Sableye [QC: 2/3]

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Sableye should be sent out near the beginning of the match so it has the ability to taunt common entry hazard leads, like Forretress and Ferrothorn, from spewing Spikes all over the place.

Honestly it can be sent out whenever you need something burned, a lot of times you'd want Sableye to be intact so you can cripple something like Terrakion lategame.

  • Blissey can Baton-Pass huge Subs to Sableye. It doesn't hurt that Sableye is immune to Blissey's only weakness
What? Since when did Blissey get Baton Pass, let alone use it?

  • Assualt Vest Tyrantar can also lay down rocks and nail some KOs by pursuit trapping, while sponging special hits that Sableye can't
Since when was ASSAULT VEST Tyranitar able to lay down Stealth Rock?

Apart from those rather large blunders, most of this is okay. I do however question if the analysis is based off of actual playtesting as opposed to theorymon, as I don't really see how anyone can mention Baton Pass Blissey =/
There's a few more errors I'd like to bring to attention.

Confide can be opted for to buffer Special Attacks. Though, this makes Sableye complete Taunt bait.

dont include this, sableye has taunt to stop from being taunted

Knock-Off's power doubles if the opponent has an item

knock off receives a 1.5x power boost if the opponent has an item, not 2
Honestly it can be sent out whenever you need something burned, a lot of times you'd want Sableye to be intact so you can cripple something like Terrakion lategame.
Ah, ok, I'll change that then.

What? Since when did Blissey get Baton Pass, let alone use it?
I told my friend on Gmail I was doing an analysis on Sableye and he told me that Blissey would be a great partner for huge, I really need to change that

Since when was ASSAULT VEST Tyranitar able to lay down Stealth Rock?
I was writing about Assualt Vest Tyrantitar at first, but then I'm was like "hey, Tyranitar has SR too!". I really need to proofread more...

Apart from those rather large blunders, most of this is okay. I do however question if the analysis is based off of actual playtesting as opposed to theorymon, as I don't really see how anyone can mention Baton Pass Blissey =/
I began using Sableye as my first Prankster waaaaaaaay before this and based it off of that.
Answers are in the quote and bolded
There's a few more errors I'd like to bring to attention.

dont include this, sableye has taunt to stop from being taunted

knock off receives a 1.5x power boost if the opponent has an item, not 2
Ah, I'll fix those really quickly
Slow down man. QC will get to this when they can. They have quite a lot on their plate. Patience, padawan.
Sorry! This is my second analysis and I'm a little nervous because my first one was reassigned :/. Waiting it is!
Wyvern56 said:
Don't forget that WoW misses about a fourth of the times it's used. Spamming WoW and missing can kill your momentum

Hi, just another thing I noticed about your analysis. This implies that WoW SHOULDN'T always be used, but why not, when the situation's appropriate? It might "kill your momentum," but 17 times out of 20, it's going to hit and screw something up. If you miss and you lose Sableye, it's either because (a) the hax gods hate you, or (b) you stayed in on a special attacker that you shouldn't have stayed in on.

Basically, either way, you should use Will-O-Wisp when necessary, and not worry about the miss chance. That point in your analysis was like saying "don't spam Stone Edge against Talonflame because it might miss."
I'm not QC but few things

  • Shallow move pool

Can you elaborate what do you mean by shallow move pool? Sableye is not a pokemon anyone will ever use as sweeper or wallbreaker, so I don't think damage move should be considered in overview.
It actually has very good status move pool for a prankster, practically everything it needs to have. I believe it is also the only prankster with access to Recover.

  • Don't forget that WoW misses about a fourth of the times it's used. Spamming WoW and missing can kill your momentum

WoW accuracy is buffed to 85 in XY. It misses 15% of the time not a fourth

While this leaves Sableye open to Special Attackers, most of them happen to be frail Psychic and Ghost types, like Alakazam and Gengar. Oh, and its got STAB as a bonus, leading to clean 2HKOs or 3HKOs

Not very sure about this. I think there are lots of viable Special Attackers which are not considered frail.
Manaphy, Magnezone, Latias, Goodra, Clefable are some of them.

  • Ferrothorn or Forretress can be a great aid because they can set up Rocks and Spikes, which can turn some 2HKOs with burn damage. Both can also wall Latios, Goodra, and Noivern.

Ferrothorn and Forretress can't wall Goodra or Noivern, like literally they should run away from those 2, 90% of the time.
Flamethrower is a very common move for the 2 Dragons.

I think also needs to mention predicted Fire-types like to switch to Sableye in hope of absorbing the Burn status.
Need to predict with Foul Play (for Charizard or Talonflame) or double switch (against Heatran or bulky Fire-types/Flash Fire user)
Hi, just another thing I noticed about your analysis. This implies that WoW SHOULDN'T always be used, but why not, when the situation's appropriate? It might "kill your momentum," but 17 times out of 20, it's going to hit and screw something up. If you miss and you lose Sableye, it's either because (a) the hax gods hate you, or (b) you stayed in on a special attacker that you shouldn't have stayed in on.

Basically, either way, you should use Will-O-Wisp when necessary, and not worry about the miss chance. That point in your analysis was like saying "don't spam Stone Edge against Talonflame because it might miss."

Hmm...I'll take it out then
I'm not QC but few things

Can you elaborate what do you mean by shallow move pool? Sableye is not a pokemon anyone will ever use as sweeper or wallbreaker, so I don't think damage move should be considered in overview.
It actually has very good status move pool for a prankster, practically everything it needs to have. I believe it is also the only prankster with access to Recover.
Sableye doesn't have a shallow move pool, but more like a shallow usable move pool. there are about only 7 seven moves that Sableye can effectively run (other than SwagPlay, which adds like 2 more)

WoW accuracy is buffed to 85 in XY. It misses 15% of the time not a fourth
Yeah, gonna change that

Not very sure about this. I think there are lots of viable Special Attackers which are not considered frail.
Manaphy, Magnezone, Latias, Goodra, Clefable are some of them.
Not disagreeing with that, just saying that some like the ones I mentioned are convenient to deal with

Ferrothorn and Forretress can't wall Goodra or Noivern, like literally they should run away from those 2, 90% of the time.
Flamethrower is a very common move for the 2 Dragons.
Yeah, I have no idea what I was thinking

I think also needs to mention predicted Fire-types like to switch to Sableye in hope of absorbing the Burn status.
Need to predict with Foul Play (for Charizard or Talonflame) or double switch (against Heatran or bulky Fire-types/Flash Fire user)
Will do
My answer are in bold in the quote
It's ok if I only have one set, right? Cuz the only other one it can run is SwagPlay, but other Pranksters do it better...
It's ok if I only have one set, right? Cuz the only other one it can run is SwagPlay, but other Pranksters do it better...
According to the last gen V analysis, and even the usage stats, it can also pull off Trick+Lagging Tail / Iron Ball sets. Just sayin. But yes, it's okay if you only have one set, as it's Sableye's bread and butter set. It's awesome, but it can't do a whole lot.
According to the last gen V analysis, and even the usage stats, it can also pull off Trick+Lagging Tail / Iron Ball sets. Just sayin. But yes, it's okay if you only have one set, as it's Sableye's bread and butter set. It's awesome, but it can't do a whole lot.
Hmmm...I'll add that to OO
What? Since when did Blissey get Baton Pass, let alone use it?
I told my friend on Gmail I was doing an analysis on Sableye and he told me that Blissey would be a great partner for huge, I really need to change that

Talked to my friend again. He told me he meant wishes, not subs...just FYI in case you guys wanted to know
  • Ferrothorn or Forretress can be a great aid because they can set up Rocks and Spikes, which can turn some 2HKOs with burn damage. Both can also wall Latios and some other dragons

Aside from Latios and Latios, common dragon in OU are Salamence, Garchomp, Hydreigon and Haxorus.
Salamence, Garchomp and Hydreigon all can easily deal with Ferrothorn or Forretress because the former 2 brings Fire-type move and the latter is specially based with great STAB neutral coverage. I'd say Sableye actually deal with Salamence and Garchomp better than Ferrothorn or Forretress can. Though it needs to be careful against Mega Garchomp, which Ferrothorn/Forretress is even more afraid of.
Haxorus is probably the only thing that Ferrothorn can wall and I still think physically defensive Sableye should be able to reliably deal with Haxorus, barring unfortunate Will-o-miss.

Actually, I believe Forretress is not a pokemon capable of walling anything with some decent offense. Fire and Ground-types moves are everywhere right now, and it has no access to recovery.
I'd say it's even hard to say Forretress walls Latios/Latias.

252 SpA Life Orb Latias Surf vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Forretress: 172-203 (48.5 - 57.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Surf vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Forretress: 222-262 (62.7 - 74%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Forretress is more of spinner, hazard setter and defensive pivot.
Aside from Latios and Latios, common dragon in OU are Salamence, Garchomp, Hydreigon and Haxorus.
Salamence, Garchomp and Hydreigon all can easily deal with Ferrothorn or Forretress because the former 2 brings Fire-type move and the latter is specially based with great STAB neutral coverage. I'd say Sableye actually deal with Salamence and Garchomp better than Ferrothorn or Forretress can. Though it needs to be careful against Mega Garchomp, which Ferrothorn/Forretress is even more afraid of.
Haxorus is probably the only thing that Ferrothorn can wall and I still think physically defensive Sableye should be able to reliably deal with Haxorus, barring unfortunate Will-o-miss.

Actually, I believe Forretress is not a pokemon capable of walling anything with some decent offense. Fire and Ground-types moves are everywhere right now, and it has no access to recovery.
I'd say it's even hard to say Forretress walls Latios/Latias.

252 SpA Life Orb Latias Surf vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Forretress: 172-203 (48.5 - 57.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Surf vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Forretress: 222-262 (62.7 - 74%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Forretress is more of spinner, hazard setter and defensive pivot.
How does it look now?
Isn't this redundant statement kind of redundant?
Uh...yes it is
Just a few more things I noticed about the analysis.

Wyvern56 said:
Be aware of the opposing team's play style. Taunt can deal with Stall and Baton Pass, Will-O-Wisp with Physical HO, and Foul Play on Defensive boosters.

If by "defensive boosters" you mean "Pokemon that boost their defense," then no, this is incorrect. If a Pokemon boosts its defense higher than it boosts its attack, Foul Play will do less damage. However, if by "defensive boosters" you meant to say "attack boosters," then yes, Foul Play deals with most of them.

Wyvern56 said:
EVs can be changed around to accommodate for Will-O-Miss

Don't give hax as a reason to change something if it's near-negligible, especially because it's not like Sableye has anything better to do about it. If the EVs can be changed around, state how so, and state a more substantial reason for it—e.g. "to take physical hits better" or something along those lines.

Wyvern56 said:
SwagPlay...need I say more? Priority Swagger and induce extreme rage with Foul Play.

Swagplay is usable on Sableye, but make sure you're highlighting that Sableye is usually outclassed in this role by Klefki and Liepard because it lacks access to Thunder Wave.

Wyvern56 said:
Priority weather inducing moves can fit onto weather teams, especially after the weather nerf.

Although it's true that Sableye can easily summon weather, Tornadus and Thundurus completely outclass Sableye as priority Rain setters because they can proceed to abuse it with Hurricane and Thunder, respectively.
Just a few more things I noticed about the analysis.

If by "defensive boosters" you mean "Pokemon that boost their defense," then no, this is incorrect. If a Pokemon boosts its defense higher than it boosts its attack, Foul Play will do less damage. However, if by "defensive boosters" you meant to say "attack boosters," then yes, Foul Play deals with most of them.

Don't give hax as a reason to change something if it's near-negligible, especially because it's not like Sableye has anything better to do about it. If the EVs can be changed around, state how so, and state a more substantial reason for it—e.g. "to take physical hits better" or something along those lines.

Swagplay is usable on Sableye, but make sure you're highlighting that Sableye is usually outclassed in this role by Klefki and Liepard because it lacks access to Thunder Wave.

Although it's true that Sableye can easily summon weather, Tornadus and Thundurus completely outclass Sableye as priority Rain setters because they can proceed to abuse it with Hurricane and Thunder, respectively.

Changed. You've been a great help, CyclicCompound! You too silfan!
Few things I noticed.

  • EVs can be changed around to let Sableye rest alittle easier against special attackers

Maybe you meant physical attackers? Your EV spread is already maximum investment in special bulk.

  • If you're having trouble with Special Attackers, Snarl is always an option, though it's usually inferior to the almighty Knock-Off

I think Snarl is more comparable to Confide, which benefits from Prankster without the pitiful damage.
Though I suppose it's true Knock Off >>>> Snarl
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