Bluebirds Trade Thread - Open!! (HP Ice Rotom&Mareep&Vulpix)(Trick Room Poke)( Shinies!)

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Legit Pokemon only please , and please have patience if you are waiting for me to breed something.
I will only be taking two to three maximum breeding requests at a time to start out, I don't want to overwhelm myself or leave people waiting far too long for a trade when they could trade elsewhere.

I also will probably keep outstanding trades to a minimum at first(my first trade thread). If a trade is not completed within 4-5 days I will assume you are no longer interested.

I don't care about pokeballs, but I provide the information for those that do.

|Available Now| In Stock|



Species: Gligar | Ability: Immunity(Poison Heal) (other abilities available upon request)| Ball: Ultra Ball
Genders Available: Male(2) Female (0)
Natures Available: Impish
IV Distributions:
31/31/31/x/31/31 : LVL 1 (Male x 2 )


Species: Dieno | Ability: Hustle | Ball: Pokeball |
Genders Available: Male(2) Female (0)
Natures Available: Modest
IV Distrubutions:
31/X/31/31/31/31 : LVL 1 (Male x 2)


Species: Dratini | Ability: Marvel Scale | Ball: Repeat Ball
Genders Available: Male(1)
Natures Available: Adamant
IV Distributions:
31/31/31/X/31/31 : LVL 32 (NOTE: lvld from breeding, no 0 evs currently) - (Male x1)
Can breed on demand of course.


Species: Eevee | Ability: Run Away/Adaptation or Anticipation | Ball: Pokeball
Natures Available: Sassy(1), Bold(1), Timid, taking requests for others.
Egg Moves: Wish Available | Note, I can breed 31/x/x/31/31/31 Timid Hidden Power ICE eevees(for jolteons)
However, I can make no promises about ATK or DEF being decent, and Hidden power was nerfed, keep in mind :).
Gender Availability: Males, I can breed for a female for a good request, they are hard to come by.

IV Distributions: 31/x/31/31/31/31(Male, Sassy, Run Away) (x1)
31/X/31/31/31/31 (Male, Bold, Adaptability) (x1)

|Available Upon Request| I can breed these for you| Out of Stock Currently |



Species: Mawile | Ability: Intimidate(Hyper Cutter available upon request) | Ball: Premier Ball
Natures Available: Adamant
Genders Available: At request I can breed for specific gender.
Out of Stock.


Species: Sycther | Ability: Technician | Ball: Ultra Ball |
Natures Available: Adamant
Genders Available: At Request I can breed for specific gender Scyther.
IV Distributions:
Out of Stock

Species: Togepi | Ability: Serene Grace | Ball: Luxury Ball |
Genders Available: Male, I can breed for female for a good offer, they are hard to come by.
Natures Available: Calm, Modest, Bold
Egg Moves: Nasty Plot
IV Distributions:
Out of Stock.


Species: Fletchling | Ability: Gale Wing | Ball: Pokeball
Natures Available: Adamant
Out of Stock


Species: Larvitar | Ability: Guts | Ball : Pokeball
Natures Available: Jolly, taking requests for others.
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Pursuit
Out of Stock.


Species: Drillbur | Ability: Mold Breaker | Ball: Pokeball
Natures Available : Adamant
Out of Stock.

Additionally I have Battle Points for trade. I am willing to grind battle points instead of grinding the breeding game basically. Make an offer and we can work something out.

I also have a shiny wingull for trade with absolutely awful IVs.

If it isn't too much to ask for, can I get a 5IV mold breaker drilbur? I have a 5IV skill link/rock blast shellder, shiny gligar, natural cure staryu
If it isn't too much to ask for, can I get a 5IV mold breaker drilbur? I have a 5IV skill link/rock blast shellder, shiny gligar, natural cure staryu

What Ivs/nature are the natural cure staryu? that would be my preference if it's 5iv, otherwise I will do it for the 5 iv skill link/rock blast shellder.

Also thread has been updated with what I have available now.
What Ivs/nature are the natural cure staryu? that would be my preference if it's 5iv, otherwise I will do it for the 5 iv skill link/rock blast shellder.

Also thread has been updated with what I have available now.

Just a 3IV one. So are you able to get the drilbur?
Hey everyone I still have several pending trades from today, and because of that and midterms on wednesday that I need to study for I will only be trading with stuff that I have in stock. No new breeding projects until after that. The exception is for rotoms and/or staryu from my wants list.

I have wish eevees, hidden power ice timid eevees(Jolteons), hidden ability timid eevees(espeon), Hidden ability/egg move swinubs, nasty plot togepis, and more all in stock so feel free too offer for any of those, I'd love to get some quick trading done.

Also, I would just like to say thanks to everyone who I have traded with so far, everyone has been really friendly, and all the trades have gone over really smoothly.
I am interested in a flash fire litwick and ditto. We can work something out I'm sure :D.

I have a timid 31/X/X/31/31/31 , Hidden Power ice, eevee ability(normal ability). Was there anything else you wanted?

I would be interested in a modest Deino as well, I'll get started pm getting a Flash Fire bred right away, but it might take me a little bit since my flawless parents are infiltrator. I should have it done by the end of the day anyway.
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Would like to get a togepi, could trade a ferrothorn for one. Have 5 iv sassy and relaxed ones or less, i really only need togepi for breeding wish so id rather trade for a lesser one (maybe 4 iv ferroseed for any old togepi) but flawless for flawless works too. Working on breeding joltik but thats all i got.
Is your stuff nicknameable? If so I'll take a flawless Bold Togepi, male or female.

EDIT: PM me when you can trade to make sure I notice your message, I should be available all day.
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Would like to get a togepi, could trade a ferrothorn for one. Have 5 iv sassy and relaxed ones or less, i really only need togepi for breeding wish so id rather trade for a lesser one (maybe 4 iv ferroseed for any old togepi) but flawless for flawless works too. Working on breeding joltik but thats all i got.

I can get you an imperfect togepi for wish breeding no problem. I already have ferrorthorn, but I would take a female sassy one if you have one, mine is relaxed(to breed and get a 5 iv sassy one :D). It doesn't need to be perfect unless you want a perfect togepi. Thanks.
I can get you an imperfect togepi for wish breeding no problem. I already have ferrorthorn, but I would take a female sassy one if you have one, mine is relaxed(to breed and get a 5 iv sassy one :D). It doesn't need to be perfect unless you want a perfect togepi. Thanks.

I dont have any level 1 sassy females of 3-4 iv, didnt save any that werent used for breeding. If lvl 14 is ok i have that e.g. Stealth rock was lost. But if thats ok i have a 4 iv one.
Is it a venasaur or a bulbasaur? And which ability does it have, does it have egg move giga drain?

I have a relaxed male chlorophyll bulbasaur with 31 in every IV except Att, a female with same nature with 31IV in everything except HP. Both have Giga drain and synthesis as egg move. The adamant Venusaur has no egg moves and has 31 in everything but SpecAtt. You can have all three for the Timid Hidden power ice eevee.
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I'm looking for one of your 5IV adamant swinub (any gender)

I can offer
5IV Timid/Modest infiltrator Noibat 31/xx/31/31/31/31
5IV Timid/Jolly Charmander with DD,Outrage,Dragon Pulse with proper spread
4IV Bold Rotom 31/xx/31/31/31/xx
5IV Modest Gooey Goomy
5IV Infiltrator Jolly Zubat (egg move : defog, hypnosis, brave bird ) very soon
I'm looking for one of your 5IV adamant swinub (any gender)

I can offer
5IV Timid/Modest infiltrator Noibat 31/xx/31/31/31/31
5IV Timid/Jolly Charmander with DD,Outrage,Dragon Pulse with proper spread
4IV Bold Rotom 31/xx/31/31/31/xx
5IV Modest Gooey Goomy
5IV Infiltrator Jolly Zubat (egg move : defog, hypnosis, brave bird ) very soon

I am interested in a Jolly Charmander.

I have a relaxed male chlorophyll bulbasaur with 31 in every IV except Att, a female with same nature with 31IV in everything except HP. Both have Giga drain and synthesis as egg move. The adamant Venusaur has no egg moves and has 31 in everything but SpecAtt. You can have all three for the Timid Hidden power ice eevee.

Hey, I don't think my HP Ice Eevee is worth as much as 3 pokemon . I would gladly accept the first 2 bulbasaurs if you would like to part with them. Or the female and the third one. Most interested in the female, as I would like a few different natured bulbasaur, so probably going to do some breeding. Let me know if that interests you.

Sure male Would be swell since jigglypuff is mostly female.
Fc - 2723-9371-5997 name- guinsoo

Added you.

Is your stuff nicknameable? If so I'll take a flawless Bold Togepi, male or female.
EDIT: PM me when you can trade to make sure I notice your message, I should be available all day.

Thanks for the trade.
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