Other Critical Hits

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I actually think having a more percentage of critical hits will be interesting considering the damage nerf it has. Which is more gamebreaking? A 200% crit very rarely, or a 150% occasionally? I believe the latter to be more impactful.
According to my tests, it is extremely likely that the base crit rate is still 1/16. In addition, the crit rate with a high-crit move and no other boosts still appears to be 1/8. I do not have a Scope Lens, Razor Claw, or a Pokémon with Super Luck yet, so I can't speak for those at this time.

A Farfetch'd with a Stick or a Pokémon that has used Focus Energy will crit 1/2 of the time. Such a Pokémon using a high-crit move will ALWAYS crit unless the target is immune to crits. Not "almost always". Always. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS. My Farfetch'd with a Stick has NEVER not crit when using a high-crit move except against a Corphish with Shell Armor. And I've had it in my party for the entire game.

So crits got nerfed for most Pokémon, but they're much more consistent for crit specialists.
I really hope all crit items were boosted this high. Infernape with Scope Lens running Shadow Claw/Stone Edge/Blaze Kick/Situational will be a stat boost ignoring super effective crit machine. (Note that Blaze Kick would deal 127.5 always before STAB, more than Flare Blitz with no recoil)

On a similar note, Gallade could carry Psycho Cut/Leaf Blade/Night Slash/Stone Edge to deal 100% critical SE damage to 11 different types (As opposed to infernape's 8 types + extra coverage move).
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I really hope all crit items were boosted this high. Infernape with Scope Lens running Shadow Claw/Stone Edge/Blaze Kick/Situational will be a stat boost ignoring super effective crit machine. (Note that Blaze Kick would deal 127.5 always before STAB, more than Flare Blitz with no recoil)

On a similar note, Gallade could carry Psycho Cut/Leaf Blade/Night Slash/Stone Edge to deal 100% critical SE damage to 11 different types (As opposed to infernape's 8 types + extra coverage move).
You can only get that high with Focus Energy. Also, the Stick and Lucky Punch give a bigger boost than Scope Lens, Razor Claw, etc.
Well, prior to gen 6 focus energy and stick gave +2 to critical hit while super luck gave +1. Assuming things work somewhat similarly you'd need scope lens for a 100% crit rate for high crit-moves. Either way, things need to be tested more. :)
sry guy thats not how super luck works, super luck doubled the crit stage of whatever move you were using back in gen 5. this means if you were using a regular move ( stage 1 ) super luck turned it into a stage 2 move. if you were using a high crit move ( stage 2 ) super lucked turned it into a stage 4. because of this, absol / honchkrow using super luck + night slash + scope lens resulted in a stage 2 move being boosted by super luck into a stage 4 move, and then boosted into stage 5 (highest possible crit stage aside from auto crit moves). I am interested in the crit chance ratio changes if any, because even farfetch with stick + focus energy could only make it to stage 4 in gen 5. So somehow i doubt that farfetch can get 100% crit chance even with stick + focus energy, because would that mean that super luck would instantly become inferior to farfetch.
Well, many things could be at play here. It's possible that Stick and Focus Energy just give 4 crit stages now, and there's a new stage with 100% rate once you get 5 stages. It's also possible that 100% crits happen at 4 or fewer stages. But unless either Super Luck or Scope Lens gives more than 1 stage, you can still only get to 3 stages with a combination of Super Luck, Scope Lens, and a high-crit move. And I really doubt that 3 stages gives you 100% crit rate. That would mean that the crit rate went from 1/16 to 1/8 to 1/2 to 1/1. That's quite a gap in the middle. I'm guessing that Focus Energy et al just give more than 2 stages now.
super luck doubled the crit stage of the move u are using, so in the case of super luck + high crit move = stage 4, and if u are weilding a crit item scope / razor claw then thats another + 1 for a total of stage 5
super luck doubled the crit stage of the move u are using, so in the case of super luck + high crit move = stage 4, and if u are weilding a crit item scope / razor claw then thats another + 1 for a total of stage 5
I'm pretty sure this is false. Super Luck was just a straight-up one stage boost in gen 5, regardless of what Serebii might claim.

So somehow i doubt that farfetch can get 100% crit chance even with stick + focus energy, because would that mean that super luck would instantly become inferior to farfetch.
Pfft. You doubt it, do you? Given the choice between someone who has tested it and someone who is just making wild guesses, I'll trust the guy who's tested it. Especially since that guy is me. If you doubt it, then test it yourself.
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So it seems that crits are weaker but have a better chance of occuring.
I wonder how much of a help Scope Lens is now and what stacking with Super Luck brings the crit chance to.
Two potential abusers are Super Luck Absol (Night Slash, Psycho Cut) and Sniper Drapion (Night Slash, Cross Poison).


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So it seems that crits are weaker but have a better chance of occuring.
I wonder how much of a help Scope Lens is now and what stacking with Super Luck brings the crit chance to.
Two potential abusers are Super Luck Absol (Night Slash, Psycho Cut) and Sniper Drapion (Night Slash, Cross Poison).
Where is this "higher crit chance" coming from? I haven't seen anything but a nerf to damage, not occurrence (aside from Already-high crit rate moves but you know)
So it seems that crits are weaker but have a better chance of occuring.
You probably just wrote it unclear, but just in case you misunderstood: Crits DO NOT have a better chance of occurring in general, but - as far as we know - only with focus energy (and maybe Super Luck/Scope Lens, but that's unsure).
So, unless Scope Lens' boost got greatly increased, Sniper-Mons will be all in all still weaker than before the nerf.
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I did want to make a Crit focused pokemon. I noticed that with my Beedrill after focus Energy she was criting a lot. Maybe if I can bring over a Sniper Bedrill with Drill Rush, give it focus Energy, Scope lense, then Pin Missile and something else, and watch the damage fly.

Yeah I know Beedrill isn't the best crit abuser, but I like Beedrill.

I also like FarFetched, and now it seems like he can truely Shine. GIve it a Jolly Nature, stick item, Max Speed and attack EV's, and defiant ability. GIve it Sticky Web Support, and watch things fall with Night Slash, Slash, Leaf Blade, And either Air Cutter/Sky attack/Aerial Ace/SOmething else..
I did want to make a Crit focused pokemon. I noticed that with my Beedrill after focus Energy she was criting a lot. Maybe if I can bring over a Sniper Bedrill with Drill Rush, give it focus Energy, Scope lense, then Pin Missile and something else, and watch the damage fly.

Yeah I know Beedrill isn't the best crit abuser, but I like Beedrill.

I also like FarFetched, and now it seems like he can truely Shine. GIve it a Jolly Nature, stick item, Max Speed and attack EV's, and defiant ability. GIve it Sticky Web Support, and watch things fall with Night Slash, Slash, Leaf Blade, And either Air Cutter/Sky attack/Aerial Ace/SOmething else..
I would give anyone all the interwebs cookies if they manages to make FARFETCH'D competitive in anyway.
I would give anyone all the interwebs cookies if they manages to make FARFETCH'D competitive in anyway.
Haha. I doubt he will be making waves, but I beleive it will hurt a lot of stuff. Switch in when you know someone my be using a stat lowering move to get that attack boost, and then with Jolly and sticky Web slowing people, you SHOULD be able to outspeed a lot... Again, he needs a lot of help, and probably won't be seen in the high teirs... but he should be able to hold his own now.

EDIT: Also, I doubt anyone would use Sky Attack, but imagine a Critical hit from a STABed sky attack with a 2 stage attack boost.
I did want to make a Crit focused pokemon. I noticed that with my Beedrill after focus Energy she was criting a lot. Maybe if I can bring over a Sniper Bedrill with Drill Rush, give it focus Energy, Scope lense, then Pin Missile and something else, and watch the damage fly.

Yeah I know Beedrill isn't the best crit abuser, but I like Beedrill.

I also like FarFetched, and now it seems like he can truely Shine. GIve it a Jolly Nature, stick item, Max Speed and attack EV's, and defiant ability. GIve it Sticky Web Support, and watch things fall with Night Slash, Slash, Leaf Blade, And either Air Cutter/Sky attack/Aerial Ace/SOmething else..
Once you have Focus Energy, Drill Run should crit 100% of the time without Scope Lens and half of Pin Missile's hits will crit. You're probably better off with a different item.
Does Sniper still increase crits to x3 damage or was that nerfed as well
I would be curious on that as well, since I do want to make a Sniper Crit themed Beedrill for fun

Once you have Focus Energy, Drill Run should crit 100% of the time without Scope Lens and half of Pin Missile's hits will crit. You're probably better off with a different item.
Ah ok. Thanks for that. Maybe Black Sludge for some Healing? Or Focus Sash?
I admit the x2 was annoying but the CH nerf is not that huge considering it's still gonna tear through +6 def / spD mons if the attack is super effective. It's still nice to have less chance of losing to it tho
Does Sniper still increase crits to x3 damage or was that nerfed as well
According to the research thread, Sniper's crit damage "modifier" is still x1.5. So a crit with Sniper does x2.25 damage. It's unfortunate. I was also hoping Sniper still did x3 crits.
According to the research thread, Sniper's crit damage "modifier" is still x1.5. So a crit with Sniper does x2.25 damage. It's unfortunate. I was also hoping Sniper still did x3 crits.
So you are still doing more damage then old CH, just not AS much... I guess that is still ok... I mean, with CH happening more often... does it kinda balance out?
So you are still doing more damage then old CH, just not AS much... I guess that is still ok... I mean, with CH happening more often... does it kinda balance out?
Just to make this perfectly clear to everyone, CRITICAL HITS DO NOT HAPPEN MORE OFTEN unless you're using a crit rate boosting item/ability or a incressed crit rate move, as far as we can tell. They do, however, seem to happen more often than they used to under those cercumstances in previous gens.
Just to make this perfectly clear to everyone, CRITICAL HITS DO NOT HAPPEN MORE OFTEN unless you're using a crit rate boosting item/ability or a incressed crit rate move, as far as we can tell. They do, however, seem to happen more often than they used to under those cercumstances in previous gens.
Ah, sorry. I was just speaking in terms of the increased crit moves and focus energy/items.
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