OU CCAT: Zoroark [See Post #663]

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Flash Fire
252 SpA / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- HP Ice
- Rock Slide

0Atk Heatran (-Atk) Rock Slide vs 4HP/0Def Volcarona (Standard) (Neutral): 80% - 96% (252 - 300 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
0Atk Heatran (-Atk) Rock Slide vs 240HP/216Def Volcarona (BulkyRona) (+Def): 47% - 56% (176 - 208 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 18% chance to 2HKO.

Beats Volc and checks DNite and Scizor. Pair this with a RK and we're set IMO. Also does well vs. Sun teams. Thoughts?
Heatran @ Air Balloon
Flash Fire
252 SpA / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- HP Ice
- Rock Slide

0Atk Heatran (-Atk) Rock Slide vs 4HP/0Def Volcarona (Standard) (Neutral): 80% - 96% (252 - 300 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
0Atk Heatran (-Atk) Rock Slide vs 240HP/216Def Volcarona (BulkyRona) (+Def): 47% - 56% (176 - 208 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 18% chance to 2HKO.

Beats Volc and checks DNite and Scizor. Pair this with a RK and we're set IMO. Also does well vs. Sun teams. Thoughts?

id put more investment in def if you want it to check dnite. dont ever wanna take a banded outrage.
O.k, as promised, here is a list of attacking threats I feel we struggle to deal with. Stuff I rather like are in BOLD
Rotom W

From this I can say that we NEED a steel type, urgently. Currently, dragon attacks rip through our team and there is very little we can do to handle them. Also, pokemon such as Starmie also destroy us, as well as Volcarona, which can sweep if Gyarados is down (not that hard to do at all between Stealth Rock, LO Recoil and Double Edge Recoil). Its a big list, but I am sure that we can cut down on that somewhat.

Our best bets I think, for this is going to be either Jirachi or Scizor. Both of these do an amazing job at handling most of whats on that list, and lets us pick a final member designed to break apart stall cores. Specially Defensive Jirachi sounds good, although I do hate how it stalls our offensive momentum, and therefore favour something like CM + Wish Jirachi (for survivability), or just Scarf Jirachi so it can outspeed everything and revenge. CB Scizor also looks good for revenging most of whats on that list, and it works kinda well with the priority from Donphan which helps us pick off quite a lot of threats.


I have no actually playtested my suggestions yet as university is a bit tricky right now but I will get to it!!!

I'm not very active in posting in this, but I've been lurking for a while. Most of these threats are easily dealt with by.....(who I'm nominating)


Dugtrio @ focus sash
Ability-Arena Trap
EVs-252 Atk, 252 Speed
-Sucker Punch
-Stone Edge

Kills Tornadus,Volcarona, Kyrem, Tornadus, and Salamance with Stone Edge, trapping Volcarona and Kyrem. Starmie, and Latias are killed by Sucker Punch. Most of the pokemon listed, bar Virizion, are 2hkoed by Dugtrio.
Posting to say that this nomination round is going to last a little longer than planned. For starters my old computer is transfering all my files and setting to my new computer which is taking longer than planned, I need to reinstall a heck of a lot of programs, and I have 3, 3,000 word essays due by Wednesday. If Pocket has a moment, he will post the nomination ballot, (please don't bother him via PM tho please) otherwise, ill set up the ballot Thursday my time which is wednesday your time. Sorry about the delay. In the meantime, take a look at the team again, pick out things we need, threats, something we would like etc etc and nominate a few more things
At the heatran, doesn't heatran also learn stone edge? Perhaps this should be considered, if we aren't just going to use something like specially defensive jellicent.
Heatran @ Air Balloon
Flash Fire
252 SpA / 4 SpDef / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- HP Ice
- Rock Slide

0Atk Heatran (-Atk) Rock Slide vs 4HP/0Def Volcarona (Standard) (Neutral): 80% - 96% (252 - 300 HP). Guaranteed 2HKO.
0Atk Heatran (-Atk) Rock Slide vs 240HP/216Def Volcarona (BulkyRona) (+Def): 47% - 56% (176 - 208 HP). Guaranteed 3HKO. 18% chance to 2HKO.

Beats Volc and checks DNite and Scizor. Pair this with a RK and we're set IMO. Also does well vs. Sun teams. Thoughts?

I'd go rash, so no attack drop, and run stone edge. Can't be bothered running a calc sorry, but I can say it would easily 2HKO bulkyrona
I'd go rash, so no attack drop, and run stone edge. Can't be bothered running a calc sorry, but I can say it would easily 2HKO bulkyrona

We don't want to drop either defense as that removes a good deal of Heatran's ability to switch in on either Latios DM or random physical attacks. Besides, we don't need to 2HKO BulkyRona. It doesn't stand a chance against Heatran regardless.
That set sucks, anyway. From my testing, the combination of Heatran + Gyarados is enough to deter every Volcarona I've seen, though a Morning Sun or ChestoRest played well might give us trouble, but that applies to just about every team. Personally, my biggest gripe is that Zoroark is nearly impossible to switch in, so I have to either lead with it, which my opponent usually expects, or wait for one of my Pokemon to fall. Haxorus is an awesome Pokemon for Illusion, people do crazy things when it comes in.
Just saw this pretty cool thread, and I decided to submit my own one-shot wonder:

Shuckle @ Leftovers

Ability: Sturdy

Nature: Sassy (+S.Def, -Spd)

EV's: 252 HP, 252 Def, 4 S.Def

Moveset: Stone Edge, Bug Bite, Gyro Ball, Power Trick

What this thing is, is a specially bulky physical sweeper. Only one major drawback to this set is the vulnerable Defense stat it leaves after using Power Trick to boost its attack to unholy levels.

When switched in and used in conjunction with a good Trick Room Pokemon (Such as Porygon2), Shuckle becomes twice as dangerous, as it's now able to move first.

I haven't tested it much, but it works wonders if you know what you're doing with it.
But does it work with the team we are using? We are using an offensive team and this Pokemon just doesn't contribute to Heavy Offense at all, much less our team.
That set sucks, anyway. From my testing, the combination of Heatran + Gyarados is enough to deter every Volcarona I've seen, though a Morning Sun or ChestoRest played well might give us trouble, but that applies to just about every team. Personally, my biggest gripe is that Zoroark is nearly impossible to switch in, so I have to either lead with it, which my opponent usually expects, or wait for one of my Pokemon to fall. Haxorus is an awesome Pokemon for Illusion, people do crazy things when it comes in.

If its hard to switch in, it sounds like it needs more volt turn, namely chuck scizor and rotom-W onto the team.
The switch-ins also have to be slow users.With slow, but hard hitting volt-turners we keep heavy damage, and we get zoroark in unscathed. So if we do decide to nominate a volt-turner, he should probably be slow and hit like a nuke. I'd like to nominate one more pokemon, that can take care of the threats, and also get a slow U-turn/Volt Switch off.

Evs-252hp/252Sp. def/4 Sp.Atk
-Volt Switch
-Hidden Power Flying
-Heat Wave

Not exactly the slowest, but slow enough without any investment. Gives us the turn advantage into zoroark that we need, and also takes care of threats like Virizion, Volcarona, Starmie, and Tornadus, forcing either a switch or flat out KOing.
Seeing as we have limited team-slots here, I'm bringing out my big gun. Anyone that saw the King Killers thread should be familiar with it.
I'll be using this post as data storage and I'll be editing it through the day. It shouldn't take too long though.


Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb]) Gyro Ball 75 - 88.46% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Macho Brace]) Gyro Ball 62.63 - 73.62% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Empoleon (OU Agility [Life Orb]) Ice Beam 58.79 - 69.23% Hydro Pump 27.47 - 32.41%
Empoleon (OU Choice Specs) Ice Beam 67.03 - 79.12% Hydro Pump 31.59 - 37.36%
Empoleon (UU Agility) Ice Beam 58.79 - 69.23% Hydro Pump 27.47 - 32.41%
Metagross (OU Agility [Life Orb]) Meteor Mash 65.38 - 77.47% Ice Punch 65.38 - 77.47%
Metagross (OU Agility) Ice Punch 50.54 - 59.89% Meteor Mash 50.54 - 59.61%
Metagross (OU Choice Band) Meteor Mash 83.24 - 98.07% Pursuit 44.5 - 52.74%
Metagross (OU Choice Scarf) Ice Punch 50.54 - 59.89% Meteor Mash 50.54 - 59.61%
Metagross (OU Mixed [Expert Belt]) Ice Punch 67.03 - 79.12% Meteor Mash 55.49 - 65.38%
Metagross (OU Mixed [Life Orb]) Ice Punch 72.52 - 85.71% Meteor Mash 71.97 - 84.89%
Metagross (OU Stealth Rock) Meteor Mash 55.49 - 65.38% Bullet Punch 22.52 - 26.64%
Metagross (OU Trick + Iron Ball) Ice Punch 56.04 - 65.93% Meteor Mash 55.49 - 65.38%
Regice (NU RestTalk) Ice Beam 62.63 - 74.17% Thunderbolt 10.43 - 12.36%
Regice (NU Thunder Wave) Ice Beam 62.63 - 74.17% Thunderbolt 10.43 - 12.36%
Regice (RU All-Out Attacker [Choice Specs]) Ice Beam 92.85 - 110.43% Focus Blast 19.5 - 23.07%
Regice (RU All-Out Attacker [Life Orb]) Ice Beam 81.31 - 96.15% Focus Blast 17.03 - 20.05%
Regice (RU Rock Polish) Ice Beam 81.31 - 96.15% Thunderbolt 13.46 - 15.93%
Snorlax (OU Offensive [Choice Band]) Body Slam 60.98 - 71.97% Pursuit 38.46 - 45.6%
Snorlax (UU CurseLax) Selfdestruct 70.05 - 82.69% Crunch 37.36 - 44.5%
Snorlax (UU Offensive [Choice Band]) Return 73.35 - 86.53% Pursuit 38.46 - 45.6%
Tyranitar (OU Choice Band) Crunch 131.86 - 155.49% Stone Edge 82.41 - 97.25%
Tyranitar (OU Choice Scarf) Crunch 80.76 - 95.6% Stone Edge 50.27 - 59.34%
Tyranitar (OU Dragon Dance [Life Orb]) Crunch 104.39 - 123.62% Stone Edge 65.1 - 76.92%
Tyranitar (OU Dragon Dance) Crunch 80.76 - 95.6% Stone Edge 50.27 - 59.34%
Tyranitar (OU Mixed Attacker) Crunch 66.48 - 79.12% Ice Beam 30.76 - 36.81%
Tyranitar (OU Specially Defensive) Crunch 66.48 - 79.12% Pursuit 33.51 - 40.1%
Tyranitar (OU TyraniBoah (SubPunch) [Sand Stream]) Crunch 69.78 - 82.96% Focus Punch 21.7 - 25.82%
Tyranitar (OU TyraniBoah (SubPunch)) Crunch 69.78 - 82.96% Focus Punch 21.7 - 25.82%


Abomasnow (OU Choice Scarf) Grass Knot 90.42 - 106.51% Blizzard 33.71 - 39.84%
Abomasnow (OU Mixed Attacker) Wood Hammer 179.31 - 212.26% Blizzard 30.65 - 36.01%
Abomasnow (OU Physical Attacker) Wood Hammer 149.42 - 177.01% Earthquake 41.37 - 49.04%
Abomasnow (OU SubSeed) Wood Hammer 95.01 - 112.64% Blizzard 26.43 - 31.03%
Celebi (OU Calm Mind) Giga Drain 80.45 - 95.01% HP Fire 12.26 - 14.55%
Celebi (OU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Leaf Storm 166.28 - 196.16% Earth Power 36.01 - 42.52%
Celebi (OU Choice [Choice Specs]) Leaf Storm 249.04 - 294.25% Earth Power 53.63 - 63.21%
Celebi (OU Defensive) Giga Drain 71.26 - 83.52% HP Fire 11.11 - 13.02%
Celebi (OU Nasty Plot Sweeper [Life Orb]) Giga Drain 127.2 - 150.19% Earth Power 50.95 - 60.15%
Celebi (OU Nasty Plot Sweeper) Giga Drain 97.31 - 115.7% Earth Power 39.08 - 46.36%
Celebi (OU Navi (Non-Choice Attacker) [Life Orb]) Leaf Storm 218.39 - 257.47% U-turn 52.1 - 61.3%
Celebi (OU Navi (Non-Choice Attacker)) Leaf Storm 168.58 - 198.46% U-turn 39.84 - 47.5%
Celebi (OU Specially Defensive) Giga Drain 71.26 - 83.52% HP Fire 11.11 - 13.02%
Celebi (OU Tinkerbell) Leaf Storm 234.48 - 276.62% HP Fire 19.54 - 23.37%
Clefable (RU Calm Mind) Thunderbolt 96.55 - 114.17% Ice Beam 24.13 - 28.35%
Clefable (RU Tank) Double-Edge 81.99 - 96.93% Grass Knot 57.47 - 68.19%
Clefable (RU Wallbreaker) Double-Edge 81.99 - 96.93% Grass Knot 74.32 - 88.12%
Clefable (UU Life Orb) Double-Edge 81.99 - 96.93% Grass Knot 74.32 - 88.12%
Cradily (NU Support) Energy Ball 64.36 - 75.86% HP Fire 9.19 - 11.11%
Cradily (NU Swords Dance) Stone Edge 57.85 - 68.19% Earthquake 38.69 - 45.59%
Cradily (RU Support) Energy Ball 64.36 - 75.86% HP Fire 9.19 - 11.11%
Cradily (RU Swords Dance) Stone Edge 57.85 - 68.19% Earthquake 38.69 - 45.59%
Cradily (UU Swords Dance) Stone Edge 57.85 - 68.19% Earthquake 38.69 - 45.59%
Cradily (UU Tank) Energy Ball 64.36 - 75.86% Rock Slide 29.88 - 35.63%
Dragonair (NU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 91.18 - 108.04% ExtremeSpeed 40.99 - 48.27%
Dragonair (RU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 91.18 - 108.04% ExtremeSpeed 40.99 - 48.27%
Ferrothorn (OU Choice Band) Power Whip 226.05 - 266.66% Explosion 157.08 - 185.05%
Ferrothorn (OU Standard) Power Whip 108.04 - 127.2% Gyro Ball 33.71 - 39.84%
Gardevoir (NU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Shadow Ball 74.32 - 88.12% Psychic 31.03 - 36.78%
Gardevoir (NU Choice [Choice Specs]) Shadow Ball 111.11 - 131.03% Psychic 47.12 - 55.17%
Gardevoir (NU Offensive Calm Mind) Shadow Ball 96.55 - 114.17% Psychic 40.22 - 47.89%
Gardevoir (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Thunderbolt 88.12 - 104.21% Shadow Ball 74.32 - 88.12%
Gardevoir (RU Choice [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 131.8 - 155.55% Shadow Ball 111.11 - 131.03%
Gardevoir (RU Substitute + 3 Attacks) Thunderbolt 88.12 - 104.21% Psychic 31.03 - 36.78%
Gastrodon (OU Choice Specs) HP Grass 86.59 - 102.68% Earth Power 83.9 - 98.85%
Gurdurr (NU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 108.04 - 127.96% Drain Punch 30.65 - 36.01%
Gurdurr (NU Bulk Up) Payback 72.79 - 85.82% Drain Punch 20.3 - 24.13%
Gurdurr (RU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 98.85 - 116.47% Drain Punch 27.58 - 32.95%
Gurdurr (RU Bulk Up) Payback 65.9 - 78.16% Drain Punch 18.39 - 21.83%
Gurdurr (UU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 98.85 - 116.47% Drain Punch 27.58 - 32.56%
Gurdurr (UU Bulk Up) Payback 65.9 - 78.16% Drain Punch 18.39 - 21.83%
Hypno (NU Nasty Plot) Shadow Ball 57.47 - 68.19% Psychic 24.13 - 28.73%
Jellicent (OU Choice Specs) Shadow Ball 140.99 - 166.28% Water Spout 65.9 - 77.77%
Jellicent (OU Special Wall) Shadow Ball 65.13 - 78.16% Scald 16.09 - 19.54%
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf) U-turn 55.93 - 66.66% Iron Head 24.13 - 28.35%
Jirachi (OU SubCM) Thunderbolt 60.53 - 71.26% Flash Cannon 18.77 - 22.22%
Jirachi (OU Superachi! (Offensive Calm Mind)) Grass Knot 64.36 - 75.86% Psychic 26.81 - 31.8%
Jirachi (OU Wish + Calm Mind) Thunderbolt 59.77 - 70.49% Flash Cannon 18.77 - 22.22%
Jynx (RU Choice Scarf) Energy Ball 69.73 - 82.75% Ice Beam 31.03 - 36.78%
Kecleon (NU SubPunch) Sucker Punch 65.13 - 77.39% Focus Punch 30.65 - 36.01%
Kingdra (OU ChestoRest Dragon Dance) Outrage 70.11 - 82.75% Waterfall 23.37 - 27.58%
Kingdra (OU Choice Specs) Draco Meteor 132.18 - 155.55% Dragon Pulse 85.05 - 100.38%
Kingdra (OU Mixed Dragon Dance [Life Orb]) Outrage 99.23 - 117.24% Waterfall 32.95 - 39.08%
Kingdra (OU Mixed Dragon Dance) Outrage 76.24 - 90.03% Waterfall 25.28 - 29.88%
Kingdra (OU Mixed Rain Dance) Draco Meteor 114.94 - 135.63% Hydro Pump 49.04 - 57.85%
Kingdra (OU Special Rain Dance) Draco Meteor 114.94 - 135.63% Dragon Pulse 73.94 - 87.35%
Kingdra (UU ChestoRest) Outrage 70.49 - 83.14% Waterfall 23.37 - 27.58%
Kingdra (UU Choice Specs) Draco Meteor 132.18 - 155.55% HP Electric 88.12 - 104.21%
Kingdra (UU Rain Dance Sweeper) Draco Meteor 114.94 - 135.63% Dragon Pulse 73.94 - 87.35%
Kingdra (UU Substitute + Dragon Dance) Outrage 76.24 - 90.03% Waterfall 25.28 - 29.88%
Kyurem (OU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Draco Meteor 100 - 117.62% Blizzard 42.52 - 50.57%
Kyurem (OU Choice [Choice Specs]) Draco Meteor 149.42 - 176.24% Blizzard 63.98 - 75.47%
Kyurem (OU Life Orb) Draco Meteor 129.88 - 152.87% Outrage 95.4 - 112.64%
Kyurem (OU Substitute + 3 Attacks) Dragon Pulse 70.11 - 82.75% Blizzard 46.36 - 54.78%
Lanturn (RU Choice Specs) Thunderbolt 156.32 - 184.67% Volt Switch 115.7 - 136.39%
Lanturn (RU Parafusion) Volt Switch 52.87 - 62.83% Ice Beam 11.87 - 14.17%
Lanturn (RU Rain Dance) Thunder 131.8 - 156.32% Volt Switch 78.16 - 91.95%
Lanturn (RU RestTalk) Thunderbolt 71.26 - 85.05% Scald 14.94 - 18%
Lanturn (RU Tank) Volt Switch 52.87 - 62.83% Scald 14.94 - 18%
Lanturn (UU Rain Dance) Volt Switch 78.16 - 91.95% Hydro Pump 32.95 - 39.08%
Lanturn (UU RestTalk) Thunderbolt 71.26 - 85.05% Scald 14.94 - 18%
Lanturn (UU Special Tank) Thunderbolt 71.26 - 85.05% Scald 14.94 - 18%
Lanturn (UU SubCharge) Charge Beam 55.93 - 66.66% Surf 26.05 - 31.03%
Lapras (NU Specially Defensive) Thunderbolt 52.87 - 62.83% Ice Beam 19.54 - 23.37%
Lickilicky (RU Choice Band) Explosion 220.68 - 259.77% Power Whip 141.76 - 167.04%
Ludicolo (OU Special Rain) Giga Drain 119.54 - 140.99% Hydro Pump 47.5 - 56.32%
Ludicolo (OU Swords Dance) Seed Bomb 110.34 - 129.5% Waterfall 27.58 - 32.18%
Ludicolo (RU Offensive Tank [Life Orb]) Giga Drain 119.54 - 140.99% Scald 31.8 - 37.54%
Ludicolo (RU Offensive Tank) Giga Drain 91.95 - 108.81% Scald 24.13 - 28.73%
Ludicolo (RU Rain Special Attacker) Giga Drain 119.54 - 140.99% Hydro Pump 47.5 - 56.32%
Ludicolo (RU Swords Dance) Seed Bomb 110.34 - 129.5% Waterfall 27.58 - 32.18%
Ludicolo (UU Rain Dance Sweeper) Giga Drain 119.54 - 140.99% Hydro Pump 47.5 - 56.32%
Ludicolo (UU Swords Dance) Seed Bomb 110.34 - 129.5% Waterfall 27.58 - 32.18%
Muk (NU Choice Band) Poison Jab 80.84 - 95.78% Shadow Sneak 54.4 - 64.36%
Muk (RU Choice Band) Gunk Shot 121.83 - 143.67% Shadow Sneak 54.4 - 64.36%
Muk (RU SubPunch) Gunk Shot 80.84 - 95.78% Shadow Sneak 36.78 - 43.67%
Muk (RU Tank) Gunk Shot 80.84 - 95.78% Shadow Sneak 36.78 - 43.67%
Porygon (NU Agility) Thunderbolt 88.12 - 104.21% Tri Attack 55.55 - 65.9%
Porygon (NU Tank [Analytic]) Discharge 81.99 - 96.55% Tri Attack 61.3 - 72.41%
Porygon (NU Tank) Discharge 62.83 - 74.32% Tri Attack 47.12 - 55.55%
Porygon2 (OU Defensive Duck) Discharge 52.1 - 62.06% Ice Beam 15.32 - 18.39%
Porygon2 (OU Trick Room) Thunderbolt 85.82 - 101.14% Ice Beam 21.45 - 25.28%
Porygon2 (UU Defensive Duck) Thunderbolt 62.06 - 73.56% Ice Beam 15.32 - 18.39%
Porygon2 (UU Offensive) Discharge 72.79 - 85.82% Tri Attack 54.4 - 64.36%
Porygon2 (UU Trick Room) Thunderbolt 85.82 - 101.14% Ice Beam 21.45 - 25.28%
Regice (NU RestTalk) Thunderbolt 82.75 - 98.08% Ice Beam 31.03 - 36.78%
Regice (NU Thunder Wave) Thunderbolt 82.75 - 98.08% Ice Beam 31.03 - 36.78%
Regice (RU All-Out Attacker [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 124.13 - 146.36% Ice Beam 46.36 - 54.78%
Regice (RU All-Out Attacker [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 108.04 - 127.2% Ice Beam 40.22 - 47.5%
Regice (RU Rock Polish) Thunderbolt 108.04 - 127.2% Ice Beam 40.22 - 47.5%
Regice (RU Support) Thunderbolt 59.77 - 70.49% Seismic Toss 38.31 - 38.31%
Regigigas (NU Substitute + Rock Polish) Return 94.25 - 110.72% Zen Headbutt 24.52 - 29.11%
Regigigas (NU Thunder Wave) Return 72.79 - 86.2% Drain Punch 18 - 21.07%
Regigigas (RU Defensive) Return 72.79 - 86.2% Earthquake 47.5 - 56.32%
Regirock (NU Offensive Tank) Stone Edge 65.51 - 77.39% Earthquake 43.67 - 51.72%
Regirock (RU Sunny Day) Stone Edge 52.1 - 62.06% Fire Punch 13.02 - 15.32%
Regirock (RU Tank) Stone Edge 52.1 - 62.06% Drain Punch 13.02 - 15.32%
Roselia (RU Utility) Giga Drain 71.26 - 83.52% Sludge Bomb 42.52 - 50.57%
Rotom-W (OU Bulky Attacker) Volt Switch 95.01 - 112.64% Hydro Pump 40.22 - 47.89%
Rotom-W (OU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Volt Switch 85.82 - 101.91% Hydro Pump 36.78 - 43.67%
Rotom-W (OU Choice [Choice Specs]) Volt Switch 129.5 - 152.49% Hydro Pump 55.17 - 65.13%
Rotom-W (OU SubSplit) Thunderbolt 165.51 - 195.4% Hydro Pump 51.72 - 61.3%
Scrafty (OU Bulk Up) Crunch 71.26 - 83.52% Drain Punch 16.09 - 19.54%
Scrafty (OU Dragon Dance [Life Orb]) Crunch 117.24 - 137.93% Hi Jump Kick 47.12 - 55.17%
Scrafty (OU Dragon Dance) Crunch 90.42 - 106.51% Hi Jump Kick 36.01 - 42.52%
Scraggy (NU Bulk Up) Payback 74.32 - 88.12% Drain Punch 13.79 - 16.47%
Shedinja (NU Swords Dance) X-Scissor 97.31 - 115.7% Shadow Sneak 49.04 - 58.23%
Shedinja (RU Swords Dance) X-Scissor 97.31 - 115.7% Shadow Sneak 49.04 - 58.23%
Slowking (RU Choice Specs) Grass Knot 104.21 - 123.37% Surf 46.36 - 54.78%
Slowking (RU Nasty Plot) HP Grass 61.3 - 72.79% Surf 31.03 - 36.78%
Snorlax (OU CurseLax) Return 52.1 - 62.06% Earthquake 34.48 - 40.61%
Snorlax (OU Offensive [Choice Band]) Body Slam 88.88 - 104.98% Earthquake 70.11 - 82.75%
Snorlax (OU Offensive) Body Slam 59.77 - 70.49% Earthquake 46.74 - 55.17%
Snorlax (UU CurseLax) Selfdestruct 102.29 - 120.68% Crunch 55.17 - 65.13%
Snorlax (UU Offensive [Choice Band]) Return 107.27 - 126.43% Earthquake 70.11 - 82.75%
Snorlax (UU Offensive) Return 71.26 - 84.29% Earthquake 46.74 - 55.17%
Throh (NU ChestoRest [Guts]) Payback 95.01 - 111.87% Circle Throw 21.07 - 25.28%
Throh (NU ChestoRest) Payback 63.6 - 75.09% Circle Throw 14.17 - 16.85%
Throh (OU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 99.61 - 117.24% Stone Edge 49.8 - 58.62%
Throh (OU Bulk Up) Payback 66.66 - 78.92% Stone Edge 33.33 - 39.46%
Throh (RU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 95.01 - 111.87% Circle Throw 21.07 - 25.28%
Throh (RU Bulk Up) Payback 63.6 - 75.09% Circle Throw 14.17 - 16.85%
Throh (UU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 95.01 - 111.87% Circle Throw 21.07 - 25.28%
Throh (UU Bulk Up) Payback 63.6 - 75.09% Circle Throw 14.17 - 16.85%
Togekiss (OU Offensive Nasty Plot) Air Slash 57.85 - 68.19% Fire Blast 30.65 - 36.01%
Togekiss (UU Choice Scarf) Air Slash 50.95 - 60.15% Fire Blast 26.81 - 31.8%
Togekiss (UU Mixed Attacker) ExtremeSpeed 68.19 - 80.45% Air Slash 65.9 - 78.16%
Togekiss (UU Offensive Nasty Plot) Air Slash 57.85 - 68.19% Fire Blast 30.65 - 36.01%
Umbreon (UU Wish Support) Payback 66.66 - 78.92% (none) 0 - 0%


Ampharos (NU Tank [Choice Specs]) HP Ice 57.4 - 67.9% Focus Blast 48.76 - 57.71%
Ampharos (NU Tank [Life Orb]) HP Ice 50 - 59.25% Focus Blast 42.28 - 50%
Arbok (NU Coil [Life Orb]) Gunk Shot 170.37 - 200.61% Earthquake 23.45 - 27.77%
Arbok (NU Coil) Gunk Shot 130.24 - 154.32% Earthquake 18.2 - 21.29%
Arbok (RU Coiling Cobra) Gunk Shot 130.24 - 154.32% Earthquake 18.2 - 21.29%
Arcanine (OU Physical Attacker [Choice Band]) Flare Blitz 232.09 - 274.07% Close Combat 77.46 - 91.35%
Arcanine (OU Physical Attacker [Life Orb]) Flare Blitz 201.85 - 237.65% Close Combat 67.28 - 79.32%
Arcanine (UU Offensive [Flash Fire]) Flare Blitz 301.85 - 355.55% Close Combat 67.28 - 79.32%
Arcanine (UU Offensive) Flare Blitz 201.85 - 237.65% Close Combat 67.28 - 79.32%
Arcanine (UU Physically Defensive) Flare Blitz 113.58 - 133.95% ExtremeSpeed 25.3 - 29.93%
Arcanine (UU Sunny Day [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 115.43 - 137.03% SolarBeam 19.13 - 22.83%
Arcanine (UU Sunny Day) Fire Blast 88.88 - 105.55% SolarBeam 14.81 - 17.59%
Ariados (NU Toxic Spikes) Poison Jab 90.74 - 107.4% Sucker Punch 15.12 - 17.9%
Armaldo (NU Choice Band) X-Scissor 77.16 - 91.04% Superpower 76.85 - 90.74%
Armaldo (NU Offensive Rapid Spin) X-Scissor 56.48 - 66.66% Stone Edge 35.18 - 41.66%
Armaldo (RU Choice Band) X-Scissor 84.56 - 100% Stone Edge 52.77 - 62.03%
Armaldo (RU Swords Dance [Life Orb]) X-Scissor 66.97 - 79.01% Stone Edge 41.66 - 49.07%
Armaldo (RU Swords Dance) X-Scissor 51.85 - 61.11% Stone Edge 32.09 - 37.96%
Beedrill (NU Boosting Sweeper [Life Orb] [Swarm]) X-Scissor 81.79 - 96.6% Brick Break 34.25 - 40.43%
Beedrill (NU Boosting Sweeper [Life Orb]) X-Scissor 54.93 - 64.81% Brick Break 34.25 - 40.43%
Beedrill (NU Boosting Sweeper [Swarm]) X-Scissor 62.96 - 74.38% Brick Break 26.23 - 31.17%
Beedrill (NU Choice [Choice Band] [Swarm]) X-Scissor 94.44 - 111.11% U-turn 82.4 - 97.22%
Beedrill (NU Choice [Choice Band]) X-Scissor 62.96 - 74.38% U-turn 54.93 - 65.12%
Beedrill (NU Toxic Spikes [Swarm]) U-turn 50 - 59.25% Pursuit 6.48 - 7.71%
Beheeyem (NU Trick Room + Nasty Plot [Life Orb]) Psychic 101.85 - 120.37% Thunderbolt 17.59 - 20.98%
Beheeyem (NU Trick Room + Nasty Plot) Psychic 78.39 - 92.59% Thunderbolt 13.58 - 16.04%
Beheeyem (RU Trick Room [Life Orb]) Psychic 101.85 - 120.37% Thunderbolt 17.59 - 20.98%
Beheeyem (RU Trick Room) Psychic 78.39 - 92.59% Thunderbolt 13.58 - 16.04%
Bronzong (OU Dual Screens) Gyro Ball 64.19 - 75.92% Earthquake 15.43 - 18.2%
Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb]) Gyro Ball 100.3 - 118.51% Earthquake 24.07 - 28.39%
Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Macho Brace]) Gyro Ball 83.64 - 99.07% Earthquake 18.51 - 21.91%
Bronzong (OU Tank) Gyro Ball 57.71 - 68.51% HP Ice 20.98 - 24.69%
Bronzong (OU Trick Room Support) Gyro Ball 54.62 - 64.19% (none) 0 - 0%
Bronzong (UU Calm Mind) Psyshock 57.4 - 68.51% Grass Knot 7.4 - 8.64%
Bronzong (UU Dual Screens) Gyro Ball 54.62 - 64.19% Earthquake 12.96 - 15.43%
Bronzong (UU Tank) Gyro Ball 54.62 - 64.19% Earthquake 12.96 - 15.43%
Celebi (OU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Psychic 61.11 - 72.22% HP Ice 31.48 - 37.65%
Celebi (OU Choice [Choice Specs]) Psychic 91.35 - 108.02% HP Ice 47.53 - 56.17%
Chandelure (OU Calm Mind [Flash Fire]) Flamethrower 124.69 - 146.91% Shadow Ball 35.18 - 41.66%
Chandelure (OU Calm Mind [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Flamethrower 161.72 - 190.74% Shadow Ball 45.67 - 54.01%
Chandelure (OU Calm Mind [Life Orb]) Flamethrower 109.25 - 128.39% Shadow Ball 45.67 - 54.01%
Chandelure (OU Calm Mind) Flamethrower 83.33 - 98.76% Shadow Ball 35.18 - 41.66%
Chandelure (OU Choice Scarf [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 172.83 - 204.32% Shadow Ball 38.88 - 45.67%
Chandelure (OU Choice Scarf) Fire Blast 115.43 - 137.03% Shadow Ball 38.88 - 45.67%
Chandelure (OU Choice Specs [Flash Fire]) Overheat 303.7 - 357.4% Shadow Ball 57.71 - 68.51%
Chandelure (OU Choice Specs) Overheat 202.46 - 238.88% Shadow Ball 57.71 - 68.51%
Chandelure (OU Substitute [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 157.4 - 185.8% Shadow Ball 35.18 - 41.66%
Chandelure (OU Substitute [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 204.32 - 241.35% Shadow Ball 45.67 - 54.01%
Chandelure (OU Substitute [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 137.03 - 161.72% Shadow Ball 45.67 - 54.01%
Chandelure (OU Substitute) Fire Blast 105.55 - 124.69% Shadow Ball 35.18 - 41.66%
Chandelure (OU Sunny Day [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 157.4 - 185.8% SolarBeam 17.59 - 20.67%
Chandelure (OU Sunny Day [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 204.32 - 241.35% SolarBeam 22.83 - 26.85%
Chandelure (OU Sunny Day [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 137.03 - 161.72% SolarBeam 22.83 - 26.85%
Chandelure (OU Sunny Day) Fire Blast 105.55 - 124.69% SolarBeam 17.59 - 20.67%
Chandelure (UU Choice Scarf [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 172.83 - 204.32% Shadow Ball 38.88 - 45.67%
Chandelure (UU Choice Scarf) Fire Blast 115.43 - 137.03% Shadow Ball 38.88 - 45.67%
Chandelure (UU Choice Specs [Flash Fire]) Overheat 303.7 - 357.4% Flamethrower 204.32 - 241.35%
Chandelure (UU Choice Specs) Overheat 202.46 - 238.88% Flamethrower 137.03 - 161.72%
Chandelure (UU Substitute [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 172.83 - 204.32% Shadow Ball 38.88 - 45.67%
Chandelure (UU Substitute [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 224.69 - 265.43% Shadow Ball 50 - 59.25%
Chandelure (UU Substitute [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 150.61 - 177.77% Shadow Ball 50 - 59.25%
Chandelure (UU Substitute) Fire Blast 115.43 - 137.03% Shadow Ball 38.88 - 45.67%
Charizard (OU Solar Power [Choice Scarf]) Air Slash 118.51 - 140.74% Fire Blast 94.44 - 111.72%
Charizard (OU Solar Power [Choice Specs]) Air Slash 177.77 - 208.64% Fire Blast 141.35 - 166.66%
Charizard (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Air Slash 107.4 - 127.16% Fire Blast 85.8 - 101.85%
Charizard (RU Choice [Choice Specs]) Air Slash 160.49 - 190.12% Fire Blast 128.39 - 151.85%
Charizard (RU Solar Power) Air Slash 107.4 - 127.16% Fire Blast 85.8 - 101.85%
Charizard (UU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Air Slash 118.51 - 140.74% Fire Blast 94.44 - 111.72%
Charizard (UU Choice [Choice Specs]) Air Slash 177.77 - 208.64% Fire Blast 141.35 - 166.66%
Charizard (UU Solar Power) Air Slash 107.4 - 127.16% Fire Blast 85.8 - 101.85%
Cresselia (UU Substitute + Calm Mind) Psyshock 55.55 - 65.43% HP Fighting 10.18 - 12.03%
Crustle (OU Shell Smash [Life Orb]) X-Scissor 61.11 - 72.22% Stone Edge 37.96 - 44.44%
Crustle (RU Shell Smash [Life Orb]) X-Scissor 61.11 - 72.22% Stone Edge 37.96 - 44.44%
Dragonite (OU Bulky Dragon Dance) Fire Punch 64.19 - 75.92% Dragon Claw 51.23 - 60.49%
Dragonite (OU Choice Band) Outrage 133.64 - 157.4% Fire Punch 111.72 - 131.48%
Dragonite (OU Mixed Attacker (Classic)) Fire Blast 77.16 - 91.35% Superpower 70.37 - 83.02%
Dragonite (OU Mixed Attacker (Rain)) Hurricane 230.86 - 274.07% Superpower 70.37 - 83.02%
Dragonite (OU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 88.88 - 104.93% Fire Punch 74.69 - 88.27%
Dragonite (OU Tank (Rain)) Hurricane 144.44 - 170.37% Dragon Tail 30.55 - 36.11%
Dragonite (OU Tank [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 77.16 - 91.35% Draco Meteor 66.97 - 79.01%
Dragonite (OU Tank) Fire Blast 59.25 - 70.37% Draco Meteor 51.85 - 61.11%
Drifblim (NU AcroBlimp [Flying Gem]) Acrobatics 345.67 - 407.4% (none) 0 - 0%
Drifblim (NU AcroBlimp) Acrobatics 229.62 - 271.6% (none) 0 - 0%
Drifblim (RU Air Support [Flying Gem]) Acrobatics 345.67 - 407.4% Shadow Ball 19.75 - 23.45%
Drifblim (RU Air Support) Acrobatics 229.62 - 271.6% Shadow Ball 19.75 - 23.45%
Drifblim (RU Weather Balloon [Flying Gem]) Acrobatics 240.74 - 282.71% Thunder 12.65 - 14.81%
Drifblim (RU Weather Balloon) Acrobatics 160.49 - 190.12% Thunder 12.65 - 14.81%
Drifblim (UU Air Support [Flying Gem]) Acrobatics 327.16 - 386.41% (none) 0 - 0%
Drifblim (UU Air Support) Acrobatics 219.75 - 259.25% (none) 0 - 0%
Duosion (NU Calm Mind) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% HP Fighting 15.43 - 18.2%
Duosion (NU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb]) Psychic 101.85 - 120.37% Shadow Ball 29.93 - 35.49%
Duosion (NU Offensive Trick Room) Psychic 78.39 - 92.59% Shadow Ball 23.14 - 27.46%
Duosion (RU Calm Mind) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% Thunder 12.96 - 15.43%
Duosion (RU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb]) Psychic 101.85 - 120.37% Shadow Ball 29.93 - 35.49%
Duosion (RU Offensive Trick Room) Psychic 78.39 - 92.59% Shadow Ball 23.14 - 27.46%
Dusknoir (OU SubPunch) Ice Punch 60.49 - 71.6% Focus Punch 60.49 - 71.29%
Dusknoir (RU SubPunch) Focus Punch 60.49 - 71.29% Shadow Sneak 24.38 - 29.01%
Espeon (OU Calm Mind [Life Orb]) Psyshock 137.65 - 162.96% Shadow Ball 28.39 - 33.64%
Espeon (OU Calm Mind) Psyshock 106.17 - 125.92% Shadow Ball 21.91 - 25.92%
Espeon (OU Dual Screens) Psychic 61.11 - 72.22% HP Fighting 15.74 - 18.82%
Espeon (OU Sun Calm Mind) Psyshock 87.65 - 103.7% HP Fire 31.48 - 37.65%
Gallade (OU Bulk Up) Ice Punch 54.93 - 64.81% Drain Punch 41.04 - 48.45%
Gallade (OU Swords Dance) Close Combat 110.18 - 129.62% Ice Punch 91.97 - 108.64%
Gallade (RU Choice [Choice Band]) Zen Headbutt 169.13 - 200% Close Combat 126.85 - 149.38%
Gallade (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Zen Headbutt 112.96 - 133.33% Close Combat 84.56 - 100%
Gallade (RU Offensive Trick Room) Psycho Cut 129.62 - 152.46% Close Combat 110.18 - 129.62%
Gallade (RU Stallbreaker) Drain Punch 52.77 - 62.34% Stone Edge 23.45 - 27.77%
Gallade (RU Swords Dance) Zen Headbutt 146.29 - 172.83% Close Combat 110.18 - 129.62%
Gallade (UU Bulk Up) Ice Punch 61.72 - 72.83% Drain Punch 46.29 - 54.62%
Gallade (UU Choice [Choice Band]) Zen Headbutt 154.32 - 182.09% Close Combat 115.12 - 136.11%
Gallade (UU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Zen Headbutt 103.7 - 122.22% Close Combat 77.16 - 91.04%
Gallade (UU Swords Dance) Close Combat 110.18 - 129.62% Ice Punch 91.97 - 108.64%
Garbodor (NU Spiker) Gunk Shot 100 - 118.51% Body Slam 23.76 - 28.08%
Garbodor (RU Tank) Gunk Shot 100 - 118.51% Payback 13.88 - 16.35%
Gardevoir (NU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Psychic 70.98 - 83.95% Focus Blast 31.48 - 37.34%
Gardevoir (NU Choice [Choice Specs]) Psychic 106.17 - 125.92% Focus Blast 47.22 - 55.86%
Gardevoir (NU Defensive Calm Mind) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% Focus Blast 26.23 - 30.86%
Gardevoir (NU Dual Screens) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% (none) 0 - 0%
Gardevoir (NU Offensive Calm Mind) Psychic 92.59 - 109.25% Focus Blast 41.04 - 48.45%
Gardevoir (NU Support) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% (none) 0 - 0%
Gardevoir (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Psychic 70.98 - 83.95% Focus Blast 31.48 - 37.34%
Gardevoir (RU Choice [Choice Specs]) Psychic 106.17 - 125.92% Focus Blast 47.22 - 55.86%
Gardevoir (RU Dual Screens) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% (none) 0 - 0%
Gardevoir (RU Substitute + 3 Attacks) Psychic 70.98 - 83.95% Focus Blast 31.48 - 37.34%
Gardevoir (RU Support) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% (none) 0 - 0%
Golbat (NU Defensive) Brave Bird 174.07 - 204.93% (none) 0 - 0%
Golbat (RU Defensive) Brave Bird 174.07 - 204.93% (none) 0 - 0%
Gurdurr (NU Bulk Up [Guts]) Drain Punch 56.48 - 66.66% Mach Punch 29.93 - 35.49%
Gurdurr (RU Bulk Up [Guts]) Drain Punch 51.23 - 60.49% Mach Punch 27.77 - 32.71%
Gurdurr (UU Bulk Up [Guts]) Drain Punch 51.23 - 60.49% Mach Punch 27.16 - 32.4%
Gyarados (OU Choice Band) Ice Fang 91.97 - 108.64% Double-Edge 84.56 - 99.69%
Gyarados (OU Choice Scarf) Ice Fang 55.55 - 66.04% Waterfall 25.92 - 30.55%
Gyarados (OU Substitute + Dragon Dance) Bounce 240.74 - 282.71% Waterfall 28.08 - 33.33%
Heracross (OU Bulk Up [Guts]) Megahorn 103.7 - 122.22% Low Kick 86.41 - 101.85%
Heracross (OU Bulk Up) Megahorn 68.82 - 81.48% Low Kick 57.4 - 67.9%
Heracross (OU Choice Band [Guts]) Megahorn 190.12 - 224.07% Close Combat 190.12 - 224.07%
Heracross (OU Choice Band) Megahorn 126.85 - 149.38% Close Combat 126.85 - 149.38%
Heracross (OU Choice Scarf [Guts]) Megahorn 126.85 - 149.38% Close Combat 126.85 - 149.38%
Heracross (OU Choice Scarf) Megahorn 84.56 - 100% Close Combat 84.56 - 100%
Heracross (OU Non-Choice Attacker [Guts]) Megahorn 125.92 - 148.45% Close Combat 125.92 - 148.45%
Heracross (OU Non-Choice Attacker) Megahorn 83.64 - 99.07% Close Combat 83.64 - 99.07%
Heracross (UU Choice Band [Guts]) Megahorn 190.12 - 224.07% Close Combat 190.12 - 224.07%
Heracross (UU Choice Band) Megahorn 126.85 - 149.38% Close Combat 126.85 - 149.38%
Heracross (UU Choice Scarf [Guts]) Megahorn 115.12 - 136.11% Close Combat 115.12 - 136.11%
Heracross (UU Choice Scarf) Megahorn 77.16 - 91.04% Close Combat 77.16 - 91.04%
Heracross (UU Non-Choice Attacker [Guts]) Close Combat 126.85 - 149.38% Megahorn 126.85 - 149.38%
Heracross (UU Non-Choice Attacker) Close Combat 84.56 - 100% Megahorn 84.56 - 100%
Heracross (UU Swords Dance [Guts]) Close Combat 115.12 - 136.11% Megahorn 115.12 - 136.11%
Heracross (UU Swords Dance) Close Combat 77.16 - 91.04% Megahorn 77.16 - 91.04%
Hitmontop (OU Rapid Spin) Close Combat 50 - 59.25% Stone Edge 13.88 - 16.35%
Hitmontop (OU TechniTop) Close Combat 91.04 - 107.4% Mach Punch 45.67 - 54.01%
Hitmontop (UU Bulk Up [Life Orb]) Aerial Ace 182.71 - 216.04% Revenge 91.04 - 107.4%
Hitmontop (UU Bulk Up) Aerial Ace 140.74 - 166.66% Revenge 70.37 - 82.71%
Hitmontop (UU Rapid Spin) Close Combat 50 - 59.25% Sucker Punch 11.11 - 13.27%
Hitmontop (UU TechniTop (Technician)) Close Combat 91.04 - 107.4% Mach Punch 45.67 - 54.01%
Hypno (NU Nasty Plot) Psychic 55.55 - 65.43% Shadow Ball 16.35 - 19.44%
Jellicent (OU Choice Specs) Ice Beam 62.96 - 74.69% Shadow Ball 40.12 - 47.53%
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf) Ice Punch 55.55 - 65.43% Fire Punch 55.55 - 65.43%
Jirachi (OU Substitute + Paralysis) Fire Punch 55.55 - 65.43% Iron Head 44.44 - 52.16%
Jirachi (OU Superachi! (Offensive Calm Mind)) Psychic 61.11 - 72.22% HP Fire 31.48 - 37.65%
Lampent (NU Offensive Trick Room [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 128.39 - 151.85% Shadow Ball 28.7 - 34.25%
Lampent (NU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 167.28 - 196.91% Shadow Ball 37.34 - 44.44%
Lampent (NU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 111.72 - 132.09% Shadow Ball 37.34 - 44.44%
Lampent (NU Offensive Trick Room) Fire Blast 85.8 - 101.85% Shadow Ball 28.7 - 34.25%
Lampent (NU Specially Defensive [Flash Fire]) Flamethrower 72.83 - 85.8% Shadow Ball 20.67 - 24.38%
Lampent (RU Defensive [Flash Fire]) Flamethrower 72.83 - 85.8% Shadow Ball 20.67 - 24.38%
Lampent (RU Trick Room [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 128.39 - 151.85% Shadow Ball 28.7 - 34.25%
Lampent (RU Trick Room [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 167.28 - 196.91% Shadow Ball 37.34 - 44.44%
Lampent (RU Trick Room [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 111.72 - 132.09% Shadow Ball 37.34 - 44.44%
Lampent (RU Trick Room) Fire Blast 85.8 - 101.85% Shadow Ball 28.7 - 34.25%
Latias (OU Choice Specs) Draco Meteor 75.92 - 89.19% Dragon Pulse 48.45 - 57.4%
Latias (OU Life Orb Tank) Draco Meteor 67.9 - 80.55% HP Fire 45.67 - 54.32%
Latios (OU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Psyshock 106.17 - 125.92% Draco Meteor 56.79 - 66.97%
Latios (OU Choice [Choice Specs]) Psyshock 158.02 - 187.03% Draco Meteor 85.18 - 100.3%
Latios (OU Offensive [Expert Belt]) Psyshock 127.16 - 150.92% Draco Meteor 56.79 - 66.97%
Latios (OU Offensive [Life Orb]) Psyshock 137.65 - 162.96% Draco Meteor 73.45 - 87.03%
Luxray (NU Choice [Choice Band]) Ice Fang 89.5 - 105.55% Superpower 82.09 - 96.91%
Luxray (NU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Ice Fang 59.25 - 70.37% Superpower 54.93 - 64.81%
Luxray (NU Guts [Guts]) Facade 95.98 - 112.96% Wild Charge 46.29 - 54.62%
Luxray (NU Guts) Facade 64.19 - 75.61% Wild Charge 30.86 - 36.41%
Luxray (NU Mixed Attacker [Guts]) Superpower 106.79 - 125.92% Wild Charge 60.18 - 70.67%
Luxray (NU Mixed Attacker) Superpower 71.6 - 84.25% Wild Charge 40.12 - 47.22%
Luxray (RU Wallbreaker [Guts]) Ice Fang 111.72 - 132.09% Wild Charge 57.71 - 68.2%
Luxray (RU Wallbreaker) Ice Fang 74.69 - 88.27% Wild Charge 38.58 - 45.37%
Mandibuzz (OU Specially Defensive) Brave Bird 145.67 - 174.07% U-turn 14.5 - 17.28%
Mandibuzz (RU Specially Defensive) Brave Bird 145.67 - 174.07% (none) 0 - 0%
Mandibuzz (UU Specially Defensive) Brave Bird 145.67 - 174.07% U-turn 14.5 - 17.28%
Mantine (NU RestTalk) HP Flying 62.96 - 75.3% Scald 8.95 - 10.49%
Mantine (RU RestTalk) HP Flying 62.96 - 75.3% Scald 8.95 - 10.49%
Mesprit (RU Calm Mind [Life Orb]) Psychic 82.09 - 96.91% Ice Beam 57.4 - 67.9%
Mesprit (RU Calm Mind) Psychic 62.96 - 74.69% Ice Beam 44.44 - 52.46%
Mesprit (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Psychic 62.96 - 74.69% Ice Beam 44.44 - 52.46%
Mesprit (RU Choice [Choice Specs]) Psychic 94.44 - 111.72% Ice Beam 66.04 - 78.39%
Mesprit (RU Trick Room [Life Orb]) Psychic 89.5 - 106.17% Ice Beam 63.58 - 75.3%
Mesprit (RU Trick Room) Psychic 69.13 - 82.09% Ice Beam 48.76 - 58.02%
Mesprit (RU Weather Support) Psychic 69.13 - 82.09% U-turn 19.13 - 22.83%
Mesprit (UU Support) Psychic 50.61 - 59.87% U-turn 19.13 - 22.83%
Mesprit (UU Trick Room [Life Orb]) Psychic 89.5 - 106.17% U-turn 27.77 - 32.71%
Mesprit (UU Trick Room) Psychic 69.13 - 82.09% U-turn 21.29 - 25.3%
Mesprit (UU Weather Support) Psychic 69.13 - 82.09% U-turn 19.13 - 22.83%
Metagross (OU Agility [Life Orb]) Ice Punch 88.88 - 104.93% Meteor Mash 88.88 - 104.62%
Metagross (OU Agility) Ice Punch 68.51 - 80.86% Meteor Mash 67.9 - 80.55%
Metagross (OU Choice Band) Meteor Mash 112.03 - 131.79% Hammer Arm 74.69 - 87.96%
Metagross (OU Choice Scarf) Ice Punch 68.51 - 80.86% Meteor Mash 67.9 - 80.55%
Metagross (OU Mixed [Expert Belt]) Ice Punch 89.5 - 105.86% Meteor Mash 75 - 88.27%
Metagross (OU Mixed [Life Orb]) Meteor Mash 97.22 - 114.81% Ice Punch 96.91 - 114.19%
Metagross (OU Stealth Rock) Meteor Mash 75 - 88.27% Hammer Arm 50 - 58.95%
Metagross (OU Trick + Iron Ball) Meteor Mash 75 - 88.27% Ice Punch 74.69 - 88.27%
Mew (OU Nasty Plot [Life Orb]) Psyshock 114.81 - 135.18% Fire Blast 70.37 - 83.33%
Mew (OU Nasty Plot) Psyshock 88.88 - 104.32% Fire Blast 54.32 - 64.19%
Mew (UU Nasty Plot [Life Orb]) Psyshock 114.81 - 135.18% Aura Sphere 26.23 - 31.17%
Mew (UU Nasty Plot) Psyshock 88.88 - 104.32% Aura Sphere 20.37 - 24.07%
Mew (UU Swords Dance) Zen Headbutt 114.81 - 135.18% Drain Punch 35.8 - 42.28%
Moltres (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Air Slash 118.51 - 140.74% Fire Blast 94.44 - 111.72%
Moltres (RU Choice [Choice Specs]) Air Slash 177.77 - 211.11% Fire Blast 141.35 - 167.28%
Moltres (RU Special Sweeper) Air Slash 153.08 - 181.48% Fire Blast 122.83 - 145.06%
Moltres (RU SubRoost) Flamethrower 61.72 - 72.83% (none) 0 - 0%
Moltres (RU Sunny Day) Fire Blast 94.44 - 111.72% SolarBeam 15.74 - 18.51%
Moltres (UU Choice Specs) Air Slash 196.29 - 230.86% Fire Blast 155.55 - 183.33%
Moltres (UU Life Orb Sweeper [Life Orb]) Air Slash 153.08 - 181.48% Fire Blast 122.83 - 145.06%
Moltres (UU Life Orb Sweeper) Air Slash 118.51 - 140.74% Fire Blast 94.44 - 111.72%
Moltres (UU SubRoost Staller) Flamethrower 61.72 - 72.83% (none) 0 - 0%
Muk (NU Choice Band) Poison Jab 150 - 176.54% Ice Punch 93.82 - 110.49%
Muk (NU Curse) Poison Jab 72.83 - 87.03% Ice Punch 45.67 - 54.32%
Muk (RU Choice Band) Gunk Shot 224.69 - 264.81% Ice Punch 93.82 - 110.49%
Muk (RU Curse) Poison Jab 72.83 - 85.8% Fire Punch 45.67 - 54.32%
Muk (RU SubPunch) Gunk Shot 150 - 176.54% Focus Punch 62.65 - 73.76%
Muk (RU Tank) Gunk Shot 150 - 176.54% Fire Punch 62.96 - 74.07%
Musharna (NU Bulky Attacker [Life Orb]) Psychic 91.35 - 108.02% Shadow Ball 27.16 - 32.09%
Musharna (NU Bulky Attacker) Psychic 70.37 - 83.33% Shadow Ball 20.98 - 24.69%
Musharna (NU Calm Mind) Psychic 51.85 - 61.11% HP Fighting 13.58 - 16.04%
Musharna (NU Support) Psychic 51.85 - 61.11% HP Fighting 13.58 - 16.04%
Musharna (RU Dual Screens) Psychic 51.85 - 61.11% (none) 0 - 0%
Musharna (RU Special Attacker) Psychic 91.35 - 108.02% Shadow Ball 27.16 - 32.09%
Pinsir (NU Choice Band) X-Scissor 77.16 - 91.04% Close Combat 76.85 - 90.74%
Pinsir (NU Swords Dance) X-Scissor 66.97 - 79.01% Stone Edge 27.77 - 32.71%
Pinsir (RU Choice [Choice Band]) X-Scissor 77.16 - 91.04% Close Combat 76.85 - 90.74%
Pinsir (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) X-Scissor 51.85 - 61.11% Close Combat 51.54 - 60.8%
Pinsir (RU Physical Attacker [Life Orb]) X-Scissor 66.97 - 79.01% Stone Edge 27.77 - 32.71%
Pinsir (RU Physical Attacker) X-Scissor 51.85 - 61.11% Stone Edge 21.29 - 25.3%
Pinsir (RU Swords Dance [Hyper Cutter]) X-Scissor 51.85 - 61.11% Close Combat 51.54 - 60.8%
Pinsir (RU Swords Dance [Life Orb] [Hyper Cutter]) X-Scissor 66.97 - 79.01% Close Combat 66.97 - 79.01%
Pinsir (UU Choice Scarf [Hyper Cutter]) X-Scissor 56.48 - 66.66% Close Combat 56.48 - 66.66%
Pinsir (UU Physical Attacker [Choice Band] [Hyper Cutter]) X-Scissor 77.16 - 91.04% Close Combat 76.85 - 90.74%
Pinsir (UU Physical Attacker [Life Orb] [Hyper Cutter]) X-Scissor 66.97 - 79.01% Close Combat 66.97 - 79.01%
Pinsir (UU Swords Dance [Life Orb]) X-Scissor 66.97 - 79.01% Earthquake 27.77 - 32.71%
Pinsir (UU Swords Dance) X-Scissor 51.85 - 61.11% Earthquake 21.29 - 25.3%
Reuniclus (OU Calm Mind [Life Orb]) Psychic 75.92 - 89.5% Focus Blast 33.95 - 40.12%
Reuniclus (OU Calm Mind) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% Focus Blast 26.23 - 30.86%
Reuniclus (OU Offensive Trick Room) Psychic 101.85 - 120.37% Focus Blast 45.06 - 53.08%
Reuniclus (OU Trick) Psychic 58.02 - 69.13% Focus Blast 26.23 - 30.86%
Roserade (UU Offensive) Sludge Bomb 92.59 - 109.25% HP Fire 48.14 - 56.79%
Roserade (UU Spikes) Sludge Bomb 58.02 - 69.13% Giga Drain 12.03 - 14.5%
Roserade (UU Toxic Spikes) Sludge Bomb 70.98 - 83.95% Leaf Storm 27.46 - 32.4%
Scolipede (OU Support [Swarm]) Megahorn 120.37 - 141.66% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (OU Support) Megahorn 80.55 - 94.75% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (OU Swords Dance [Swarm]) Megahorn 120.37 - 141.66% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (OU Swords Dance) Megahorn 80.55 - 94.75% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (RU Hazard Lead [Swarm]) Megahorn 92.59 - 109.25% Rock Slide 12.96 - 15.12%
Scolipede (RU Hazard Lead) Megahorn 62.03 - 73.14% Rock Slide 12.96 - 15.12%
Scolipede (RU Spikes + 3 Attacks [Life Orb] [Swarm]) Megahorn 120.37 - 141.66% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (RU Spikes + 3 Attacks [Life Orb]) Megahorn 80.55 - 94.75% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (RU Spikes + 3 Attacks [Swarm]) Megahorn 92.59 - 109.25% Earthquake 17.28 - 20.37%
Scolipede (RU Spikes + 3 Attacks) Megahorn 62.03 - 73.14% Earthquake 17.28 - 20.37%
Scolipede (RU Swords Dance [Swarm]) Megahorn 120.37 - 141.66% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (RU Swords Dance) Megahorn 80.55 - 94.75% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (UU Dual Spikes [Swarm]) Megahorn 92.59 - 109.25% Earthquake 17.28 - 20.37%
Scolipede (UU Dual Spikes) Megahorn 62.03 - 73.14% Earthquake 17.28 - 20.37%
Scolipede (UU Swords Dance [Swarm]) Megahorn 120.37 - 141.66% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scolipede (UU Swords Dance) Megahorn 80.55 - 94.75% Earthquake 22.22 - 26.23%
Scyther (RU Bulky Swords Dance) Aerial Ace 171.6 - 203.7% Brick Break 24.07 - 28.39%
Scyther (RU Choice [Choice Band]) Aerial Ace 316.04 - 374.07% Bug Bite 79.01 - 93.51%
Scyther (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Aerial Ace 211.11 - 249.38% Bug Bite 52.77 - 62.34%
Scyther (RU Offensive Swords Dance [Life Orb]) Aerial Ace 274.07 - 323.45% Bug Bite 68.51 - 80.86%
Scyther (RU Offensive Swords Dance) Aerial Ace 211.11 - 249.38% Bug Bite 52.77 - 62.34%
Scyther (UU Bulky Swords Dance) Aerial Ace 177.77 - 208.64% Brick Break 24.69 - 29.32%
Scyther (UU Choice Attacker [Choice Band]) Aerial Ace 316.04 - 374.07% U-turn 62.03 - 73.14%
Scyther (UU Choice Attacker [Choice Scarf]) Aerial Ace 211.11 - 249.38% U-turn 41.66 - 49.07%
Scyther (UU Swords Dance Sweeper) Aerial Ace 274.07 - 323.45% Bug Bite 68.51 - 80.86%
Shelgon (NU Bulky Dragon Dance) Outrage 51.23 - 60.49% (none) 0 - 0%
Shelgon (RU Defensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 50.3 - 59.56% (none) 0 - 0%
Shelgon (RU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 63.88 - 75.3% Dragon Claw 42.59 - 50.3%
Shelgon (UU Defensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 50 - 59.25% (none) 0 - 0%
Skarmory (OU Physically Defensive) Brave Bird 174.07 - 204.93% (none) 0 - 0%
Skarmory (OU Specially Defensive) Brave Bird 174.07 - 204.93% (none) 0 - 0%
Togetic (NU Baton Pass) HP Flying 62.96 - 75.3% (none) 0 - 0%
Togetic (RU Baton Pass) HP Flying 62.96 - 75.3% (none) 0 - 0%
Toxicroak (OU Nasty Plot [Life Orb]) Sludge Wave 83.33 - 98.14% Vacuum Wave 17.9 - 21.29%
Toxicroak (OU Nasty Plot) Sludge Wave 63.58 - 75.92% Vacuum Wave 13.88 - 16.66%
Toxicroak (OU SubPunch [Life Orb]) Focus Punch 123.14 - 144.75% Ice Punch 82.09 - 96.91%
Toxicroak (OU SubPunch) Focus Punch 94.44 - 111.41% Ice Punch 62.96 - 74.69%
Toxicroak (OU Swords Dance [Life Orb]) Ice Punch 82.09 - 96.91% Cross Chop 81.79 - 96.6%
Toxicroak (OU Swords Dance) Ice Punch 62.96 - 74.69% Cross Chop 62.96 - 74.38%
Venusaur (OU Special Growth) Sludge Bomb 87.03 - 102.46% HP Fire 45.06 - 53.7%
Victini (OU Choice Scarf + Final Gambit) V-create 198.76 - 233.95% U-turn 25.92 - 30.55%
Victini (OU Offensive Choice Scarf) V-create 198.76 - 233.95% Brick Break 27.77 - 32.71%
Victini (OU Physical Attacker [Choice Band]) V-create 325.92 - 383.95% Brick Break 45.37 - 53.7%
Victini (OU Physical Attacker [Life Orb]) V-create 283.33 - 333.33% Brick Break 39.19 - 46.29%
Victini (OU Special Sweeper) Fire Blast 105.55 - 124.69% Psychic 78.39 - 93.2%
Victini (UU Choice [Choice Band]) V-create 325.92 - 383.95% Brick Break 45.37 - 53.7%
Victini (UU Choice [Choice Scarf]) V-create 217.28 - 256.17% Brick Break 30.24 - 35.8%
Victini (UU Special Attacker [Expert Belt]) V-create 188.88 - 222.83% Psychic 73.14 - 86.41%
Victini (UU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) V-create 204.32 - 241.35% Psychic 78.39 - 93.2%
Volcarona (OU Bulky Quiver Dance) Fiery Dance 55.55 - 65.43% Bug Buzz 31.48 - 37.03%
Volcarona (OU ChestoRest) Fire Blast 109.87 - 129.62% Bug Buzz 41.66 - 49.07%
Volcarona (OU Moths Like Water, Not Fire (Drizzle Volcarona) [Life Orb]) Hurricane 190.12 - 224.69% Fire Blast 142.59 - 168.51%
Volcarona (OU Moths Like Water, Not Fire (Drizzle Volcarona)) Hurricane 146.91 - 172.83% Fire Blast 109.87 - 129.62%
Volcarona (OU Offensive Quiver Dance) Fire Blast 130.24 - 153.7% Bug Buzz 48.45 - 57.4%
Volcarona (OU Substitute) Fiery Dance 67.28 - 79.62% Bug Buzz 37.34 - 44.44%
Zapdos (OU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Heat Wave 68.51 - 80.86% HP Ice 48.14 - 56.79%
Zapdos (OU Special Attacker) Heat Wave 52.46 - 62.34% HP Ice 37.03 - 43.82%
Zapdos (UU Offensive [Life Orb]) Heat Wave 68.51 - 80.86% Thunderbolt 24.07 - 28.7%
Zapdos (UU Offensive) Heat Wave 52.46 - 62.34% Thunderbolt 18.51 - 22.22%


Ampharos (NU Agility [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 166.55 - 196.65% Focus Blast 34.78 - 41.13%
Ampharos (NU Agility) Thunderbolt 128.42 - 151.17% Focus Blast 26.75 - 31.77%
Ampharos (NU Dual Screens) Volt Switch 76.25 - 90.3% (none) 0 - 0%
Ampharos (NU Specially Defensive) Thunderbolt 104.34 - 123.07% Volt Switch 76.92 - 90.96%
Ampharos (NU Tank [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 209.36 - 247.49% Volt Switch 154.51 - 182.6%
Ampharos (NU Tank [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 181.27 - 214.71% Volt Switch 134.44 - 158.52%
Ampharos (RU Agility [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 166.55 - 196.65% Focus Blast 34.78 - 41.13%
Ampharos (RU Agility) Thunderbolt 128.42 - 151.17% Focus Blast 26.75 - 31.77%
Ampharos (RU Specially Defensive) Thunderbolt 104.34 - 123.07% Volt Switch 76.92 - 90.96%
Ampharos (RU Tank [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 209.36 - 247.49% Volt Switch 154.51 - 182.6%
Ampharos (RU Tank [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 181.27 - 214.71% Volt Switch 134.44 - 158.52%
Articuno (NU Defensive) Ice Beam 88.29 - 104.34% (none) 0 - 0%
Articuno (NU SubRoost) Ice Beam 88.29 - 104.34% (none) 0 - 0%
Articuno (RU Specially Defensive) Ice Beam 88.29 - 104.34% (none) 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Dual Screens) Gyro Ball 72.57 - 85.61% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb]) Gyro Ball 113.37 - 133.77% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Macho Brace]) Gyro Ball 93.31 - 109.69% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Tank) Gyro Ball 65.21 - 77.25% HP Ice 37.45 - 44.14%
Bronzong (OU Trick Room Support) Gyro Ball 62.2 - 73.24% (none) 0 - 0%
Bronzong (UU Dual Screens) Gyro Ball 62.2 - 73.24% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (UU Tank) Gyro Ball 62.2 - 73.24% (none) 0 - 0%
Carracosta (NU Curse) Stone Edge 141.13 - 167.22% Waterfall 56.52 - 67.22%
Carracosta (NU Shell Smash [Life Orb]) Stone Edge 184.61 - 217.39% Waterfall 73.57 - 87.29%
Carracosta (NU Shell Smash) Stone Edge 141.13 - 167.22% Waterfall 56.52 - 67.22%
Carracosta (NU Tank) Stone Edge 141.13 - 167.22% Waterfall 56.52 - 67.22%
Carracosta (OU Choice Band) Stone Edge 211.37 - 249.49% Aqua Tail 95.31 - 112.37%
Carracosta (OU Curse) Stone Edge 103.01 - 122.4% Aqua Jet 21.07 - 25.08%
Carracosta (OU Mixed Shell Smash [Life Orb]) Stone Edge 141.13 - 166.55% Surf 70.23 - 82.6%
Carracosta (OU Mixed Shell Smash) Stone Edge 108.36 - 128.42% Surf 53.51 - 63.54%
Carracosta (OU Physical Shell Smash [Life Orb]) Stone Edge 167.22 - 197.32% Waterfall 67.22 - 79.26%
Carracosta (OU Physical Shell Smash) Stone Edge 129.09 - 152.5% Waterfall 51.5 - 61.2%
Carracosta (RU Choice Band) Stone Edge 211.37 - 249.49% Waterfall 85.28 - 100.33%
Carracosta (RU Mixed Shell Smash [Life Orb]) Stone Edge 167.22 - 197.32% Ice Beam 69.56 - 82.27%
Carracosta (RU Mixed Shell Smash) Stone Edge 129.09 - 152.5% Ice Beam 53.51 - 63.54%
Carracosta (RU Shell Smash) Stone Edge 129.09 - 152.5% Waterfall 51.5 - 61.2%
Carracosta (UU Choice Band) Stone Edge 211.37 - 249.49% Waterfall 85.28 - 100.33%
Carracosta (UU Shell Smash) Stone Edge 129.09 - 152.5% Waterfall 51.5 - 61.2%
Dragonite (OU Bulky Dragon Dance) Dragon Claw 56.52 - 67.22% Fire Punch 35.45 - 41.8%
Dragonite (OU Choice Band) Outrage 147.49 - 173.91% ExtremeSpeed 65.88 - 77.59%
Dragonite (OU Mixed Attacker (Classic)) Draco Meteor 121.73 - 143.81% Fire Blast 69.56 - 81.93%
Dragonite (OU Mixed Attacker (Rain)) Hurricane 104.34 - 122.74% Aqua Tail 58.52 - 68.89%
Dragonite (OU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 98.66 - 116.38% ExtremeSpeed 43.81 - 51.83%
Dragonite (OU Substitute + Dragon Dance) Dragon Claw 50.16 - 59.19% (none) 0 - 0%
Dragonite (OU Tank (Rain)) Thunder 86.28 - 101.67% Hurricane 64.54 - 76.25%
Dragonite (OU Tank [Life Orb]) Draco Meteor 121.73 - 143.47% Fire Blast 69.56 - 81.93%
Dragonite (OU Tank) Draco Meteor 93.64 - 110.36% Fire Blast 53.51 - 63.21%
Eelektross (OU Acid Spray) Thunderbolt 131.1 - 155.18% Flamethrower 43.81 - 51.83%
Eelektross (OU Mixed Attacker) Wild Charge 173.24 - 204.68% Dragon Claw 51.17 - 60.2%
Eelektross (OU Mixed Coil [Life Orb]) Thunder 215.38 - 254.84% HP Ice 84.28 - 99.66%
Eelektross (OU Mixed Coil) Thunder 166.55 - 196.65% HP Ice 64.88 - 76.92%
Eelektross (OU Physical Coil) Wild Charge 98.32 - 116.38% Dragon Tail 22.07 - 26.08%
Eelektross (RU Coil) Wild Charge 98.32 - 116.38% Return 37.12 - 43.81%
Eelektross (RU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 170.56 - 201.33% Flamethrower 56.85 - 67.22%
Eelektross (RU Special Attacker) Thunderbolt 131.1 - 155.18% Flamethrower 43.81 - 51.83%
Eelektross (UU Coil) Wild Charge 98.32 - 116.38% Return 37.12 - 43.81%
Eelektross (UU Special Attacker) Thunderbolt 131.1 - 155.18% HP Ice 64.88 - 76.92%
Electabuzz (NU Special Attacker [Choice Scarf]) Thunderbolt 123.07 - 145.15% Volt Switch 90.3 - 107.02%
Electabuzz (NU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 159.19 - 188.62% Volt Switch 118.39 - 139.13%
Electabuzz (NU SubCharge) Thunderbolt 102.34 - 121.07% Charge Beam 54.84 - 64.88%
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf) Ice Punch 61.53 - 72.9% Iron Head 49.16 - 58.19%
Jirachi (OU SubCM) Thunderbolt 61.53 - 72.9% Flash Cannon 39.13 - 46.15%
Jirachi (OU Superachi! (Offensive Calm Mind)) Psychic 55.18 - 65.21% HP Fire 28.42 - 33.77%
Jirachi (OU Wish + Calm Mind) Thunderbolt 61.53 - 72.9% Flash Cannon 39.13 - 46.15%
Lanturn (RU Choice Specs) Thunderbolt 160.53 - 189.29% Volt Switch 119.06 - 140.46%
Lanturn (RU Parafusion) Volt Switch 54.18 - 64.21% Ice Beam 48.82 - 58.19%
Lanturn (RU Rain Dance) Thunder 136.45 - 160.53% Volt Switch 78.92 - 94.31%
Lanturn (RU RestTalk) Thunderbolt 72.9 - 86.95% Scald 31.1 - 36.45%
Lanturn (RU Tank) Volt Switch 54.18 - 64.21% Ice Beam 48.82 - 58.19%
Lanturn (UU Rain Dance) Volt Switch 78.92 - 94.31% Ice Beam 71.57 - 84.94%
Lanturn (UU RestTalk) Thunderbolt 72.9 - 86.95% Scald 31.1 - 36.45%
Lanturn (UU Special Tank) Thunderbolt 72.9 - 86.95% Ice Beam 48.82 - 58.19%
Lanturn (UU SubCharge) Ice Beam 71.57 - 84.94% Charge Beam 56.18 - 66.88%
Luxray (NU Choice [Choice Band]) Wild Charge 204.68 - 241.47% Ice Fang 98.99 - 117.05%
Luxray (NU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Wild Charge 136.45 - 161.2% Ice Fang 66.22 - 78.26%
Luxray (NU Defensive) Discharge 74.24 - 88.29% Volt Switch 64.88 - 76.92%
Luxray (NU Guts [Guts]) Wild Charge 204.68 - 241.47% Facade 106.02 - 125.08%
Luxray (NU Guts) Wild Charge 136.45 - 161.2% Facade 70.9 - 83.61%
Luxray (NU Mixed Attacker [Guts]) Wild Charge 266.88 - 313.71% Superpower 59.19 - 69.56%
Luxray (NU Mixed Attacker) Wild Charge 177.25 - 209.36% Superpower 39.46 - 46.48%
Luxray (RU Wallbreaker [Guts]) Wild Charge 256.85 - 303.01% Ice Fang 123.74 - 145.81%
Luxray (RU Wallbreaker) Wild Charge 171.23 - 202.67% Ice Fang 82.94 - 97.65%
Magneton (OU Choice Scarf) Thunderbolt 131.1 - 155.18% Volt Switch 96.98 - 115.05%
Magneton (OU SubCharge) Thunderbolt 131.1 - 155.18% Charge Beam 68.89 - 82.27%
Magneton (RU Choice Scarf) Thunderbolt 131.1 - 155.18% Volt Switch 96.98 - 115.05%
Magneton (RU Steel Killer) Thunderbolt 144.48 - 170.56% Volt Switch 107.02 - 126.42%
Magneton (UU Charge Beam) Thunderbolt 123.07 - 145.15% Charge Beam 64.88 - 76.92%
Magneton (UU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Thunderbolt 144.48 - 170.56% Volt Switch 107.02 - 126.42%
Magneton (UU Choice [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 216.72 - 255.51% Volt Switch 159.19 - 188.62%
Metagross (OU Agility [Life Orb]) Ice Punch 98.32 - 116.38% Meteor Mash 98.32 - 115.71%
Metagross (OU Agility) Ice Punch 75.58 - 89.63% Meteor Mash 75.58 - 89.29%
Metagross (OU Choice Band) Meteor Mash 123.74 - 145.81% Bullet Punch 49.49 - 58.52%
Metagross (OU Choice Scarf) Ice Punch 75.58 - 89.63% Meteor Mash 75.58 - 89.29%
Metagross (OU Mixed [Expert Belt]) Ice Punch 99.33 - 117.05% Meteor Mash 82.6 - 97.65%
Metagross (OU Mixed [Life Orb]) Meteor Mash 107.69 - 126.75% Ice Punch 107.02 - 126.42%
Metagross (OU Stealth Rock) Meteor Mash 82.6 - 97.65% Bullet Punch 33.44 - 39.46%
Metagross (OU Trick + Iron Ball) Meteor Mash 82.6 - 97.65% Ice Punch 82.94 - 97.65%
Raikou (UU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Thunderbolt 140.46 - 165.21% Volt Switch 103.01 - 122.4%
Raikou (UU Choice [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 209.36 - 247.49% Volt Switch 154.51 - 182.6%
Raikou (UU Offensive Calm Mind) Thunderbolt 166.55 - 196.65% HP Ice 81.6 - 96.32%
Raikou (UU RestTalk) Thunderbolt 103.01 - 122.4% (none) 0 - 0%
Raikou (UU Substitute + Calm Mind) Thunderbolt 108.36 - 128.42% HP Ice 53.51 - 63.54%
Regirock (NU Mono-Attacker) Rock Slide 72.9 - 86.28% (none) 0 - 0%
Regirock (NU Offensive Tank) Stone Edge 134.44 - 158.52% Drain Punch 16.72 - 19.73%
Regirock (NU Sunny Day Support) Stone Edge 96.32 - 114.38% Fire Punch 24.41 - 28.76%
Regirock (NU Support) Stone Edge 96.32 - 114.38% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Regirock (RU Sunny Day) Stone Edge 107.02 - 126.42% Fire Punch 26.75 - 31.77%
Regirock (RU Tank) Stone Edge 107.02 - 126.42% Drain Punch 13.37 - 15.71%
Regirock (UU Mono-Attacker) Rock Slide 72.9 - 86.28% (none) 0 - 0%
Steelix (RU Curse) Gyro Ball 63.54 - 75.25% Stone Edge 56.85 - 66.88%
Steelix (RU Defensive) Gyro Ball 63.21 - 74.58% Dragon Tail 17.05 - 20.06%
Zapdos (OU Physically Defensive) Thunderbolt 111.03 - 131.1% Heat Wave 39.13 - 46.15%
Zapdos (OU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 176.58 - 208.69% HP Ice 86.95 - 102.34%
Zapdos (OU Special Attacker) Thunderbolt 136.45 - 160.53% HP Ice 66.88 - 78.92%
Zapdos (OU SubRoost) Thunderbolt 111.03 - 131.1% Heat Wave 39.13 - 46.15%
Zapdos (UU Offensive [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 176.58 - 208.69% Heat Wave 61.87 - 72.9%
Zapdos (UU Offensive) Thunderbolt 136.45 - 160.53% Heat Wave 47.49 - 56.18%
Zapdos (UU Physically Defensive) Discharge 94.31 - 111.03% Heat Wave 39.13 - 46.15%
Zapdos (UU Specially Defensive) Discharge 94.31 - 111.03% Heat Wave 39.13 - 46.15%
Zapdos (UU SubRoost) Thunderbolt 111.03 - 131.1% HP Ice 54.84 - 64.88%


Aggron (RU Choice Band) Head Smash 193.08 - 228.14% Heavy Slam 51.85 - 61.23%
Aggron (RU SubPunch) Head Smash 129.38 - 152.59% Focus Punch 86.41 - 101.72%
Aggron (RU Support) Head Smash 94.81 - 111.6% Earthquake 20.98 - 24.93%
Aggron (UU Autotomize [Life Orb]) Head Smash 167.4 - 197.53% Low Kick 89.38 - 105.67%
Aggron (UU Autotomize) Head Smash 129.38 - 152.59% Low Kick 69.13 - 81.48%
Aggron (UU Choice Band) Head Smash 176.29 - 207.4% Heavy Slam 47.4 - 56.29%
Empoleon (OU Agility [Life Orb] [Torrent]) Hydro Pump 50.61 - 59.75% Ice Beam 35.8 - 42.22%
Empoleon (OU Choice Specs [Torrent]) Hydro Pump 58.51 - 68.88% Ice Beam 41.23 - 48.64%
Empoleon (UU Agility [Torrent]) Hydro Pump 50.61 - 59.75% Ice Beam 35.8 - 42.22%
Heatran (OU Choice Scarf [Flash Fire]) Overheat 91.85 - 108.64% Flamethrower 62.71 - 74.07%
Heatran (OU Choice Scarf) Overheat 61.72 - 72.59% Flamethrower 41.48 - 49.38%
Heatran (OU Choice Specs [Flash Fire]) Overheat 151.6 - 178.76% Dragon Pulse 86.91 - 102.71%
Heatran (OU Choice Specs) Overheat 101.23 - 119.5% Dragon Pulse 86.91 - 102.71%
Heatran (OU Magma Storm [Flash Fire]) Magma Storm 79.01 - 93.33% Earth Power 26.41 - 31.35%
Heatran (OU Magma Storm [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Magma Storm 102.22 - 120.98% Earth Power 34.56 - 40.74%
Heatran (OU Magma Storm [Life Orb]) Magma Storm 68.64 - 80.98% Earth Power 34.56 - 40.74%
Heatran (OU Magma Storm) Magma Storm 52.83 - 62.22% Earth Power 26.41 - 31.35%
Heatran (OU Offensive [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 86.41 - 102.22% Earth Power 29.13 - 34.32%
Heatran (OU Offensive [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 112.59 - 132.34% Earth Power 37.77 - 44.44%
Heatran (OU Offensive [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 75.55 - 88.88% Earth Power 37.77 - 44.44%
Heatran (OU Offensive) Fire Blast 57.77 - 68.14% Earth Power 29.13 - 34.32%
Heatran (OU Sunny Day Attacker [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 79.01 - 93.33% HP Ice 20.74 - 24.44%
Heatran (OU Sunny Day Attacker [Life Orb] [Flash Fire]) Fire Blast 102.22 - 120.98% HP Ice 26.66 - 31.6%
Heatran (OU Sunny Day Attacker [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 68.64 - 80.98% HP Ice 26.66 - 31.6%
Heatran (OU Sunny Day Attacker) Fire Blast 52.83 - 62.22% HP Ice 20.74 - 24.44%
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf) Iron Head 59.25 - 70.12% Ice Punch 18.51 - 21.97%
Jirachi (OU Substitute + Paralysis) Iron Head 59.25 - 70.12% Body Slam 20.98 - 24.69%
Lairon (NU Offensive [Life Orb]) Head Smash 146.66 - 173.33% Iron Head 79.01 - 93.33%
Lairon (NU Offensive) Head Smash 113.08 - 133.33% Iron Head 60.74 - 71.6%
Lairon (NU Physically Defensive) Head Smash 80 - 94.81% Earthquake 18.02 - 21.23%
Lairon (NU Specially Defensive) Head Smash 80 - 94.81% Earthquake 18.02 - 21.23%

Tyranitar (Chople)

Altaria (NU Choice Specs) Draco Meteor 121.37 - 143.12% Dragon Pulse 77.86 - 91.98%
Altaria (NU Offensive Dragon Dance [Life Orb]) Outrage 107.63 - 127.09% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Altaria (NU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 82.82 - 97.7% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Altaria (RU Choice Specs) Draco Meteor 121.37 - 143.12% Dragon Pulse 77.86 - 91.98%
Altaria (RU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 107.63 - 127.09% Fire Blast 36.64 - 43.12%
Altaria (RU Special Attacker) Draco Meteor 105.34 - 124.04% Flamethrower 47.7 - 56.48%
Altaria (UU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 107.63 - 127.09% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Ampharos (NU Agility [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 89.69 - 105.72% Focus Blast 0 - 0%
Ampharos (NU Agility) Thunderbolt 69.08 - 81.67% Focus Blast 0 - 0%
Ampharos (NU Specially Defensive) Thunderbolt 56.1 - 66.41% Volt Switch 41.6 - 49.23%
Ampharos (NU Tank [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 113.35 - 133.96% Volt Switch 83.96 - 98.85%
Ampharos (NU Tank [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 97.7 - 115.64% Volt Switch 72.51 - 85.87%
Ampharos (RU Agility [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 89.69 - 105.72% HP Grass 22.13 - 25.95%
Ampharos (RU Agility) Thunderbolt 69.08 - 81.67% HP Grass 17.17 - 20.22%
Ampharos (RU Specially Defensive) Thunderbolt 56.1 - 66.41% Volt Switch 41.6 - 49.23%
Ampharos (RU Tank [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 113.35 - 133.96% Volt Switch 83.96 - 98.85%
Ampharos (RU Tank [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 97.7 - 115.64% Volt Switch 72.51 - 85.87%
Bronzong (OU Dual Screens) Gyro Ball 91.98 - 108.77% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Life Orb]) Gyro Ball 144.27 - 169.84% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Offensive Trick Room [Macho Brace]) Gyro Ball 119.46 - 141.22% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (OU Tank) Gyro Ball 83.58 - 98.47% HP Ice 20.22 - 24.04%
Bronzong (OU Trick Room Support) Gyro Ball 78.24 - 92.74% (none) 0 - 0%
Bronzong (UU Calm Mind) Psyshock 82.44 - 96.94% Grass Knot 8.39 - 10.3%
Bronzong (UU Dual Screens) Gyro Ball 78.24 - 92.74% Earthquake 0 - 0%
Bronzong (UU Tank) Gyro Ball 78.24 - 92.74% (none) 0 - 0%
Dragonair (NU Bulky Dragon Dance) Outrage 64.5 - 75.95% Waterfall 28.62 - 33.96%
Dragonair (NU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 120.22 - 141.98% Waterfall 53.81 - 63.35%
Dragonair (RU Defensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 64.5 - 76.71% Dragon Tail 32.44 - 38.93%
Dragonair (RU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 120.22 - 141.98% Aqua Tail 59.92 - 70.61%
Dragonite (OU Bulky Dragon Dance) Dragon Claw 73.28 - 86.25% Fire Punch 45.41 - 53.81%
Dragonite (OU Choice Band) Outrage 190.45 - 224.42% Fire Punch 79.38 - 93.51%
Dragonite (OU Mixed Attacker (Classic)) Draco Meteor 131.67 - 154.96% Fire Blast 75.19 - 88.54%
Dragonite (OU Mixed Attacker (Rain)) Hurricane 112.59 - 132.82% Aqua Tail 75.19 - 88.54%
Dragonite (OU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 127.09 - 150% Fire Punch 53.05 - 62.59%
Dragonite (OU Substitute + Dragon Dance) Dragon Claw 64.12 - 75.57% (none) 0 - 0%
Dragonite (OU Tank (Rain)) Hurricane 69.84 - 82.44% Thunder 46.56 - 54.96%
Dragonite (OU Tank [Life Orb]) Draco Meteor 130.91 - 154.58% Fire Blast 75.19 - 88.54%
Dragonite (OU Tank) Draco Meteor 100.76 - 119.08% Fire Blast 58.01 - 68.32%
Eelektross (OU Acid Spray) Thunderbolt 70.99 - 83.96% Flamethrower 47.32 - 56.1%
Eelektross (OU Mixed Attacker) Wild Charge 110.3 - 130.53% Dragon Claw 66.03 - 77.86%
Eelektross (OU Mixed Coil [Life Orb]) Thunder 116.79 - 137.4% HP Ice 45.41 - 53.81%
Eelektross (OU Mixed Coil) Thunder 89.69 - 105.72% HP Ice 35.11 - 41.6%
Eelektross (OU Physical Coil) Wild Charge 63.35 - 74.8% Dragon Tail 28.24 - 33.58%
Eelektross (RU Coil) Wild Charge 63.35 - 74.8% Dragon Tail 28.24 - 33.58%
Eelektross (RU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 92.74 - 109.16% Flamethrower 61.83 - 72.9%
Eelektross (RU Special Attacker) Thunderbolt 70.99 - 83.96% Flamethrower 47.32 - 56.1%
Eelektross (UU Coil) Wild Charge 63.35 - 74.8% Return 0 - 0%
Eelektross (UU Special Attacker) Thunderbolt 70.99 - 83.96% Flamethrower 47.32 - 56.1%
Electabuzz (NU Special Attacker [Choice Scarf]) Thunderbolt 66.79 - 79% Volt Switch 49.23 - 58.39%
Electabuzz (NU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 87.02 - 102.29% Volt Switch 64.12 - 75.57%
Electabuzz (NU SubCharge) Thunderbolt 55.34 - 65.64% Charge Beam 29 - 34.73%
Escavalier (OU Choice Band) Pursuit 85.49 - 100.76% Megahorn 47.7 - 56.1%
Escavalier (UU Defensive) Iron Head 64.5 - 76.71% Pursuit 43.51 - 51.9%
Escavalier (UU Offensive) Iron Head 127.48 - 150.38% Pursuit 85.49 - 100.76%
Flareon (NU Wish [Flash Fire]) Flamethrower 70.99 - 83.58% (none) 0 - 0%
Flareon (RU Special Tank [Flash Fire]) Flamethrower 70.99 - 83.58% (none) 0 - 0%
Gastrodon (OU Choice Specs) Surf 97.32 - 114.88% Ice Beam 64.88 - 76.71%
Golbat (NU Defensive) Brave Bird 61.83 - 73.28% (none) 0 - 0%
Golbat (RU Defensive) Brave Bird 61.83 - 73.28% (none) 0 - 0%
Gurdurr (NU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 142.74 - 167.93% Drain Punch 0 - 0%
Gurdurr (NU Bulk Up) Payback 94.65 - 112.21% Drain Punch 0 - 0%
Gurdurr (RU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 129.77 - 153.43% Drain Punch 0 - 0%
Gurdurr (RU Bulk Up) Payback 87.02 - 103.05% Drain Punch 0 - 0%
Gurdurr (UU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 129.77 - 152.67% Drain Punch 0 - 0%
Gurdurr (UU Bulk Up) Payback 86.25 - 102.29% Drain Punch 0 - 0%
Hariyama (RU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 195.41 - 230.53% Stone Edge 97.7 - 115.26%
Hariyama (RU Bulk Up) Payback 130.53 - 154.19% Stone Edge 65.26 - 77.09%
Hariyama (RU Guts [Guts]) Stone Edge 97.7 - 115.26% Bullet Punch 39.31 - 46.56%
Hariyama (RU Guts) Stone Edge 65.26 - 77.09% Bullet Punch 26.33 - 31.29%
Hariyama (RU SubPunch) Payback 130.53 - 154.19% Stone Edge 65.26 - 77.09%
Hariyama (UU Bulk Up) Stone Edge 65.26 - 77.09% Ice Punch 49.23 - 58.01%
Hariyama (UU Guts [Guts]) Stone Edge 97.7 - 115.26% Bullet Punch 39.31 - 46.56%
Hariyama (UU Guts) Stone Edge 65.26 - 77.09% Bullet Punch 26.33 - 31.29%
Hariyama (UU SubPunch) Payback 130.53 - 154.19% Stone Edge 65.26 - 77.09%
Jirachi (OU Choice Scarf) Iron Head 62.97 - 74.42% Ice Punch 39.31 - 46.56%
Jirachi (OU Substitute + Paralysis) Iron Head 62.97 - 74.42% Fire Punch 39.31 - 46.56%
Jirachi (OU Superachi! (Offensive Calm Mind)) Psychic 119.08 - 140.45% HP Fire 30.91 - 36.64%
Lanturn (RU Choice Specs) Hydro Pump 109.92 - 129.38% Thunderbolt 87.02 - 102.29%
Lanturn (RU Rain Dance) Thunder 73.28 - 86.25% Surf 58.39 - 68.7%
Lanturn (UU Rain Dance) Hydro Pump 73.28 - 86.25% Volt Switch 42.74 - 50.76%
Lanturn (UU SubCharge) Surf 58.39 - 68.7% Ice Beam 38.93 - 45.8%
Mandibuzz (OU Specially Defensive) Brave Bird 52.67 - 62.21% U-turn 4.96 - 6.1%
Mandibuzz (RU Specially Defensive) Brave Bird 52.67 - 62.21% (none) 0 - 0%
Mandibuzz (UU Specially Defensive) Brave Bird 52.67 - 62.21% U-turn 4.96 - 6.1%
Muk (NU Choice Band) Shadow Sneak 71.75 - 84.73% Ice Punch 66.79 - 79%
Muk (RU Choice Band) Shadow Sneak 71.75 - 84.73% Ice Punch 66.79 - 79%
Murkrow (NU FeatherDance) Brave Bird 65.26 - 77.09% (none) 0 - 0%
Murkrow (NU Life Orb Attacker) Sucker Punch 147.32 - 174.04% Brave Bird 109.92 - 129.77%
Ninetales (OU Choice Specs [Drought]) Overheat 180.91 - 212.97% Flamethrower 122.51 - 144.27%
Ninetales (OU Choice Specs) Overheat 120.61 - 142.36% Flamethrower 81.67 - 96.56%
Ninetales (OU Nasty Plot [Drought]) Fire Blast 133.96 - 158.01% Energy Ball 19.84 - 23.66%
Ninetales (OU Nasty Plot) Fire Blast 89.69 - 105.72% Energy Ball 19.84 - 23.66%
Ninetales (OU Special Attacker [Drought]) Fire Blast 103.43 - 121.75% Energy Ball 15.26 - 18.32%
Ninetales (OU Special Attacker [Life Orb] [Drought]) Fire Blast 133.96 - 158.01% Energy Ball 19.84 - 23.66%
Ninetales (OU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Fire Blast 89.69 - 105.72% Energy Ball 19.84 - 23.66%
Ninetales (OU Special Attacker) Fire Blast 69.08 - 81.67% Energy Ball 15.26 - 18.32%
Ninetales (OU Specially Defensive [Drought]) Flamethrower 61.83 - 73.28% (none) 0 - 0%
Ninetales (OU Sunny Day [Drought]) Fire Blast 113.35 - 133.96% SolarBeam 25.19 - 29.77%
Ninetales (OU Sunny Day) Fire Blast 75.95 - 89.69% SolarBeam 25.19 - 29.77%
Roserade (OU Toxic Spikes [Life Orb]) Leaf Storm 69.84 - 82.44% HP Fire 46.94 - 55.34%
Roserade (OU Toxic Spikes) Leaf Storm 53.81 - 63.35% HP Fire 36.25 - 42.74%
Roserade (UU Offensive) Leaf Storm 69.84 - 82.44% HP Fire 46.94 - 55.34%
Roserade (UU Toxic Spikes) Leaf Storm 53.81 - 63.35% Sludge Bomb 17.17 - 20.22%
Rotom-C (OU Choice Scarf) Thunderbolt 64.5 - 76.71% Volt Switch 48.09 - 56.48%
Rotom-C (OU Choice Specs) Thunderbolt 106.48 - 125.19% Volt Switch 78.24 - 92.74%
Rotom-C (RU Choice [Choice Specs]) Volt Switch 71.37 - 84.73% Leaf Storm 70.99 - 83.96%
Rotom-C (RU Rain Support) Volt Switch 52.67 - 62.21% Leaf Storm 52.29 - 61.83%
Rotom-C (RU Support) Volt Switch 52.67 - 62.21% Leaf Storm 52.29 - 61.83%
Rotom-C (UU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Thunderbolt 70.99 - 83.96% Volt Switch 52.67 - 62.21%
Rotom-C (UU Choice [Choice Specs]) Thunderbolt 106.48 - 125.19% Volt Switch 78.24 - 92.74%
Scyther (RU Bulky Swords Dance) Aerial Ace 61.06 - 72.51% (none) 0 - 0%
Scyther (RU Choice [Choice Band]) Aerial Ace 113.35 - 133.2% Bug Bite 28.24 - 33.2%
Scyther (RU Choice [Choice Scarf]) Aerial Ace 75.57 - 89.31% Bug Bite 18.7 - 22.13%
Scyther (RU Offensive Swords Dance [Life Orb]) Aerial Ace 97.7 - 115.64% Bug Bite 24.42 - 28.62%
Scyther (RU Offensive Swords Dance) Aerial Ace 75.57 - 89.31% Bug Bite 18.7 - 22.13%
Scyther (UU Bulky Swords Dance) Aerial Ace 62.97 - 74.42% Brick Break 0 - 0%
Scyther (UU Choice Attacker [Choice Band]) Aerial Ace 113.35 - 133.2% U-turn 21.75 - 25.95%
Scyther (UU Choice Attacker [Choice Scarf]) Aerial Ace 75.57 - 89.31% U-turn 14.5 - 17.17%
Scyther (UU Swords Dance Sweeper) Aerial Ace 97.7 - 115.64% Bug Bite 24.42 - 28.62%
Shaymin (OU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Seed Flare 51.52 - 60.68% HP Fire 40.07 - 47.32%
Shaymin (UU Special Attacker) Seed Flare 51.52 - 60.68% Air Slash 43.12 - 50.76%
Shelgon (NU Bulky Dragon Dance) Outrage 73.28 - 86.25% (none) 0 - 0%
Shelgon (RU Defensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 71.37 - 84.73% (none) 0 - 0%
Shelgon (RU Offensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 90.83 - 107.63% Dragon Claw 61.06 - 72.13%
Shelgon (UU Defensive Dragon Dance) Outrage 71.37 - 84.73% (none) 0 - 0%
Spiritomb (OU Calm Mind) Dark Pulse 77.86 - 92.36% (none) 0 - 0%
Spiritomb (RU All-Out Attacker [BlackGlasses]) Sucker Punch 156.48 - 185.49% Pursuit 78.62 - 93.89%
Spiritomb (RU All-Out Attacker [Choice Band]) Sucker Punch 195.41 - 231.29% Shadow Sneak 98.47 - 116.79%
Spiritomb (RU Calm Mind) Dark Pulse 77.86 - 92.36% (none) 0 - 0%
Spiritomb (RU Defensive) Sucker Punch 92.36 - 109.92% Shadow Sneak 46.56 - 55.72%
Spiritomb (UU Calm Mind) Dark Pulse 77.86 - 92.36% (none) 0 - 0%
Spiritomb (UU Choice Band) Sucker Punch 195.41 - 231.29% Shadow Sneak 98.47 - 116.79%
Spiritomb (UU Defensive) Dark Pulse 77.86 - 92.36% Pursuit 46.56 - 55.72%
Stunfisk (NU Choice Specs) Thunderbolt 90.45 - 106.48% Surf 60.3 - 70.99%
Stunfisk (RU Choice Specs) Thunderbolt 90.45 - 106.48% Surf 60.3 - 70.99%
Suicune (OU Offensive Calm Mind [Life Orb]) Surf 75.95 - 89.69% Ice Beam 50.76 - 59.92%
Suicune (OU Offensive Calm Mind) Surf 58.39 - 69.08% Ice Beam 38.93 - 46.18%
Suicune (OU Substitute + Calm Mind) Surf 59.54 - 70.22% Ice Beam 39.69 - 46.94%
Suicune (UU Offensive [Life Orb]) Hydro Pump 96.18 - 113.35% Ice Beam 50.76 - 59.92%
Suicune (UU Offensive) Hydro Pump 74.42 - 87.4% Ice Beam 38.93 - 46.18%
Tentacruel (OU Offensive) Hydro Pump 89.31 - 105.34% Ice Beam 47.32 - 55.72%
Throh (NU ChestoRest [Guts]) Payback 124.42 - 146.56% Circle Throw 0 - 0%
Throh (NU ChestoRest) Payback 83.2 - 98.47% Circle Throw 0 - 0%
Throh (OU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 130.53 - 154.19% Stone Edge 65.26 - 77.09%
Throh (OU Bulk Up) Payback 87.02 - 103.05% Stone Edge 43.51 - 51.52%
Throh (RU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 124.42 - 146.56% Circle Throw 0 - 0%
Throh (RU Bulk Up) Payback 83.2 - 98.47% Circle Throw 0 - 0%
Throh (UU Bulk Up [Guts]) Payback 124.42 - 146.56% Circle Throw 0 - 0%
Throh (UU Bulk Up) Payback 83.2 - 98.47% Circle Throw 0 - 0%
Togekiss (OU Defensive Nasty Plot) Air Slash 50.38 - 59.54% Aura Sphere 0 - 0%
Togekiss (OU Offensive Nasty Plot) Fire Blast 67.93 - 80.15% Air Slash 64.12 - 75.57%
Togekiss (UU Choice Scarf) Fire Blast 59.92 - 70.61% Air Slash 56.1 - 66.41%
Togekiss (UU Mixed Attacker) Air Slash 72.51 - 85.87% ExtremeSpeed 0 - 0%
Togekiss (UU Offensive Nasty Plot) Fire Blast 67.93 - 80.15% Air Slash 64.12 - 75.57%
Torterra (NU Choice Band [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 122.9 - 145.03% Stone Edge 91.6 - 108.01%
Torterra (NU Choice Band) Stone Edge 91.6 - 108.01% Wood Hammer 82.44 - 96.94%
Torterra (NU Rock Polish [Life Orb] [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 106.87 - 125.95% Stone Edge 79.38 - 93.51%
Torterra (NU Rock Polish [Life Orb]) Stone Edge 79.38 - 93.51% Wood Hammer 70.99 - 83.58%
Torterra (NU Rock Polish [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 82.44 - 96.94% Stone Edge 61.06 - 72.13%
Torterra (NU Rock Polish) Stone Edge 61.06 - 72.13% Wood Hammer 54.96 - 64.5%
Torterra (NU Tank [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 62.97 - 74.42% (none) 0 - 0%
Torterra (RU Choice Band [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 122.9 - 145.03% Stone Edge 91.6 - 108.01%
Torterra (RU Choice Band) Stone Edge 91.6 - 108.01% Wood Hammer 82.44 - 96.94%
Torterra (RU Offensive Tank [Life Orb] [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 106.87 - 125.95% Rock Slide 59.54 - 70.22%
Torterra (RU Offensive Tank [Life Orb]) Wood Hammer 70.99 - 83.58% Rock Slide 59.54 - 70.22%
Torterra (RU Offensive Tank [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 82.44 - 96.94% Rock Slide 45.8 - 54.19%
Torterra (RU Offensive Tank) Wood Hammer 54.96 - 64.5% Rock Slide 45.8 - 54.19%
Torterra (RU Rock Polish [Overgrow]) Wood Hammer 106.87 - 125.95% Stone Edge 79.38 - 93.51%
Torterra (RU Rock Polish) Stone Edge 79.38 - 93.51% Wood Hammer 70.99 - 83.58%
Torterra (RU Swords Dance) Stone Edge 79.38 - 93.51% Seed Bomb 47.32 - 56.1%
Tyranitar (Chople)
Tyranitar (OU Choice Band) Crunch 254.19 - 300% Stone Edge 158.39 - 187.02%
Tyranitar (OU Choice Scarf) Crunch 155.72 - 183.2% Stone Edge 96.56 - 113.74%
Tyranitar (OU Dragon Dance [Life Orb]) Crunch 201.52 - 238.16% Stone Edge 125.19 - 147.7%
Tyranitar (OU Dragon Dance) Crunch 155.72 - 183.2% Stone Edge 96.56 - 113.74%
Tyranitar (OU Mixed Attacker) Crunch 128.24 - 151.14% Fire Blast 43.12 - 50.76%
Tyranitar (OU Specially Defensive) Crunch 129 - 151.9% Pursuit 64.12 - 76.33%
Tyranitar (OU TyraniBoah (SubPunch) [Sand Stream]) Crunch 135.11 - 158.77% Fire Blast 52.29 - 61.83%
Tyranitar (OU TyraniBoah (SubPunch)) Crunch 135.11 - 158.77% Fire Blast 52.29 - 61.83%
Vaporeon (OU Hydration Tank) Surf 95.41 - 112.59% Ice Beam 63.74 - 75.19%
Zapdos (OU Physically Defensive) Thunderbolt 59.92 - 70.99% Heat Wave 42.36 - 50%
Zapdos (OU Special Attacker [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 95.03 - 112.21% Heat Wave 66.79 - 78.62%
Zapdos (OU Special Attacker) Thunderbolt 73.28 - 86.25% Heat Wave 51.52 - 60.68%
Zapdos (OU SubRoost) Thunderbolt 59.92 - 70.99% Heat Wave 42.36 - 50%
Zapdos (UU Offensive [Life Orb]) Thunderbolt 95.03 - 112.21% Heat Wave 66.79 - 78.62%
Zapdos (UU Offensive) Thunderbolt 73.28 - 86.25% Heat Wave 51.52 - 60.68%
Zapdos (UU Physically Defensive) Discharge 50.76 - 59.92% Heat Wave 42.36 - 50%
Zapdos (UU Specially Defensive) Discharge 50.76 - 59.92% Heat Wave 42.36 - 50%
Zapdos (UU SubRoost) Thunderbolt 59.92 - 70.99% HP Ice 29.77 - 35.11%

May or may no do Volcarona calcs. Depends on how many Volca counters are already in the top of the final list. (That and I'm just lazy and don't want to do more calcs and sorting than I need to. >>; )

There's also the fact that, currently, the only Pokemon we have that Volcarona could dream of setting up on is Zoroark herself. The rest demolish it.
Sorry for the double post, but there's so much in my previous post that I now get errors when editing it.

Using the above calcs and the Rotom-W & Terrakion calcs here, I've made this list of the current top teammates for this team based on raw data:
  ****Dragonite (Multiscale influences data)
There's a total of 8 possible stars as I calc'd 8 Pokemon. The more the better.
The King Killers thread in my sig explains the entire process.
You can check my above post for any info on what beats what and which sets do it.

I didn't bother with Volcarona just because I've already put a few hours into this. I have stuff to do today other than Pokemon. It really wouldn't change anything as it would only add one star to things. Jirachi would still be the top dog there.

I'd personally run Stealth Rock on Jirachi just so we have the next slot open to a sweeper like Dragonite, Scarfmence, or w/e, but other than that, the sets already posted work.
And I totally agree with ginganinja.

Shuckle's so got my vote.

Edit: Oh! I can easily add another Pokemon to that calc if you guys find more big threats.
@ the guy who was suggesting HP rock on everything

HP rock sucks. volcarona isn't even that common. sure, you should worry about it, but goddamn HP Rock celebi? throw u turn on that thing and volcarona can eat your shit. earth power renders it useless w/ sr down. and don't we have a gyarados...?

chill about countering specific threats.

my nom:

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 160 SDef / 96 Spd
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Wish
- Stealth Rock

I've used this set a lot and it's really good. Pass Wishes to Gyarados and Haxorus; Gyarados in particular becomes really hard to beat if it can get another 60% of his health back to sweep again. It sets up SR, eats Dragon attacks and Hurricanes for breakfast, and can use U-turn to pass Wishes safely and keep momentum (like U-turning out of a Heatran straight to Haxorus / Gyarados).
@ the guy who was suggesting HP rock on everything

HP rock sucks. volcarona isn't even that common. sure, you should worry about it, but goddamn HP Rock celebi? throw u turn on that thing and volcarona can eat your shit. earth power renders it useless w/ sr down. and don't we have a gyarados...?

chill about countering specific threats.

my nom:

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 160 SDef / 96 Spd
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Wish
- Stealth Rock

I've used this set a lot and it's really good. Pass Wishes to Gyarados and Haxorus; Gyarados in particular becomes really hard to beat if it can get another 60% of his health back to sweep again. It sets up SR, eats Dragon attacks and Hurricanes for breakfast, and can use U-turn to pass Wishes safely and keep momentum (like U-turning out of a Heatran straight to Haxorus / Gyarados).

Ah yes, that'd be me you're referring to. A few things.

1) it was two Pokemon. You're overracting a bit.
2) They were only suggested in conjunction with Scizor, which greatly amplifies out weakness to Volcarona. Volcarona isn't the sort of mon where one check will do, because once that check gets weakened it can just come in for a clean sweep. And what if the Volcarona carries HP Rock (or Electric, don't ask me why but I have run into a guy that used it), as a fair number do? Then Gyarados is fucked.
3) HP Rock is very comparable to HP Ice, (or in Azelf's case, Ice Punch) in terms of coverage gained, and the important bit is that it DOES get Volcarona. At this point in team building we're looking to fill in the last few niches we have left to fill, and we needed a) an answer to threats we haven't checked yet, inlcuding Volcarona b) a setter of Stealth Rock. Combined with Scizor, these two fill that niche quite well.
4) HP Rock on those two Psychic types does something else; it allows them to function as a lure. Since usually Volcarona has a field day with those two, it won't suspect a thing as it comes in. This makes them far more reliable at eliminating Volcarona as a threat than Gyarados simply because the opponent is likely to play carefully around Gyarados, since they know Volcarona can sweep our team without it. This gives us the edge we need against one of the most potent threats in the metagame.
5) Volcarona appeared on 7.47% of teams last month. A third of those ran Hidden Power (though how many were Rock vs. Ground the stats don't say). I don't know about you, but I'd rather not lose ~4% of our games because we only have one check to one of the most dangerous set up sweepers in the game. It's not like the Pokemon I suggested can't do anything else either; they function very well as checks to a number of other dangerous Pokemon such as Terrakion as well.

And now to bash your set. Sorry but I don't think you've been paying much attention to this topic because then you'd know we're running a HYPER OFFENSE TEAM. The highly defensive Jirachi you posted is just ASKING to be set up upon by something like Volcarona, Haxorus, Salamence or others, which is something out team REALLY cannot afford.

I think that set would perform just fine on a more balanced or bulky offense team, but on this Hyper Offense team? It just doesn't fit. I like the Scarf/expert Belt Jirachi people have posted much better for this team, as it isn't set up bait for much of anything (well Scarf could be. I like Expert Belt better myself).
No one runs hp rock on Volc, well no one who is competent because it sucks ass. Sun boosted fire blast does similar damage to hp rock to gyarados, Dragonite, Volcarona pretty much any fire type too. I ran onto some random on the ladder yesterday who ran nasty plot Persian, does that mean we should prepare for that too? No

Also balloon heatran is not a sun "check" you get your balloon bust and killed by Dugtri and any decent sun team will be built with heatran as the number one threat to take care of so it wont be so effective, plus who the hell Is going to try to set up a non hp ground Volcarona vs heatran when they have a Dugtrio waiting in the wings anyway?

With proper team support a Volcarona in the sun is going to sweep against non weather teams more often than not, the way to deal with it is keeping sr down and preventignit setting up, not throwing hp rock on random stuff.

Why not just run a sashedalakazam do deal with Tornadus/salamence/gengar/Virizion/Starmie and all the over threats that are mentioned as being the reason we need a steel type, it's pretty much a guaranteed 1 time backup vs anything and will fit into the whole offense theme of the team better than a steel type designed to absorbs attacks.

Ps @jimeraO

This isn't a hyper offense team, seeing as it's got a donphan in it...
No one runs hp rock on Volc, well no one who is competent because it sucks ass. Sun boosted fire blast does similar damage to hp rock to gyarados, Dragonite, Volcarona pretty much any fire type too. I ran onto some random on the ladder yesterday who ran nasty plot Persian, does that mean we should prepare for that too? No

Also balloon heatran is not a sun "check" you get your balloon bust and killed by Dugtri and any decent sun team will be built with heatran as the number one threat to take care of so it wont be so effective, plus who the hell Is going to try to set up a non hp ground Volcarona vs heatran when they have a Dugtrio waiting in the wings anyway?

With proper team support a Volcarona in the sun is going to sweep against non weather teams more often than not, the way to deal with it is keeping sr down and preventignit setting up, not throwing hp rock on random stuff.

Why not just run a sashedalakazam do deal with Tornadus/salamence/gengar/Virizion/Starmie and all the over threats that are mentioned as being the reason we need a steel type, it's pretty much a guaranteed 1 time backup vs anything and will fit into the whole offense theme of the team better than a steel type designed to absorbs attacks.

Ps @jimeraO

This isn't a hyper offense team, seeing as it's got a donphan in it...

In case you didn't notice, we're using a non-standard OFFENSIVE Donphan, which fits Hyper Offense pretty well. And we voted on the team playstyle, in case you didn't notice. WE VOTED HYPER OFFENSE. Stop jumping into the topic midway without bothering to take a look at what we've already decided people.

The key to a sucessful hyper offense team is keeping offensive pressure on the opponent. Offensive Donphan can do this, a Jirachi with Iron head as its only attacking move cannot. Got the point yet?

Alakazam might be a good idea, but you have to actually make a full nomination for it if you want it to be considered. If you don't feel up to it can do so myself in a bit, but right now I'm feeling out of it and just want to... lie down? I don't know, but typing on a computer isn't helping. Whatever is up with me is hampering my ability to think straight so sorry if my posts seems a little less coherent than normal. And also if I seem more irritable than normal. I just do not feel good...

Oh, and Heatran IS a sun check. If you're playing well you won't LET Dugtrio trap you, and once it's done with Heatran has very little trouble with most Sun teams. Don't forget not every competent Sun team runs Dugtrio either. Remember, we're talking a CHECK here, not a counter. No Pokemon is a hard counter to an entire playstyle, but some DO give entire playstyles trouble. Heatran is one of those when it comes to sun.
Ah yes, that'd be me you're referring to. A few things.

1) it was two Pokemon. You're overracting a bit.
2) They were only suggested in conjunction with Scizor, which greatly amplifies out weakness to Volcarona. Volcarona isn't the sort of mon where one check will do, because once that check gets weakened it can just come in for a clean sweep. And what if the Volcarona carries HP Rock (or Electric, don't ask me why but I have run into a guy that used it), as a fair number do? Then Gyarados is fucked.
3) HP Rock is very comparable to HP Ice, (or in Azelf's case, Ice Punch) in terms of coverage gained, and the important bit is that it DOES get Volcarona. At this point in team building we're looking to fill in the last few niches we have left to fill, and we needed a) an answer to threats we haven't checked yet, inlcuding Volcarona b) a setter of Stealth Rock. Combined with Scizor, these two fill that niche quite well.
4) HP Rock on those two Psychic types does something else; it allows them to function as a lure. Since usually Volcarona has a field day with those two, it won't suspect a thing as it comes in. This makes them far more reliable at eliminating Volcarona as a threat than Gyarados simply because the opponent is likely to play carefully around Gyarados, since they know Volcarona can sweep our team without it. This gives us the edge we need against one of the most potent threats in the metagame.
5) Volcarona appeared on 7.47% of teams last month. A third of those ran Hidden Power (though how many were Rock vs. Ground the stats don't say). I don't know about you, but I'd rather not lose ~4% of our games because we only have one check to one of the most dangerous set up sweepers in the game. It's not like the Pokemon I suggested can't do anything else either; they function very well as checks to a number of other dangerous Pokemon such as Terrakion as well.

And now to bash your set. Sorry but I don't think you've been paying much attention to this topic because then you'd know we're running a HYPER OFFENSE TEAM. The highly defensive Jirachi you posted is just ASKING to be set up upon by something like Volcarona, Haxorus, Salamence or others, which is something out team REALLY cannot afford.

I think that set would perform just fine on a more balanced or bulky offense team, but on this Hyper Offense team? It just doesn't fit. I like the Scarf/expert Belt Jirachi people have posted much better for this team, as it isn't set up bait for much of anything (well Scarf could be. I like Expert Belt better myself).

why are you so worried about volcarona? it can't set up anywhere, except zoroark i guess. plus we have a gyarados. the whole point of heavy offense is to not let anything set up, and we don't. i think you're overreacting a bit...

and while my jirachi set isn't an HO mon, i nominated it because it can pass wishes to gyarados to mitigate the threat of heatran/volcarona/etc, as well as use u-turn to become not set up bait. just my 2c, no need to get angry.
I know I haven't been particularly active in the discussion, but this is as good a time to start as any.

I agree with Ambicrow3 that we need slow-ish Volt Switch/U-turn users, but I don't think Zapdos would fit the bill, since it would leave us a little too vulnerable to SR and Terrakion. Expert Belt Jirachi could work with a modified set, but we would still need a Stealth Rock user, and we don't have a clear VoltTurn partner for it yet. That's why I think the bet nomination, that we have now anyway, is Scizor + Celebi. It seems to hav egood synergy, and Earth Power could easily be replaced with U-turn. Celebi loses quite a bit of coverage without Earth Power, but we have other teammates to deal with those threats for Celebi to switch to.
Sorry if I've seemed a bit combative people, been feeling rather irritable the past couple days. Something is weird with my head, I feel constantly off balance and nauseous (probably due to the balance thing) and have difficulty focusing. It's just been making me feel... off. I hope it's just that I'm tired and it'll clear up in a day or two.

Anyway, just stressing over Volc because the damn moth is so hard to cover. All it needs to do is get in once to screw you over. Also, not thinking straight has caused me tunnel vision. The sets I suggested were before I started feeling like this though; HP Rock was simply to provide maximum coverage over the threats that Ginganinja had listed, which included Volcarona (who was one thing the Scizor I had nominated along side them couldn't cover, like at all. And that allows Volc to set up to boot).

As for your Jirachi, U-turn doesn't stop an opponent from setting up. Heck, for most Pokemon it's an invitation TO set up. I still prefer a more offensive version, as I think it has a lot more potency on this team.

Oh, and Gyardos isn't really great as a wish reciever due to its SR weakness, since it makes switching in to receive the wish a lot harder. Maybe if we were using a bulkier one it'd be ok, but we're not. I just don't think that wish passing to Gyarados is enough to justify using a set that gives opponents so much opportunity to set up.
I have not been following this process as many of you other guys have, but I like to put this on the table. You guys a clamoring for a way to bring Zoroark into battle, which would most easily be accomplished by a slow U-turn. Well, what about the other side of the spectrum: volt switch?

Out of all pokemon who learn Volt-Turn, easily one of the slowest around is Magnezone. While slow, Magnezone's utility fits right into our team. Not only does he synergize incredibly well with Gyarados, but he can take out those pesky Steel-types that might be irksome to Haxorus: whether it be Skarmory or Scizor's Bullet Punch. It will help us control hazards too. Lots of teams rely on their Steel's to set their hazards. Well, eliminate the steels, rapid spin, and enjoy the hazard free field.

Let's not forget the power of Magnezone either. Really, 130 base special attack is one of the highest in all of OU. Coupled with Choice Specs you got a real monster on your hands. Rain teams will just be fried when this thing is brought in. Lastly, Magnezone provides us a steel-type that can somewhat sponge Dragon attacks.

My nomination: Choice Specs Magnezone
Magnezone @ Choice Specs
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 148 HP / 252 SAtk / 108 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon