Ragnarokalex's Drowning Emporium! Now able to Clone! Update 2/19, added several shiny mons!

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I am looking for a Charizardite Y
I got the following for trade
26-27/?/31/31/31/31 Timid Zapdos

5IV HA modest poliwag with encore as egg move (becomes drizzle)
5IV adamant larvitar with DD, SR and pursuit egg moves
5IV Drought timid vulpix
5IV huge power adamant bunnelby
5IV quick feet adamant shroomish (becomes technician)
5IV impish skarmary with brave bird, drill peck and whirlwind egg moves
6IV JPN poison point Nidoran female
PM me when you want to trade ;)

Female Diggersby is ready.....can you nickname Impish FourFrou "Mirò" please?

ok, Ive got the furfrou bred and ready, just let me know when you can trade for it and Ill get it named and sent over to ya.

CMT for a few BP items ?

I would be interested in a Jolly Quick Feet 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Shroomish and an Impish Natural Cure/Harvest 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Phantump. I would be looking for females of both of these and can offer back 108 BP worth of stuff if you are interested.

CMT for Growlite

Ill trade one for a female Sneasel.

I am looking for a Charizardite Y
I got the following for trade
26-27/?/31/31/31/31 Timid Zapdos

5IV HA modest poliwag with encore as egg move (becomes drizzle)
5IV adamant larvitar with DD, SR and pursuit egg moves
5IV Drought timid vulpix
5IV huge power adamant bunnelby
5IV quick feet adamant shroomish (becomes technician)
5IV impish skarmary with brave bird, drill peck and whirlwind egg moves
6IV JPN poison point Nidoran female

I could trade one for a female skarmory listed.
I would be interested in a Jolly Quick Feet 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Shroomish and an Impish Natural Cure/Harvest 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Phantump. I would be looking for females of both of these and can offer back 108 BP worth of stuff if you are interested.

Thank god i'm about to start to breed a shroomish for my self. Alright will do :)
Got any Female Adamant Heracross with egg moves left? If you do, I can offer you this:

-Female Adamant Sand Force Drilbur 31/31/31/xx/31/31

Is this acceptable?
Got any Female Adamant Heracross with egg moves left? If you do, I can offer you this:

-Female Adamant Sand Force Drilbur 31/31/31/xx/31/31

Is this acceptable?

yea I would be fine with that, I have a moxie female and a swarm female left, whichever you would like more/have time to trade for it
yea I would be fine with that, I have a moxie female and a swarm female left, whichever you would like more/have time to trade for it
I'd love the Moxie one please! Here's my FC 2852-7424-7447, my ign is Tate. I'll go online now.
I have a 4iv Freeze Dry Lapras, would you offer anything for that? I can always breed for 5iv.

I'm after that Squirtle. I've got a couple of things to offer.
CMT for

Adamant - Speed Boost
Egg Moves:
Toxic Spikes
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