it didn't win - Liepard (which got a new ability anyway) and Sigilyph. Not a big deal at all. Stuff like an -ate ability, Parental Bond, Magic Bounce, or Prankster is no more or no less out of left field than most of the abilities proposed, and most of the winning submissions are pretty conservative.

There are a bunch of fully-evolved Pokemon even worse than Mawile was in NU last gen, and Mawile also got a completely new secondary typing that happened to be ideal for it. Giving those Pokemon the same 10 abilities can get stale, and it just leads to a bunch of things occupying the same niche. Sometimes a Pokemon that's uniquely bad (Watchog/Emolga) or already outclassed by several mons with similar stats/typing (generic Psychic type with a supoirt movepool) needs a unique ability to make it stand out.
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You'll notice that all of them got boosts to at least four of their stats upon Mega Evolution. My point is that you can't just give +50 boosts to two stats and call it a day; find some other way to make it viable. I bolded things that a lot of people have ignored recently.
6. Pokemon may get a maximum of 3 new moves for their new Mega Evolution but if this Pokemon is already OU viable then exercise caution as the base form also gets these moves, but no boosting moves as there is no precedent for new boosting moves on an new Mega and if your mon isn't a sweeper it isn't a sweeper try to find another role it could fulfill.
And not everything gets a different ability. For the most part, the votes do a good job of this. Stuff like an -ate ability, Magic Bounce, or Prankster is no more or no less out of left field than most of the abilities proposed.

There are a bunch of fully-evolved Pokemon even worse than Mawile was in NU last gen, and Mawile also got a completely new secondary typing that happened to be ideal for it. Giving those Pokemon the same 10 abilities can get stale, and it just leads to a bunch of things occupying the same niche. Sometimes a Pokemon that's uniquely bad or already outclassed by several mons with similar stats/typing needs a unique ability to make it stand out.
Sometimes. But not every single thing. And some things don't need one of those 10 abilities, I'm not saying to literally only use those abilities. I'm saying that we don't need to create one new ability for everything. Most things that are UU, for example, can be made viable with just a decent ability and stat boosts, as opposed to one of the best Abilities in the game or a totally new ability. There's a middle ground between the bes abilities in the game and creatine entirely new ones. It like making everything Dark type, it's got to stop.

Keep in mind we are not altering the Pokémon themselves, just making megas and giving a few extra moves. So if you make a new ability, we can't just retroactively give it to non-megas and say "there its not exclusive".

Make them viable first and foremost, try to make them unique but again, don't go overboard. Some bottom-of-NU mons might deserve the best or unique Abilities, but only if they absolutely need it.
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Bearing my last post and other posts on new abilities in mind, here's the list of all the new abilities we made (that are on the spreadsheet at least) and what they do, so far. I'll be editing this list if we get more new abilities. People, please look at the list of existing abilities, then look at this list, and only then should you consider inventing another new one (note, all parenthetical statements are my own):

Amplifier: Sound moves hit for 1.3x normal damage. Users: Audino (who has a clone called Catastrophany, which does the same thing, so I'm gonna leave it out of this list), Noivern (but not Exploud; I guess it was thought up after Exploud was done because that's sort of ideal, and also gives a nice pro/con choice from Scrappy Boomburst).

Awareness: Immunity to Entry Hazard Damage. Users: Arcanine Y (note: does this include Toxic Spikes? I dunno, Magic Guard seems like it'd do the trick here).

Brute Force: All attacking moves are Physical. Users: Mamoswine, Ninjask, Tauros.

Bug Juice: Water Absorb for Bug moves. Users: Victreebel.

Capacitance: User's contact moves have a 30% chance to paralyze the target. Users: Zebstrika.

Combo Artist: Grants 50% damage bonus against opponents with lowered Speed. Users: Sawk.

: Ignores Steel's immunity to Poison. Users: Muk.

Dimensional Warp: Sets up Trick Room upon Mega Evolution and switch-in. Users: Reuniclus (note: I assume this means that Trick Room is reversed if this mon switches in/sets up while Trick Room is already in place).

Doppler: Adds a 50% boost to moves by weather: Fire for Sun, Water for Rain, Ice for Hail, and (I'm assuming) Rock for Sandstorm (also, I'm assuming this is in addition to existing boosts in the case of Sun and Rain). Users: Heliolisk (sorry to show my bias here, but this is a prime example of a needless new ability where a little creativity could've worked instead; in fact even better! We could give Heliolisk Forecast to replace its Normal type depending on weather. This would do the same thing as Doppler, given new STAB, in addition to other effects that come with retyping).

Dream Fulfillment (we gotta get a better name: Boosts Special Attack by 50% while asleep; user can choose from moves while asleep. Users: Musharna.

Energy Crystal: User
takes 75% damage from special moves; boosts Special Attack by one stage upon being hit by special moves. Users: Gigalith X.

Field Warp
: Moves that effect the entire field or your side are boosted to 8 turns. The moves affected are: Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Hail, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Light Screen, Reflect, Mud Sport, Water Sport, Tailwind, Magic Room, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Gravity, and Lucky Chant. Users: Xatu, Gliscor Y (who has a clone called Landscaper, which does the same thing, so I'm gonna leave it out of this list).

Fire Absorb: Water Absorb for Fire moves. Users: Entei.

Generator: Sets Electric Terrain for five turns upon Mega Evolution or switch-in. Users: Electrode X, Jolteon.

Grit Power: Boosts Special Attack by 50% if user is inflicted with a negative status. Users: Azelf.

Grounded: All immunities to Ground are ignored when user is on the field. Users: Gliscor X, Zygarde (I think).

Heat Seek: User's Fire moves cannot miss. Users: Heatran.

Ice Age: All non-SE moves against user become Ice-type. Users: Aurorus.

Ignate: All Normal-type moves become Fire-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Users: Sandslash (gehhhh).

Judoka: Grants 50% damage bonus against opponents weighing above 60 kg (132.3 lbs.). Users: Throh.

Mega Transform
: Automatically transforms into the Mega version of the opponent. Users: Ditto (great example of a unique ability that works).

Overwhelm: Uses Taunt on Mega Evolution and switch-in. Users: Mesprit.

Paint Shield: Fur Coat but for Special Defense. Users: Smeargle (great example of a unique ability whose uniqueness makes no sense; we should really rename this for greater possible distribution).

Petrified: All Grass-type moves become Rock-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Also blocks passive damage (this ridiculous part should seriously go away, we were doing so well!). Users: Sudowoodo.

Pollen Shield:
Boosts Defense and Special Defense by 50% in the Sun. Users: Bellossom X.

Gives priority to Powder-type moves (I think this should be +2 priority to make it more than an inferior Prankster). Users: Vileplume.

Uses Leech Seed on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Parasect.

Purify: Absorbs Poison moves (including Toxic Spikes) to give a 50% boost to user's Grass moves. Users: Shaymin.

Quick-Witted: Gives priority to Psychic-type moves. Users: Noctowl X.

Road Block:
Traps all grounded foes (so Arena Trap, but with a flavorful name? Cute, but unnecessary IMO). Users: Snorlax.

User is immune to Flying moves. Users: Maractus.

: Lowers Special Attack of opponent by one stage upon Mega Evolving or switch-in. Users: Noctowl Y.

Sneaky: Gives priority to Dark-type moves. Users: Liepard.

Soothing Pulse: Uses Aromatherapy on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Meganium.

Storm Force:
Boost Flying, Electric, and Dragon moves by 30% in the rain (so Sand Force, but more contrived, because Dragon is shoehorned in with no regard to flavor to make this work for Dragonite). Users: Dragonite.

Sweet Dreams: User heals 1/8 of its health every turn when asleep. Users: Cresselia.

(can we change this to Swordmaster or something, given female pokemon exist? Before cries of Mr. Mime are brought up, we all know that was because of lack of foresight by the English translation team): Boosts Blade, Cut, Slash, and Sword moves by 50%. Users: Samurott, Gallade X (this can easily see more distribution, so many mons have blades for hands).

Trickster: Stat-lowering debuff moves (as in, not counting the likes of Superpower's self-debuff or Aurora Beam's debuff chance) have their effect doubled. Users: Whimsicott (this could also stand to see more distribution).

Unadaptable: Non-STAB moves hit for 66%. Users: Archeops, Regigigas (brilliant ability).

Winter Shield: User is immune to increased-priority moves (I've longed for a priority-nullifying ability since Gen IV and Scizor's rise, but whatever; still, maybe a less flavor-limiting name here?). Users: Glaceon.

Vampiric Blade:
1/6 recover on contact moves (1/6 of total HP or 1/6 of damage? I assume Liquid Ooze affects this?). Users: Aegislash.

On Mega Evolution and switch-in, raises user's Defense one stage if opponent's Attack is higher, or raises user's Special Defense one stage if opponent's Special Attack is higher. Users: Gallade Y.

Victory SuperStar:
Boosts party accuracy by 20%. Users: Victini.
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Bearing my last post and other posts on new abilities in mind, here's the list of all the new abilities we made (that are on the spreadsheet at least) and what they do, so far. I'll be editing this list if we get more new abilities. People, please look at the list of existing abilities, then look at this list, and only then should you consider inventing another new one:

Amplifier: Sound moves hit for 1.3x normal damage. Users: Noivern (but not Exploud; I guess it was thought up after Exploud was done because that's sort of ideal, and also gives a nice pro/con choice from Scrappy Boomburst).
Awareness: Immunity to Entry Hazard Damage. Users: Arcanine Y (note: does this include Toxic Spikes? I dunno, Magic Guard seems like it'd do the trick here).
Brute Force: All attacking moves are Physical. Users: Mamoswine, Ninjask, Tauros.
Bug Juice: Water Absorb for Bug moves. Users: Victreebel.
Corrosion: Ignores Steel's immunity to Poison. Users: Muk.
Dimensional Warp: Sets up Trick Room upon Mega Evolution and switch-in. Users: Reuniclus (note: I assume this means that Trick Room is reversed if this mon switches in/sets up while Trick Room is already in place).
Doppler: Adds a 50% boost to moves by weather: Fire for Sun, Water for Rain, Ice for Hail, and (I'm assuming) Rock for Sandstorm. Also, I'm assuming this is in addition to existing boosts in the case of Sun and Rain. Users: Heliolisk (sorry to show my bias here, but this is a prime example of a needless new ability where a little creativity could've worked instead: we could've given Heliolisk Forecast, and replaced its Normal type depending on weather. This would do the same thing as Doppler, given new STAB, in addition to other effects that come with retyping).
Field Warp: Moves that effect the entire field or your side are boosted to 8 turns. The moves affected are: Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Hail, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Light Screen, Reflect, Mud Sport, Water Sport, Tailwind, Magic Room, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Gravity, and Lucky Chant. Users: Xatu (this ability could seriously see more usage).
Fire Absorb: Water Absorb for Fire moves. Users: Entei.
Generator: Sets Electric Terrain for five turns upon Mega Evolution or switch-in. Users: Electrode X, Jolteon.
Ice Age: All non-SE moves against user become Ice-type. Users: Aurorus.
Ignate: All Normal-type moves become Fire-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Users: Sandslash (gehhhh)
Mega Transform: Automatically transforms into the Mega version of the opponent. Users: Ditto (great example of a unique ability that works).
Paint Shield: Fur Coat but for Special Defense. Users: Smeargle (great example of a unique ability whose uniqueness makes no sense; we should really rename this for greater possible distribution).
Petrified: All Grass-type moves become Rock-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Also blocks passive damage (this part should seriously go away, we were doing so well!). Users: Sudowoodo.
Pollen Shield:
Boosts Defense and Special Defense by 50% in the Sun. Users: Bellossom X
Gives priority to Powder-type moves (I think this should be +2 priority to make it more than an inferior Prankster). Users: Vileplume.
Uses Leech Seed on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Parasect.
Quick-Witted: Gives priority to Psychic-type moves. Users: Noctowl X
Road Block:
Traps all grounded foes (so Arena Trap, but with a flavorful name? Cute, but unnecessary IMO). Users: Snorlax
: Lowers Special Attack of opponent by one stage upon Mega Evolving or switch-in. Users: Noctowl Y.
Soothing Pulse
: Uses Aromatherapy on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Meganium
Storm Force:
Boost Flying, Electric, and Dragon moves by 30% in the rain (so Sand Force, but more contrived, because Dragon is shoehorned in with no regard to flavor to make this work for Dragonite). Users: Dragonite
(can we change this to Swordmaster or something, given female pokemon exist?): Boosts Blade, Cut, Slash, and Sword moves by 50%. Users: Samurott (this can easily see more distribution, so many mons have blades for hands).
Trickster: Stat-lowering debuff moves have their effect doubled. Users: Whimsicott (this could also stand to see more distribution).
Unadaptable: Non-STAB moves hit for 66%. Users: Archeops, Regigigas (brilliant ability).
Vampiric Blade: 1/6 recover on contact moves (1/6 of total HP or 1/6 of damage? I assume Liquid Ooze affects this?). Users: Aegislash.
Yeah, I don't get why we have a few Abilities that are identical to others but with a different name (Awareness is a worse Magic Guard, Roadblock is literally Arena Trap). Some of these have potential, some are just... bleh.

I imagine Storm Force would be a perfect fit for Thundurus, and Vampiric Blade for Bisharp perhaps (as it is OU already its Mega needs to play a different role, see Garchomp). Although 1/6 is unwieldy, maybe 1/4 of damage done because its (potential) users have great offense and lack recovery.
Bearing my last post and other posts on new abilities in mind, here's the list of all the new abilities we made (that are on the spreadsheet at least) and what they do, so far. I'll be editing this list if we get more new abilities. People, please look at the list of existing abilities, then look at this list, and only then should you consider inventing another new one:

Amplifier: Sound moves hit for 1.3x normal damage. Users: Noivern (but not Exploud; I guess it was thought up after Exploud was done because that's sort of ideal, and also gives a nice pro/con choice from Scrappy Boomburst).
Awareness: Immunity to Entry Hazard Damage. Users: Arcanine Y (note: does this include Toxic Spikes? I dunno, Magic Guard seems like it'd do the trick here).
Brute Force: All attacking moves are Physical. Users: Mamoswine, Ninjask, Tauros.
Bug Juice: Water Absorb for Bug moves. Users: Victreebel.
Corrosion: Ignores Steel's immunity to Poison. Users: Muk.
Dimensional Warp: Sets up Trick Room upon Mega Evolution and switch-in. Users: Reuniclus (note: I assume this means that Trick Room is reversed if this mon switches in/sets up while Trick Room is already in place).
Doppler: Adds a 50% boost to moves by weather: Fire for Sun, Water for Rain, Ice for Hail, and (I'm assuming) Rock for Sandstorm. Also, I'm assuming this is in addition to existing boosts in the case of Sun and Rain. Users: Heliolisk (sorry to show my bias here, but this is a prime example of a needless new ability where a little creativity could've worked instead: we could've given Heliolisk Forecast, and replaced its Normal type depending on weather. This would do the same thing as Doppler, given new STAB, in addition to other effects that come with retyping).
Field Warp: Moves that effect the entire field or your side are boosted to 8 turns. The moves affected are: Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Hail, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Light Screen, Reflect, Mud Sport, Water Sport, Tailwind, Magic Room, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Gravity, and Lucky Chant. Users: Xatu (this ability could seriously see more usage).
Fire Absorb: Water Absorb for Fire moves. Users: Entei.
Generator: Sets Electric Terrain for five turns upon Mega Evolution or switch-in. Users: Electrode X, Jolteon.
Ice Age: All non-SE moves against user become Ice-type. Users: Aurorus.
Ignate: All Normal-type moves become Fire-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Users: Sandslash (gehhhh)
Mega Transform: Automatically transforms into the Mega version of the opponent. Users: Ditto (great example of a unique ability that works).
Paint Shield: Fur Coat but for Special Defense. Users: Smeargle (great example of a unique ability whose uniqueness makes no sense; we should really rename this for greater possible distribution).
Petrified: All Grass-type moves become Rock-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Also blocks passive damage (this part should seriously go away, we were doing so well!). Users: Sudowoodo.
Pollen Shield:
Boosts Defense and Special Defense by 50% in the Sun. Users: Bellossom X
Gives priority to Powder-type moves (I think this should be +2 priority to make it more than an inferior Prankster). Users: Vileplume.
Uses Leech Seed on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Parasect.
Quick-Witted: Gives priority to Psychic-type moves. Users: Noctowl X
Road Block:
Traps all grounded foes (so Arena Trap, but with a flavorful name? Cute, but unnecessary IMO). Users: Snorlax
: Lowers Special Attack of opponent by one stage upon Mega Evolving or switch-in. Users: Noctowl Y.
Soothing Pulse
: Uses Aromatherapy on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Meganium
Storm Force:
Boost Flying, Electric, and Dragon moves by 30% in the rain (so Sand Force, but more contrived, because Dragon is shoehorned in with no regard to flavor to make this work for Dragonite). Users: Dragonite
(can we change this to Swordmaster or something, given female pokemon exist?): Boosts Blade, Cut, Slash, and Sword moves by 50%. Users: Samurott (this can easily see more distribution, so many mons have blades for hands).
Trickster: Stat-lowering debuff moves have their effect doubled. Users: Whimsicott (this could also stand to see more distribution).
Unadaptable: Non-STAB moves hit for 66%. Users: Archeops, Regigigas (brilliant ability).
Vampiric Blade: 1/6 recover on contact moves (1/6 of total HP or 1/6 of damage? I assume Liquid Ooze affects this?). Users: Aegislash.
My comments:
I kinda like Awareness as an ability because it prevents Pokemon like Mega Arcanine from abusing Flare Blitz too much or being completely immune to Poison damage.
Yeah Doppler needs to go. Just make it Forecast on Heliolisk.
Fire Absorb could maybe be replaced with Flash Fire; I don't think it's different enough to merit a completely new ability.
Ice Age seems a bit goofy to me. Unnecessary when other things could've done better.
I don't have a huge problem with Ground/Fire Sandslash. Some Pokemon get major changes upon M-Evo (Pinsir, Gyara, etc.).
While it wouldn't improve its potential distribution, I wish Paint Shield were renamed "Artist's Block"
100% agree with you on Petrified. The "no passive damage" part seems to me like an excuse to spam Wood Hammer.
Pollinate is fine the way it is. Some abilities are just inferior to others.
Yeah just give Snorlax Arena Trap.
Storm Force makes some sense flavorwise on Dragonite. It can summon Hurricanes and Thunder already.

Other notes:
Off the top of my head, I remember that Mega Gallade has Swordsman and Mega Gliscor has Grounded (When this Pokemon is on the field, all immunities to Ground-type moves are ignored). I'm sure there are others that just aren't on the spreadsheet.
Recently added ones I can think of are Combo Master for Sawk, the Dark-type Gale Wings for Liepard, and the Paralysis version of Poison Touch for Zebstrika.

With that list, there are quite a few abilities that look inventive without being too overpowered or contrived. If that means there are enough good abilities that some Megas are the only Pokemon with that ability, that's not the end of the world, is it? Mega evolutions are basically pseudolegends in both lore and BST, so they should be unique. Most of the Pokemon that have already received Megas are fan favorites that Game Freak has taken care to improve in past generations (think of what the physical/special split did for Gyarados/Tyranitar), so they didn't need much help in the ability department.

I don't think it can be stressed enough that a Pokemon of Musharna's caliber definitely needs a new ability to distinguish itself from Grumpig (already got Magic Bounce), Uxie, Cresselia and so on. Mega Snorlax with Arena Trap seems to be the main exception to the pattern of better, solid UU mons keeping roughly the same ability.
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Bearing my last post and other posts on new abilities in mind, here's the list of all the new abilities we made (that are on the spreadsheet at least) and what they do, so far. I'll be editing this list if we get more new abilities. People, please look at the list of existing abilities, then look at this list, and only then should you consider inventing another new one:

Amplifier: Sound moves hit for 1.3x normal damage. Users: Noivern (but not Exploud; I guess it was thought up after Exploud was done because that's sort of ideal, and also gives a nice pro/con choice from Scrappy Boomburst).
Awareness: Immunity to Entry Hazard Damage. Users: Arcanine Y (note: does this include Toxic Spikes? I dunno, Magic Guard seems like it'd do the trick here).
Brute Force: All attacking moves are Physical. Users: Mamoswine, Ninjask, Tauros.
Bug Juice: Water Absorb for Bug moves. Users: Victreebel.
Corrosion: Ignores Steel's immunity to Poison. Users: Muk.
Dimensional Warp: Sets up Trick Room upon Mega Evolution and switch-in. Users: Reuniclus (note: I assume this means that Trick Room is reversed if this mon switches in/sets up while Trick Room is already in place).
Doppler: Adds a 50% boost to moves by weather: Fire for Sun, Water for Rain, Ice for Hail, and (I'm assuming) Rock for Sandstorm. Also, I'm assuming this is in addition to existing boosts in the case of Sun and Rain. Users: Heliolisk (sorry to show my bias here, but this is a prime example of a needless new ability where a little creativity could've worked instead: we could've given Heliolisk Forecast, and replaced its Normal type depending on weather. This would do the same thing as Doppler, given new STAB, in addition to other effects that come with retyping).
Field Warp: Moves that effect the entire field or your side are boosted to 8 turns. The moves affected are: Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Hail, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Light Screen, Reflect, Mud Sport, Water Sport, Tailwind, Magic Room, Trick Room, Wonder Room, Gravity, and Lucky Chant. Users: Xatu (this ability could seriously see more usage).
Fire Absorb: Water Absorb for Fire moves. Users: Entei.
Generator: Sets Electric Terrain for five turns upon Mega Evolution or switch-in. Users: Electrode X, Jolteon.
Ice Age: All non-SE moves against user become Ice-type. Users: Aurorus.
Ignate: All Normal-type moves become Fire-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Users: Sandslash (gehhhh)
Mega Transform: Automatically transforms into the Mega version of the opponent. Users: Ditto (great example of a unique ability that works).
Paint Shield: Fur Coat but for Special Defense. Users: Smeargle (great example of a unique ability whose uniqueness makes no sense; we should really rename this for greater possible distribution).
Petrified: All Grass-type moves become Rock-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Also blocks passive damage (this part should seriously go away, we were doing so well!). Users: Sudowoodo.
Pollen Shield:
Boosts Defense and Special Defense by 50% in the Sun. Users: Bellossom X
Gives priority to Powder-type moves (I think this should be +2 priority to make it more than an inferior Prankster). Users: Vileplume.
Uses Leech Seed on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Parasect.
Quick-Witted: Gives priority to Psychic-type moves. Users: Noctowl X
Road Block:
Traps all grounded foes (so Arena Trap, but with a flavorful name? Cute, but unnecessary IMO). Users: Snorlax
: Lowers Special Attack of opponent by one stage upon Mega Evolving or switch-in. Users: Noctowl Y.
Soothing Pulse
: Uses Aromatherapy on switch-in (and also Mega Evolution, I'd assume). Users: Meganium
Storm Force:
Boost Flying, Electric, and Dragon moves by 30% in the rain (so Sand Force, but more contrived, because Dragon is shoehorned in with no regard to flavor to make this work for Dragonite). Users: Dragonite
(can we change this to Swordmaster or something, given female pokemon exist?): Boosts Blade, Cut, Slash, and Sword moves by 50%. Users: Samurott (this can easily see more distribution, so many mons have blades for hands).
Trickster: Stat-lowering debuff moves have their effect doubled. Users: Whimsicott (this could also stand to see more distribution).
Unadaptable: Non-STAB moves hit for 66%. Users: Archeops, Regigigas (brilliant ability).
Vampiric Blade: 1/6 recover on contact moves (1/6 of total HP or 1/6 of damage? I assume Liquid Ooze affects this?). Users: Aegislash.
There are a couple more

Winter Sheild: Immune to increased priority moves (More of an Ice-type exclusive ability, but there are a good amount of ice types to work with) Users: Glaceon
Immunities to ground type moves are negated when this pokemon is in play (Can be given to plenty of Ground Types) Users: Gliscor X
Clone of Field Warp (Can be given to Ground and Grass types, but kinda redundant) Users: Gliscor Y
Vanguard: Basically a defensive version of download, if opponents attack is higher raises defense and if special attack is higher raises attack (Can be given to knightly pokemon) Users: Gallade Y
Grit Power:
Special version of guts (Can be given to a lot of pokes) Users: Azelf
Auto taunts opon switching in or mega evolu (Can be given to a lot of pokes, especially dark types) Users: Mesprit
Heat Seek:
Fire Type moves never miss (Can be given to fire types and some steel types) Users: Heatran
Sweet Dreams:
Heals 1/8 of its health every turn when asleep (Can be given to pokemon involving sleeping) Users: Cresselia
Pretty much a poison type version of Flash Fire, when hit by a poison type move it boosts its next grass type move, also grants an immunity to toxic spikes (Can be given to grass types) Users: Shaymin
Victory SuperStar:
Pretty much a stronger version of Victory Star, boosts are 20% not 10% (Redundant as hell) Users: Victini
Dark type moves get +1 priority (Can be given to pretty much any dark type) Users: Liepard
Dream Fulfilment:
+1 Spa when asleep and can use moves when asleep (Can be given to the same users as Sweet Dreams) Users: Musharna
Clone of Amplifier (Redundant ability) Users: Audino
Paralysis version of Poison Touch (Can be given to Electric types) Users: Zebstrika
Energy Crystal:
Takes 75% damage from special moves and when hit by a special move increases special attack by +1 (Kinda shoehorned for Gigalith, but can be given to some rock types) Users: Gigalith X
Deals x1.5 damage to pokemon above 60 kg (132.3 lbs.) (Kinda Shoehorned for Throh, but can be given to some fighting types) Users: Throh
Combo Artist:
Does 1.5 damage against pokemon with lowered speed (Can be given to many fighting types) Users: Sawk
Immune to flying type moves (Can be given to grass types, especially humanoid ones) Users: Maractus

Also Dragon Type is not that shoehorned on Storm Force, them move twister exists (Not that you should use it, but still)
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Also Dragon Type is not that shoehorned on Storm Force, them move twister exists (Not that you should use it, but still)
One move. Meanwhile, what other elements are found in a storm besides wind (Flying) and lightning (Electricity)? How about, I dunno, Water? Yes, it would mean an additional boost to Water's bonus in the rain, but seriously, using a single 40 BP move to justify Dragon is the definition of shoehorning. Heck, why not boost Normal moves, because Razor Wind exists?

But this is a discussion for another day. If you really want a full-fledged conversation on this, my page and inbox are open.
Yeah, we need to remove the redundant abilities. I'm actually perfectly fine with the legendary exclusive abilities (mostly Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit) because they only serve to enhance their design/powers that otherwise only exist in the "lore".
Like I created Overwhelm for Mesprit because of it being the emotion Pokémon and has powers over emotions, and the idea was to make this factor into battle somehow. So it does depend on the context.
One move. Meanwhile, what other elements are found in a storm besides wind (Flying) and lightning (Electricity)? How about, I dunno, Water? Yes, it would mean an additional boost to Water's bonus in the rain, but seriously, using a single 40 BP move to justify Dragon is the definition of shoehorning. Heck, why not boost Normal moves, because Razor Wind exists?

But this is a discussion for another day. If you really want a full-fledged conversation on this, my page and inbox are open.
I'll say as the person that made that ability I'll address the questions in an orderly fashion.

1.) I was STRONGLY considering giving it to water over dragon, but I figured that with the boost thanks to rain compared to the lack of boost to attacks with sandstorm that it wasn't really necessary too much
2.) A lot of dragon attacks to me felt like they were more chaotic in the sense of storms. In particular Draco Meteor, Outrage, Dragon Pulse, and Twister all felt like moves that could happen in the chaos caused by a big storm. But it's just my feeling about it.

As for why Amplifier wasn't given to Exploud, if I recall correctly, it was deemed too broken or something like that (I think that's how it was. It's been a while). It was originally on Chatot but THAT I know was deemed a bit too broken (mostly because of Chatter + Boomburst with decent stats all around)
acestriker19, do you think it would be possible to include the list of new abilities in JayHankEdLyon's above post in the OP? That way, people could check out what new abilities already exist before creating a new one with redundant or unnecessary qualities.
I'll try to clear some things up as to why they happened, and yes, I agree that we should have a proofread per say once we're done.

Doppler: Adds a 50% boost to moves by weather: Fire for Sun, Water for Rain, Ice for Hail, and (I'm assuming) Rock for Sandstorm (also, I'm assuming this is in addition to existing boosts in the case of Sun and Rain). Users: Heliolisk (sorry to show my bias here, but this is a prime example of a needless new ability where a little creativity could've worked instead; in fact even better! We could give Heliolisk Forecast to replace its Normal type depending on weather. This would do the same thing as Doppler, given new STAB, in addition to other effects that come with retyping).

The original Heliolisk did have Forecast, and this ability was created as a substitute due to coding concerns (and iirc, I think someone was upset about using Castforms signature ability.)

Ignate: All Normal-type moves become Fire-type, with a 1.3 bonus. Users: Sandslash (gehhhh).

You have to remember, before we did this whole submission thing, this worked the same way Pumkaboo'd does. So when weird ass submissions came up to be discussed, we tried our hardest to keep to the original designers vision (The mega was at first a Rock/Fire type with an ability that changed Rock-type moves to Fire-type Moves with a 1.75 boost .-.) In hindsight, it probably would of been better to just reopen it to the public.

Paint Shield: Fur Coat but for Special Defense. Users: Smeargle (great example of a unique ability whose uniqueness makes no sense; we should really rename this for greater possible distribution).

This was originally Fur Coat, but due to blah and bleh (don't feel like retelling it), it somehow ended up as this.

Most of your concerns are results of multiple flavor inputs from multiple people (thus failing to make any sort of recognizable patters.) There are many other scenarios where two vastly different opinions end up with undesirable results for both sides, so I really support the idea of going over everything at the end - cutting out the stupid stuff, making everything consistent, and overall just making it more polished. Because right now, MfA feels more like a compilation of nerdy wet dreams than a creative, balanced, and fun to play metagame.
You'll notice that all of them got boosts to at least four of their stats upon Mega Evolution. My point is that you can't just give +50 boosts to two stats and call it a day; find some other way to make it viable. I bolded things that a lot of people have ignored recently.

I'd rather give a Pokemon +50 boosts in two stats than small boosts in four or more stats and a broken ability, especially is some stats are wasted when a Pokemon would need every stat. Non Mega Emolga is fast. One can take several routes according to this. It might focus on fast support. It might focus on being annoing or it could focus on sweeping lategame etc. if it dosen't destroy the thing the Pokemon focuses on (Speed in Emolgas case) It shouldn't be a problem to give it +50 boosts in 2 stats. It would be way worse if someone would turn Delphox into a physical sweeper using only +20 boosts and a new ability than giving two +50 boosts and call it a day, especially if you can justify these +50 boosts with flavor.
I'd rather give a Pokemon +50 boosts in two stats than small boosts in four or more stats and a broken ability
That's a false choice, champ in the making. Most of the chosen Megas don't fall into either of these two groups. You can't really argue in favor of +50/+50 when the evidence clearly shows that more spread-out stat boosts with non-broken abilities make up most of the Megas here (you're a step away from being guilty of a Straw Cacturne Argument).

It would be way worse if someone would turn Delphox into a physical sweeper using only +20 boosts and a new ability than giving two +50 boosts and call it a day, especially if you can justify these +50 boosts with flavor.
The only case of that Delphox-like scenario happening, as far as I've seen, is the ridiculous 132 Base Attack Water/Fighting Mega Golduck with Tough Claws (as opposed to, gee, I dunno, Water/Psychic?). You know a huge factor in this ridiculousness? +50 to Attack.
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That's a false choice, champ in the making. Most of the chosen Megas don't fall into either of these two groups. You can't really argue in favor of +50/+50 when the evidence clearly shows that more spread-out stat boosts with non-broken abilities make up most of the Megas here (you're a step away from being guilty of a Straw Cacturne Argument).

The only case of that Delphox-like scenario happening, as far as I've seen, is the ridiculous 132 Base Attack Water/Fighting Mega Golduck with Tough Claws (as opposed to, gee, I dunno, Water/Psychic?). You know a huge factor in this ridiculousness? +50 to Attack.
You know that Mega Aggron gained 50 Defense? And it already has like the third highest Defense in the entire game...
Mega Charizard Y gained 50 SpA, Mega Heracross gained 60 Atk. These were already its best stats, meanwhile for Golduck it was one of its average stats (I mean they're all average, but still).

Making Golduck Water/Psychic is obvious, and really doesn't do it any favors. It also gets quite a few Fighting attacks (of particular interest are Cross Chop and Low Sweep), and is said to be "faster than even the most athletic swimmer" and "the fastest swimmer among all Pokémon". All it says about psychic powers are that it sometimes uses them, and it learns fewer Psychic-type attacks.

And 132 Atk is just barely better than Mega Charizard X, who has stronger STABs (Outrage and Flare Blitz) as well as Dragon Dance (Golduck only has Hone Claws, which is good with Cross Chop, but not as good). It's creative, viable, and still makes sense.

It's not like we have Speed Boost to Snorlax or something.
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