Wii U


I've been dying for some discussion on Wii U... I feel like I know as much as an internet journalist, and I care more than Nintendo, so discuss with me the Wii U!!!

Pricing guesses! Launch guesses! Predicitions! Success or not? Power predictions!

Then once it comes out this can be the Wii U fun discussion and ID trading thread.



"Here is my guess:

Nintendo Wii U Console bundle: $299.99

Comes with Wii U and gamepad controller
Wii Remote Plus + Nunchuck

[Nintendoland not included, sold seperately for $40-$50] [It is currently listed on bestbuy.ca for $60 placeholder price, sold seperately.]
[Wii U Pro controller sold seperately for $45]

That's all, and that's pretty much the very maximum I would be comfortable paying for.

I think Nintendo is going to be very stubborn and try and sell this thing for a profit, and my guess it that it costs ~$250 to manufacture.

What I think they should do to be successful is give us all of the above and Nintendoland packaged inside for a maximum of $250. Sure, it would be below profit, but that will change over time!
Also, I would love them forever if they made all of the above less than $250. Wii U units would fly off the shelves, even if they would be selling below profit, which can change like it did with the 3DS."
Good lord, Overgro. I have been seeing you being obsessive on the Wii U since it was announced. Lol

Anyways I am really thinking that the Wii U is going to be a gimmick even more than the Wii. Don't get me wrong the Wii was pretty cool. Mario Galaxy was an awesome game and shows off the system strengths to it's best. However I am not so sold on the Wii U and why makes it so cool. I have kept up with it and seen it's features. I just don't know what makes it any better than the Wii. Does it even keep th same controls but can use he new one control as well?

Another main point that get me to stay away from Wii U hysteria is the price. I am no going to buy this it it's over 275$ if I am at all. I am sure as hell not going to be thrilled of Nitendo pulls a dumb move by selling bonus stuff (nitendo land, etc) for 10+ dollars.
Unfortunately I'm just not that excited for the WiiU right now. Graphics slightly better than the Xbox 360, a 7! year old product? Meh.

From what I've heard Nintendo isn't implementing a gamertag-like system either, so I'm somewhat reluctant on its online capabilities. (Hopefully it's improved over the Wii, good lord was the Wii's online terrible).

The controller seems like a miss to me, the screen will likely make it VERY expensive and it's distracting to have to look from the TV to the controller all the time. I heard only one is capable of connecting to the TV anyway so for multiplayer everyone else has to use a regular controller.

None of the launch titles excite me either. Perhaps I'll get it later when it's cheaper/ or if it turns out it's actually really, really good.

PS I think Nintendo made a mistake calling it the WiiU, and then only showcasing the controller in all its presentations. Because of that nobody I know even knows that this is a new console, rather some gimmicky controller add-on to the Wii.
I'm most excited for a new Super Smash Bros! God I love that series.

For Nintendo's sake, I hope the Wii U actually gets some good third party titles, and doesn't force the ones they do get to water down their content (or implement stupid remote gimmicks. Have any of you tried playing Call of Duty on the Wii? That's a nightmare. Nintendo can't really afford to let another generation of consoles go by without getting back some hardcore gaming fans they lost with the Wii (which sold well, but I doubt the Wii U will even come close)

@Avatar Korra: Well on the bright side, it will be impossible for the Wii U to have worse online play than the Wii.
Nintendo Wii U Console bundle: $299.99

Comes with Wii U and gamepad controller
Wii Remote Plus + Nunchuck

[Nintendoland not included, sold seperately for $40-$50] [It is currently listed on bestbuy.ca for $60 placeholder price, sold seperately.]
[Wii U Pro controller sold seperately for $45]

That's all, and that's pretty much the very maximum I would be comfortable paying for.

I think Nintendo is going to be very stubborn and try and sell this thing for a profit, and my guess it that it costs ~$250 to manufacture.

What I think they should do to be successful is give us all of the above and Nintendoland packaged inside for a maximum of $250. Sure, it would be below profit, but that will change over time!
Also, I would love them forever if they made all of the above less than $250. Wii U units would fly off the shelves, even if they would be selling below profit, which can change like it did with the 3DS."

I agree with a $299.99 launch price with Nintendo Land not being included. However, I disagree with a Wiimote+ and a nunchuk being thrown in that. If anything I feel like Nintendo would have different bundles similar to how Microsoft currently does for the 360.

The first is the standard $299.99 console with the gamepad included.
A second would be a $399.99 bundle with the Wii-U Pro Controller as well as a launch title game (most likely Nintendo Land).

Unfortunately I'm just not that excited for the WiiU right now. Graphics slightly better than the Xbox 360, a 7! year old product? Meh.

From what I've heard Nintendo isn't implementing a gamertag-like system either, so I'm somewhat reluctant on its online capabilities. (Hopefully it's improved over the Wii, good lord was the Wii's online terrible).

The controller seems like a miss to me, the screen will likely make it VERY expensive and it's distracting to have to look from the TV to the controller all the time. I heard only one is capable of connecting to the TV anyway so for multiplayer everyone else has to use a regular controller.

None of the launch titles excite me either. Perhaps I'll get it later when it's cheaper/ or if it turns out it's actually really, really good.

PS I think Nintendo made a mistake calling it the WiiU, and then only showcasing the controller in all its presentations. Because of that nobody I know even knows that this is a new console, rather some gimmicky controller add-on to the Wii.

I don't think the graphics should play such a big role in the Wii-U's success. What exactly do people want (or expect) these days? For me I'm fine with a native 1080p display with an FPS that matches the hz of my monitor (which for most people is 60). The Wii-U is capable of doing this for some games, but obviously not all. 3rd party games will struggle to get a 60 fps running at 1080p, and Nintendo announced that most of it's 1st party games would be running in 720p at 60 FPS.

Microsoft and Sony may be looking ahead into the future with their upcoming consoles, but I see it as a mistake. If their GPU is capable of running at 4k resolutions then sure that's great, but the general public won't have those for a while due to the cost. Plus the FPS will drop drastically at a resolution so high. Generally consoles release on par with a decent gaming PC and then their technology grows old.

I don't believe the controller will be very expensive. At best I would say $79.99. It's not multi-touch, and the rest of it's specs are not mind blowing.
Microsoft and Sony may be looking ahead into the future with their upcoming consoles, but I see it as a mistake. If their GPU is capable of running at 4k resolutions then sure that's great, but the general public won't have those for a while due to the cost. Plus the FPS will drop drastically at a resolution so high. Generally consoles release on par with a decent gaming PC and then their technology grows old.

Resolution is not the only thing that matters graphically. You could run a very old game at really high resolution and it'd still look bad, while most good looking games tend to look decent even on lower resolutions.
Didn't Nintendo Land already get confirmed as coming with the WiiU either during our shortly after E3?
i'm not much of a gamer in general, so i won't likely be buying the next wii near the release date. i won't even consider buying it at all until after it has good smash bros. and starfox games.
I don't see why people make such a big deal out of the graphics of the next-gen systems. First of all, honestly HD graphics to me are the absolute upper limit where the system graphics will actually make a difference. Second, it doesn't matter how good your graphics are as long as the game is fun (a department Nintendo really specializes in).
Ooooh boy! A game that I can play on a handheld device, games that have been out for 6 months or more, and Pikmin 3.

They aren't even trying anymore..
I personally think that the Wii U is a knock off, or expansion maybe of a tablet, and not a gaming system (even though it is). Its also kinda gimmicky looking.
Didn't Nintendo Land already get confirmed as coming with the WiiU either during our shortly after E3?

No, as of yet Nintendo has been silent on ANY launch details of the Wii U, and although mentioning how Nintendoland is a lot like Wii Sports in that it shows off the capabilities of the system in short games, they have not said anything about it coming together with the Wii U.
One strike against that however is that Nintendoland has been listed as a game that can be bought by BestBuy, Gamestop, etc.

From what I've heard Nintendo isn't implementing a gamertag-like system either

Actually, I believe they said they will be having unified accounts.


I shall now attempt to address any haters / skeptics:

"But what is there here that is an upgrade over the Wii?"
HD graphics, actual 3rd party support, new awesome tablet controller, backwards compatibility with your old Wii stuff, the ability to play all of Nintendo's next first-party games such as SSB, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Starfox, etc. Really I don't even understand this argument.

"Xbox Next and PS4 are just around the corner, and will blow this system away with their power"
Sorry dude, nothing is confirmed with those systems. Besides, it's all about gameplay, which Nintendo excels in. Graphics will likely be better on the next systems, that is true, but the difference in graphics and polygon counts and whatnot will certainly be less prevalent than it was with the Wii. Check out that awesome Garden Demo from E3 2011.
Also, keep in mind that these next consoles will likely be priced at $350 BARE MINIMUM if they are to be so powerful and so amazing. Yes, nothing is confirmed, but if you sincerely believe there will be that much difference in performance, there's probably going to be that much difference in price too.
As it is, the Wii U is confirmed going to be more powerful than the current gen, so again the difference will be lessened. To quote the official Rayman Legends webiste: "Additionally, the power of the machine has helped pave the way for new, more detailed graphics and lighting"

The risk is there I suppose for 3rd parties to leave the Wii U once the other consoles come out. However, UE4 games (likely to be the prominent engine for the latter half of this upcoming console generation [we're talking years after the next PS360s come out]) can easily be ported to the Wii U according to Epic.
CryEngine3 is works beautifully on the Wii U and there is a game in development for the Wii U that utilizes it.
Havoc physics, and so many other engines work very well on the Wii U, so I wouldn't be worried about a thing when it comes to multiplatform (see Assassins Creed 3 and Rayman Legends). The only thing holding some developers back is their caution and distaste for Nintendo. However, caution is uneeded, because Ubisoft said that it is very cheap to develop for Wii U anyway.

Furthermore, this is just the beginning for the Wii U. It took developers over 4 years to come to terms with the PS360. The Wii U hasn't even released yet.
Definitely not going to be buying a WiiU anytime close to launch, the Wii was a pretty disappointing console and so far the WiiU's biggest claims to fame are "it has multiplatforms" and "it has modern hardware" which other platforms (especially PC) kind of trump, I haven't seen any exciting games for it yet.
Also, keep in mind that these next consoles will likely be priced at $350 BARE MINIMUM if they are to be so powerful and so amazing. Yes, nothing is confirmed, but if you sincerely believe there will be that much difference in performance, there's probably going to be that much difference in price too.
didn't you say in the first post that Nintendo would probably try to sell this at a profit? seeing as MS and Sony have been known to do the opposite it wouldn't be at all surprising for their consoles to be superior graphically.

regardless I don't think graphics are going to be a big point of contention this gen, they're starting to run up a wall of diminishing returns and all rumors of the ps4/720 have suggested much less of a focus on hardware
I'm saying that there will be a difference in price for sure. Remember the launch of the 360? How about the PS3? Those were ridiculous price tags... and they were below profit.
I'm saying they'll likely be more powerful, but they'll also be more pricey.

I think if you're right and graphics and hardware and power play less of a part in this upcoming generation, it will be very interesting to see how each console differentiates itself (kind of like what Nintendo was doing for the longest time, haha)
Now in my country:

Over 70% (rly) of what we pay is tax.

I have heard something about "Wii U won't make the same mistake as 3DS and will not be so expansive"

Well then I guess it will be just a little bit over the debut price of Wii

Nintendo Wii U Console bundle: R$1400,00

Comes with Wii U and gamepad controller
Wii Remote Plus + Nunchuck

[Nintendoland not included, sold separately, this is really bad for us, is hard like a Metapod to find things that are sold separately (find a store selling the console is a blessing already) things like controllers and games are as rare as Palkia in Uber games. And they are expansive like a Master Ball. Release games costs R$220,00 for Wii, so I would say R$260,00 for this one.
[Wii U Pro controller will not be sold for a long time, at least not in a price worth paying, controlers have the same price as debut games, and fancy controlers are insane, I remember when the “Wii remote v.2” was out for sale, it was for R$399,00]

Guess who still going to buy it as soon there is a Super Smash Bros for it.

The launch will be a month after the launch in the USA, it will drawn little attention, since it is overpriced, the lame technologic magazine that covers this stuff will talk about it, they will say "should wait the prices go down" and will only talk about it again as soon as a Mario game is out (it was the same for the release of GameCube, Wii, DS and 3DS, and the same for other consoles I care less)
It will be successful and at the same time, it will not.
Believe me, Wii is still famous around her because of Wii Sports. LoL.
While a small community will enjoy the releases and thanks Arceus every day for the Wi-Fi, people with lots of money, but that don’t even know why they brought the console home, will just stay at Nintendoland, for. ever.
As for Power I’m very enthusiasts, I hope it will be able to read games from past consoles like Wii do, I hope it will still read Game Cube discs, and I also hope it will read games from the next console, and I demand for it to read DvD, blue ray etc.

Mark my words. For i have seen in the eyes of the future.
Not to rain on the party at all, but...

I got burned with the Wii. I bought it day 1 when it was most expensive. I do not regret buying a Wii one bit. But I do regret buying it so soon. The main reason I wanted it was for the newest Zelda. Unfortunately they tried to peddle a Gamecube port of Twilight Princess as a Wii game, which it was not. I had to wait 5 years to play the only game I seriously wanted to play on the Wii.

That being said, I've used my Wii nearly every day for web browsing (before my wife got a laptop), and Netflix Instant View, (which is very nice to have on a much bigger screen). I've also enjoyed great games such as Pokemon Battle Revolution (before we had 5th gen random wifi it was literally THE best way to practice for VGCs), Mario Galxy 2, and finally Skyward Sword (as well as notable others along the way).

I said all that to say this. I am extremely excited about the WiiU and the possibilities the new controller brings. I think it's going to lead to some great games. I can't wait to get all the (necessary) clutter out of the Zelda top screen and move it all to the bottom screen so I can have a more cinematic Zelda experience! But there's no way I'm going to spend the money on a new console when I have an amazing 3DS in my pocket right now and can do most of the stuff that the WiiU will offer on my nice, perfectly running Wii.

That is, until the moment they leak anything from the next Zelda. I will jump on the WiiU so hard.
I just hope Nintendo has learned from their past mistakes and decided to launch a first party title AAA title with the console...I mean seriously when your best game is a port of another that's been out (ala SF4 for the 3DS), something is kinda wrong. If you have at least a Mario or something, it's far more incentive than some kinda random fluffy ones...hell we're still waiting for another Pokemon battling game like PBR or Collo/XD, if they someone sneak a launch of one of those with the Wii U you'd have tons of players already lining up for it.
As someone who waited in the cold for a Wii I will not be buying a Wii-U at launch, near launch or probably any time soon. Until Nintendo starts to release some new and/or exciting games I won't be buying a WiiU.