5 iv adamant Huge power Marill with aqua jetCurrently in posesion of 2 Adamant 5IV Darumakas, accepting offers, come on gentlemen open your wallets and prepare your checkbooks
larvesta. kang, and a ha bulba ok with you? my fc is 0104 0348 7457 and my ign is mikeNone of those.
Larvesta, Inkay, joltik,scatterbug, phantump,modest and adamant bulbasaur HA, skarmory, kangaskhan, litleo
Adding you now.larvesta. kang, and a ha bulba ok with you? my fc is 0104 0348 7457 and my ign is mike
Would you take...Currently in posesion of 2 Adamant 5IV Darumakas, accepting offers, come on gentlemen open your wallets and prepare your checkbooks
Hey, what's your FC?5 iv adamant Huge power Marill with aqua jet
Ill take te Deino, Modest one :)Would you take...
-5IV Impish Immunity Gligar
-5IV Timid Deino in a Dusk Ball w/ Earth Power and Dark Pulse
-6IV Adamant GW Fletchling
Edit: I also have Modest Deino
Sounds sweet mate, adding you in a minute5 iv adamant Huge power Marill with aqua jet
1736 1248 5213Hey, what's your FC?
1736 1248 5213Sounds sweet mate, adding you in a minute
Female Dratini?I gotta get rid of some spitbacks. Anyone want em?
Croagunk- jolly 1m dry skin 2f ha
Dratini-ha careful 2m 3f
zubat-ha jolly bb+defog 8f (also 5vf)
scyther-tech adamant bp+defog 2m
slowpoke-ha bold 1m
sableye-ha bold 5m (all have 0 atk)
Bunnelby-ha jolly 1m 1f
vullaby- overcoat impish knock off+foul play
I can trade a 5IV spitback Bagon with DD and a Rotom Spitback. If you have any 5IV Female HA Zubats with its egg moves I can trade a 5IV HA Chimchar with Thunder Punch.in fact I do
didn't even see that...yea no problem 0104 0348 7457 mikeI've got honedge spitbacks, add me.
I've got honedge spitbacks, I'd like a Zubat and a Scyther if that's cool.
Ive added you, Im online1736 1248 5213
I am breeding a Female Smeragle with a Male Eevee, and receive Smeragles. Do I need to change the genders of the two, or reverse them rather, where Smeragle is the Male and Eevee is the FEmale in order to get an Eeve with Wish?
I've added you, I'll be online now mate :)I'll be online in a minute. Thanks!
I have mudkips/totodiles for the piplup
did you add me as well?I've added you, I'll be online now mate :)
sure 0104 0348 7457 mike but give me a minute or two k?Female Dratini?
whats your ign?Ive added you, Im online
did you add me as well?