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Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 33 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Just an update for anyone looking for services. I have learned how to clone. not 100% every time but I can do it. Also still looking for Unown.
Currently in posesion of 2 Adamant 5IV Darumakas, accepting offers, come on gentlemen open your wallets and prepare your checkbooks.

EDIT: Looking for Modest Deino, come on gentlemen, I know you are there.
Currently in posesion of 2 Adamant 5IV Darumakas, accepting offers, come on gentlemen open your wallets and prepare your checkbooks
Would you take...
-5IV Impish Immunity Gligar
-5IV Timid Deino in a Dusk Ball w/ Earth Power and Dark Pulse
-6IV Adamant GW Fletchling

Edit: I also have Modest Deino
I gotta get rid of some spitbacks. Anyone want em?
Croagunk- jolly 1m dry skin 2f ha
Dratini-ha careful 2m 3f
zubat-ha jolly bb+defog 8f (also 5vf)
scyther-tech adamant bp+defog 2m
slowpoke-ha bold 1m
sableye-ha bold 5m (all have 0 atk)
Bunnelby-ha jolly 1m 1f
vullaby- overcoat impish knock off+foul play
Female Dratini?
For trade: shiny Froakie, 5 IV (perfect), Timid, Protean, nicknamed Shadow.

Looking for: offers of 5 IV competitive shiny pokes. Willing to add Master Ball (or something else) for certain shinies.

Also need: 6 IV Hasty Protean Female Froakie in Dusk/Dive ball.

Also for trade:
Moltres, Hasty, 21/4/31/31/31/28
I'm desperate for a 6V ditto. I'd EV train for it, trade a Y exclusive Mega Stone, farm for a BP item, including the Ability Capsule, breed a special request....

If you have one and are interested, please contact me.
I am breeding a Female Smeragle with a Male Eevee, and receive Smeragles. Do I need to change the genders of the two, or reverse them rather, where Smeragle is the Male and Eevee is the FEmale in order to get an Eeve with Wish?

If you need a Eevee's with Wish I can trade you one of my spitback ones later tonight.
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