5IV Mons For Trade! (Over 50 Perfect)

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Hey there, what ball does this Zubat come in? =) Zubat, Jolly, Infiltrator, 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (Brave Bird, Defog)
Hey there, what ball does this Zubat come in? =) Zubat, Jolly, Infiltrator, 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (Brave Bird, Defog)

I've gotta be honest with you, I have no idea, probably not what you're looking for lol. I can check, but will the babies be in the same ball?
Hi, are you interested in a 5 IV Marill (no Sp. Atk IV) with 3 egg moves? Superpower included, which I see you lack on your Marill.

I would be interested in one of your 5 IV Shellders, let me know!

Edit: just found out that superpower is a lvl up move, sorry :(
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Any interest in a 6IV ditto, freshly RNG'ed (timid nature) Pokébanked with the European Pokébank. Caught at Giant Chasm, so with the summary you can check the iV's. Please PM me if so.
1 female Pinsir, Adamant, Moxie, 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (Quick Attack, Close Combat)
1 female Venipede, Adamant, Speed Boost, 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (Spikes, Toxic Spikes)
1 female Slowpoke, Bold, Regenerator, 31/xx/31/31/31/31
interested in these pokes :) CMT?
1 female Pinsir, Adamant, Moxie, 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (Quick Attack, Close Combat)
1 female Venipede, Adamant, Speed Boost, 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (Spikes, Toxic Spikes)
1 female Slowpoke, Bold, Regenerator, 31/xx/31/31/31/31
interested in these pokes :) CMT?

Hey there! I'll take:

Machop, Adamant, (No Guard) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Egg Moves: Knock Off, Bullet Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch) - Female if possible I know the rate is 25%
Carvanha, Adamant, (Speed Boost) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Egg Moves: Destiny Bond, Brine, Ancient Power, Hydro Pump) - Female
Totodile, Adamant, (Torrent) 31/31/31/x/31/31 (Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, Crunch) - Male

Edit: Any way to get sheer force on the totodile?
alright. I currently only have the totodile in stock but ill breed the other 2 now :) oh and I also have a male carvanha in stock if that interest you? and for a female machop I would want either a shiny or 2 5iv pokes for it.

EDIT: unfortunately I can only get torrent on totodile
alright. I currently only have the totodile in stock but ill breed the other 2 now :) oh and I also have a male carvanha in stock if that interest you? and for a female machop I would want either a shiny or 2 5iv pokes for it.

Male machop is fine then because I definitely want all 3. Male carvanha is fine too I'll have to breed your 3, I've gotta study for an exam so would it be cool if I pm'd you when I finish?

EDIT: just saw your edit haha, in that case can I trade 2:1 for machop and 1:1 for carvanha?
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hey varj :) I just realised that you don't have your pokemons in stock? as the ones im interested was in your stock list. because id rather have the pokemons male if your breeding them. oh and someone offered me a stocked pinsir so I might just take venipede and slowpoke for a male machop and carvanha? let me know what u think :D
hey varj :) I just realised that you don't have your pokemons in stock? as the ones im interested was in your stock list. because id rather have the pokemons male if your breeding them. oh and someone offered me a stocked pinsir so I might just take venipede and slowpoke for a male machop and carvanha? let me know what u think :D

I didn't actually have them in stock haha. I started to breed the female pinsir but I only managed to get one female which i need to use for breeding as I traded my last moxie female pinsir, and had to breed with a ditto first. I'm cool with a 1:1 and 1:1! I'll have them done tomorrow for sure! (:
Are you still looking for the 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Bold Prankster Whimsicott with Encore? Just bred some Cottonees for fun and got one after only a couple tries!
Does it need to be a Whimsicott or is Cottonee okay?
I'm interested in either a female Marill or a Vullaby. I'd prefer the Vullaby, but if you have stock of Marills I may go with that one instead.
Are you still looking for the 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Bold Prankster Whimsicott with Encore? Just bred some Cottonees for fun and got one after only a couple tries!
Does it need to be a Whimsicott or is Cottonee okay?
I'm interested in either a female Marill or a Vullaby. I'd prefer the Vullaby, but if you have stock of Marills I may go with that one instead.

I pm'd the other guy who had one so if he doesn't reply I'll pm you?
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