Lyop's Competitive Pokemon Shop, 2/9 More Transferred Legendaries

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All the ones in the section are cloned, but I also have a 4 iv goomy (missing att and sp att) that I hatched by chance myself that is uncloned and nicknameable.
Ah i see. Don't really need goomy at the moment though. Thanks for the info
hi i got a shiny HA dratini with 4iv, (31,30,31,31,31,25) insta-checked,and i'm interested in
add me FC:0447-5863-5850 Rob
Calm, Prankster, 31/x/31/31/31/31
Moves: Trick, Flatter, Recover, Mean Look
OT: Richard
ID No. 51289
Open for trade again! To the people who posted above me, if you see this: Sorry for not responding, I've been too busy to breed lately, but if you still are interested, feel free to ask again.

New: Trick Room Section, Hidden Power Section, All sections updated with more Pokemon, added item request list
Hey again, how about your timburr with guts for my Careful Harvest Phantump? I also can provide you with an assault vest since I have way more BP than I know what to do with :P
Hey again, how about your timburr with guts for my Careful Harvest Phantump? I also can provide you with an assault vest since I have way more BP than I know what to do with :P

Already have a careful harvest phantump, but do you think you could do a flame orb and a power weight instead? And I think you're talking about the brave timburr (not sure I also listed adamant or not), in which case I have one male at lvl 10 or so. It still has the egg moves, and no evs
I still have to breed them, so I'll get back to you probably tomorrow when I'm done. I'll usually update status on my front page on which pokemon I've finished breeding, if you want to check
Okay cool. Some pokemon I noticed the stock and some I wasn't sure if maybe you just missed some =p

Would you like the items now? I don't mind giving them to you now if you want to use them.
Already have a careful harvest phantump, but do you think you could do a flame orb and a power weight instead? And I think you're talking about the brave timburr (not sure I also listed adamant or not), in which case I have one male at lvl 10 or so. It still has the egg moves, and no evs

That's fine with me, so should I just get 2 random mons to trade the items? Also you do have an adamant timburr listed
Hi! I'm interested in a bunch of stuff :) pls CMT and let me know if we can work something out.

1. Snover in premier ball (female)
2. Timburr (adamant/guts/male or female)
3. Electrike in quick ball (female)
4. Chimchar with Iron Fist
5. Frillish with Water Absorb (male!)
6. Marill with Huge Power in Dive Ball (female)!

Hi! I'm interested in a bunch of stuff :) pls CMT and let me know if we can work something out.
1. Snover in premier ball (female)
2. Timburr (adamant/guts/male or female)
3. Electrike in quick ball (female)
4. Chimchar with Iron Fist
5. Frillish with Water Absorb (male!)
6. Marill with Huge Power in Dive Ball (female)!

If this is the order you want them in, then how about female magikarp, female mawile, female pancham and female klefki for the first four pokemon on the list you wanted? And just making sure, but you wanted the hp ice electrike, right? If you want to trade items for the other two, then I can breed those for you as well.
sounds good, probably wont be able to trade tonight though. late + four breeding projects ^^

what items would you want for the last two?
sounds good, probably wont be able to trade tonight though. late + four breeding projects ^^

what items would you want for the last two?[/quote

If you are able to clone/get cloned items then I would like a lucky egg and power items for atk, and sp atk and speed.
If not, then a choice scarf and the 3 power items
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