Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 33 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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I am breeding a Female Smeragle with a Male Eevee, and receive Smeragles. Do I need to change the genders of the two, or reverse them rather, where Smeragle is the Male and Eevee is the FEmale in order to get an Eeve with Wish?
Yes, the species of a pair's babies is determined by the gender of the female parent, or the non-ditto parent if a male is breeding with a ditto.
LF: Flawless 5IV Female HA Jolly Zubat with Defog and Brave Bird
FT: Flawless 5IV Male Impish Mudkip with Yawn, Avalanche, and Curse Flawless 5IV Jolly HA Chimchar with Thunder Punch
Flawless 5IV Male/Female Timid Litwick Flawless 5IV HA Adamant Diggersby
Do the Litwicks have Heat Wave?
So I have 3 4 IV Brave Snovers im trying to get a 5 IV one but anyone interested in these spit backs can pm or comment with an offer I'm not really looking for anything specific right now
Hey guys. Does anyone have a pair of spitback honedges? I would reallyyyy appreciate it. Could trade you a pair of 5IV timid spitback charmanders with dragon pulse!
So I have 3 4 IV Brave Snovers im trying to get a 5 IV one but anyone interested in these spit backs can pm or comment with an offer I'm not really looking for anything specific right now
Interested in any: Mold Breaker Drilbur, HA Chimchar, Rotom, Scraggy, or Horsea spitbacks?
Interested in any: Mold Breaker Drilbur, HA Chimchar, Rotom, Scraggy, or Horsea spitbacks?

I'm interested in that mold breaker drill bur scraggy

Cml for anything
Got a few stuff for trade

Timid magician fennekin
Brave strong jaw tyrunt (all fangs n d dance)
Calm water absorb frilish
Adamant keen eye starly
Bold prankster cottonee
Timid protean froakie
Adamant no guard hone edge
Timid magic guard Abra
Modest anticipation eevee
Adamant shed skin dratini
Modest torrent piplup
Adamant overgrow treecko
Adamant poison heal shroomish
Impish natural cure chansey (aromatheorphy)

I'm looking for a lot of stuff
Gabit jolly w/ stealth rocks
Phany impish w/ stealth rocks
Moxie scraggy with d dance and drain punch
Moxie gyrados
Items choice scarfs focus sash choice bands choice specs left overs
Anything really
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I'm interested in that mold breaker drill bur scraggy

Cml for anything
Got a few stuff for trade

Timid magician fennekin
Brave strong jaw tyrunt (all fangs n d dance)
Calm water absorb frilish
Adamant keen eye starly
Bold prankster cottonee
Timid protean froakie
Adamant no guard hone edge
Timid magic guard Abra
Modest anticipation eevee
Adamant shed skin dratini
Modest torrent piplup
Adamant overgrow treecko
Adamant poison heal shroomish
Impish natural cure chansey (aromatheorphy)

I'm looking for a lot of stuff
Gabit jolly w/ stealth rocks
Phany impish w/ stealth rocks
Moxie scraggy with d dance and drain punch
Moxie gyrados
Items choice scarfs focus sash choice bands choice specs left overs
Anything really
Can I have that Shroomish?
I gotta get rid of some spitbacks. Anyone want em?
Croagunk- jolly 1m dry skin 2f ha
Dratini-ha careful 2m 3f
zubat-ha jolly bb+defog 8f (also 5vf)
scyther-tech adamant bp+defog 2m
slowpoke-ha bold 1m
sableye-ha bold 5m (all have 0 atk)
Bunnelby-ha jolly 1m 1f
vullaby- overcoat impish knock off+foul play
I gotta get rid of some spitbacks. Anyone want em?
Croagunk- jolly 1m dry skin 2f ha
Dratini-ha careful 2m 3f
zubat-ha jolly bb+defog 8f (also 5vf)
scyther-tech adamant bp+defog 2m
slowpoke-ha bold 1m
sableye-ha bold 5m (all have 0 atk)
Bunnelby-ha jolly 1m 1f
vullaby- overcoat impish knock off+foul play
Could I have a female and male Croagunk? And female zubat?

I have a bunch of random spitbacks, looking for anything?
I'm interested in that mold breaker drill bur scraggy

Cml for anything
Got a few stuff for trade

Timid magician fennekin
Brave strong jaw tyrunt (all fangs n d dance)
Calm water absorb frilish
Adamant keen eye starly
Bold prankster cottonee
Timid protean froakie
Adamant no guard hone edge
Timid magic guard Abra
Modest anticipation eevee
Adamant shed skin dratini
Modest torrent piplup
Adamant overgrow treecko
Adamant poison heal shroomish
Impish natural cure chansey (aromatheorphy)

I'm looking for a lot of stuff
Gabit jolly w/ stealth rocks
Phany impish w/ stealth rocks
Moxie scraggy with d dance and drain punch
Moxie gyrados
Items choice scarfs focus sash choice bands choice specs left overs
Anything really
I have mudkips/totodiles for the piplup
I gotta get rid of some spitbacks. Anyone want em?
Croagunk- jolly 1m dry skin 2f ha
Dratini-ha careful 2m 3f
zubat-ha jolly bb+defog 8f (also 5vf)
scyther-tech adamant bp+defog 2m
slowpoke-ha bold 1m
sableye-ha bold 5m (all have 0 atk)
Bunnelby-ha jolly 1m 1f
vullaby- overcoat impish knock off+foul play
Do you have any HA female zubats with 31/31/31/x/x/31 or with 31/31/x/x/31/31 IV's? I can trade you a 5IV Bagon Spitback with DD for it.
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Hey guys. Does anyone have a pair of spitback honedges? I would reallyyyy appreciate it. Could trade you a pair of 5IV timid spitback charmanders with dragon pulse!
I've got honedge spitbacks, add me.

I gotta get rid of some spitbacks. Anyone want em?
Croagunk- jolly 1m dry skin 2f ha
Dratini-ha careful 2m 3f
zubat-ha jolly bb+defog 8f (also 5vf)
scyther-tech adamant bp+defog 2m
slowpoke-ha bold 1m
sableye-ha bold 5m (all have 0 atk)
Bunnelby-ha jolly 1m 1f
vullaby- overcoat impish knock off+foul play
I've got honedge spitbacks, I'd like a Zubat and a Scyther if that's cool.
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