Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 31 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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I understand that trading hacked Pokemon will get you on the blacklist. What if a Pokemon was bred from hatched Pokemon? For example, suppose someone hacks a 6IV Escavalier, a 6IV Forretress w/ Drill Run, transfer it to X & Y, and then breed the two together to get a perfect Karrablast w/ Drill Run, would that be considered illegal here?
Are hacked pokemon even banned if its stated in a trade thread / comment that they are hacked + the other person agrees to accept said hacked pokemon? ~_~''
(I was always under the impression it's fine as long as the other party knows)
I have one more 31/x/31/31/31/x Sassy Spritzee for trade, looking for a Satchet. I want the item so please don't put it on another Spritzee lol.
Is settling with a 31/18/31/x/31/31 Zygarde be acceptable it if one is going for a Coil build on him? Or would it be critical to keep resetting to get the perfect Atk IV as well?
Looking for Modest Rotom 31/x/31/31/31/31 & Jolly RoughSkin Gible 31/31/31/x/31/31

I can offer: (all flawless)
Jolly Guts Larvitar with egg moves: stealth rock, dragon dance, iron head, pursuit
Timid Trace Ralts with egg moves: Destiny Bond, Skill Swap
Modest Torrent Squirtle with egg moves: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse
Quiet Own Tempo Slowpoke no egg moves
Modest Infiltrator Noibat with no egg moves
Sassy Amoonguss with no egg moves
I think you mean nature and that's what I was aiming for. I'm just getting tired of SRing him. Thank you for answering :)

Yea, nature obvously lol. You've always got Synchronizers to help with that, and getting a the two most important IV's arent too hard to get.
Yea, nature obvously lol. You've always got Synchronizers to help with that, and getting a the two most important IV's arent too hard to get.
Unfortunately, I'm looking for flawless/near flawless spreads and I'm using a syncher, I'm just not having good luck with it at the moment. Already got my HP Grass, Timid Articuno, but thanks once again!
Looking for a Teddiursa IV's dont matter, or even just someone with a friend safari with Teddiursa's, I can offer one Battle Maison Item as payback
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