Walker is back!!!

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Timid Rivarly/Unnerve 31/X/31/31/31/31 (female)

soon with HP Ice
Hustle, nidoran timid,
impish, hippopotas slack off, whirlwind
prankster, sableye 31/x/31/x/31/31 trick, recover
Jolly, rhyhorn lightning rod/ rock head, dragon rush
rough skin/sand veil, jolly gible with outrage
swift swim/sniper horsea, modest
modest clauncher.

all perfect 5 ivs

Any of those pokemons you're interested in?

I'm interested in:
Pinsir moxie male
jolly venipede
adamant male heracross and jolly female heracross
Interested in that Tyrunt. I can get a Moxie Adamant Gyarados quite quickly.

I would LOVE a female HA Venipede for Masuda Method. Are they caught in a particular ball? I'll trade a 5iv Rotom OR a 5iv MoxieDos if you want that if you want. I can catch both.
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Hustle, nidoran timid,
impish, hippopotas slack off, whirlwind
prankster, sableye 31/x/31/x/31/31 trick, recover
Jolly, rhyhorn lightning rod/ rock head, dragon rush
rough skin/sand veil, jolly gible with outrage
swift swim/sniper horsea, modest
modest clauncher.

all perfect 5 ivs

Any of those pokemons you're interested in?

I'm interested in:
Pinsir moxie male
jolly venipede
adamant male heracross and jolly female heracross

I'll take these 3 pokemon after checking your thread let me know which one you want to "remove" of the 4 pokemon you wanted ;)
Please PM me because it's an huge thread and I don't check so much my thread in these days. We will trade on the 1st 2nd day of the 2014 ok?
I'm quite busy at the moment ;)

Let me know what you'll take so I can breed them :)

Poliwag MALE nicknamed "Kermit"
IV spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Ability: Swift Swim
Nature: Modest, Bold, Calm
Egg moves: Encore, Refresh

nicknamed "Jumanji"
IV spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Ability: Hustle
Nature: Timid
Egg moves: None

Lotad MALE nicknamed "SombreroBech"
IV spread: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Ability: Swift Swim / Rain Dish
Nature: Modest
Egg moves: Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Synthesis

Interested in that Tyrunt. I can get a Moxie Adamant Gyarados quite quickly.

I would LOVE a female HA Venipede for Masuda Method. Are they caught in a particular ball? I'll trade a 5iv Rotom OR a 5iv MoxieDos if you want that if you want. I can catch both.

Sorry nothing, do you have other pokemon? I already received them.
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