Other Silly Things You've Seen On The OU Ladder: V2

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Who knew one man could make all of these decisions by himself:
- Aerial Ace Bisharp
- Drill Run / Sandstorm Sand Rush Excadrill (no TTar)
- Dragon Pulse Heatran
Who knew one man could make all of these decisions by himself:

- Drill Run / Sandstorm Sand Rush Excadrill (no TTar)
- Dragon Pulse Heatran

Nothing wrong with these. Dragon Pulse is a default move that most people use on Heatran. Sand Rush Excadrill is also amazing for sweeping, but no TTar does hurt.
Flame Charge Ninetales
Defog Togekiss
Non Speed Boost X-Scissor Scollipede (Because Meganorn doesn't exist)
Keeping Volcarona in on Togekiss
Oh shit that was me. Forgot it carries Air Slash (it used fucking HEAL BELL INSTEAD OF FINISHING VOLCY)
Oh and let's not forget
"Slice And Dice (Weavile) used Knock Off!
It knocked off the opposing Ninetales's Rose Incense!
I also saw a Bulk Up Infernape. Not so bad? IT HAD A FOCUS SASH

Spot all the wrong things here.
Flame Charge Ninetales
Defog Togekiss
Non Speed Boost X-Scissor Scollipede (Because Meganorn doesn't exist)
Keeping Volcarona in on Togekiss
Oh shit that was me. Forgot it carries Air Slash (it used fucking HEAL BELL INSTEAD OF FINISHING VOLCY)
Oh and let's not forget
"Slice And Dice (Weavile) used Knock Off!
It knocked off the opposing Ninetales's Rose Incense!
I also saw a Bulk Up Infernape. Not so bad? IT HAD A FOCUS SASH

BTW, Defog Togekiss is common. I tried it before. Unless the opponent had an irrelevant moveset, then I can see why.
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-99877895 <-Gliscor with Knock Off, Espeon Dual-Screening, Dragonite, Volcarona, and Aegislash is common. However, Florges with Sitrus Berry.

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-99878926 <- Torterra with Thrash. Roserade with Energy Ball and then using Sludge Bomb on Skarm, Herracross with Night Slash, and Chatot. Plus this dude used Dragon Claw on Azumarill.

http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-99879967 <- Such much wrong...

(BTW, I was Webbo.)
dual screen espeon is not uncommon and isnt a bad set. Glscor with knockoff also not bad. Knock if nice move on almost anything. idk about the florges he wants a sitrus he wants a stirus

energy ball is just a more powerful stab move than giga drain. giga drain is better but its still okay. skarm=stupid. idk about that heracross maybe he wants ghost coverage. chatot gets boomburs... enough said

and that last one idk sub set up isnt that horrible although he doesnt have kings shield. protect cloyster is stupid especially since he doesnt have leftys. and belly drum smeargle was fairly common last gen
Nothing frustrates me more than a focus sash on something that has no business running a focus sash.

Excuse the lack of replays but I had quite a by of anger-laughter when I psyshocked an infernape with my Latios and that stupid thing survived and ko'd with u turn.

Or the time my x zard hit a Togekiss with flare blitz and the stupid thing survived and struck back to KO (my zard was weakened)

And the worst part is its not the worst strategy in the world, there is just so many better things that Pokemon can be running XD
I agree with Sash being stupid and annoying, but Infernape very often carries Sash.
Togekiss... not so much.

The most WTF thing I ever saw wearing a Sash was a Wobbufet. And obviously, it worked perfectly, stopping my MPinsir from sweeping by countering in my face.

YEAH! Lol it's situations like that that make me laugh like crazy and simultaneously rip my hair out in frustration.
The opposing Cryogonal used Acrobatics!
It's not very effective... Mawile lost 12.0% of its health!
Inferno Charizard (I think)
Psychic Metagross
Pikachu... with Dig.
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The fact that they can't deal with a Snorlax is pathetic.

I wanted SO BADLY to come on here halfway through that and say, "But that team has a lot of special attackers, and with only Darmanitan there's no way it'd easily break through Thick Fat AV Snorlax."

That's what I wanted to say.

Instead, I have to come and just say "do you even haze bro" or something to that effect.
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