Pokémon XY Leaks

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Let's not be too hasty. Apparently the birds flee before the menu even comes up, so it could be that it just doesn't have time to show the message. Fingers crossed for Lightningrod Zapdos.
you still have to consider new normal type moves that garde may get, there's also *cough* swift and round to use

I want to say Echoed Voice but it's pretty obvious Fairy is a type people will try to get resists for in their teams. And even then, it stays really gimmicky.
you've got to be kidding me.... i JUST bought a new 3DS T-T just to find out its not region locked T^T
Apparently the system reads the cartridge but doesn't play the game, so don't worry. People are still investigating, but so far it seems like it's a... different kind of region lock. The current hypothesis is that the save data dictates the region, so technically a brand new game would be region free; however that's still speculation.
How do people know that Togekiss is Fairy/Flying if it's not in the dex?
Was it a fake rumor or what?

BTW I feel forced to buy the Y version because of Dragalge. It has the better exclusives, with the exception of Xerneas.
How do people know that Togekiss is Fairy/Flying if it's not in the dex?
Was it a fake rumor or what?

BTW I feel forced to buy the Y version because of Dragalge.

I think it was Kanpatchi who said that he got Togepi post-game possibly after he got the National Dex. Not sure if it was a catch or a story event, but he made a point to say it wasn't in any of the Kalos Dexes.
"Nintendo's copyright bill"?? What are you talking about, Nintendo can't pass laws.

From Webster's Dictionary;

Main Entry: 1copy·right
Pronunciation: \-ˌrīt\
Function: noun
Date: 1735
: the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something (as a literary, musical, or artistic

Nintendo has a copyright on all Pokemon titles and Pokemon names.
The terms of Nintendo's copyright bill states, once again, and please do not make me say this again, that "No parties may disclose information regarding the contents of the game without legal permission." this constitutes a legal Informational Embargo. NO PARTY other than Nintendo currently has the right to disclose any information on ANYTHING regarding the game without their permission. I did not say Nintendo passed any laws. Nintendo simply exercissed their right to protect their product under the law.
Something strikes me as odd on this list. I can understand version exclusives like Sawk and Throh, but Tyranitar and Aggron being exclusives is odd. We do know that from the super training mini-game that Aggron and Tyranitar both most likely have mega evolutions, so i wonder if any of the other exclusives have been split up because of possible mega evolutions, most notably Houndoom and Manectric.

Just a thought, of course.
This will probably be my last post before the lock tonight, so, as a seasoned Uncharted Territory lurker/poster and now moderator, I ask this from you:

Don't be dumb, don't derail, don't try to be funny, don't bait, don't fall for bait, don't take 4chan's word as gospel and READ THE GODDAMN OPENING POSTS JESUS CHRIST

And stop this copyright discussion.
The terms of Nintendo's copyright bill states
Nintendo do not and cannot have a "copyright bill". The terms of an embargo or nondisclosure agreement are determined by both parties and the resulting document is signed by them both. Copyright is (unsurprisingly) the right to copy. Telling people about the game you bought is not copying the game. Taking pictures of the screen of your 3DS is not copying.
I've been following the thread, but trying to skimp the details of new pokemon, but with the list posted on the previous page, i had a gander at the new type combination, and noticed a distinct lack of Ground/Fairy

Kotaku lied to me! I was really looking forward to that particular type combination.
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