Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer, C&C Edition

Seeing as how the point of that archive is to store rejected or outdated analyses, I don't know what your point is. What would they be available for? Everything there, even the actual analyses, are pretty useless from a learning standpoint. I just don't understand why rule-violating threads containing things that should be posted here are kept.

It makes it easy for mods to go back and look and see if a person has posted in C&C before and if they've tried to post bad analyses / dumb threads in the past. It makes it easy to say "oh they tried this before and still haven't learned, infract." It's simple record keeping.
Hi, this is more of a question aimed at GP members.

When talking about a generation [number] (i.e. generation 6) in an analysis, which one should you use?
"Generation 6", "generation 6", "Generation six", "generation six", etc?
Hi, this is more of a question aimed at GP members.

When talking about a generation [number] (i.e. generation 6) in an analysis, which one should you use?
"Generation 6", "generation 6", "Generation six", "generation six", etc?

Numbers less than or equal to ten should always be spelled out. You could also use roman numerals; in this case, it would be VI.

When you refer to a specific generation, such as if you say "Generation six," you should always capitalize the "G." When referring to the idea of generations, such as if you say "there are six generations of Pokemon," the "g" should always be lowercased.

I hope this cleared things up.
Hi I'm a new member of the GP team. I need an official stamp thingy. Birkal opened a thread for it but it got locked for some reason, is there still a way I could make it?
Quick question, is the correct term '-Pokemon's- -name of ability- ability', or '-Pokemon's- ability, -name of ability-' or are both correct? I see these all the time when gping stuff but I usually leave it.

Eg. Absol's Super Luck ability or Absol's ability, Super Luck.
Quick question, is the correct term '-Pokemon's- -name of ability- ability', or '-Pokemon's- ability, -name of ability-' or are both correct? I see these all the time when gping stuff but I usually leave it.

Eg. Absol's Super Luck ability or Absol's ability, Super Luck.

Both are ok, but the latter is preferable over the former in almost all cases (only exception would be comma overload, I think)
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Am I allowed to make joke entries? e.g. Unown in OU, Magikarp in Ubers, etc
Little question: Are we able to reserve a Pokemon, finish the analysis on it, then reserve another Pokemon and start writing up an analysis for that?
Little question: Are we able to reserve a Pokemon, finish the analysis on it, then reserve another Pokemon and start writing up an analysis for that?
Can you elaborate? You can reserve up to two analyses at a time if you are unbadged or don't have explicit permission. Once either is in GP stage, you can reserve another.
Can you elaborate? You can reserve up to two analyses at a time if you are unbadged or don't have explicit permission. Once either is in GP stage, you can reserve another.
Yeah that pretty much answered my question, I think I might've worded it badly, sorry.
Yeah that pretty much answered my question, I think I might've worded it badly, sorry.
Oh and keep on mind that it really depends in the subforum. Iirc nonbadged users could only reserve 1 Pokemon in BW UU, but this is not the case for both XY OU and XY UU.
Is "revenge kill" an okay term to use, while all other instances of killing Pokemon should be fainting or KOing instead? If not, there's a slight contradiction in the Spelling and Grammar Standards thread.

Also, are both "burnt" and "burned" okay as long as it is consistent within a single article?
Is "revenge kill" an okay term to use, while all other instances of killing Pokemon should be fainting or KOing instead? If not, there's a slight contradiction in the Spelling and Grammar Standards thread.

Also, are both "burnt" and "burned" okay as long as it is consistent within a single article?
Yes and yes.
Is "revenge kill" an okay term to use, while all other instances of killing Pokemon should be fainting or KOing instead? If not, there's a slight contradiction in the Spelling and Grammar Standards thread.

It's one of the only contradictions; "revenge kill" is a very ingrained term for us to change
Small mechanics question here: I read that IVs only calculate based on integers of four, which is why lowering the IV cap on single stats to 252 is still the same as the old 255 and had no effect on the end result. But if we're not dealing with the max amount, how does the game round when not dealing with a four-divisible number?

In short, I didn't keep track of my Super Training and ended up with 250 IVs in a Pokemon's HP stat instead of the 248 IVs I wanted. Is it still gonna be the same value as 248 IVs would have been? Or do I need to go find a Reset Bag and actually keep track of the number and throw the extra two in a random unneeded stat?
Yeah, I did mean EVs sorry. I've been IV breeding a team for over a month and just recently got the last member done, so it's still kinda burned into my brain.
Hello! I am a relatively new member of the Smogon Community (though I have done a lot of article reading prior to my official joining) and, despite my best efforts, I am having trouble locating information on where and how submissions to the individual pokemon strategies are made (those that include things such as "Checks and Counters," "Move Sets," etc)
My key questions:
How do I apply to make and publish these kinds of entries?
Why does the "Move Set" section on unfilled Pokemon strategies read "Perhaps You Can Help?" but lacks a directory to said Helping? Perhaps it is my "privileges?" I'm just not sure.
Lastly, if this helps you in anyway, my goal specifically is to write an entry on the use of the Pokemon Furfrou competitively, which I feel I can speak for with confidence as it is often a staple of my Team(s) in X and Y, and so far it has no such entries.
Thank you for your time and energy!
Hello! I am a relatively new member of the Smogon Community (though I have done a lot of article reading prior to my official joining) and, despite my best efforts, I am having trouble locating information on where and how submissions to the individual pokemon strategies are made (those that include things such as "Checks and Counters," "Move Sets," etc)
My key questions:
How do I apply to make and publish these kinds of entries?
Why does the "Move Set" section on unfilled Pokemon strategies read "Perhaps You Can Help?" but lacks a directory to said Helping? Perhaps it is my "privileges?" I'm just not sure.
Lastly, if this helps you in anyway, my goal specifically is to write an entry on the use of the Pokemon Furfrou competitively, which I feel I can speak for with confidence as it is often a staple of my Team(s) in X and Y, and so far it has no such entries.
Thank you for your time and energy!
These are all great questions!

These submissions are called analyses. You can find where they're made here.

Do you mean the name of the set? If so, it's likely a bad pun...

If you wish to write an analysis on Furfrou, go to the thread I directed you to. You'll have to check if someone isn't already writing up an analysis on it, as analysis writing can be a lengthy process.

And as a last point, make sure you read the rules on all forums, especially in the Sixth Generation Contributions forum if you wish to write an analysis on Furfrou. Have fun on Smogon and I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask here!
These are all great questions!

These submissions are called analyses. You can find where they're made here.

Do you mean the name of the set? If so, it's likely a bad pun...

If you wish to write an analysis on Furfrou, go to the thread I directed you to. You'll have to check if someone isn't already writing up an analysis on it, as analysis writing can be a lengthy process.

And as a last point, make sure you read the rules on all forums, especially in the Sixth Generation Contributions forum if you wish to write an analysis on Furfrou. Have fun on Smogon and I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask here!

Thanks! Just one other thing. Do the tiers laid out have a rigid structure as far as which Pokemon they encompass? I wouldn't want to reserve a Pokemon Analysis in the forum for the OU when that Pokemon is actually in the UU, or similar tier issues. Is it subjective, or can I find a clear list of which Species go where?
Thanks! Just one other thing. Do the tiers laid out have a rigid structure as far as which Pokemon they encompass? I wouldn't want to reserve a Pokemon Analysis in the forum for the OU when that Pokemon is actually in the UU, or similar tier issues. Is it subjective, or can I find a clear list of which Species go where?
If you have a look at the Reservation List on each respective subforum, you'll find that it will have a list of reservable Pokemon. I haven't gotten involved with analyses in a while, but I'm pretty sure that if, for example, you wanted to write an analysis on a Pokemon in RU, but \ in the OU subforum, then you're free to write it up but it may be rejected.
If you have a look at the Reservation List on each respective subforum, you'll find that it will have a list of reservable Pokemon. I haven't gotten involved with analyses in a while, but I'm pretty sure that if, for example, you wanted to write an analysis on a Pokemon in RU, but \ in the OU subforum, then you're free to write it up but it may be rejected.

Great! That's very helpful. Thank you, I appreciate it. ^_^