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Gen 6 Silly things on the Ubers ladder that just HAPPENED to screw you over


General Kenobi
is a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Approved by Theorymon, was told to follow this format: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/weird-sets-youve-seen-on-battle-spot.3495438/


Anyway, so like last generation, we're going to have a "stupid things you've seen on the ladder" thread, except this time it has a twist. It's going to let you all express Murphy's Law in its cruelest form. Here you are, battling some scrub with their Extrasensory Lugia and Dream Eater Darkrai, when suddenly, there's this one set that utterly destroys one of your mons, completely by surprise. You could either have lost this game, or win it, but it HAS to be a set that is either completely retarded or is so specific that it has no real use in the metagame apart from massively wrecking you on that day in that match at that specific time.

An example would be: You are using a Quagsire to counter Ekiller. In 99.99% of the time, Ekiller has absolutely nothing to beat Quagsire with, but on this one day, it just so happened to have Giga Drain (not Grass Knot, not Bullet Seed, GIGA DRAIN) and it completely wrecks your Quagsire's ass. It needs to be pretty out there.​
- I had a talk with Theorymon, and both of us saw this potentially coming. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RAGE ABOUT SOME SCRUB BEATING YOU WITH A STUPID RETARDED SET. Keep things civil, express your surprise and incredulity, but no anger, indignation, contempt or hate is allowed. Any such posts will be deleted and infracted.
- Please make sure that the sets you list ARE very weird and not a genuine surprise lure or something. Something like Stone Edge *Pokemon that's weak to Ho-oh* is not really that weird, since so many things carry it now. Make sure it is a move that it clearly outclassed by another move in the Pokemon's moveset most of the time but just happened to beat you.
- No hax is to be used in here. ANYTHING anywhere can beat you via hax, and we want to know about movesets, not hax, so no stupid Swagplay Klefkis and stuff like that please.
- Logs are nice, but like last time, please don't just paste a log and call it a day, make sure you highlight the set in the format below and highlight the move that fucked you over and maybe a couple of moves and explanation for some context.
- No one liner posts or just a set. We want to know what you're flabbergasted with and your feelings (minus anger). We don't want you just writing a set and leaving it there without any comments.
- Please follow the following format:​
Pokemon @ Item
Ability (Only fill this in if you have a pretty strong hunch, or leave blank)
EVs (If you have a good estimate of what they could be, feel free to input. Or leave blank otherwise)
Nature (If you know it, or at least have a good idea of what they're running, fill this in)
- Move
- Move
- Move
- Move
(Known moves just have to be filled in mainly. Unknown moves can be left blank or estimated based on what the Pokemon was. If you're not totally sure, just leave a question mark next to it)

Kyogre @ Leftovers
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: Possibly 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe (?)
Nature: Guessing Modest
- Water Spout
- Surf
- Signal Beam
- ?

So, I'll start one off. This was actually a gen 5 match. I was testing Celebi out because I'm just that kind of guy. It's actually a pretty fun Kyogre check to most variants not named Specs, and Specs was relatively rare. So, I decided to switch in on this Kyogre that looked like bulky attacking set that had Leftovers. Little did I know that the Kyogre had Signal Beam. Now, I was pretty much the only guy using Celebi seriously on the ladder at the time, and I just HAPPENED to be the receiving end of a Signal Beam Kyogre on Celebi (and as we know it is pretty much outclassed by Ice Beam on anything EXCEPT Celebi or Ludicolo).

Have fun!​
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Blaziken @ blazekenite
No clue on nature
No clue on Evs
-low kick
-flare blitz
-swords dance

RIP QUAGOD. Fuck shrang and his edits. One liners are the best. Quagsire which is normally considered a premier blaziken check got rekt by the surprise solarbeam that came out of nowhere then blaze proceeded to 6-0 me. More details in my upcoming rmt. Effs
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I was testing Ariados in uber. My team was weakend, my Yveltal was ko. He had a Darkrai, I had Ariados. No hazards were on the field. Ariados would normaly win a Machup against Darkrai because of Focus sash, X-Scissor and Shadow sneak. It also had Insomnia to prevent sleep. Well, he used Physic, ariados survived the hit because of Sash and brang it down to it's Sash. I thought: You just hit it with a Shadow sneak and kill it. Nope, Quick Attack on Darkrai.
It cleaned my team at +2 because of Nasty Plot and Dark void.

Darkrai@Focus Sash
-Dark Void
-Nasty Plot
-Quick Attack.

It was shortly after the Ladder reset.
I'm really glad this thread is back, and I'm even happier that this thread could introduce some interesting and potentially viable sets. I ran in the following set recently, and it gave not only my Sticky Web test-team trouble, but even my best team needed to delicately play around it. Here it is:

Rest Talk Geomancy



Xerneas @ Power Herb
Presumed EVs: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 Spec Def
Nature: + Def (possibly Relaxed)
-Sleep Talk​

On the surface, this set seems unviable; I laughed it off the first time I played against it. Rest Talk Geomancy is a mono attacker with no coverage, and a Power Herb means that unlike most Rest Talk sets, it can't abuse passive leftovers recovery. However, this unique Xerneas set not only can get an easier time setting up with increased bulk and a power herb, but can also stay in longer and keep boosting with Geomancy. This allows it to overcome Pokemon which could tank +2 Moonblasts. It's an extremely dangerous win condition, because the defensive Evs, defensive boosting nature, and speed boosts make this Xerneas very difficult to revenge kill with priority by something like an Ekiller.

In my battles against this Rest Talk Geomancy Xerneas, I had to play very, very carefully. Alas, my first battle against this users team expired, but I was interested in the set, and asked for a rematch with my best team. The match can be watched here.

Aside from a lucky Genesect freeze early game, by turn 11, I already was forced to deal with this Xerneas set. To me, regular GeoXerneas tends to easier to overcome. I tend to let something go down, phase with Max HP Fairyceus, and then revenge kill later. However, the unique staying power, speed boosting, and strong offensive pressure made Rest Talk Geomancy Xerneas troubling to beat. I spent almost half the battle just trying to figure a way to get around it. Fortunately for me, my max speed Groudon managed to bring it down.

Overall, I'd say this is a very strange set, with an immense amount of surprise value. It's 100% silly, however it gave my teams a good deal of grief, and could be interesting to experiment with :)
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Speaking of GeoXern....

Xerneas @ Power Herb
presumed evs: 108 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 120 Spe
Nature: Modest (hope so)

Yep. Mono-attacking GeoXern. Idk if this would be too effective (Heatran trolls it), but it sure got me. Here I am, minding my own business, fighting someone's team, when Xern says hi, and then I'm like, exact quotations "I'm a key dis man's car-deer!", and send out Klefki just as he Subs, leading me to think that this would be a good fight. Sets up Geo, I break Sub with Play Rough, and TWave after taking a Moonblast. I'm looking peachy, and then......Aromatherapy. Got swept. It does make sense running Sub and Aromatherapy, but both? If I had Ho-Oh, Heatran or Aegislash, that Xern would've been dead, but I suck anyways, so it isn't that much of a big deal.
Quagsire Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
~Sleep Talk

I was down to my Eviolite Doublade trying to take this thing down. Unaware literally shuts out my swords sweeping potential. I literally only won because I managed to wear him out of sleep talk PP, and he somehow kept hitting rest with it. It was the longest I've ever been engaged in combat with a single poke in my life. :P
Biggest WTF ever: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ubers-108396330

I was so baffled that I played even worse than usual. I didn't even know what that thing was.

Swoobat @ ?
EVs: ???
Nature: ???
~ Double Team
~ Calm Mind
~ Stored Power
~ Air Slash

you should thank the lord you have never played this:

Drifblim @ Sash

Baton Pass

with Geomancy Xerneas and Extremekiller on his team. you Dark Pulse to the Sash, then as soon as you see the Sash you think OHSHIT and go for Taunt... which of course misses... then misses again.... and again... then the Baton Pass happens....then Xerneas comes in with a Substitute, Geomancies THREE TIMES and kills everything from behind the safety of a Substitute

end of game quote: "i wish i'd been able to use Extremekiller, I really want to try it out"


on a more legit note, I played a guy on Wi-Fi after playing him on the ladder and he caught me out with this ridiculous set:

Mamoswine @ Choice Scarf
Modest Nature
Freeze Dry

252+ SpA Mamoswine Freeze Dry vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Palkia: 288-340 (89.4 - 105.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO

I know it's Modest max investment because I went away and calculated it and it has to be Modest to OHKO. Palkia comes in and kills Kyogre. In comes Mamoswine - "lemme just Surf this real quick" - but nope.

on another note

252+ SpA Mamoswine Ancient Power vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Ho-Oh: 136-160 (32.7 - 38.5%) -- 1.9% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

he was surprised when his almighty Mamoswine wasn't able to kill Ho-Oh (I was expecting a Stone Edge to break the Substitute, but then I saw Ancientpower)

beat that Minority Suspect

I literally just played this match and the thing that caught me off guard the most - aside from Overheat on Dialga - was HP Fire on Xerneas.

Presumed Set:

Xerneas @ Power Herb
generic GeoXern EVs
Ability: Fairy Aura
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- HP Fire
- Some coverage move.

I'm not much of a huge Ubers player and will never claim to be but from what I lurked on these forums... that's a move that really varies from situation to situation. I didn't know what to expect from him to be perfectly honest - a switch in hindsight would've made sense - but that definitely caught me off guard and as you can see, he was able to wreck the rest of my team. I could've played the match better, yes, but the Darkrai play at the beginning of the match into that... honestly unique but equally annoying Xerneas set was something I didn't see coming at all whatsoever.

I literally just played this match and the thing that caught me off guard the most - aside from Overheat on Dialga - was HP Fire on Xerneas.

Presumed Set:

Xerneas @ Power Herb
generic GeoXern EVs
Ability: Fairy Aura
- Geomancy
- Moonblast
- HP Fire
- Some coverage move.

I'm not much of a huge Ubers player and will never claim to be but from what I lurked on these forums... that's a move that really varies from situation to situation. I didn't know what to expect from him to be perfectly honest - a switch in hindsight would've made sense - but that definitely caught me off guard and as you can see, he was able to wreck the rest of my team. I could've played the match better, yes, but the Darkrai play at the beginning of the match into that... honestly unique but equally annoying Xerneas set was something I didn't see coming at all whatsoever.
This is the greatest troll of all time right? God I hope so.

HP Fire Xern is perhaps the most common coverage move that it runs outside of Thunder so ya.

Though this is on Wifi, my friend and I play with all ubers team. She has a normal form Kyurem with Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, and Ancient Power.

Of course the first time I came across it, my Ho-oh (which took a tiny bit of recoil damage from Brave Bird and Life Orb) was against her Kyurem. Kyurem survived a Brave Bird and then Ancient Powered me. Now I was below half health at this point...and to make matters worse, all her stats rose. She then outsped me and used it again. And rose her stats again. I lost two more guys because of Draco Meteor. At that point it was weak enough that I was finally able to beat it.

Then her mixed Pixie Plate Arceus came in and surprised my Heatran with an Earthquake.

I've had more success than failure in Ubers, but losing my Sableye against a Ditto really ticked me off. Still sweeping with a schukle made me feel better for the rest of the day. It happens if you're not prepared.