CMT for a Timid blaze Charmander.
Good morning :) Thanks for stopping by, but I have all of those Pokemon already. Sorry!CMT for a Timid blaze Charmander.
Is your Joltik the exact Joltik on my wanted List? If not, no thanks.I'll give you an hp ice joltik for an hp ice eevee. Also interested in one of your female abras but I don't know if I have anything you'd be interested in other than swinubs w/egg moves
It's not, sorry!OP, what ball is chansey in? if heal ball pls CMT
Your Mienfoo is done. Sorry it took so long. Went through about 13 batches of eggs without getting any 5 IVs. :xCan you get Baton Pass and Knock Off on that Meinfoo with Jolly and Regen? Also I want that iv spread(31/31/31/x/31/31) and we'll have a deal :)
Thank you for your hard work. I'll see you Online in 5 :)Your Mienfoo is done. Sorry it took so long. Went through about 13 batches of eggs without getting any 5 IVs. :x
Everything is here :)Thanks for the trade. ^^ Please make sure everything is as you asked. (egg moves, IVs, etc.)
Great, thanks!Everything is here :)
Thank you so much :)
It is, 31/x/30/31/31/31 timid compound eyes. I'm assuming the gender doesn't matter?Is your Joltik the exact Joltik on my wanted List? If not, no thanks.
I'll take it :)It is, 31/x/30/31/31/31 timid compound eyes. I'm assuming the gender doesn't matter?
Ok, I might be able to trade it later tonight but If not I'll be around all day tomorrow. Let me know what worksI'll take it :)
I'm on for a little bit now if you wanna do that tradeI'll take it :)
Thanks for stopping by, but I have all of these Pokemon. Sorry!Hasty Frokie - 31/31/31/31/x/31 - toxic spikes, hp steel
Jolly charmander - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Outrage, Ddance, Dpulse (also have blaze)
Bold Bulbasaur - 31/x/31/31/31/31 - Giga drain
Jolly Gible - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Outrage
Magicarp - 31/31/31/x/31/31
Have spitback frokies, charmanders, and Bulbasaur. and a 4iv female timid ghastly
Looking for Heliop's, or eevees timid hp ice?
I'm on for a little bit now if you wanna do that trade
If you can make Tyrogue Vital Spriti(HA), with those egg moves and IV Spread, I'll take it for a Snorunt or Female Nidoran :)Hey :)
I'm interested in a male 5IV Snorunt with Spikes. Don't care about its ability, as I will just use it for an MM hunt.
I'm also interested in a female Nidoran and in one of your HP Ice Eevees.
All my PKMN are german, so they can be used to breed shinies (Masuda Method). Don't worry about their german names though, they change, once they evolve. Did you use Instacheck to check eggs?
- Tyrogue (Hitmontop, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee), Adamant, Guts (Intimidate Hitmontop), 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: High Jump Kick, Bullet Punch, Mach Punch,
Can only be bred with Ditto (100% male ratio, Poke Ball only) and has to evolve to be able to mate with other PKMN.
- Axew, Mold Breaker, Jolly: 31/31/31/x/31/31, Luxury Ball, 1F, 1M
- Noibat, Timid, Frisk: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Quick Ball, 1F, 1M
- Liwick, Timid or Modest, Flame body: 31/x/31/31/31/31, Hyper Ball, 1F, 1M
- Eevee, Bold, Run Away/Adaptability, 31/x/31/31/31/31, egg moves: Wish, Poke Ball, males only, 3M
- Sneasel, Jolly, Pickpocket, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Pursuit, Icicle Crash, Counter, Fake out, Premier Ball, 3F
- White Flabébé, Calm, Flower Veil, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Dive Ball (for shiny Flabébé), 10+F, 100% female ratio
- Mareep, Modest, Static, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Premier Ball, 1M
- Gligar, Impish, Immunity, 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Batton Pass, Luxury Ball, 1F
- Trapinch, Jolly, Arena Trap or Hyper Cutter (both become Levitate), 31/31/31/x/31/31, egg moves: Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Nest Ball, 3M, 2F
- Froakie, Naive, Protean, all possible spreads (always 5IV), Luxury Ball, 30+M, ~6F (no x in defense spread available)
The only thing I saw was the Shiny (HP Fire) Greninja.CMT for eevee