OU Kingdra

I noticed that HP Fire/Grass are no longer slashed on the set, any reasons why?

The way I see it, Critdra works pretty well in tandem with a Dragon-type sweeper, at least when it uses HP Fire/Grass. That way, it lures in stuff like Sylveon (demolished by Hydro Pump), Azumarill (demolished by HP Grass), and Ferrothorn (demolished by HP Fire), among other common Dragon-type checks/counters, and either knocks them out or severely weakens them. That makes it a lot easier for the Dragon-type sweeper (DD Dragonite, SD Garchomp, etc.) to sweep late-game. IMO Kingdra shouldn't really be playing around with Agility, I think the sweeping's better left to its teammates.

So if HP Fire/Grass are used, Dragon-type sweepers make pretty good teammates.
I noticed that HP Fire/Grass are no longer slashed on the set, any reasons why?

The way I see it, Critdra works pretty well in tandem with a Dragon-type sweeper, at least when it uses HP Fire/Grass. That way, it lures in stuff like Sylveon (demolished by Hydro Pump), Azumarill (demolished by HP Grass), and Ferrothorn (demolished by HP Fire), among other common Dragon-type checks/counters, and either knocks them out or severely weakens them. That makes it a lot easier for the Dragon-type sweeper (DD Dragonite, SD Garchomp, etc.) to sweep late-game. IMO Kingdra shouldn't really be playing around with Agility, I think the sweeping's better left to its teammates.

So if HP Fire/Grass are used, Dragon-type sweepers make pretty good teammates.
Adding back the Hidden Powers. Not explaining it here, hop on IRC>
I didn't get the chance to fully explain this on irc. Let me be clear, Agility should be the only move in the 4th slot.

Agility's situational utility is far more useful than Hidden Power Fire/Grass's limited coverage against a single Pokemon. The clarify a point, Agility and Focus Energy are generally not used at the same time; Agility is used to sweep when the opportunity presents itself, whereas Focus Energy is used to nuke switch ins.
I didn't get the chance to fully explain this on irc. Let me be clear, Agility should be the only move in the 4th slot.

Agility's situational utility is far more useful than Hidden Power Fire/Grass's limited coverage against a single Pokemon. The clarify a point, Agility and Focus Energy are generally not used at the same time; Agility is used to sweep when the opportunity presents itself, whereas Focus Energy is used to nuke switch ins.
Fair enough, your logic is sound. Ready for QC.
OP said:
Scolipede can Baton Pass Speed Boost's as well as Focus Energy to clear up a moveslot for Kingdra

Scolipede does not get Focus Energy. Also not sure why there's an apostrophe in "Speed Boosts" but Scolipede not getting Focus Energy is the most important thing. If you're lucky, it can pass a Substitute so Kingdra has an easier time using Focus Energy though, and Scolipede frequently lures fire moves which do jack shit on Kingdra when you do pass the speed boosts.
You're almost set to go, you just need to change the overview to reflect CritDra, because that's Kingdra's claim to fame in OU.
on critdra at +2, if you outspeed scarf chomper by a point that means you underspeed Deo-S by a few, I think thats worth the extra ivestment
on critdra at +2, if you outspeed scarf chomper by a point that means you underspeed Deo-S by a few, I think thats worth the extra ivestment
Really? Deo-S usually leads, this would require Kingdra to set up Agility on the first turn as the Deo-S does whatever, by that time the sash would be broken by a pokemon hat you lead with that isn't Kingdra, therefore it really isn't at beneficial.

You're almost set to go, you just need to change the overview to reflect CritDra, because that's Kingdra's claim to fame in OU.
This is done.
Really? Deo-S usually leads, this would require Kingdra to set up Agility on the first turn as the Deo-S does whatever, by that time the sash would be broken by a pokemon hat you lead with that isn't Kingdra, therefore it really isn't at beneficial.

This is done.

not hte hazard lead, but rather offensive Deo-S. It is one of the best revenge killers in the tier. It runs Psycho boost / knock off / hp fire / superower @ life orb and needless to say Kingdra wont be tanking that psycho boost too well.
Utilize Kingdra's ability to force switches to your advantage; this is to allow setup opportunities with Focus Energy and Agility
It should be "or" instead of and.

I noticed you mention a ton of mega pokemon as partners. Outside of maybe Venusaur you can just mention regular Pokemon since they're circumstantial (and not all teams can incorporate them for obvious reasons)

Also in the counters section, Ferrothorn still takes quit a bit of damage from crit Draco Meteor. It's a strong check, but it can't beat Kingdra unless it's near max since it doesn't OHKO Kingdra.

Aside from that: QC (1/3)
Say, if you're using Politoed (or something with Rain Dance), would it be a bad idea to use CritDra w/ Swift Swim? I mean, you lose out on power, but you gain some speed & can possibly surprise the opponent by outspeeding things like Garchomp & Gengar.
As AG and I mentioned in IRC (I think you were afk or something), the Sniper set is currently too slow, as it misses out on benchmarks like Jolly Breloom and Adamant Dragonite at +0, and Deoxys-S and Scarf Lati@s at +2. You should change the spread to 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe because, along with the aforementioned threats, maxing it speed allows it to tie with Pinsir before it mega evolves as well as other Kingdra.
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As AG and I mentioned in IRC (I think you were afk or something), the Sniper set is currently too slow, as it misses out on benchmarks like max Speed Breloom and Dragonite at +0, and Deoxys-S and Scarf Lati@s at +2. You should change the spread to 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe because, along with the aforementioned threats, maxing it speed allows it to tie with Pinsir before it mega evolves as well as other Kingdra.
Good idea. I've changed the spread.
Taken from the Rain Sweeper:
Kingdra uses full Special Attack investment as it is its most commonly used offensive stat, while 176 Speed EVs let it outrun Choice Scarf Garchomp in the rain. 4 Defense EVs give Genesect a Special Attack boost, which allows it to take less damage from a Choice Band Genesect's Extreme Speed; this is only relevant for Modest Kingdra. Rash Kingdra should just put those extra EVs in HP. The rest is put into Attack

Why not put the 4 extra EVs into Attack?
Honestly, I would slash Rain Dance first on the RD Sweeper. Just speaking from personal experience, I definitely prefer the backup rain setter (in case I run out of rain turns/lose Politoed) instead of Outrage, which I don't even like but I guess has merit, so it can be slashed.
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Put more content in checks and counters, such as checks that can switch into most of Kingra's moves and beat it, such as Blissey, specially defensive Togekiss, and Mega Gardevoir.