Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Gratz on the streak! As for the partners, you can find legendaries with your partners, but they don't guarantee a 50+ streak (especially when Landorus EQs your Infernape when he's on THE SAME DAMN SIDE! >.>) I've had good runs with the previously mentioned Scizor/Zapdos combo, but it does vary. Point is, you have a great combo as well! :D

After looking through this thred, I'm convinced to use MMawile... Only problem is I don't have a Mawile to Mega up. I have a Kahn though, so I'll go back to using her for a bit, and hope I don't come across any f*cking Hypnosis Gengar >.>
Edit: Mega Khan hasn't been tagged in, why? Mega Garchomp having too much fun XD. Also I'm going to breed a Mawile JUST FOR MASION :P

Thanks! Main thing I wanted to avoid in Multi was partners that were too slow and weak to do anything helpful (because 50 matches starting 2-4 does not sound fun). So I feel lucky to have gotten two really fast mons. I do wish Weavile could strategically use Fake Out/Protect so I have time to KO his counters, but I guess the AI just isn't that advanced.

Slavandar Basic things to keep in mind for Triples are:
- Left/Right can only attack adjacent opponents
- Middle can attack in any direction, and hit all 3 opponents/both partners with spread moves
- Most flying-type moves, and anything affected by Mega Launcher can hit opponents regardless of position
THAT'S why I'm using Greninja from now on, his moves are Rock Slide, Will O Wisp, Toxic Thunder Wave and Roost.... WAIT WHAT. Okay, I had a Mock Battle, but it shouldn't Randomize the moveset truly? I'm serious, either he used Will o wisp or Ninetales did. I'll check now,,
Edit: Yeah, Ninetales totally used WoW. Don't panic :P
hmmmmm... Mine had d dance, roost, t wave and rock slide i think,vi dunno it was a while ago
i got parflinched by a similar one. It doesn't Evan have serene grace and it flinches more than my togekiss
THAT'S why I'm using Greninja from now on, his moves are Rock Slide, Will O Wisp, Toxic Thunder Wave and Roost.... WAIT WHAT. Okay, I had a Mock Battle, but it shouldn't Randomize the moveset truly? I'm serious, either he used Will o wisp or Ninetales did. I'll check now
Edit: Yeah, Ninetales totally used WoW. Don't panic :P

Dragonite 1 it is then.
1 Dragonite Impish Custap Berry Toxic Thunder Wave Roost Rock Slide HP/Def/SpD

There's a Maison poke list somewhere on this thread if I'm not wrong, so you can refer to it... And yeah, sometimes Maison just randomly decides that all its flinch-inducing moves become nearly guaranteed flinching (especially when you get longer streaks -.-")...
What are your pokemon's abilities? What are their IVs?

Ah yes I should probably edit that in. Here is the updated version.

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Adamant Nature, Multiscale Ability
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 4 Speed
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- ExtremeSpeed
- Something

Greninja @ Life Orb
Timid Nature, Protean Ability
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack, 4 HP
- Extrasensory
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Timid Nature, Steadfast Ability (Pre-Mega)
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack, 4 HP
- Vacuum Wave
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse
- Flash Cannon
Dragonite 1 it is then.
1 Dragonite Impish Custap Berry Toxic Thunder Wave Roost Rock Slide HP/Def/SpD

There's a Maison poke list somewhere on this thread if I'm not wrong, so you can refer to it... And yeah, sometimes Maison just randomly decides that all its flinch-inducing moves become nearly guaranteed flinching (especially when you get longer streaks -.-")...
Yup... That's the one that went against me -_- Y'know, if I played a little better, and sent out Hydreigon instead of keeping Mawile in, I could of won the match.... ah well. Just another experince to learn from I guess

Well, my streak ended to Slurpuff 2... Good news is I found its last move, it's Round.... Wonderful. I'll go update the table thing, even if round is useless, at least I did something :D
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Ah yes I should probably edit that in. Here is the updated version.

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
Adamant Nature, Multiscale Ability
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 4 Speed
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- ExtremeSpeed
- Something

Greninja @ Life Orb
Timid Nature, Protean Ability
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack, 4 HP
- Extrasensory
- Grass Knot
- Ice Beam
- Hydro Pump

Lucario @ Lucarionite
Timid Nature, Steadfast Ability (Pre-Mega)
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
EVs: 252 Speed, 252 Special Attack, 4 HP
- Vacuum Wave
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse
- Flash Cannon

For the something on Dragonite, I would suggest Roost to reactivate Multiscale, or Fire Punch/Fire Blast to hit the steel-types that resist Outrage and Extremespeed.
For the something on Dragonite, I would suggest Roost to reactivate Multiscale, or Fire Punch/Fire Blast to hit the steel-types that resist Outrage and Extremespeed.

Alright, sounds like a plan! Thanks for the suggestion. I will test it out once I EV Train the Pokemon and share progress soon.
Super Doubles Streak: 169 straight wins


photo (2).JPG

New Age (Charizard) @ Charizardite-Y
Ability: Blaze -> Drought
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Nature: Timid
EVs: Max SpA + Spe
- Protect
- Heat Wave
- SolarBeam
- Air Slash

Not much to say about Charizard except Drought Heat Waves coming off a 159 (I think) base SpA destroys everything. Unfortunately pokemon with Wide Guard are a real pain and anyone using this team must always be wary of them. But the real reason this team was a success is...


Landorus-T @ Yache Berry
Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Nature: Jolly
EVs: Split between HP and Atk + Max Speed (Don't know exactly because I was traded it already EV'd)
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Rock Slide
- Imprison

Words can not describe how awesome this is. With Intimidate and Imprison + Rock Slide and Stone Miss, every Rock-type lacking Power Gem, Head Smash, or Smack Down is essentially useless, letting Charizard rip through the opposing team with Landorus-T. Used to run regular Landorus because of its speed but then I realized that Landorus does not outrun any Rocks that Landorus-T doesn't so I made the switch and never looked back. And if the Rock-types are faster than Landorus-T then I just have Charizard use Protect on Turn 1. But often Landorus-T gets flinched by Rock Slide so he can't do it. Oh well, hax is hax. Also Intimidate has helped on many occasions.


Radioactive (Victreebel) @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Nature: Mild
EVs: Max SpA + enough speed to outrun base 130s in Sun + remainder in Atk
- Leaf Blade
- Sludge Bomb
- Weather Ball
- Toxic

Originally had Venusaur in this slot as filler intending to replace it with Latios. But then I realized that the doubled Speed in Sun was very valuable and had to keep it. However Venusaur got walled to easily and I decided that if I was since I was using it for all-out offense that Victreebel would be best. Anyway all the moves are self-explanatory except for Toxic. I originally had Sleep Powder but decided I didn't use it much, and, when I almost got stalled to death by Cresselia 2, I decided to make the switch. Really useful for breaking down walls and stallers. So yeah, he's the team's revenge killer.


Homeboy (Scrafty) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
IVs: 31/31/31/x/31/31
Nature: Adamant
EVs: Max Atk + enough speed to outrun 0 Spe Hitmontop + rest in HP
- Fake Out
- Crunch
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch

Really underrated. Intimidate weakens Physical attacks even more, and, with Assault Vest, it is insanely bulky. One battle it helped me come back and tanked and killed the three remaining pokemon on the other side. Fake Out buys free turns and cheap deaths, rest of the moves are self explanatory.

So, there's my team. How I lost? Basically, a Veteran sent out Regigigas and Latias. I assumed Regigigas to be Regigigas 4 (the annoying one with Wide Guard), plus, Latias is a huge threat so I chipped away at it with Air Slash and Stone Edge. In the meantime Regigigas was actually Regigigas 2 (with Confuse Ray) and, along with a Raikou whose Thunderbolt ALWAYS paralyzed, parahaxed me to death. The end.

Any comments or suggestions?
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Oh and now that I've pretty much done Doubles to death I think I'll attempt Multi. Only problem is that I'm new here so I have exactly 0 Friend Codes. Can anyone with a good AI team give me theres? Thanks.

I lost after 321 battles. I was tired and distracted. Jynx swept my team after I decided to stay in with Dragonite. Bad choice –> Blizzard in Dragonite’s face xD. She put my Kangaskhan to sleep and then I was able to defeat her with Azumarill. Exeggutor came in and used Explosion. End of battle.

Here you go: SWJW-WWWW-WWW4-RS2S


My Team:

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant nature
- Dragon Claw
- Dragon Dance
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake

Azumarill @ Assault Vest
252 HP / 252 Atk
Huge Power
Adamant nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Power-Up Punch

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
252 Atk / 252 Spe
Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Jolly nature
- Return
- Crunch
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch

I also got all the trophies:
195 Wins, pretty disappointed because i dont have much time the next weeks and i wanted to have the 200wins berry so bad...

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant nature
- Outrage
- Dragon Dance
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
252 Atk / 252 Spe
Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Jolly nature
- Retaliate (Its OP!)
- Crunch
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch (used under 10 times ô.o)

Azumarill @ Assault Vest
252 HP / 252 Atk
Huge Power
Adamant nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Superpower

Prove @ Picture

If someone would be ready to share the 200wins berry with me because i cant play much the next weeks, i would appreciate, or trade for a rare pokemon if necessary..

sorry for my english! feel free to add me on skype: xxshokerxx1
good luck everyone!


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Still doing Triples; My streak is still intact, but I had a really, really close call on battle 37. I majorly underestimated Jynx's speed, which caused 2 of my mons to go down to Blizzard and the third one to be frozen by it. The only reasons I won were because Ribbit-kun was a lucky bastard with crits and because the AI was an idiot and kept setting up Calm Mind. One Shadow Ball and I would have lost.

195 Wins, pretty disappointed because i dont have much time the next weeks and i wanted to have the 200wins berry so bad...

Dragonite @ Lum Berry
252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant nature
- Outrage
- Dragon Dance
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
252 Atk / 252 Spe
Scrappy -> Parental Bond
Jolly nature
- Retaliate (Its OP!)
- Crunch
- Sucker Punch
- Power-Up Punch (used under 10 times ô.o)

Azumarill @ Assault Vest
252 HP / 252 Atk
Huge Power
Adamant nature
- Aqua Jet
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Superpower

Prove @ Picture

If someone would be ready to share the 200wins berry with me because i cant play much the next weeks, i would appreciate, or trade for a rare pokemon if necessary..

sorry for my english! feel free to add me on skype: xxshokerxx1
good luck everyone!

Dang that stinks dude, but I would be more than happy to give you a starf berry free of charge. After I ended my streak at 144, someone was nice enough to give me one and I like to return the favor when I can. I am currently in the process of growing 18 starf trees, but I have a couple berries that I just have laying around. My FC is 1418-6711-5311, so just add me if you want. I am also on gamefaqs (username is jbwhites86), so you can PM me there too and let me know your FC if you want!
I need advice on my doubles team, I didn't think about it too seriously when I put it together, and it steam rolled the first 40 battles until I misplayed and lost to a Weavile who Ice Punched / Sharded me to death (had help from a Rockslide flinch too...)

Politoed @ Damp Rock / Absorb Bulb / Assault Vest
Drizzle - Modest 252 HP, 252 SpA
-Ice Beam
-Hydro Pump

Heliolisk @ Life Orb
Dry Skin - Timid 252 SpA, 252 Speed
-Grass Knot
-Hidden Power (Ice) / Dark Pulse

Noivern @ Wise Glasses / Normal Gem / Choice Specs
Telepathy - Timid 252 SpA, 252 Speed
-Dragon Pulse

Kabutops @ Focus Sash
Swift Swim - Adamant 252 Atk, 252 Speed
-Rock Slide
-Flail / Swords Dance / Aqua Jet

So yeah I pretty much just Thundered everything with Heliolisk until he died with Politoed keeping him healthy. Even with modest and max investment I found Politoed to be pretty weak. Matches are pretty short so I figured I could forego the Damp Rock for an Absorb Bulb but I about 99% of the time it was better to just thunder the opposition rather than Surf so then I added an Assault Vest to toed instead. So then I thought I could give Noivern the bulb to help him actually hurt things but Telepathy prevents that from working.. I really can't figure out what to put on him so he just got the Normal Gem to help kill stuff with Boomburst, but Kabutops is my only pokemon with Protect so I usually have to save it until he's out. Speaking of Kabutops, I really only wanted him for Swift Swim Rock Slides which does work, but he is really lacking in other options. Rain-boosted Waterfall's hurt pretty bad which is good, and Protect is obvious, but what do I teach him last??? He's damn frail and 1hp Flail actually does a lot of work for me when I have to use it but there's gotta be another way...

So anyway I don't fully remember how I lost, but the AI was down to it's last 2 mons; Weavile and Aromatisse. Weavile outsped and ohko'd my lisk with Ice Punch, Politoed misses Hydro Pump and aroma killed off my weakened toed with Energy Ball. So out come Noivern and Kabutops. This is where I messed up because I decide to protect with tops (???) and hurricane with Noivern, but Weavile ohko's Noivern with Ice Shard, Aroma tried Energy Balling tops but its protected. I figure its over now and blindly tap Rock Slide hoping for Weavile to not Ice Shard and not be holding Focus Sash, except he does Ice Shard, breaking my sash, Aroma kills me off with Energy Ball...
Lost on 41 in rotation. But it's my fault on bad decision

Any way my team

Choice Band
252 HP/252 ATk/4 Def
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-Turn
- Taunt -> ???

Life Orb
Adament -> Quiet
- Shadow Sneak
- Scared Sword
- Sword Dance -> Shadow Ball
- King's Shield

31/x/31/31/31/31 -> All X
- Moon Blast -> Hyper Voice
- Clam Mind -> Heal Bell
- Protect
- Wish

Back Up

- Return
- Sucker Punch -> Crunch
- EQ
- PuP -> Sword Dance

Most time can sweep with Talonflame with Wish Support. But sometime I'm scrwed with AI Rotation. Change for next run.

- Talon - No change Mostly just spam Brave Bird Mostly No use other move. Any Idea for last slot?
- Aegis - Change to shadow ball I need some special attacker
- Slyeon - due send from BW2, I won't bother with breed system that lack of destiny knot that why no care IV. Heal bell to deal with status that very annoying.
- Khan - change to crunch, Because most time sucker on status, change to SD due ghost ruin my set up.

But think this team lack something, can anyone gave suggestion?
My streak of.... 14. I'm amazing at this! (not really)
My current team, and my most sucsessful one to date is....

Mawile @Mawilite
(252HP, 252Att, 4Def?. Intimidate)
Swords Dance
Iron Head
Play Rough
Sucker Punch
My main sweeper, pretty simple to set up, Mega Up, Swords Dance then own everything (Except Fire types)

Garchomp @Persim Berry
(252Att, 252Speed, 4???, Rough Skin)
Fire Fang
Poison Jab
AKA. The guy who owns Fire Types. This guy is usually switched in when Mawile faints/is facing a Fire Type. I'd Choice Band/Scarf him, but if I Outrage into a Fairy Type...... Yeah I'd be screwed.
Greninja Life Orb Protean
(252SpeAtt, 252Speed, 4???)
Ice Beam
Hydro Cannon
Grass Knot
Dark Pulse
Yeah, Hydro CANNON. Why? Because while it isn't the most viable strategy in competitive battles, in Masion, you need all the power you can get. The other moves are just your typical Greninja set for cleaning up.

So yeah, this is my team, it's not e best I know, but it's good :3
Hclegend drop Poison Jab for Swords Dance and give Garchomp a Lum Berry, it cures confusion from Outrage, as well as other status like sleep and burn. On Fairies, Poison Jab is only hitting them at 10bp higher than Earthquake (80x2=160 vs 100x1.5=150) so the only Fairy you have to worry about is Togekiss (ohko'd by Mawille's Iron Head. Ice Beam from Greninja is a 2hko). Alternatively you can drop Fire Fang but then you lose coverage on Skarmory, Scizor, Forretress and Ferrothorn (none of your other mon's can cover them).

Also please drop Hydro Cannon. What happens if you miss a ko? or it's not their last mon? Greninja dies. If you desperately need power go for Hydro Pump instead. But I wouldn't rely on the accuracy. Maybe just Surf for reliability. When just one move can cost you a streak you want reliability...

I actually haven't tried Mawile yet myself but you're build looks identical to all the others that have had high streaks so just keep at it!
Lost on 41 in rotation. But it's my fault on bad decision

Any way my team

Choice Band
252 HP/252 ATk/4 Def
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-Turn
- Taunt -> ???

Life Orb
Adament -> Quiet
- Shadow Sneak
- Scared Sword
- Sword Dance -> Shadow Ball
- King's Shield

31/x/31/31/31/31 -> All X
- Moon Blast -> Hyper Voice
- Clam Mind -> Heal Bell
- Protect
- Wish

Back Up

- Return
- Sucker Punch -> Crunch
- EQ
- PuP -> Sword Dance

Most time can sweep with Talonflame with Wish Support. But sometime I'm scrwed with AI Rotation. Change for next run.

- Talon - No change Mostly just spam Brave Bird Mostly No use other move. Any Idea for last slot?
- Aegis - Change to shadow ball I need some special attacker
- Slyeon - due send from BW2, I won't bother with breed system that lack of destiny knot that why no care IV. Heal bell to deal with status that very annoying.
- Khan - change to crunch, Because most time sucker on status, change to SD due ghost ruin my set up.

But think this team lack something, can anyone gave suggestion?
Why would you even bother with Swords Dance on Kanga? If you have Scrappy on it, you can set up PuP on ghosts also if you so desire (and Kanga's bulk allows you to set-up relatively easily on most Maison ghosts in Rotation). Honestly, Return can 1-2HKO quite a number of pokes in Maison.

No good suggestions for Talonflame since with Choice Band, you'd be spamming Brave Bird 99% of the time anyway. Maybe Tailwind just so you can outspeed stuff even more? I dunno.

EDIT: For Maison purposes, is it better to use Yache Berry or to use Assault Vest on a Jolly 4-attack Chomp?
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Lost on 41 in rotation. But it's my fault on bad decision

Any way my team


But think this team lack something, can anyone gave suggestion?

1. Yeah I don't like Taunt on a frail Pokemon espcially banded, Taunt can be changed to U-Turn (for some type coverage) or Tailwind. Since this is Rotation, you can rotate out even when tailwind locked, sliding in Talonflame when Tailwind is out.
2. I personally don't see the need for Hyper Voice, the only difference is that it goes through Substitute in singles and +12 more base power. If I were you and I want both Wish and Heal Bell, I'd use Florges like in my own Rotation Run. It can have Wish, Aromatherapy, Moonblast, Protect.
3. Aegislash change to mixed is a good idea since you don't have many special attackers at the moment.
4. I don't like your proposed changes. You already have three other Pokemon who can hit ghosts. Kangaskhan is fast, but not too fast. There are some Pokemon who are just meant to get Sucker Punch like Latios. Swords Dance instead of Powerup is OK, the only problem is ya might get taunted by Sableye and Jolteon.
EDIT: Can't train Swords Dance on Kanga? Well yer done for. :D
EDIT2: Assessment on Hyper Voice takes into account power change. I still recommend Florges.

For Maison purposes, is it better to use Yache Berry or to use Assault Vest on a Jolly 4-attack Chomp?

Depends on what you want, if you wanna make Chomp survive Ice Beam, I don't think Assault Vest is good enough. Yache is definitely the one if you want to specifically survive ice attacks, Assault Vest for everything else.
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Lost on 41 in rotation. But it's my fault on bad decision

Any way my team

Choice Band
252 HP/252 ATk/4 Def
- Brave Bird
- Flare Blitz
- U-Turn
- Taunt -> ???

Life Orb
Adament -> Quiet
- Shadow Sneak
- Scared Sword
- Sword Dance -> Shadow Ball
- King's Shield

31/x/31/31/31/31 -> All X
- Moon Blast -> Hyper Voice
- Clam Mind -> Heal Bell
- Protect
- Wish

Back Up

- Return
- Sucker Punch -> Crunch
- EQ
- PuP -> Sword Dance

Most time can sweep with Talonflame with Wish Support. But sometime I'm scrwed with AI Rotation. Change for next run.

- Talon - No change Mostly just spam Brave Bird Mostly No use other move. Any Idea for last slot?
- Aegis - Change to shadow ball I need some special attacker
- Slyeon - due send from BW2, I won't bother with breed system that lack of destiny knot that why no care IV. Heal bell to deal with status that very annoying.
- Khan - change to crunch, Because most time sucker on status, change to SD due ghost ruin my set up.

But think this team lack something, can anyone gave suggestion?

Just a note, Kangaskhan can't learn Swords Dance. PuP + Scrappy should take care of setup versus ghosts anyway.

2. I personally don't see the need for Hyper Voice, the only difference is that it goes through Substitute in singles. If I were you and I want both Wish and Heal Bell, I'd use Florges like in my own Rotation Run. It can have Wish, Aromatherapy, Moonblast, Protect.

The abilities aren't listed but I assume the Sylveon would have Pixilate, which would boost Hyper Voice up to 117 base power before STAB, making it superior to Moonblast.
The abilities aren't listed but I assume the Sylveon would have Pixilate, which would boost Hyper Voice up to 117 base power before STAB, making it superior to Moonblast.
Oh yeahhh, the 30% bonus.

I still wouldn't trade out 5IV for a 3IV and 12 more base power on one attack. Breed a Florges.
After having my streak broken at 68 last night, I decided to try to build up a new one since I was in need of an Ability Capsule (hatched a good mon, but wrong ability >_>). At 130 right now, using this team.

Gabriel, Dragonite (M)@ Lum Berry (used to be Weakness Policy until I got to the 40s)
Adamant Nature. Ability: Multiscale
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
- Outrage
- Stone Edge (used to be Fire Punch but wanted to nail things that could take his other moves)
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance

This one is the current lead. There were times I paused to see how Azumarill would do, but felt it was better for Gabriel to lead since a guaranteed Dance boost or two means I can either total party kill the opposition or dent them enough. Lum Berry is to cure confusion from Outrage (or possible burn or paralysis) and that is all that needs to be said. However, there are some mons that I encountered that can OHKO this adorable dragon through Multiscale, such as Tyrantrum's Head Smash and Glaceon's Blizzard (I got greedy on Dance boosts when it Blizzard missed).

Rumba, Azumarill (M) @ Sitrus Berry
Adamant Nature. Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 248 HP/252 Atk/8 SpD (was thinking of also putting it in speed)
IVs: Same as Dragonite's.
- Belly Drum
- Aqua Jet
- Superpower
- Play Rough

Jesus, I try my best to not use this thing too much but it kicks oh so much ass. The set is straightforward in that I try to get off Belly Drum and then go on a vicious Blitzkrieg, preferably when I can safely do so. Even when burned, Rumba still punctures massive-sided wholes in anything that does not resist his power. He used to be my lead, but the AI would either cripple it at the start or murder outright.

Ursa, Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Adamant Nature. Ability Scrappy -> Screw you, Substitute Parental Bond
EVs: Same as Dragonite's.
IVs: Again, same as Dragonite's.
- Power-Up Punch
- Crunch
- Return
- Earthquake

I either switch out Gabriel for her to Mega and get some PuP boosts before going on a killing spree, or have as back-up. Due to her nature, she is often out-sped but does not care since very little things in the Maison seem to take +2 Returns and Earthquakes in the face and come out okay. Crunch is there since she is a sitting duck if the levitating (or flying) Ghost-types try resorting to a status move/buff and my the fact my prediction skills are shoddy, to say the least. The ability to also be a walking middle finger to anything with Sturdy or carrying Substitute in its movepool is also another great bonus!

Wish me luck on trying to get Starf Berry! I am still breeding up mons for Super Doubles (something I suck at).
good luck, hope u dont lose between 190 and 200 :x

Oh, I almost had that happen on 90-100. Trick Room dickery at its finest. Still worried since my entire team hates being burned. Thankfully, Belly Drum + Huge Power tends to help me not notice and half the Burn-inducers attacking Dragonite are weak to EQ or can be slammed with Stone Edge.

Also, thank you!