Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Considering Hidden Power, Trick Room, or other circumstances where imperfect IVs are used (i.e. Azelf in D/P), are there any wild/stationary spreads in R/S or Emerald for Pokémon other than Shedinja that are not inferior to 4th/5th gen spreads?
Your target delay may be too low. You should still be able to at least find out what you're hitting, though.

1) Set date to 1/1/2012
2) Set time to 4:21 AND start EonTimer at the same time
3) Press A to load game from DS menu screen when the first timer hits 0
4) Press A on Continue screen to enter game when the second timer hits 0

Are you doing those steps correctly?

Thanks for the reply. I'll get going on that tonight. I believe the steps are being followed correctly. I'll check it out when I get home from work.
I'm RNGing a shiny timid Giratina in the Distortion World 30/15/30/31/31/31, and am using the latest version of RNG Reporter. I RNGed my TID/SID combo to be 2825/42191 respectively, so with no synchronizer, I should get the desired spread on frame 209, with the seed b313080d.

Anyway, I'm having a lot of trouble just hitting my target time of 19:33:30. I've been using eonTimer, with calibrated delay at 600, and calibrated seconds at 15. I seem to fairly consistently hit the target time 19:33:21, despite changing target seconds and calibrated seconds (anything that might work) on eonTimer.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Never set your seconds to +/- anything when using a timer. In DPPt you get the same coinflips for that delay range(meaning you probably have hit your seed a few times already).

Don't set your seconds that much apart from your target. Try setting them to +-1 and search again. Maybe you're just getting a false positive.

Not even +1 or -1, with a timer if you're off by a second or more then you're having serious reflex issues, or you're tired or old lol

Went and got EonTimer. Here is what I'm coming up with/my info:

ID 33287
SID 18661
Seed 510401F7

Supposed to set it to 1/1/2012 and 4:21:59. Right now I have EonTimer to 500, 16, 491, 59 in order. This is SoulSilver.

Hopefully that helps! Much appreciated.

Yea as exploits said, 491 is a tad low, when I mash into the game I get 486. Also why are your seconds so high O_O, that could be an issue as well but for now you can leave them.

so is there anyway in platinum, while trying to hatch a pokemon with certain ivs, to make your frame go up by 1? so let's say my initial frame was 4 and i need to hit a frame of 9, is there an easy way to do 4 page flips and then somehow advance it one frame? i heard it advances a frame depending on how long i take to receive the egg from the guy. if that is true, how long do i need to wait before it advances 1 frame? thanks

If you're going to use an NPC, its a split second to wait and most of the time they advance it far more than just 1. Use chatot like exploits said.
Zoap, I may have messed up the seconds. New guy, haha. Once I get the hang of it, I'll join the ranks of the helpers instead of those in need of help. I appreciate it. I'll get back on it tonight and post results/updates. Thank you for your help all.
I believe I am following the steps correctly. When I set the time on my DS, i have to shut the system down and restart it. when i do, i wait until the first timer runs out to hit A and load soulsilver up, then A again to continue my game when the second timer runs out.

I'm unsure what settings I have correct and even which matter after reading the posts on EonTimer. Thoughts?
I believe I am following the steps correctly. When I set the time on my DS, i have to shut the system down and restart it. when i do, i wait until the first timer runs out to hit A and load soulsilver up, then A again to continue my game when the second timer runs out.

I'm unsure what settings I have correct and even which matter after reading the posts on EonTimer. Thoughts?

Yeah, that's all correct. Just make sure you're synchronizing the DS clock and timer as best as possible. Also, for Eon Timer, just make sure you have everything filled in except for Delay Hit.

Were you having any problems? You didn't really ask anything besides whether you were doing it correctly :P
Sorry, just a little frazzled and brain-fried Princess, haha...good to know I'm doing it right...just frustrated about never being able to tell what I hit.

When I launch the game after hitting Continue, i immediately call elm 9 times to see what i've hit, but i can never find what I hit because no results come up in RNG Reporter's Search Elm feature.

They were asking why my seconds were so high...not sure where I should be fixing up the Eontimer to have this go right. Basically, i just want a good idea so i can get a starting point at least...just want to get a shiny Groudon.

Thanks in advance for all your help. can someone point me in the right direction here? suggestions on numbers or a walk through for dummies?
JustPlay, you need to make your delay/seconds range wider in the Seed to Time. That's why you're not getting any results. Make the delay +/- 999 (or however high you can go) and the seconds +/- 1 and try again.
I have taken pictures of all my settings now; figured that'd help more than my incoherent ramblings:

Again, thank you for all your help.

The problem here is that you have -/+ Delays set to 0 in the Seed To Time screen, which only brings up your target seed. I'd widen it up some, like -10, +999. Also I'd put seconds -1, +1, then click Generate. That will bring up a bunch of seeds and you should find what you're hitting.

Edit: You also have to put 491 as Target Delay on EonTimer, not 500. I don't know if you're gonna be able to hit such a low delay. You'll probably have to button mash and get into the game as fast as possible.
so i'm consistently getting a frame of 13 instead of 12 while trying to receive the egg from the daycare man. my initial frame is 6. turn pages twice so i hit 12, and then speak to the daycare man incredibly quickly but i get 13 a lot. is there a reason why i may be going up by 1 frame regularly?
so i'm consistently getting a frame of 13 instead of 12 while trying to receive the egg from the daycare man. my initial frame is 6. turn pages twice so i hit 12, and then speak to the daycare man incredibly quickly but i get 13 a lot. is there a reason why i may be going up by 1 frame regularly?

Just try flipping 2 less. I don't know why it's happening, but there's an easy fix.
Just try flipping 2 less. I don't know why it's happening, but there's an easy fix.

how would that fix it? the frame advances by 2 each time a caught pokemon shows up. so if i don't flip it, i'll be down by 2, which will be put me at 10, then plus the random 1 frame i'm getting will put me at 11.
so i'm consistently getting a frame of 13 instead of 12 while trying to receive the egg from the daycare man. my initial frame is 6. turn pages twice so i hit 12, and then speak to the daycare man incredibly quickly but i get 13 a lot. is there a reason why i may be going up by 1 frame regularly?

You can do one of these three things: one less flip and view a custom chatter chatot summary page then collect the egg, 2. if you lack a chatot the do one less flip and delay a tiny bit b4 talking to the daycare man(less than a second), or 3 resave and recalibrate the npc advancements.

I have taken pictures of all my settings now; figured that'd help more than my incoherent ramblings:

Again, thank you for all your help.

Okay like exploits and PoJ said expand the delay range to +/- 99 on both sides at least. Next please don't use +/- 1 second, that is unnecessary with a timer. Change you calibrated delay to 480, your target delay to 491(really low always aim for 600+ to avoid mashing in game), and your calibrated seconds to 14.

Attempt to hit the seed, record the 9 elm calls and punch them into the search elm, take this delay and enter it into the delay hit on the timer and hit update.
Much appreciated, Zoap. I will try your suggestions too, but prior to reading your reply, I was able to hit the seed 7B0C03FA with:


in Eontimer twice to get my 1006 delay...problem is, no shiny :-(. Now that I know the timing is accurate, what am I missing to get the shiny? Elm's responses are on the money...

Thank you all for your help. You've been great.
Side note---I really do appreciate all the help and would be happy to add credits or send pokemon to those that have helped me so far. I'll get the hang of it yet!
Much appreciated, Zoap. I will try your suggestions too, but prior to reading your reply, I was able to hit the seed 7B0C03FA with:


in Eontimer twice to get my 1006 delay...problem is, no shiny :-(. Now that I know the timing is accurate, what am I missing to get the shiny? Elm's responses are on the money...

Thank you all for your help. You've been great.

After you have hit your seed (confirmed by Elm calls), you now have to advance your frame. I grabbed your ID/SID from a previous screenshot you posted and already inserted it below. This is how you keep track of your frame:

Fill that in exactly how I have it in the main window and click generate. If you check off Shiny Only, you'll see that the nearest shiny is on Frame 351. Somebody can correct me, but I think you now have to make 350 advancements since you start on Frame 1.

Now, you will have already started advancing your frame when you're making Elm calls to verify your seed. Each Elm call advances by 1 frame. So basically, you'd have to make 350 Elm calls to reach your target frame. But, thankfully, there's a much quicker way to advance your frame. From the first page of this thread:

To advance frames with the radio, start from the middle (no shows running), then click the button for the appropriate corner. You have then have to drag the cursor back to the middle without touching any other stations. Here are a list of shows and the amount of frames they advance

Pokémon Talk
14-18 frames - inconsistent

That's the station you want to use. Basically drag from the middle to that station back and forth several times. Then to find what frame you're on, make Elm calls and find the sequence on the main window of RNG Reporter. Each Frame corresponds with one of the three letters. Keep using the Radio until you're getting close to 351, and then make Elm calls to make sure you don't go over.