Pokémon Rotom-H

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Type: Electric/Fire
Base stats: HP 50 / Atk 65 / Def 107 / Sp. Atk 105 / Sp. Def 107 / Spe 86
Ability: Levitate

Notable moves:
• Volt Switch
• ThunderBolt
• Thunderwave
• Will-O-Wisp
• Overheat
• Trick
• Hidden Power (Grass/Ice)
• Pain Split
• Rest
• Sleep Talk
• Toxic
• Shadowball

Its the return of the microwave too hot even for itself that must wear oven mittens to prevent it from burning itself. With only 2 weaknesses thanks to its brilliant typing and its ground-type immunity in Levitate, last gen Rotom-H was a rather fearsome Pokemon in UU.

At first glance though, it doesn't look like much has changed for the possessed kitchen appliances, including Rotom Heat. But there is one new game mechanic which makes Rotom, and especially our fiery friend, shine in generation VI. Paralysis no longer effects electric types.

This makes Rotom-H a brilliant status absorber this gen, being immune to both Paralysis and Burn, allowing it to switch into a Will-O-Wisp or Thunder Wave without giving a damn. This can seriously help a strong offensive team with a few sweepers who would otherwise be greatly crippled by the speed cut in paralysis or the attack cut from burn. Rotom-H stands out as an amazing shield in offensive teams, and his moveset also compliments them. Popular steel types like Ferrothorn, Forretress, and the new popular Klefki don't want to mess around with an Overheat which might otherwise have the rest of the team in a pickle with their resistances. Volt Switch also works immensely well for the job of a status absorber as well. After absorbing the status and potentially forcing the opponents Pokemon out, Volt Switch can be used simply to have your momentum going and switch straight back into the best Pokemon of choice. And all of Rotom-H's other gimmicks from previous gens still stay in tact.

Although it may be a slight change, I still believe this to be a massive boost to Rotom-H which should give him more consideration as status like paralysis and burn can greatly cripple offensive assets on the team, and once Rotom-H has done its job, it can just switch back out with a Volt-Switch, and I'd definitely be considering him if I was running a few sweepers.

Rotom-H also checks a few popular threats including Scizor and Talonflame, walling them pretty darn well.

He also got a new advantage over Rotom-W in that his fire typing resists the new Fairy-type. This means that Rotom-H can also wall Mega-Mawile and Togekiss, giving it a nice niche.

Asides from all this I'd expect to see no real changes in sets from Generation V but I would think that there may be an increase in popularity thanks to this new mechanic, new fairies and there may be potential for it to be an alright Assault Vest user. Rotom-H gets an even stronger typing, with good stats and should be recognised as a potent threat in todays metagame.

Rotom-H – ChoiceTrick
: Choice Scarf/Choice Specs
Nature: Modest/Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Volt Switch
HP Grass / HP Ice / ThunderBolt / WoW

Very similar to a Rotom-W Choice set. Overheat and Volt Switch STABs, and Scarf Volt Switch can give great offensive momentum. Trick cripples any enemy Pokemon who can't afford to be locked into one move. The last slot is up to what you like or your team needs. HP Ice works as better coverage in OU for Dragons and other threats such as Gliscor and Landorus. HP Grass works better in UU to check Rhyperior and Swampert for a nasty surprise. Thunderbolt can be used if switching out isn't always desired and Scarfed WoW is great at quickly crippling Physical Sweepers.

Rotom-H – Specially Defensive
: Leftovers
Nature: Calm
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave / Will-O-Wisp
Pain Split

A typical defensive set for Rotom-H. 2 STABS, Pain Split recovery and then the status of choice, which in most cases should be in favour of WoW to patch up the uninvested Def, although you can play around with the EVs to specialise him how you want.

Rotom-H – Chesto-Rest
: Chesto Berry
Nature: Calm
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave / Will-O-Wisp

Pretty much exactly the same as the last set except using Rest for recovery as a good Pre-Pokebank defensive set which also allows it to get rid of Poison. With the reverted sleep mechanics it is also much more viable now too.

Rotom-H – Dual status
: Leftovers
Nature: Calm
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave

Tired of having to pick between which status to use?

Once again the 2 STABs which you will find on pretty much all of his sets. This set differs in that it runs both Paralysis in combination with Burn. Spreading the status far and wide while being immune to the same ones, this allows Rotom-H to burn everything and then para any fire-types or Special-sweepers, allowing him to effectively status whole teams (except for any other Rotom-Hs).

So although we may not be seeing a real different play-style, there is still more reason now to use Rotom-H specifically and other Rotoms, and we may be seeing more of Rotom-H in UU and OU (and I hope so, because it is an oven mitt wearing beast of a Pokemon).

What are your thoughts?
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While at first glance, it seems to be outclassed by Rotom-W, it has a huge niche over Rotom-W in its useful Fairy resist, which allows it to always wall M-Mawile and Togekiss. Its typing and access to Overheat also allows it to defeat Steels, which there are quite a few that see a lot of usage at the moment. It also aids in checking a lot of threats other than the aforementioned, such as Talonflame, M-Scizor, and the likes. Definitely has its niche this gen.
A lot of the megas won't appreciate taking either a overheat or volt switch, something that Rotom-W can't boast (I mean, look at how many of them are weak to Electric or Fire moves), and like Rotom-W, it stops Talonflame cold.

It's also pretty happy about there being less rain teams, which really ruined its day in gen 5.

I don't know with Rotom-H, I love him, and want him to do well, but he, like Rotom-W, seem more like anti-metagame pokemon, so it really depends how that develops to decide if he will get usage.
While at first glance, it seems to be outclassed by Rotom-W, it has a huge niche over Rotom-W in its useful Fairy resist, which allows it to always wall M-Mawile and Togekiss. Its typing and access to Overheat also allows it to defeat Steels, which there are quite a few that see a lot of usage at the moment. It also aids in checking a lot of threats other than the aforementioned, such as Talonflame, M-Scizor, and the likes. Definitely has its niche this gen.
It really does. I think that Rotom-H may even have potential to even be on par with its cooler alternative form the Washing Machine.

I almost forgot about fires resistance to Fairy, but I had thought of Scizor and Talonflame. Rotom-H has got a few more toys than his other kitchen appliances this gen, could be claiming a solid slot in OU.

Edit: I'll add that in, thanks :)
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Is there a reason to go with Leftovers + Pain Split rather than the classic Rotom-W Chesto Berry + Rest set?

Also I think you mean Choice Scarf, not Choice Band.
This thing pairs delightfully well most Dragon types - resisting the Ice and Fairy moves that threaten them, and Dragons resisting Water moves that threaten little Mr. Toaster. It absorbs the Paralysis and Burn moves that are often used to shut down its poor Dragon buddies. Friends Dragalge and Tyrantrum appeciate its immunity to Ground type moves. It threatens and checks many common switch ins on Dragons. And its resistances and immunities are well suited to both physically bulky and specially bulky sets.

I find I prefer this hot Rotom variety to its watery twin much of time.
Rotom-H- Let It Burn (Expert Belt Attacker)

: Expert Belt
Nature: Modest
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
Hidden Power Grass / Hidden Power Ice

The only difference with this Rotom set and the Choice set is the item, but it makes a huge difference. Rotom-H's excellent mixed defenses gives it more durable Substitutes, as this set doesn't switch out as nearly as much as other sets, and it has good enough Special Attack to make it worthwhile. This set is designed to work best when you come in on free switches on a threat that Rotom-H checks or counters, so you can predict the switch in and set up. Overheat and Thunderbolt are solid STAB moves to throw about, especially Overheat which you can throw around even more with the nerf of rain. Hidden Power Grass and Ice, despite their recent nerf, serve as a solid way to do at least a bit of damage to Water- and Dragon-types, respectively. Lastly, Substitute gives you a safe way to live some hits if you can't predict a switch-in, and even if you do.

This Rotom still has it's solid niche as a status absorber with this set, but it isn't as prediction reliant, at least on the first switch, and unlike the Choice set, this set doesn't switch as much, so Defog support isn't as needed.
The thing is, while Rotom-H has very useful niche, it gets walled hard by TTar, Garchomp, the new addition Zygarde could jump in and just Coil all over it's face, and a few other things check it really well, especially after HP nerf. But weather nerfs and Paralysis immunity are great buffs, and it has amazing dual stabs with the capability to wreck lots of mons. It's one of the only Rotom forms (cough looking at you Rotom-Fan coughs) that really benefits from it's ability in Levitate, giving it yet MORE opportunities to switch in and wreck some shit. It has lots of utility and uses, and I predict both Rotom-W and Rotom-H will stay in and around the same tier, namely OU or UU. Both of the forms have very valuable niches, it just depends on which one will be most commonly useful. H seems like a great addition to hyper offensive teams, or just offensively oriented teams in general, whereas W loves being bulky and annoying.

On a sidenote, Rotom is so adorable in X and Y xD He's so small!
The fact that Rotom-H checks Talonflame while also being much more reliable than Wash at taking out Aegislash is reason enough to use our favorite toaster oven... checking Mega Mawile is just gravy. Rotom-H deserves serious consideration this gen... ironically one of the biggest drawbacks is that he loses to Rotom-W, and Wash is everywhere on the ladder.

This guy definitely needs a physically defensive Chesto-Rest set to make the most of his incredible typing, resistances, and utility, just like Rotom-W!
It can totally make OU. An immunity to both paralysis AND burn really sold it for me. Trevenants won't stand a chance. btw, its going to need to be physically defensive to stop Why does it have a problem with wash rotom? Last I checked hydro pump hit it neutrally.
It can totally make OU. An immunity to both paralysis AND burn really sold it for me. Trevenants won't stand a chance. btw, its going to need to be physically defensive to stop Why does it have a problem with wash rotom? Last I checked hydro pump hit it neutrally.
Its typing is Fire/Electric.

Unless Electric is resistant to Water (which it isn't) Rotom-W is still a huge problem for Rotom-H.
I'm not sure any of those want to switch into a WoW. Does it have room for WoW without running into 4MSS.
It depends on the set, I suppose your right. If it's running a bulky set, those 3 won't be much of a problem, but Wallchomp/TTar will still be problems either way.
I know that this doesn't really affect the PS people, but it's so hard to wait for December to run this guy in the new metagame. He's such a huge help in combating Talonflame/Ferrothorn. But as of now, you can't get a Rotom that has Pain Split or Trick, which is annoying because breeding is so much easier this gen.

I have high hopes for the oven with mitts though. Hopefully we'll see a rise in usage to combat Talonflame and other troublesome Steels/Grass types.

Edit: Speaking of which, what set would be usable for the X/Y gen as of now pre Pokebank?
Edit: Speaking of which, what set would be usable for the X/Y gen as of now pre Pokebank?
Rotom-H @ Chesto Berry
- Volt Switch
- Overheat
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

Works for Wash, and works for Heat too. Max HP investment with the rest in either Def or SpDef (or both), depending on which threats you want to check for your team. It's extremely effective.
Uh yeah, TTar and Garchomp don't exactly want to switch into a potential WoW. That's actually exactly what a Rotom-H WANTS to accomplish. Switch into Garchomp EQ and Scarf WoW. If it was scarfed itself then it would have to switch anyway and be locked into EQ against him. Sounds like a win-win for Rotom. And burn is a big hindrance to TTar, especially the highly common Assault Vest builds that can NOT afford to have their attack mitigated.
It should go without saying, but the biggest contribution to his rise would be the rise of Defog more than prz immunity. It should be a big factor for the possessed oven, since I think that's what held it back before.
Rotom-H @ Chesto Berry
- Volt Switch
- Overheat
- Will-O-Wisp
- Rest

Works for Wash, and works for Heat too. Max HP investment with the rest in either Def or SpDef (or both), depending on which threats you want to check for your team. It's extremely effective.
Hm, I never knew Chesto Rest was viable on Rotom. It sounds like he'd be a great partner to, say, MMawile and Gyarados.
It should go without saying, but the biggest contribution to his rise would be the rise of Defog more than prz immunity. It should be a big factor for the possessed oven, since I think that's what held it back before.
Excadrill's availability as the best spinner probably helps as well.

And I wouldn't dismiss the paralysis immunity. I haven't tried Rotom-H, but Rotom-W gets a lot of opportunities to switch in on Thunder Waves, and it can be effective against rising stars like Togekiss. Rotom-H has the further benefit against Togekiss of resisting its other STAB, Fairy, as well. Speaking of status immunities, the Grass/Ghost-types seem pretty popular right now, however little it may be deserved, and in addition to blocking their burns, Rotom-H can resist their Grass moves and torch them in retaliation. It can also take burns and Volt Switches from opposing Rotom, although Hydro Pump is pretty scary.
Why have a set with both T-wave and Wow. It allows you to cripple both fast pokemon and heavy hitters, as well as being able to switch into both. I'm not even sure I would run overheat. Well... idk. Maybe forgo a rest set for Overheat. Rotom shouldn't really be switching into a hydro pump. I have assault vest Goodra for that. It takes a Hydro from pretty much anything no sweat. Maybe a scarf set would be good.

Rotom H @ chesto berry/leftovers
Volt switch
Will o wisp
Thunder wave
Why have a set with both T-wave and Wow. It allows you to cripple both fast pokemon and heavy hitters, as well as being able to switch into both. I'm not even sure I would run overheat. Well... idk. Maybe forgo a rest set for Overheat. Rotom shouldn't really be switching into a hydro pump. I have assault vest Goodra for that. It takes a Hydro from pretty much anything no sweat.

Rotom H @ chesto berry/leftovers?
Volt switch
Will o wisp
Thunder wave
If you're not running Overheat on Rotom-H, why run it at all? Why not some other form?
If you're not running Overheat on Rotom-H, why run it at all? Why not some other form?
To use as a defensive pivot, maybe. 8 Resistances and an immunity is really good especially with it's decent bulk. Other forms lack the number of resistances Rotom-H has. Though I agree you should use Overheat.
I know that this doesn't really affect the PS people, but it's so hard to wait for December to run this guy in the new metagame. He's such a huge help in combating Talonflame/Ferrothorn. But as of now, you can't get a Rotom that has Pain Split or Trick, which is annoying because breeding is so much easier this gen.

I have high hopes for the oven with mitts though. Hopefully we'll see a rise in usage to combat Talonflame and other troublesome Steels/Grass types.

Edit: Speaking of which, what set would be usable for the X/Y gen as of now pre Pokebank?

Trick is acquirable through move relearner.
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